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emoSakura [2903831] [] "sing the sorrow"

# Statistics

Favourites: 564; Deviations: 25; Watchers: 15

Watching: 61; Pageviews: 9978; Comments Made: 843; Friends: 61

# Comments

Comments: 232

MintOfHint [2008-02-25 02:08:01 +0000 UTC]

Hello hello...

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AcidbasS [2007-11-18 00:28:09 +0000 UTC]

Another Winnipeg! Using another RCA Lyra! Wow this is almost like destiny. rofl.

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DARKphotography [2007-06-30 12:51:31 +0000 UTC]

thank you very much for the fav ^_^

Speak now or forever hold your peace in pieces
The writers weren't kidding about how all good things must end

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emoSakura In reply to DARKphotography [2007-07-05 03:19:58 +0000 UTC]

no prob

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JacquiJax [2007-06-20 17:45:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a bunch for the fav on Love colors!

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emoSakura In reply to JacquiJax [2007-06-25 03:34:22 +0000 UTC]

its such a pretty picture

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JacquiJax In reply to emoSakura [2007-06-25 03:42:34 +0000 UTC]

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MissGrave [2007-05-22 18:28:37 +0000 UTC]

Hey you! do you have a "myspace"??

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emoSakura In reply to MissGrave [2007-05-30 01:39:11 +0000 UTC]

yes i do


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MissGrave In reply to emoSakura [2007-06-02 01:34:43 +0000 UTC]

ok I add you to my friends.

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Cat-and-Monkey [2007-05-17 03:29:28 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav!!

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emoSakura In reply to Cat-and-Monkey [2007-05-18 02:46:17 +0000 UTC]

no prob

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Nillhenia [2007-05-12 08:26:20 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the favorite!

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Su-Zhe-ou [2007-05-08 02:23:14 +0000 UTC]

ta for the fave like

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holdnmybreathx [2007-05-08 01:34:05 +0000 UTC]

thank you for the fav love :]

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emoSakura In reply to holdnmybreathx [2007-05-11 01:24:09 +0000 UTC]

no prob

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bluetiger-eyes [2007-05-04 16:49:53 +0000 UTC]

Spread dA love around!
Copy and paste this message as indicated hereunder.

1- You can hug the same person who hugged you.
2- You must hug at least six (6) other people you know or are your friends.
3- Random hugs are perfectly okay so try to hug another six (6) random deviants.
4- Paste hugs on user pages. Hugging is a public show of affection.
5- Only one hug per person is allowed. Otherwise you have to start all over again.
6- Get started right away.

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hitsukuya [2007-05-04 04:26:58 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the

Waah! Cheer up, life will get better

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emoSakura In reply to hitsukuya [2007-05-05 04:49:11 +0000 UTC]

awww thx

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Sexy-in-White [2007-04-20 04:16:13 +0000 UTC]

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yoshirocker93 [2007-04-02 00:59:04 +0000 UTC]

1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they

want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it. Yeah this one is gay! lol

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great. Add this as a comment to ten of your friends tonight and at midnight your true love will find you. Something good will happen to you at 2:25 tomorrow. Get ready for the biggest shock of your life. Whoever breaks this chain letter will be cursed with 10 relationship problems for the next ten years tag ur it!! this is so scary!!! send this to 15 ppl in the next 143 min. and then press F6 and your crushes name will appear in big letters!! it is so scary because it works.... but if you break the chain.. you will be cursed w/ relationship problem

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Sexy-in-White [2007-03-16 16:01:59 +0000 UTC]

Lmao! b-D;;;;...

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emoSakura In reply to Sexy-in-White [2007-03-16 19:02:53 +0000 UTC]

hehe u have 2 accounts now

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Sexy-in-White In reply to emoSakura [2007-03-16 21:38:52 +0000 UTC]

I know ahaha!
xD; n I dun want nobody to know, unless they found out.
Ehehe...just gotta take this name before some other ppl take it ^3^;...

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emoSakura In reply to Sexy-in-White [2007-03-16 22:44:13 +0000 UTC]

lol when i saw it i thought it was some al-wannabe lmao

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Sexy-in-White In reply to emoSakura [2007-03-16 22:55:52 +0000 UTC]

b-D;; I wish therrz one ahaha!! *Smax head*.

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emoSakura In reply to Sexy-in-White [2007-03-17 16:29:01 +0000 UTC]

lol they should make an al fan club

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BloodyAnimeWitch [2007-03-07 02:49:50 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the on 'Whats wrong with this picture?' [link]

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maifire [2007-03-01 03:33:03 +0000 UTC]

Hehe, I really quite like your emo pics They're muchly cool. You're pretty damn good at drawing... much, much better than me... ^^"

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emoSakura In reply to maifire [2007-03-02 03:18:37 +0000 UTC]

hey thx alot i drew them on paint so ther not that great but thx

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maifire In reply to emoSakura [2007-03-02 03:28:35 +0000 UTC]

Well I quite like it muchly indeed

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Al-sama [2007-02-27 23:20:54 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha! Haven't been herr fo a while o_o.

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emoSakura In reply to Al-sama [2007-02-28 03:03:05 +0000 UTC]

lmao iv been trying to write more sorry lol

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Al-sama In reply to emoSakura [2007-02-28 03:07:14 +0000 UTC]

GUWAHH!! UR SIG xD;; lmao! I can see ur future as a famous poet ;w;''...
Even itz short still good ehehe.

Whatever shall I do to have u write something?!

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emoSakura In reply to Al-sama [2007-03-01 03:20:42 +0000 UTC]

there u go i found something to submit just for u, hope u like it

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Al-sama In reply to emoSakura [2007-03-01 20:24:56 +0000 UTC]

Asdsfjkfdgldgj 8DDD dhfjkgd!!!

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emoSakura In reply to Al-sama [2007-02-28 03:19:54 +0000 UTC]

lol i keep trying to then i always compair mine to songs i listen to and then i feel bad about mine

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jackielfult [2007-02-22 02:21:50 +0000 UTC]

Sweet gallery!

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emoSakura In reply to jackielfult [2007-02-22 02:48:03 +0000 UTC]

thx and i like your signature, when i got the cd that was my favourite part

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jackielfult In reply to emoSakura [2007-02-22 19:17:42 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! I love the DU booklet, all the little sayings are so meaningful and inspiring. It's my favourite of all the AFI booklets <3

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emoSakura In reply to jackielfult [2007-02-23 02:48:33 +0000 UTC]

ya, and i love the little thank yous at the end, they are all really deep and amizing

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jackielfult In reply to emoSakura [2007-02-23 03:42:00 +0000 UTC]

Very! And all the images are gorgeous!

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emoSakura In reply to jackielfult [2007-02-26 03:17:40 +0000 UTC]

i love all the lyrics, i wrote kiss and control on my wall, and bleed black on my mirror with red eyeliner

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jackielfult In reply to emoSakura [2007-02-26 21:36:34 +0000 UTC]

That's awesome =]

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DresdensDoll [2007-02-19 02:01:24 +0000 UTC]

afi is teh best, but davey havok is mine!!! all mine!!!

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emoSakura In reply to DresdensDoll [2007-02-19 02:41:47 +0000 UTC]

yes afi is my reason for living! and jade puget is all mine!haha

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DresdensDoll In reply to emoSakura [2007-02-19 03:11:23 +0000 UTC]

very well, so long as i can have davey you are entitled to jade, i must admit he is a cutie!

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emoSakura In reply to DresdensDoll [2007-02-19 03:13:09 +0000 UTC]

ya, and so is davey

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DresdensDoll In reply to emoSakura [2007-02-19 03:13:31 +0000 UTC]

hell yes

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emoSakura In reply to DresdensDoll [2007-02-20 02:46:25 +0000 UTC]


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