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# Comments
Comments: 437
prst-krk [2019-04-30 11:20:30 +0000 UTC]
Johan, du er jo genial! Comfortaa er simpelthen bare lige hvad jeg stod og manglede - jeg er UI UX designer på en ny dansk platform og Comfortaa er bare perfekt til formålet. Skal nok opdatere dig når prototypen er ude Tak fordi du har designet noget så great!
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aajohan In reply to prst-krk [2019-05-14 12:05:05 +0000 UTC]
Fantastisk! Godt at høre at du kan bruge den
Jeg glæder mig til at se resultatet!
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SparkVillage [2018-05-16 01:01:45 +0000 UTC]
We are going to be using your font on our site sparkvillage.com Thanks for being awesome!
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Ahmedqatar [2018-02-08 15:20:13 +0000 UTC]
You do have an interested gallery .. keep up!
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andybehre [2017-07-12 17:54:41 +0000 UTC]
Me again
there are different wrong chars:
uni0433, uni0434, uni0438, uni0439, uni043F, uni0442, uni045D, uni04E5 and uni04F7
Hope this helps to improve your awesome font
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andybehre [2017-07-12 17:43:06 +0000 UTC]
Hello Johan,
I'm using Comfortaa 3.001 and noticed an Issue on Bulgarian letters.
Instead of "и" the letter "u" is shown.
Can you fix this?
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saintshapel [2016-09-12 18:26:27 +0000 UTC]
Hi, JoHan.
I fall in love with your font Comfortaa/
But I faced with a problem on Russian: The capital Letter "B" cover the next letter.
Can you please fix it? I really love your fonts- It`s the best for kids stuff!
Love love love.
Thank you in advance/
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aajohan In reply to saintshapel [2016-09-12 21:52:03 +0000 UTC]
Dear Aly,
Thank you for your message! I assume you are using the Google Fonts service? I am completely aware of the problem you are describing, and I have corrected the issue a long time ago but Google hasn't updated the font on their service yet. They are also aware that their version of the font is obsolete, but are perhaps to busy to update it.
Good news is, that Comfortaa has been selected for a font improvement program where an external consultant will work on a few selected fonts. In this process the Cyrillic overlap problem will be fixed, but I don't know how long it will take unfortunately
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saintshapel In reply to aajohan [2016-09-28 06:45:52 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for your reply.
Can we get your font beyond Google front and instal in the wordpress based site?
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aajohan In reply to saintshapel [2016-10-06 14:29:59 +0000 UTC]
Yes, there are several ways of doing that - a Google search will give you better answers than me, I think.
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oliksm [2016-05-23 03:13:07 +0000 UTC]
Hello, Johan.
Thank you very much for your font Comfortaa
I love him!
Tell me whether it is possible to fix the two letters of the Cyrillic - B and C?
Not always, but some font sizes displayed little crooked.
In any case, thank you. Excellent print!
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alexan001 [2016-03-20 11:03:10 +0000 UTC]
Thank you for a beautiful font.
But something has gone bad ...
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aajohan In reply to alexan001 [2016-03-20 15:10:12 +0000 UTC]
Yes the issue is only in google fonts, because they are still using an old version of the font.
I've tried making them update it but they're difficult to get in touch with.
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rifani89 [2015-02-18 16:24:58 +0000 UTC]
Hi! Thanks rifani89.deviantart.com/art/HI…
Hope you like it!
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Princess-Suki-W [2014-10-26 15:05:38 +0000 UTC]
Makes quite a long time ^^
I hope you still create some new amazing fonts and check DA from time to time
I wish you an happy birthday
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aajohan In reply to Princess-Suki-W [2014-10-28 16:54:28 +0000 UTC]
Thank you do much! that's so kind of you
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Princess-Suki-W In reply to aajohan [2014-10-28 18:34:57 +0000 UTC]
My pleasure ^^
I hope everything's OK with you ^^
Are you still making fonts?
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aajohan In reply to Princess-Suki-W [2014-10-31 23:44:16 +0000 UTC]
My font-making is currently on pause - I do however have several fonts in the making that I just need to finish (but finishing is the hardest part lol). Thanks for asking ^^
How are you doing?
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Princess-Suki-W In reply to aajohan [2014-11-03 17:21:53 +0000 UTC]
ha ha I know what you mean by finishing is the hardest part Yes polishing a work can take long time before you're satisfy.
I love fonts so I tried to make one once, you know like this will be my personal font, but never finished...
I'm fine thanks, creating all the time I can! Posting from time to time on DA (DA laziness ha ha)
I have a new website, I'm trying to make it more "mobile devices friendly" but it's such a pain in... well you imagine
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aajohan In reply to Princess-Suki-W [2014-11-09 08:31:12 +0000 UTC]
Hah, I haven't tried optimizing a website for mobile devices, but I imagine that it can be tedious work!
Good to hear that you're doing fine
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Princess-Suki-W In reply to aajohan [2014-11-10 17:01:01 +0000 UTC]
especially when like me you're not really "friend" with codes ha ha
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cksudi [2014-01-26 02:53:52 +0000 UTC]
Hi Johan, Excellent font. I customised it for a logo—made s smoother. Just wanted to say thank you!
Best of luck!
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Zephon2 [2013-06-11 10:08:43 +0000 UTC]
I have a question about comfortaa font. The agency I work at has a problem with a client. The font they use with their logo can't be embeded in word or powerpoint etc. They asked us to find a new font that CAN be embeded in word and powerpoint and so on.
Comfortaa is the perfect match and I was wondering if there is any way to do this with this font. I tried it on pc and it works (had to convert it to TTF) but on mac it's another story. Is there a way to embed the font so everyone can see it? Buy a license or something like that?
Please let me know.
contact me: dominiquetorfs@gmail.com
Thx in advance!
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1A-Solutions [2013-05-09 06:07:28 +0000 UTC]
Hi Johan, your fonts are excellent, thanks for creating those beautiful art pieces. I have a few questions for you. I write in both English and Spanish but I am having trouble with your font Comfortaa in Spanish. The main trouble is with ¿. In Comfortaa the character is inverted making it confusing for Spanish readers. The second issue I guess requires a different font and my question there is if you have something like that. Basically, I need a font like Comfortaa where the w is rounded. I tried with the ш, but it doesn't really look like a w. Do you have another font that solve these two issues?
Once again, thank you!!!
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aajohan In reply to 1A-Solutions [2013-05-09 09:07:13 +0000 UTC]
I fixed the problem with the upside down question mark in Comfortaa almost 9 months ago. Do you have the latest version?
Or are you using Google Web Fonts? Google doesn't have the latest version - I asked them to update it, but they're very slow.
About the rounded w: I guess i could make a special version of Comfortaa with a rounded w. What weights do you need? And should the capital W also be rounded?
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WOMDeimos [2013-02-23 13:49:12 +0000 UTC]
Please have a look at this: [link]
Also it would be nice if you could spread this.
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Awfpaget [2013-01-10 12:43:37 +0000 UTC]
Hey man!
I used your stock here: [link]
Thanks a lot
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aajohan In reply to Awfpaget [2013-01-11 10:22:13 +0000 UTC]
Wow that's amazing! One of the best uses I've seen so far! thanks!
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Awfpaget In reply to aajohan [2013-01-11 10:32:09 +0000 UTC]
That means a lot to me, thanks!
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Goodnight-Melbourne [2013-01-09 17:36:32 +0000 UTC]
heyya I was wondering if you can tell me the basic steps of making a complete font as I didn't find a clear procedure. I got inkscape, Fontforge and TypeLight. Have no idea from where to start.
Thanks and Regards.
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aajohan In reply to Goodnight-Melbourne [2013-01-09 21:46:35 +0000 UTC]
I'm not familiar with TypeLight so can't help you with that one, but you can use Fontforge for the entire process if you like Simply create a new font and double click whatever character you feel like starting with (I would recommend starting with the lower case o, n, b, g - then do characters so you can begin writing words and see what the characters look like together). Maintain a constant x-height (the height of the x,a,c,e and so on) and a constant capital letter height (A, B, b, l, h and so on).
If you think it's difficult to design the characters in Fontforge, you can draw them i inkscape instead and use the "import" in Fontforge (maybe you can just copy-paste, don't know).
There are a lot of tiny things and details you need to know, but it's easier that you just figure them out for yourself than me explaining them (I wouldn't know where to start anyway). If there's something particular, just ask
Don't expect a lot of knowledge from me when it comes to the technical details of Fontforge, as I mostly use Fontcreator (which is a lot more user friendly if you ask me - but also not freeware, sadly).
Again, don't hesitate to ask!
And good luck!
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Goodnight-Melbourne In reply to aajohan [2013-01-09 22:52:10 +0000 UTC]
Oh thanks so much . This will give a basic idea to start for sure. Thank you for the tips and advises
Will ask if I'm stuck in designing the fonts, except about fontforge, as you said you are not much accustomed with it.
Regards and thanks again.
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aajohan In reply to Goodnight-Melbourne [2013-01-11 10:21:00 +0000 UTC]
You're very welcome!
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Goodnight-Melbourne In reply to aajohan [2013-01-12 11:39:37 +0000 UTC]
Hi, sorry to bother again I'm having two little problem with the fonts. First the "Space" between words..there is no character for it..so when i hit spacebar there comes a rectangular sign which we see about unsupported fonts. But I have no idea to make a character/font for space
it's nothing but a break between words...
And secondly the space between letters....when I type a word...the fonts letters contain a lot of space between them.
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aajohan In reply to Goodnight-Melbourne [2013-01-13 14:51:47 +0000 UTC]
One of the characters should be "space", but if it's not there then I'm not really sure how to create it in FontForge.
About the letter spacing: when you open up a character there are two vertical lines, one of them is at 0 and the other you use to define the width of the character. In most cases the letter should be between these two lines with a little space at either side (exactly how much depends on the font you're making)
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bugs-design [2013-01-03 18:52:22 +0000 UTC]
Hello Johan! love your fonts! I would like to use Comfortaa in a new website that I am designing
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aajohan In reply to bugs-design [2013-01-04 00:05:46 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! That sounds great! When you're done i would love to see the result!
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gfxsj [2012-12-30 21:27:16 +0000 UTC]
Great stuff man! Your work helps many people...
Have a wonderful day!
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aajohan In reply to gfxsj [2013-01-01 13:32:31 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! And thank you so much for the points donation! Have a great day as well, and happy new year!
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RaInBoW-KaT07 [2012-11-20 08:10:34 +0000 UTC]
I have been looking for a deviant who does fonts because I have recently gotten myself into coding and using secret codes so I was wondering if I could maybe commission you for a random font (One good for codes of course ^u^) because I really have no idea how to make it myself
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aajohan In reply to RaInBoW-KaT07 [2012-11-20 21:45:20 +0000 UTC]
It sounds fun and I always thought it would be cool to design a fixed width font (good for coding), but I really don't have the time at the moment, and making a proper font takes very long time.
Have a look here: [link]
Maybe you can find one you like
Otherwise I wish you good luck finding someone who will design one for you
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RaInBoW-KaT07 In reply to aajohan [2012-11-21 06:27:00 +0000 UTC]
That's okay, thanks anyway :3
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Princess-Suki-W In reply to aajohan [2012-10-28 09:19:41 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome I hope you had a great day!
You know that I still use Comfortaa in my website header and titles. I really love this font!!!
Here's the adress of my page is you want to check it ^^: [link]
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