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| DARKphotography
# Statistics
Favourites: 144; Deviations: 237; Watchers: 57
Watching: 67; Pageviews: 20829; Comments Made: 1480; Friends: 67
# Comments
Comments: 222
DARKphotography In reply to ayamjagooo [2012-07-04 18:55:00 +0000 UTC]
hey, dhy.. gw baru buka DA lagi nih. BB kenapa?
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ayamjagooo In reply to DARKphotography [2012-07-04 22:53:39 +0000 UTC]
bb gue rusak pake hp biasa lagi jadinya.
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
DARKphotography In reply to ayamjagooo [2012-07-30 18:12:49 +0000 UTC]
dhy udh tau kan lo yg anak" Pelita pada mau buber tgl.8? Lo jam brp dateng ke rumah Esty?
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ayamjagooo In reply to DARKphotography [2012-07-31 14:00:37 +0000 UTC]
wah gue belom dikabarin lagi sama anak2 -_- thanks ye udah ngabarin gue
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DARKphotography In reply to ayamjagooo [2012-07-06 14:22:36 +0000 UTC]
dhy follow twitter gw yg @FaithinFathin. yg @FaithFathin di unfoll aja, udah ga diaktifin yg itu..
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ayamjagooo In reply to DARKphotography [2012-07-06 23:14:12 +0000 UTC]
minta nomer lo dong thin
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analillithbar In reply to DARKphotography [2012-06-07 16:15:40 +0000 UTC]
Always a pleasure!!!
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Lulf [2010-05-02 22:31:49 +0000 UTC]
n-n np! sorry for the delayed comment, im never on here only to upload art..
but yess i am hudgly obsessed with Synyster Gates xD ur profile with him on it just gives me goose bumps <3
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DARKphotography In reply to Lulf [2010-05-04 03:10:32 +0000 UTC]
it's okay. I don't sign in that often too. I'm so glad to meet another fan of A7x, whether you like Syn, Zach, Matt, Rev, or Johnny
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Kantiki [2010-03-29 05:48:52 +0000 UTC]
Aloha Faith! Welcome to #The-Art-of-Smoking. I love your piece "Mindless Self Indulgence". The mask, the framing, the textures... it all adds up to an incredible shot. Great having you on the group.
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DARKphotography In reply to Kantiki [2010-04-05 11:57:01 +0000 UTC]
I'm glad to join this group too and knowing that you love a piece of my art. thank you very much
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DARKphotography In reply to whiteharu [2009-07-14 12:07:52 +0000 UTC]
you're welcom thank you for watching and faving my deviation too
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CeceleaCullen [2009-06-26 17:40:08 +0000 UTC]
Hi! I love your Twilight pictures!!! I love Edward also ^_^
Keep up the good work!!
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DARKphotography In reply to CeceleaCullen [2009-06-29 07:35:12 +0000 UTC]
thank you a lot!
yeah, I'll try as much as I can
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DARKphotography In reply to PaiintedBeauty [2009-06-12 15:59:38 +0000 UTC]
no problem. ty for the watch & too
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Rabdaliah [2009-05-23 15:39:54 +0000 UTC]
You've got really nice gallery! ps. I love that wardrobe behind You on your DeviantID!
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DARKphotography In reply to Rabdaliah [2009-05-23 15:58:46 +0000 UTC]
thank you!
yeah my mom bought my room set with victorian design
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RottedDollBaby [2009-05-23 01:04:00 +0000 UTC]
ty for the watch bby cakes. love love love ur work so mush <3333333333333333333
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DARKphotography In reply to RottedDollBaby [2009-05-23 14:57:15 +0000 UTC]
you're very very welcome!
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the-pink-sweet-angel [2009-05-03 16:14:20 +0000 UTC]
Hi Honey! I Miss U! How's Everything Going?
I love Ur gallery..Youre Such a Good Photographer, I wish i was...
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
DARKphotography In reply to the-pink-sweet-angel [2009-05-04 12:44:56 +0000 UTC]
I miss you too, honey!
I'm so much missing you, do you know? I thought that you've forget me
life seems getting more complicated haha. how about you??
thank you, dear. I saw that you have so much development too
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the-pink-sweet-angel In reply to DARKphotography [2009-05-04 22:03:23 +0000 UTC]
How can I Forget U!
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DARKphotography In reply to the-pink-sweet-angel [2009-05-06 13:17:23 +0000 UTC]
I don't know, it's because we've lost contact for so long time and you're barely online in MSN so I can't chat with you anymore
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the-pink-sweet-angel In reply to DARKphotography [2009-05-06 19:51:23 +0000 UTC]
I miss U!
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DARKphotography In reply to the-pink-sweet-angel [2009-05-08 15:13:28 +0000 UTC]
I miss you too!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
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