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| sinbad269
# Statistics
Favourites: 193; Deviations: 95; Watchers: 21
Watching: 127; Pageviews: 18552; Comments Made: 2712; Friends: 127
# Comments
Comments: 198
Ahmedqatar [2011-05-12 16:00:23 +0000 UTC]
We would like to welcome you in Aspire One Users group
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reesy1080 [2010-08-25 20:12:30 +0000 UTC]
Thanks a lot for the Lama he was delicious tasted just like camel
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sinbad269 In reply to reesy1080 [2010-08-26 14:30:04 +0000 UTC]
lolwhut!? That wasn't the intended purpose but whatever
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alesfuck [2010-07-14 21:04:28 +0000 UTC]
Hi. Must ask, I'm new in DA and therefore do not have many watchers and pageviews, you could help publicize my work? would greatly appreciate it.
Regards, ales
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sinbad269 In reply to alesfuck [2010-07-15 13:22:45 +0000 UTC]
Not sure I'd be the best person to ask about support tbh. I'm never really on here, and when I am, I'm not pro-active.
I'll though
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shepsoverthere [2010-01-04 04:53:44 +0000 UTC]
Hey Sinan, man how's it going? Things lookin good on your side? Happy 2010, I hope it's starting off to be as good a year as mine is turning into! xQx
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sinbad269 In reply to shepsoverthere [2010-01-05 01:10:24 +0000 UTC]
hey yep things are pretty good over here. Had an epic lock-in after work for New Years. A couple of the manager's were DJing, and we drank one of the bar's dry. How's a €14,000ish bar tab sound? Between about 60 people? xD
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shepsoverthere In reply to sinbad269 [2010-01-05 03:54:37 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha nice, sounds like a damn good time! 14000? Dude. Sweet Last NY I was working too, in Karma, (not quite the nightclub as the one you work in I am sure but it was good craic!) and we had a lock in after work too. Good times! This year was way better though. Remember my friends who were always at my house last year? Well my friend Alan who has his own place now thew a huge party with my other friends in that house and oh man it was the best NY ever!
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sinbad269 In reply to shepsoverthere [2010-01-05 13:18:26 +0000 UTC]
lol, sweet! I'm sure Karma's after's were just as good .
And it sounds awesome. We still are apparently having an xmas party! I know it's been n gone, but we've all been working like dogs so we haven't had a chance!
Oh well, if we only get that one party, I'll be happy
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MissMorticia [2009-12-28 23:08:51 +0000 UTC]
Interesting new dA icon you have, what's the story behind this one?
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-12-29 05:29:34 +0000 UTC]
Follow the [link]
Can't be bothered writing it again
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MissMorticia [2009-11-18 05:19:39 +0000 UTC]
Hey do me a favour my dear. Imagine you were looking for a relatively unknown Graphic Designer to do a bit of work for you, looking at this: [link]
Would you hire me?
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-11-18 12:38:19 +0000 UTC]
hmm, well from my experience, a graphic designer would be using InDesign or Illustrator, to make brochure's, poster's, local directories etc.
But if I wanna photo manip. artist you're my first port of call
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MissMorticia In reply to sinbad269 [2009-11-18 19:07:07 +0000 UTC]
Good point, I haven't posted any of the Event posters or Mag spreads I have done over the years because they are partly things I did while still learning and in my opinion show it. Maybe I should just put them up there anyway...
Thanks for your input all the same
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-11-18 21:03:28 +0000 UTC]
yes, you should. Unless you did them for the graphic design company then of course.
Like I used be an intern at a Graphic Design company over here, and while the stuff I did had absolutely nothing to do with my other work, I would have gladly put even a part of it up if it was freelance. My first MidLans poster > [link] was done while I was working there. But because I did it freelance [while using the studio's printer ] it ended up here
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MissMorticia In reply to sinbad269 [2009-11-19 03:12:27 +0000 UTC]
Argh! in coming to the conclusion that I should put them up there anyways I can't find them! All my old work is such a mess of back-up drives and flask sticks.
I think that should be my next project, before anything else should be the filing of ALL my work in order!
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-11-20 11:56:18 +0000 UTC]
lol, yea, when I first started graphic design and all that, I foresaw that exact thing happening. So I made a nice, neat filing system for it. Then again, I'm kinda OCD organised on my PC
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MissMorticia In reply to sinbad269 [2009-11-20 19:21:42 +0000 UTC]
I'm kinda like as long as I back it up at least in 4 different ways I'm set. Looks like I shall have to change that way of thinking to backed up 4 different ways and IN ORDER! Lol
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MissMorticia In reply to sinbad269 [2009-11-23 09:02:17 +0000 UTC]
Yep! in psd with all layers, flattened jpeg & then on my computer and 2 spare flash sticks.
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-11-23 17:32:14 +0000 UTC]
well, that really just means you have it backed up 3 times.
Backing something up means its on something completely separate and redundant to the main copy [for example on a completely different internal hard drive, then an external hdd, and then online or something]
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MissMorticia [2009-10-12 21:57:33 +0000 UTC]
Just dropping by for the sake of dropping by and to say that I have dropped by because I would like to drop by in the act of dropping by I have now just done.
So whats the plan for today B2?
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-10-13 15:38:06 +0000 UTC]
nothin' much, just helping my Mum move
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MissMorticia In reply to sinbad269 [2009-10-13 21:51:34 +0000 UTC]
Ah the act of moving furniture from one dwelling to another. For some reason I always find moving house esp the moving furniture part thrilling
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-10-14 11:15:17 +0000 UTC]
well I won't be here for that part.
I'm just sorting mainly my stuff out - what to keep, what to bring with me to my house, what to throw out
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MissMorticia In reply to sinbad269 [2009-10-14 11:19:28 +0000 UTC]
Well first things first, all those spare bits of paper you have laying around. Make sure you READ what on them before you throw them out, you may need em. Next thing to keep in mind is to make sure that all the stuff you decide you do want to keep goes in it's own boxes; Teddies with teddies, books with books, Important paperwork all in the one box and so forth
Argh listen to me, I'm giving lessons in packing rofl!
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sinbad269 In reply to MissMorticia [2009-10-14 11:50:24 +0000 UTC]
lol, yea I've already got it sorted
But I don't have enough to use individual boxes for everything!
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