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| JetTheKnight
# Statistics
Favourites: 1678; Deviations: 100; Watchers: 23
Watching: 94; Pageviews: 4906; Comments Made: 470; Friends: 94
# Comments
Comments: 105
Moonfreeze79 [2017-08-28 17:06:34 +0000 UTC]
Spread the DA love around! (you can copy and paste this message on their userpage!)
1- You can hug the person who hugged you!
2- You -MUST- hug 10 other people, at least!
3- You should hug them in public! Paste it on their page!
4- Random hugs are perfectly okay! (and sweet)
5- You should most definitely get started hugging right away!
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Fxhobbit [2016-11-10 20:20:56 +0000 UTC]
thank you so much for the favs!! it means a lot o me!
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JetTheKnight In reply to Fxhobbit [2016-11-12 00:48:20 +0000 UTC]
No problem! Your art is fantastic!!
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CajunMutt [2015-07-15 02:08:01 +0000 UTC]
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-15 02:27:36 +0000 UTC]
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-15 22:55:52 +0000 UTC]
Ahhhhhhhhh! I've been looking up to you since the PND days and it's so cool to hear one of my biggest inspirations actually thinks my art is fabulous. THANK YOU ;u; I AM NOT PERFECTION OKAY? YOU ARE.
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-16 01:27:12 +0000 UTC]
I've never had anyone look up to me before I am not even good
I'm really honoured that you consider me an inspiration it means a lot to me!!
I'm actually really ashamed of my PND days my because my personality was horrible and I was really narcissistic and mean to everyone haha. I've become a lot nicer since then though,
finally got off my high horse once I realized that I wasn't as great as I thought I was
I am really motivated to improve now so that I'm actually worthy to be looked up to by someone ;u;
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-16 03:15:16 +0000 UTC]
Stop making me smile, okay? My siblings are giving me weird looks 'cause it's FRIGHIN 11 AT NIGHT AND I'M SMILING AT MY STUPID IPAD GEEZ
And don't say that! You were really nice on PND! You're one of the reasons I stayed a furry because when I first became one all the popular furries put me down and said I wasn't a "true" furry. But you were always really kind. AND YOU'RE ALREADY WORTHY, YOU TURD. AND PLEASE NOT THE BROOM OKAY? ANYTHING BUT THAT. D:
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-16 19:01:21 +0000 UTC]
Haha! That happens to me all the time they just like 'the heck you smiling at?'
I'm glad I was nice to you, I think we actually did an art trade now that I remember!
Oh man all of that drama about who was a poseur and who was legit. Honestly I am not even about that any more, it's just a character, after all. Looking back on it, if somebody wanted to make a character and it just so happened to be an anthropomorphic one, they should have been able to have that freedom without people clawing their eyes out. if anything we should have been like HEY ANOTHER PERSON JOINED THE DARK SIDE WOW CELEBRATE GO MAKE CAKE!! Nope, first you gotta write an essay on what a 'true furry' is. And oh man don't even get me started on if somebody's character even looked remotely the same as one of the popular dudes, they'd send a horde of white knights after them like it's GO TIME.
I don't even consider myself a 'furry' anymore. I have a fursona and I still enjoy
(some) anthropomorphic art, but identifying as one just reminds of those dark ages so
and I will smiteth thee with a broom if you keep saying you aren't perfection
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-16 20:51:34 +0000 UTC]
Dark ages? Ha! I'm going to start referring to them as that now, haha. And yes, we did do an AT once. I think I might still have your half buried somewhere in the countless photos on my iPod, lol.
I will smite you with a broom right back if you say YOU aren't perfection. I'll cut ya, m8.
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-16 21:12:40 +0000 UTC]
Rofl it's a suitable name for that period yeah we did! I still have my half as well! buried on my computer somewhere! we should do another one sometime soon!
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-21 07:45:22 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, we totally should! Especially now that I can actually draw stuff that isn't chibi, lol. XD
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-21 18:21:46 +0000 UTC]
Of course! I'm up for if you are
Just giving a heads up, I can not draw
feral characters at all anymore, it's horrible.
I just stopped drawing them all of the sudden and now
my animal anatomy is poo
I'm gonna try to practice so I can regain that skill
I can draw humans/humanoids and anthros though!
what would you like me to draw? It will most likely have a white/transparent BG
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-22 02:45:21 +0000 UTC]
Same. My feral art is poo poo nowadays. And honestly, the background won't bother me if its white or transparent. I mean, pretty much all of my artwork has transparent backgrounds.
I have so many damn OCs it's ridiculous, lol. But Eden, my fursona, is the only one I have a ref sheet for. So Eden, I guess? XD What should I draw? :>
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-22 17:18:36 +0000 UTC]
it's sad cause feral art used to be fun for me to draw but now NOPE IT'S POOP.
Eden is a cutie!! I love her name and design!
is there any particular clothing you want me to
draw her in? Orrrrr
I don't have any up to date reference sheets of my characters, sadly but this picture shows off everything important I think (I haven't even decided on what she is but I'm thinking some sort of fox): sta.sh/0tjosfg0y23
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-23 21:07:10 +0000 UTC]
Ugh, I know, right? Feral art was so nice and now suddenly the ability has left. Come back pls
Thank you, thank you! I'm glad you like her!
As for her clothing, she normally wears a lot of fandom shirts and plain jeans. So, Marvel, Fall Out Boy, Supernatural, Lord of The Rings, The Walking Dead etc. Anything like that she'd wear.
Omg, she's so pretty!! I love the splash of blue on her, it looks awesome! And yeah, she looks like a fox or fox hybrid. What's her name? Or have you decided yet? c:
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-23 22:25:18 +0000 UTC]
Eden sounds a lot like me haha band/fandom tees all the way!
Gonna start on my half as soon as possible!
i try to be good about trades n stuff as far as time y'know
Thank you!! I will probably add a few more
things to her design since it is a bit simple atm
Her name is Jean! (Not like the denim, it's the French version of John!)
I still have my old fursona but I wanted to make Jean look more like me
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-24 20:59:15 +0000 UTC]
And don't worry about time! Seriously, when it comes to trades I really don't mind if you finish it five months from now. As an artist, I know that sometimes your ability will vanish somedays. Don't sweat it. I also know that you're a real person with a life and schedule and shit that doesn't always cooperate. Don't worry, bro.
Simple? Gurl, she's fabulous! And I mean, look at Eden. She's just blond, gray and white. Truth be told, simpler designs are always better. Less is more, IMO. And for real? I didn't know that! That was my French lesson of the day, lol.
She looks awesome. Hopefully, if the art gods are willing, I'll be able to start on my side of the trade soon.
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-24 21:25:50 +0000 UTC]
rotfl I already have her sketched on paper
all I need to do is export it and get to work haha!
Thank you!! That makes me feel a lot better tbh cause
whenever I draw for people I stress like I NEED TO GET IT DONE NOWWW. And same goes for you too! I don't care when you do it, just as long as you do it
SHHH NO I'M I'M BLUSHING STAHP. Rotfl I always have to explain that cause people wanna call her Jean As in blue jeans I'm just like NOPE. (You roll the J haha)
Thank you!! I love Eden's design tbh and you're right! simple is beautiful. My old fursona could've been classified as a sparkledog she was so complicated haha.
And as I said up there I don't care when you get it done either do it at your own pace
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-25 01:48:16 +0000 UTC]
Good lord, woman, you are fast! You puttin' me to shame right now.
Ohaha lmao, I forgot about the sparkledog thing. You're very welcome by the way and thank you! ^\\\^ And believe me, I understand. People usually get confused with my name all the time.
Thank you, thank you. I'll try to get it done within the year but I can't make any promises lol. XD
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-25 02:41:16 +0000 UTC]
Tbh I'll probably start it after I finish a character ref (which just needs coloring in)
not trying to put anybody to shame
rotfl I just like drawing other people's characters
People usually don't get confused with my name
But they confuse my characters names
Haha yeah, sparkledogs are quite scary!
Lolol yeah a year should be plenty enough, as long as you do it haha XDDD
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-25 14:22:42 +0000 UTC]
Drawing other people's OCs is fun but there's also the pressure and AM I DRAWING THIS RIGHT OR NAH?
Also, quick question. Is her tongue blue like her nose?
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-25 17:25:22 +0000 UTC]
The true art trading struggle tbh.
And yes! c: it is the same color!
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-25 17:54:20 +0000 UTC]
Okay, thank you! I'm just making sure I don't get anything wrong. (:
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-26 02:13:46 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome, dear! And don't sweat the small stuff I'm not nitpicky I won't be like OMG YOU FORGOT THE _____ YOU HORRIBLE PERSON. Feel free to ask me if you're not sure about something!
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-27 22:13:10 +0000 UTC]
Alrighty, thank you! Hopefully I'll have it up sometime today. Just finished sketching, on to the coloring!
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-27 23:25:40 +0000 UTC]
Dang son now you're ahead of me haha!
I'm still working with sketches right now.
I honestly tend to take forever with my sketching because I want to get it just right.
I want your half to be done to the best of my ability! I don't wanna give you any half-a work!
So I apologize if it takes a little while
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-28 17:48:24 +0000 UTC]
Aww, thank you! Seriously, take your time. It won't bother me if it takes you several months to finish.
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-28 22:12:28 +0000 UTC]
rotfl it should not take me months!
unless I get some sick case of art block
or get hit by a car haha. I'm going work on it now!
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-29 00:36:16 +0000 UTC]
*pterodactyl scream* I'm so glad you like it!
Lol, make sure no cars come through the walls or anything. Avoid death at all costs!
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-29 00:48:04 +0000 UTC]
I LOVE MAN. Love it
ROTFL THAT WOULD BE very bizzare. It probably won't happen. I'll try y'know death is kinda sneaky cause ya never really know when you're gonna go
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JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2015-07-29 00:52:26 +0000 UTC]
Death has a very bad habit about sneaking up on people and killing 'em. Dick move, death. Dick move. Stay safe, lmao.
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CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-07-29 01:17:24 +0000 UTC]
Evil little son of a B, death is.
Haha I will! same to you friend, same to you
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elytabby [2015-06-16 11:10:42 +0000 UTC]
Hello! So my part of the art trade is about to be done, finally! Stupid art block is finally gone yay! Anyways, could you send me a link to the t-shirt that Eden wears? I looked up Fall out Boy t-shirts and found a lot, so.
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JetTheKnight In reply to elytabby [2015-06-16 17:35:38 +0000 UTC]
Yay! I'm glad you were able to overcome the beast that is art block, lol. And, yes, I can do that right now. Fob shirt That should work. And since I never got around to answering your reply, I'll do that now. You never have to worry about me getting upset because an art trade is late. Seriously, you are one of my best friends and honestly, you could never finish the piece and I wouldn't be angry because I know you have an actual life and things that are more important. So, no worries, just do stuff on your own time and if people don't like that they can die in a ditch.
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elytabby In reply to JetTheKnight [2015-06-16 19:36:51 +0000 UTC]
Awh, you are the sweetest. Thank you so much for your patience, ah I'm so happy you're not mad or anything. Over a month though, holy cow! That's the longest art block I've ever had. But yes, it'll be done in just a few minutes! <3 Thank you again for being so sweet and understanding!!
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SalamiNeko [2014-10-04 22:41:56 +0000 UTC]
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JetTheKnight In reply to SalamiNeko [2014-10-05 16:29:41 +0000 UTC]
MY BABY NEKO I'VE MISSED YOU ;w; And don't force yourself to get on here if it's going to interfere with your pain-in-the-butt school. (: But I would LOVE to see more of your artwork bby.
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