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WOMDeimos [6361257] [] "Call me Ivory!"

# Statistics

Favourites: 815; Deviations: 28; Watchers: 17

Watching: 57; Pageviews: 15627; Comments Made: 938; Friends: 57

# Comments

Comments: 82

Km92 [2018-01-29 15:53:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow! One more precious llama in my team! Thank you!

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WOMDeimos In reply to Km92 [2018-01-29 22:36:45 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome.

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IndianRain [2016-11-14 17:03:45 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the

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WOMDeimos In reply to IndianRain [2016-11-17 06:34:56 +0000 UTC]

Ist mir eine Freude

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HiruHikari13 [2016-09-27 20:05:07 +0000 UTC]

If you like Zelda and metal check out this song and read the lyrics www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwqGqw…

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HiruHikari13 [2016-08-10 04:25:41 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the Llama :3

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azsya [2015-09-19 05:31:28 +0000 UTC]

the best sounds guitar..

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korppi8 [2015-04-01 16:07:14 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav!

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WOMDeimos In reply to korppi8 [2015-04-02 00:43:38 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure

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PunchieTheNeko [2015-03-10 12:32:34 +0000 UTC]

:3 Happy birthday!!

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robiross66 [2015-01-26 20:05:29 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav...

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WOMDeimos In reply to robiross66 [2015-01-27 11:27:23 +0000 UTC]

Gerne doch

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Transportphotos [2014-09-26 23:33:45 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the favorite. 

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PunchieTheNeko [2014-03-09 13:59:54 +0000 UTC]

:3 Happy birthday!!

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WOMDeimos In reply to PunchieTheNeko [2014-03-12 21:10:43 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thanks a lot!

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PunchieTheNeko In reply to WOMDeimos [2014-03-13 01:56:39 +0000 UTC]

:3 You're welcome!

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Junkey [2013-06-18 21:48:30 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the badge ^^

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WOMDeimos In reply to Junkey [2013-06-18 21:55:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch ^^

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Junkey In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-06-19 14:05:53 +0000 UTC]

My pleasure ^^

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Desiree-M [2013-04-14 02:47:44 +0000 UTC]

Thanks very much for the fav

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WOMDeimos In reply to Desiree-M [2013-04-14 11:27:18 +0000 UTC]

Faved for a reason, you did a really good job on the death mountain^^

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BuzzingNeon [2013-03-10 14:04:40 +0000 UTC]

:3 Happy birthday!

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WOMDeimos In reply to BuzzingNeon [2013-03-10 14:18:31 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot^^

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BuzzingNeon In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-03-10 18:06:49 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! I hope you enjoy your day!

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MeLinFrance [2013-02-25 15:41:04 +0000 UTC]


Lien à lire disponible je suppose en anglais ou en allemand.

J'ai déjà mentionné la place donnée à des pseudos artistes nazillons, ici sur DA, qui ne font que reproduire l'Art vu par des tordus de la casquette.....les Nazis.....les nostalgiques ( et ils sont vieux ) et les nouveaux qui fleurissent un peu partout en Europe.

Je précise qu'être Allemand n'est pas une tare...loin de là ...mais ne pas reconnaître les crimes commis en Europe par les sbires d'Hitler entre 1933 et 1944, c'est nier l'Histoire.....mais pas que l'Histoire des pays et des peuples ....mais l'Histoire des Arts.

Bref que quelques individus dénués d'intelligence ( rire ) continuent à se foutre au garde à vous devant un pantin nommé Hitler me fout en boule.
Et que cela soit tolérable sur DA au nom de ne je sais quel amendement de la constitution américaine ....ça me fait vomir.

Je précise que je ne suis pas juive....je suis française née d'une mère française et d'un père apatride..chacun m'a donné le meilleur d'eux.....et j'en les remercie, ils m'ont appris à respecter chaque humain pour la simple raison qu'ils sont mes frères...mes égaux.

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WOMDeimos In reply to MeLinFrance [2013-02-25 19:03:38 +0000 UTC]

Ok, je crois que je comprends maintenant.
Donc, nous pensons de la même façon en fait. dA devrait être un endroit respectueux et constructif. Les modérateurs devraient faire plus attention, c'est ce que je demande à mon journal. (google)

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MeLinFrance In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-25 19:18:52 +0000 UTC]

Приятно провести вечер

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WOMDeimos In reply to MeLinFrance [2013-02-25 16:01:14 +0000 UTC]

I guess you are trying to help, but I'm not very good in french language, sorry.
Can you translate that into german, english or polish maybe?
I'm not quite sure what you want to tell me...

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MeLinFrance In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-25 16:07:04 +0000 UTC]

J'ai précisé que j'use que du français .
Ensuite je suppose que le français n'est pas une langue morte.
Et que vous pouvez user de google translate ( à vos risque et péril )

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WOMDeimos In reply to MeLinFrance [2013-02-25 16:30:34 +0000 UTC]

Uhm, I did use google but the translation still is not very good and I barely understand.
But apparently you understand me, right?

So just for the sake of understanding each other, please translate. Otherwhise I will not understand what you want to tell me.


Did I get it right? You insist in speaking french just to show that the language is not dead?

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MeLinFrance In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-25 18:28:29 +0000 UTC]

Il est triste de voir que vous ne comprenez pas le français. Une bien belle langue .
Perso, je lis l'anglais petitement quant à l'allemand je lis Goethe traduit en français.
Bref, je lis beaucoup d'écrivains étrangers à ma langue native ( le français ) via de bonnes traductions.
Je suppose que vous en faîtes de même ?

Pardon de vous avoir dérangé.

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WOMDeimos In reply to MeLinFrance [2013-02-25 18:58:29 +0000 UTC]

You cannot expect everyone to understand french, you know.
I could start talking in polish to you, that won't help eighter.

But since you watched me, I assume you try to help.
Fine, I will try it with google translator once again.

Je ne veux pas de refuser l'aide. (google)

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DarkHunter1357 [2013-02-24 12:29:28 +0000 UTC]

i have a question for you.
If the nazi art is so scary, what about my gallery?
My gallery clearly provokes a lot of the stuff you said the nazi shit provokes. I could point it out directly, but i am more interested into your response?

Also, take note, i am not here to insult you, or in anyway be offensive to you personally. I want to understand you.

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WOMDeimos In reply to DarkHunter1357 [2013-02-24 21:20:37 +0000 UTC]

I mean of course: (...) Because NO sober thinking man should think like that. (...)

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DarkHunter1357 In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-25 13:24:44 +0000 UTC]

i don't think people should be told what to think.
you can think whatever the fuck you want. only action matters.
Talking is action. Typing is action and drawing is action.
But the effects of these actions on this website, is simply not enough to matter, all by its self.
WW2 was a completely normal development in human history. And should be views as such. Without emotions, hate or any other reaction. It is what it is. Its over. Now people should take their heads out of their asses and see beyond their prejudice. Because its not evil, to think evil things. It evil to do them. Even tho i personally do not think anything is evil or good, but that's for another conversation, so i will use these terms for easier communication.
Because national socialism, had its ups and its downs, but due over focus on its downs, the ups are completely ignored. Which is a tragedy on its own. If the holocaust was real, at-least get some benefit out of it. Don't shut your mouths about it forever. Be unreasonably sane.

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WOMDeimos In reply to DarkHunter1357 [2013-02-25 16:25:57 +0000 UTC]

We don't shut our mouths about the holocaust, we aren't muting. We are actually keeping history in mind. We keep it in peoples mind that something that horrible happend so it does not repeat in the future. That's what all these laws are about.

And again here: "freedom of speech" is an immature idea, people are abusing it. The behave like early grown-ups who eat sweets all day long - just beacuse finally there is no parent around to tell them that it's unhealthy.

You sound much like an anarchist to me. Everyone should do whatever the hell they want, you say? I say this is wrong. Some laws may be stupid in some peoples eyes, but they were established for good reasons.

And to come back to your video:
Consider me sticking my enormous middlefinger right up your arse right now.

----End of conversation with you-----
---Please don't contact me anymore---

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DarkHunter1357 In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-25 17:36:37 +0000 UTC]


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WOMDeimos In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-24 21:21:32 +0000 UTC]

Also: (...) rule that prevents from crime to be commited (...)

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WOMDeimos In reply to DarkHunter1357 [2013-02-24 19:37:33 +0000 UTC]

I am not exactely "scared" by those Nazi images. They are something beyond offending, something far beyond "untasteful". What those Nazis are doing, what they are uploading is illegal stuff. Europe and lots of other countries in the world established it as crime against humanity.

What do I want to be banned?
Holocaust denials, SS recruitment poster, loveletters to Hitler, Himmler etc. , david stars labeled like "jew - this is the enemy". This kind of stuff.

Why do I want this banned?
Because it is crime against humanity. Because it is unreasonably destructive thinking. Because it's the max level of racist. Because so sober thinking man should think like that. If there is no rule that prevents crime to be commited then society has failed. Simple as that.


Your gallery is, well, gory, hard to whatch maybe. Some may call it... well not even offensive I think. Execpt for that "be obscene" but even that has actually artistic value. As long as you don't whant someone to actually do that kind of stuff I think you're far from committing crime. This is just content that should be flagged as "mature content" - for obvious reasons. You are not offending, you are not racist, you don't deny the holocaust in your pictures.

It is pretty scary for "normal" tase, I admit, but I am used to Cannibal Corpse and other pretty fucked Metal Bands, so your stuff didn't scare me that much.
Thanks for your message, I appreciate it

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DarkHunter1357 In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-02-25 13:17:23 +0000 UTC]

i will link you something about being offended:
And what exactly is the illegal stuff? Because i personally question every law and this one sounds fucking retarded. I do not follow retarded laws. I avoid the police instead. Because i am not a retard to follow retarded rules. Uploading things to a website should never, ever be illegal. If the content of the upload is a crime(vid of a murder for example), the upload itself is OK, its information. The murder is not OK. But the vid, is OK. Because the video is not a murder act. Its a video. Its information, its not a criminal act. I value anything that i can see. The only content that should be illegal to upload is personal information/identity and only if the person of question didn't say he is OK with this, if the person is ok with it, then leave it.

If a person uploads a picture with hate in it, i would be impressed and intrigued by his passion, even if its a direct hate against me personally.
Hate crimes are only crimes, because people get all worked up around it and escalate to action. But on an internet website like this one, that's rather impossible, because the mods will stop such collaboration/escalation, if its public. Such escalation doesn't happen because of pictures of nazi symbols. It takes open/overt provocation and that would be against the rules and i have experience with this and the mods take action. I will tell you about this, because its funny and somewhat relevant. I have joined one nazi group and i watch a couple. The information they provide is interesting, i do not support them, i support a few of the ideas thought(ideas people forgot, because of the notion that nazi is evil and should be a taboo, what bs). Anyway, i watched some guy on dA and because i was in a nazi group, he posted on MY page, he wants me to unwatch him, because i am in a nazi group. What a bigot. I asked him what i did, he called me a stupid bulgarian gypsy. Do you see the outstanding(out-fuckign-standing) hypocrisy. I reported him for racism and he got a warning. The mods know what they are doing(expect when they delete art with no reason, just cause people got offended...).

You want, to get someone banned, because of Holocaust denials? That is just not ok. As far as i remember, everyone have a right to their opinion? Have you even considered they might be right? I consider all parties. I look at all the facts and i don't trust either party on its own. If the media is allowed to produce propaganda on the TV everyday, why can't people upload propaganda of their own? What makes the media, above the normal person? Fuck that shit i say. Once a source of info shows corruption, NOTHING it provides can be considered truth on its own. And the TV media is so far deep in mistrust. Then that very media, tells me the holocaust is real. Why would i just blindly trust it? No, i will look into this myself. And then i will read stuff biased that its real or stuff biased that its not and stuff that's unbiased, cross-reference, use common sense and connect the information, you get the truth. NOTHING on the internet should be banned/censored/removed (unless its private info, then don't tell who the person is).
SS recruitment posters are art. If you think they recruit people, you are wrong.
Love letters to Hitler? I have not seen it, but i don't watch all of it. But that sounds plain funny to me. Lol. Hitler is dead, i'd say the person to get over him. People who are like that, can't do shit in the real world. Assuming its for real, which it probl isn't and you are overreacting. I have seen so much shit with Himmler and it makes me sick(because its gay). I don't rant about it tho, because if sm1 is gay and likes that shit, none of my business to burst his bubble(which you are trying to do right now with the groups). I just stay the fuck away from that art.
Now stuff like "jew - this is the enemy", i think people do eventually get banned for it(which is horrible, i lost an awesome information source). I told you what i think about hate crimes... and the vid i linked also. There are hate crimes against white people in my country, but if we are not a minority, then every complaint is a hate crime towards the minority with more rights then the majority. But no one cares about those hate crimes, because hate crimes are shit that is being abused EVERYWHERE since the holocaust.
I know you said there is more stuff, but i can't comment on it, since i don't pay attention to it and can't remember anything right now.

Capitalism is a crime against humanity, but no one cares . Wars based on lies are crimes against humanity, how about you start with those? BAN ALL WARS! BAN ALL LIES! Destructive thinking, i have a lot of that, everyone do, only some admit it. Just for the record, the max level or racism is Zionism. There are no crimes done here. And society failed long time ago.
These are pictures. Last time i checked pictures don't shoot you. A gun controlled by sm1 shoots you. If these pictures here ALONE convince sm1 to take criminal action, he is a motherfucking retard(that can be manipulated like a dog) and his parents/education system failed him. Look into that first.


Some call me sick and that i will end up in a manhunt. I secretly wanted you to tell me that, because its so much fun to fuck around with such people. And if i am in a bad mood, i can even be passive aggressive!
Be Obscene is supposed to be offensive. Hence the name. I personally do not care if sm1 does what i draw for real, as long as its not physically connected to me. None of my business.

If you read all my shit, you should win something, like a good song(good song==good imo):

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Iceworlf [2013-02-18 21:04:03 +0000 UTC]


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Iceworlf [2013-01-26 16:37:52 +0000 UTC]

hey got any ideas for a drawing?

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WOMDeimos In reply to Iceworlf [2013-01-26 18:11:38 +0000 UTC]

Right now? Uhm, how about a frozen Zombie?

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Iceworlf In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-01-26 21:52:06 +0000 UTC]

Lol thanks i don't have anything to draw

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WOMDeimos In reply to Iceworlf [2013-01-26 22:46:30 +0000 UTC]

An Ivory Tower in different landscapes, a World-Tree upside-down, time eaten by evil thoughts backwards... you have no idea what to draw?? xD

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Iceworlf In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-01-27 19:04:31 +0000 UTC]

that souds cool actualy

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RoqueRobinArt [2013-01-10 14:12:41 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave on Ganondorf

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WOMDeimos In reply to RoqueRobinArt [2013-01-10 20:45:53 +0000 UTC]

I must say, he's by far not my favorite villain, but your painting of him is just amazing. It's a fresh and without question *evil* depiction of him. Therefore it is great!

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RoqueRobinArt In reply to WOMDeimos [2013-01-10 20:53:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you again dude

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TixieLix [2012-12-29 10:21:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fave on my Link!

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