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| cherrypie7

# Statistics
Favourites: 556; Deviations: 35; Watchers: 130
Watching: 63; Pageviews: 31955; Comments Made: 5204; Friends: 63
# Comments
Comments: 745
cherrypie7 In reply to XxSilverMoonFoxX [2015-04-26 05:57:58 +0000 UTC]
Herpaderpaderpa!!!!! IMOUTOOOOOOO!!!!
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XxSilverMoonFoxX In reply to cherrypie7 [2015-04-27 21:31:46 +0000 UTC]
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cherrypie7 In reply to butthea [2015-01-11 23:58:03 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Sorry for the late reply. I haven't really done any requests or art trades as of recently, but depending on what they are, I don't mind doing them.
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cherrypie7 In reply to sora500 [2011-08-15 06:19:11 +0000 UTC]
Not usually, but what did you have in mind?
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sora500 In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-08-16 14:16:00 +0000 UTC]
idk but something with sora and kingdom hearts
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cherrypie7 In reply to sora500 [2011-08-19 17:15:11 +0000 UTC]
Hmmm...Okay, so you mean like a fight scene? Or Something symbolic?
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sora500 In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-08-20 02:38:41 +0000 UTC]
what is this about again i foregot
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cherrypie7 In reply to VenusMoonstone [2011-03-10 17:05:06 +0000 UTC]
Not really, mostly because I can't muster up the time to work on them. But what did you have in mind?
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VenusMoonstone In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-03-10 17:32:14 +0000 UTC]
A Davy Jones mpreg. With Nereus(one of my many,many OC's),my hermaphrodite(but she is a manly female) captain rubbing his heavily pregnant belly.
Here's a description of her,in short: Two heads taller than Davy Jones, Nereus appears to be a cold and cruel sea dragon monster. Based on the orca/killer whale and Loch Ness monster,with a slight pot belly, this strange female has a sleek snout,two winglike hearing "fins" and a large tail tapering to a fluke, and "hair"(in the form of dripping mane). Very intelligent and sensitive, she genuinely cares about Jackie and Davy(whom Nereus affectionately calls "DJ")and her crew. If she has one weakness, it's food: she is a closet glutton,voraphile and belly lover, also she is a closet homosexual.
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cherrypie7 In reply to VenusMoonstone [2011-03-15 18:42:15 +0000 UTC]
lol Wow. That's quite a description. But it sound rather interesting. I've never done anything like that, so I wouldn't even know where to start. If I didn't have to continue preparing my portfolio for my architecture classes I might have tried it.
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VenusMoonstone In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-03-16 04:31:53 +0000 UTC]
So...that's a no then?
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cherrypie7 In reply to VenusMoonstone [2011-03-18 03:32:42 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry, but yes. At the moment, I need to focus on my school work.
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NsPamC [2011-01-26 23:18:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for the rewatch
It's been so long ;w;...how've you been c: ?
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cherrypie7 In reply to NsPamC [2011-01-28 04:59:14 +0000 UTC]
lol No prob. I've been well. Balancing university life and what not.
Lately all I've been doing on DA is just checking messages and looking at artwork. I haven't drawn anything in ages.
And what about yourself?
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NsPamC In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-01-30 16:05:59 +0000 UTC]
Same here just balancing school and life basically ;w;!
Wish i could sketch more nowadays but i'm just so busy
with work or homework :/. None the less it's been good c:!
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cherrypie7 In reply to NsPamC [2011-01-31 03:32:01 +0000 UTC]
I can relate. I do wish I also had some time to draw. I haven't posted anything up since last year. But I'm glad everything is going well for you.
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cherrypie7 In reply to Heartiful [2011-01-15 17:04:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much!!! Cherish your youth. lol
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Heartiful In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-01-15 20:52:48 +0000 UTC]
Hahaha exactly Always will, you too!
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cherrypie7 In reply to Heartiful [2011-01-18 03:06:49 +0000 UTC]
>.> I'm riding over that hill rather quickly.
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Heartiful In reply to cherrypie7 [2011-01-18 03:51:36 +0000 UTC]
We can all be young at heart hehe xD
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Branchlaw [2011-01-14 11:24:21 +0000 UTC]
Happy Birthday! I still owe you strawberry cupcakes. One day. ONE DAAAAAAAAY.
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cherrypie7 In reply to Branchlaw [2011-01-15 17:03:23 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! AND YES YOU DO! XD I am DETERMINED to get those cupcakes! TT^TT One DAY....
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Starry-she-lion [2010-11-01 13:52:04 +0000 UTC]
Nice style of artwork. I especially like the POTC!! hehe, Captain Jack Sparrow is delicous!!!!!
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cherrypie7 In reply to Starry-she-lion [2010-11-03 03:14:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you very much, I really appreciate it. And yes, Captain Jack Sparrow is several kinds of awesome.
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Starry-she-lion In reply to cherrypie7 [2010-11-03 08:46:45 +0000 UTC]
hes my boyfriend!! well err in my mind he is!!
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cherrypie7 In reply to Starry-she-lion [2010-11-05 05:47:26 +0000 UTC]
lol My my... that must be interesting.
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Starry-she-lion In reply to cherrypie7 [2010-11-05 19:44:31 +0000 UTC]
interesting...and sexy
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GetAPM [2010-08-29 07:44:51 +0000 UTC]
Hey, have you ever wanted a premium membership? Well, I'm here to help those who wants one. All you gotta do is donate some points to my donation pool. Even if you already have/had a membership before, I would appreciate it if you donated a few points.
Please and thank you.
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cherrypie7 In reply to KoreanMewMew [2010-06-24 07:22:04 +0000 UTC]
No prob! Everyone deserves a llama fest!
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cherrypie7 In reply to Crevist [2010-05-21 18:13:28 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome.
Actually, I should be thanking you for taking the time to assemble all this for everyone. It's really greatly appreciated! Thank you again!
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Crevist In reply to cherrypie7 [2010-05-21 18:28:13 +0000 UTC]
glad you liked it
check back once in a while with this one there is still more being added to it
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StrikeList [2010-05-15 01:10:10 +0000 UTC]
Amigawd, I could've sworn I had watched you ages ago! Dx
*remedies that*
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cherrypie7 In reply to StrikeList [2010-05-17 04:56:40 +0000 UTC]
8D Awesome! I finally feel the love! I can fly!!!!............ Nope. Never mind. lol
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SapphireSkillet [2009-11-10 18:30:01 +0000 UTC]
*glomps* It sure has been a long time since we've talked, eh? How's school?
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cherrypie7 In reply to SapphireSkillet [2009-11-11 19:37:47 +0000 UTC]
It's killing me in the slowest and most unpleasant of ways. Mental and physical torture is such a horrifying combo... But other than that, it's all good.
How about you? How have you been spending your college days?
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SapphireSkillet In reply to cherrypie7 [2010-01-04 02:29:39 +0000 UTC]
Lol college feeling is mutual. I'm happy to say, I finally played Assassin's Creed and it was extremely addictive O_o Btw, Happy Holidays ^^ I got your text but oddly, my texts haven't been working ><
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vereda019 [2009-10-30 23:29:15 +0000 UTC]
Hey roxy! I love your gallery <3 I gotta say looking at your older stuff and the new I saw in class: you've come a long way!! not that it was bad before though, it's all SO good. I'm jealous!! but you have improved a lot and your digital coloring kicks butt. you've inspired me to really get back on good ol' drawing + Photoshop during winter break! You're so talented! Don't let it go to waste. I'm so glad I met someone who loves architecture, is into anime/manga and doesnt go "wtf is THAT" when i show them a tablet or talk about DA xD keep up the amazing work!
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cherrypie7 In reply to vereda019 [2009-11-04 04:18:34 +0000 UTC]
No Problem Liz! X3 I'm so glad you like my stuff. Thank you very much!!!
But I still have a VERY long way to go.
I'm working on changing my style.
XD But I can't wait to see your stuff over winter break. I wanna see some work with your tablet, cuz damn, that thing NEEDS to be used. It's too beautiful to not be used. Not only that, but your stuff is already awesome. I can't wait to see it photoshopped!
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