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CajunMutt [26576387] [] "Not dead yet"

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# Comments

Comments: 199

kitteani [2018-06-19 06:16:34 +0000 UTC]

Hi!! this is random but i used to be kitdani and asp3r !! we met on pnd lmao :'> i still follow you on instagram heh. just wanted to say hi tho i see you're not very active either :'') i hope you're doing well <3 (p.s: im shook that you're an art student now)

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-19 12:42:32 +0000 UTC]

DANI OML HI!! Of course I remember you dude!! How have you been?? I’m more active on the gram, mostly because I’m still considering moving accounts right now.
I’m shook too tbh it’s been a great experience so far

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-19 14:09:13 +0000 UTC]

oh yay okay sweet!! i still remember i used to call you gracieshoes back in them days lmao
I'm not very active on insta so i don't get to see your art often ): but yeah i noticed you were thinking about that! i say go for it (i mean, i moved like 3 times lmao). it kind of feels like a fresh start n stuff! you can always link to your old one from your new one too, so people can see your old art :>

i've been good! i'm a psych student now and uni is kicking my butt :'')

Gosh it's nice to see someone from PND sticking to art! I feel like everyone on there either does art all the time or not at all, there's almost no in between. What's art school like tho?? i imagine slaving over several art projects at a time fuelled by coffee and spite but hey i hope it's magical

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-19 15:27:28 +0000 UTC]

You also called me Jazzypants which was prettt gr8 tbh. I’ll probably wind up doing it!! Mostly because I wanna burn my username to ashes but yeah!!

I’m glad ur cool!! I’ve met some very sweet psych majors. Also I feel that on a spiritual level; uni has and will continue to kick my butt

Yeah I still follow a few people from PND! But there’s not that many?? And if there are they aren’t horribly active but. It’s REALLY wild to think that I started art bc of PND and now I’m pursing a Bachelors degree for it.

Okay but that’s..that’s literally it. Coffee & spite. You need both; you can’t have just one. I’m at my state university, which happens to have a fantastic art department and the students and teachers are great people who are close knit. Projects can be heinous, especially when u constantly have to wield an X-acto knife, but when you get to draw or paint it’s never not fun bc the two profs for painting/drawing are great there’s this one graphics teacher that makes me want to shANK myself with a butter knife tho. OTHER THAN THAT the professors are great, and most of them really are there to help you and watch you grow.

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-19 20:52:24 +0000 UTC]

omg right that's true!! also omg what's with the change of heart with your username?? spill the tea plz

right?? i look back at pnd days and cringe but it really was a fun community. i wish i had continued my art hobby more since it really did bring me joy, but lack of motivation paired with school and personal stuff got in the way ): i think i only follow 3 people from PND right now but i followed others for years! (idk where they went). it feels weird to have been part of such a niche community like?? aint nobody to talk to about it but i get weirdly emotional it's so nostalgic

the struggle is real my dude. psych is way harder than i thought is was gonna be so im struggling™ but i have nothing else i wanna do so i guess this is it

i feel like coffee & spite is necessary for all students out there. although to be fair i've met students who don't drink coffee at all???like bruv hOW. i feel like my grades would be 30% lower without it smh

also gosh that sounds so cool?? I'm glad you're pursuing what you love! I've always been Shook af at your colouring skills n i can only imagine all the new stuff you learn at art school! Motivated profs are gems tbh. also stab them with the x-acto knife

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-19 22:11:36 +0000 UTC]

now that I think about it, I used to call you Danishoes bc you called me Jazzypants. What was I thinking. WELL the thing about it is I made it when I was a fetus,,, and it’s just not a good fit anymore? I’m trying to up the ante with my online profiles and keep them neat and clean since I’m pursuing the arts; I feel like a name change will be good for that.

Also same. PND was the most niche thing to ever exist and now it’s like?? The heck is that. Also same I follow 3 people, and that’s including you. It is very nostalgic to think about man,, it’s almost like reality was altered there like ‘did this actually happen?’

I believe in you!! I researched tons about what art school would be like and I still got blindsided by things,,, my first semester was low key suffering bc I had that Graphics teach for a design class ACK.

If they aren’t drinking coffee they have to be drinking some sort of caffeine. I mean if not how the hell do u even function I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had to stay after classes at school just to CUT THINGS properly like,,, if I wouldn’t have had coffee I would’ve fallen asleep under a light table or somethin.

Trust me, it has it’s moments where is like ‘why the hECK did I think this was a good idea’ but the community is really nice,, because we’re ALL suffering over the same thing so it’s like ‘I’m dying bruh’ ‘ayyy me too’. YOU DO LEARN SO MUCH THOUGH!! AND YOU IMPROVE a lot quicker than just by teaching yourself. I took color theory last semester and it changed my life (that was a paper cutting class though...just colored paper EVERYWHERE GOD)

I made good friends with my drawing+painting prof. He’s a sassy old man who likes old music and also doesn’t like the graphics teacher HA.
dude,, and actual conversation from my painting class as follows:

Upperclassman: man,, the graphics teacher did something the other day that was just,,, I’m ready to stab her

Me, upon reflex: lol I’m always ready for that

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-19 23:56:30 +0000 UTC]

 omg that's right!! wow we were so cute wth. 

aw yeah i get you!! i've been jumping between usernames n stuff but it'd be nice if you can find one you can use on all platforms! if you want you can always change your dA name if you buy a core membership i think?? a new profile would be a cleaner slate tho + you have a more realistic idea of how many people watch you since you prob have a bunch of inactive ones rn

right?? it also fucks me up that PND basically became the amino apps, starting with pets amino. have you heard about them? they're super popular and all over the place. little do the current users know but the start of that platform was a hodge podge of pets, teenagers, rps, and furries. what a mess lmao. i crap on it sometimes but rlly it was so cute! i remember coming home from school n being excited to see new comments and interact with friends. i wish the app wasn't deleted so we could browse our old profiles and stuff :<

thanks i believe in you too!! teachers really make the class imo, like with motivation and understanding n stuff. also that sassy teacher of yours sounds dope.

man idk one of the girls i know waked up at 6am everyday, doesn't drink coffee, gets good grades, and goes to bed at a reasonable hour. like how

yo a class on colour theory sounds dope. i have no idea how that shit works lmao. ugh it must be so nice to be surrounded by other artists too!! gosh that sounds way more fun than other majors hjdsk. also paper cutting sounds,,, hard af???

im always a slut for some stab action

i feel like whenever we reconnect we communicate though just giant paragraphs, like we're in the 18th century writing letters and junk heh

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-20 01:06:50 +0000 UTC]

We were pretty cute tbh. Back when days were simple and pure.

Yeah exactly! I considered a core membership, but considering there’s like...old stuff on here I don’t think I’d mind starting out clean.

Whoa what? I didn’t know that! I know it became something else after PND shut down, but I never got on it bc it wasn’t the same thing, and I think by then everybody had migrated to Instagram.
It was cute!! the good ol days. I wish they wouldn’t have cracked down the non pet pages too, but at the same time,,, at least my old art is BURIED

nah they really do tho. It’s a lot nicer when you have profs that like,, actually CARE if you’re understanding stuff or not. Sometimes it’s a rare thing to find he is God’s gift to the school tbh, an old hippie who is v sweet. He’s trying to get me to concentrate in painting lmao.

WHO IS SHE. How do you go to bed early in college, how is that even possible hwat.

It was wild and sometimes VERY tedious because of the cutting thing. Like we demonstrated principles of color through designs with cut up paper rip. It is super nice tbh!! I always receive valuable feedback, and we always have each other’s backs when we run out of supplies ‘you got a spare blade?’ ‘Yeah fam I got you’ it’s great. okay trust me I’m telling you all the positives,, but when you have a deadline in two days and your cutting work isn’t even halfway done..PANIC ENSUES.

Same tbh, don’t mess with art students; they’ll shank you.

I HONESTLY DIG IT giant paragraphs make my life tbh

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-20 04:55:30 +0000 UTC]

aha i remember the great migration to instagram, those days were super fun too! i had a pretty nice following n made a lot of dumb posts.

aw cmon dont you wanna see your old art!! it gives you perspective on how far you've come i think!! i vividly remember my first two digital drawings n they were pretty bad but gosh i wish i had them!

yo after i left highschool for college i was shook at how amazing profs can be. most of the teachers at my hs didn't seem to enjoy their job, nevermind teach well. 

idk she's not real to me. goals tho

do you have to pull all nighters often??? also how many projects do you do per term?? o: also do you ever accidentally hurt yourself??? many questions

okAY SWEET LMAO this is essay exchange

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-20 05:25:01 +0000 UTC]

I wasn’t part of the migration; I was late to the party and just stayed on here for a long while before getting on instagram. But by the time I had gotten on everybody had kinda died out.

Oh trust me I have all of it backed up on the dark recesses of my computer save a few REALLY old pieces that I didn’t manage to save. It’s also on a drive for extra precaution.

Ikr?? It’s crazy. Like, you run into a few bad eggs here and there, but for the most part they’re great people and are very approachable. I’ve made small talk with my prof in painting during class time and all the sudden he’d be like ‘wait a minute!! Get back to painting!!’

It depends on the class! So for color design last semester, we had eight projects including the final. You have so many days to work on things in class, and then you’re expected to work on your own (this goes for all studio classes pretty much). When we would reach the end of a project where everybody is starting to finish up, we start talking about the next one and then we go through critique.
In painting, we did about...seven paintings! We had three major paintings on hardboard, and then exercises done on canvas paper.
I have yet to pull an all nighter, mostly because if I don’t stay on top of things I get VERY stressed lol. Bc you have to give yourself ample time to work on projects, it’s hands on stuff and if you’re too tired it shows in your work. I have accidentally nicked myself with an x-acto a few times, but thankfully nothing serious.

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-20 23:39:39 +0000 UTC]

aw that sux it was quite fun! the community died down pretty quicky tho since insta's a bigger platform than PND

omg nice?? i still dont think you should be ashamed of them but instead proud of how far you've come though!!

hfdjsk that's so cute??? how you can be friends with profs?? i still find them intimidating no matter how friendly they are but it's nice to know they're cool with talkin and stuff

oh wow thats nice! what are critiques like? like how does that go down? is it stressful?

good on you for staying on top of things wow! i still haven't shaked off my leave it/study at the last minute habit since it worked for me for so long. def not in uni tho ('':

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-21 01:00:57 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, there’s a lot more room to spread out on insta, whereas with PND there were sparse little communities of non-pet pages and RP stuffs.

Thank u!! I’m not really ashamed of them, but if somebody ever somehow looked at them then I would wanna yeet myself into the void.

HE’S SO DANG SWEET he’s given me a nickname an everything. the art department profs are..idk man they’re a lot more personable than regular professors, or at least most of em are. I still get mildly intimidated from time to time, it just happens lol.

So, for most critiques you have to stand up and present your work, talk about your process and how you think you did, what you like/don’t like about it. Critiques are usually ok, but I get shaky knees and my voice quivers when I have to get up there and talk. It’s usually not cutthroat like ‘what is that garbage’ The class as well as the teacher will just tell you what’s good, and what you could have done better in painting we had what was called ‘the easel of shame’ where you stick your painting up there and TALK ABOUT IT it was so unnerving even though it was with the sweetheart I mentioned above

I try to stay on top of things at least with art lol. I still sometimes get behind on Gen Eds and it’s almost bitten me in the butt. I finished my last math last semester and I am now singing the hallelujah chorus

I have a love/hate relationship with uni tbh.

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-21 05:31:20 +0000 UTC]

yeah exactly. btw how's the art scene on instagram? i know a lot of artists use that platform but how is it for you?

YEET MYSELF INTO THE VOID GHDNJSK im dyinG. i use the word yeet for everything n i feel like almost none of my friends find it as funny as i do

gosh that's great??? ugh that's so fucking cute i cannot. but yeah ive seen that too within profs, like general characteristics of profs in different fields. i mean even in psychology, i've noticed the profs who practice (like therapy) are much more warm than those who do research. they're all quite lovely though

fbhdjnks man that sounds terrifying????? i could never. it's taken me 5 years not to piss my pants during oral presentations (my voice stills quivers like a bitch tho), i could not imagine doing that with something regarding criticism hbfjdn. sounds pretty neat though!! i wish i could spectate b:

ugh psyc has way more bio than i thought it would and it's killing me. we also do a lot of stats in psyc as well

man uni is great and all but it stresses me out hardcore. i feel like i cant focus on my mental health and don't have time to do all the things i want to do?? as much as i like learning im dreading having to go back

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-21 15:19:25 +0000 UTC]

The art scene on instagram is pretty cool and the community is generally nice people. It’s easier to find artists that you like bc instagram will put artists on ur explore similar to the ones you already follow. The only real downside is that it’s hard to gain and keep followers, because some people will follow and then unfollow the same day like?? It took me a while to even get to 100, and I’ll probably be back in the 90s before the weeks up

I USE YEET INCESSANTLY . It’s so funny when u use it unexpectedly and people laugh it’s a pure thing.

He makes the whole department tbh. Yeah the profs who work more closely with people are generally warmer and more approachable. Like the art teachers have to move about the room, look at student’s work and talk to them; so already they’re more approachable, bc it’s not like they’re standing at a podium and lecturing.

Oh mAN it really was terrifying at first. I remember my first critique and my voice quivered so much (the only thing nice about it was that the design class I took my first semester also counted as speech so I don’t have to take speech yEET). My voice still wavers from time to time, but my real problem is shaky knees. It happens more frequently when it’s critique for a prof that I like/respect rip.
It’s pretty cool to spectate after you’ve done ur critique and then every body else has to go through with it.

Oh cod see I love biology, but I had this teacher last semester that was,,, NOT GOOD LMAO. He sounded like Forrest Gump and he couldn’t put things in plain terms rip. omg statistics?? I would actually die more power to you dude!!

ugh same it stressed me out so much, especially in my first semester. Like even though I’m in art school, while I’m in it I barely have time for my own art. After this past semester I low key had a breakdown bc all that stress that my body was harboring just kinda came down on me. I love learning to but the thought going back makes me wanna die. ur a sophomore right? When do you have to go back?

small> also one peculiar thing about my school is that you have to take every medium at a beginning level: Painting, Drawing, design, sculpture, photography, printmaking and ceramics.

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-21 20:20:45 +0000 UTC]

idk isn't it more common to steal on insta? man idk anything but yeah i think it's probably easier to get followers on deviant art because of groups n stuff?? i have a total of 12 watchers rn so i guess u can say im going places (;; obvious sarcasm sob

yeeting your way into their hearts heh

ugh yeah exactly?? my uni teachers seem cool rn but in classrooms of 250-600 people they don't really feel approachable at all

aw at least you get through it!! i feel like my body goes into fight or flight mode during presentations. like dissociating, heart racing, noddle legs n shaky voice. nothing exists at that moment apart from whatever spiel i have to spew out aaa. ppl are nice n supportive tho and ive become a lot better!!

eghbjdsn dang good on u i sure dont?? at least not when it's this much? blah. plus teachers dont seem to have time to really go over things n just power through material so u gotta learn all that shit on your own ):

aw im sorry to hear that but i 100% relate?? like man i was a fucking mess n i can't belive i have to do this for another decade (ugh phd). i hope summer's been treating you well though??
also what,, a sophomore?? plz im canadian n confused. 
uhm i live in quebec and its like highschool -> cegep (kinda like college and it lasts 2 years or maybe 3 depending on the program) -> university. ill be going into my second year of uni! hbu??

oh man it seems like a lot of fun to be able to try all those mediums out and experiment??? i miss art classes

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CajunMutt In reply to kitteani [2018-06-21 21:48:39 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, theft does happen pretty often. But at least with the posts I’ve seen thieves are usually reprimanded. Also yes! it is much easier to get followers on dA. People don’t just follow for you to follow them back and the unfollow you when you don’t. I have 52 watchers on here and I’m pretty sure three are active

oh u know

DANG SON I would never wanna approach a teacher with that kinda capacity. The art department isn’t expansive, and capacity per class is usually 15-20 people (which sucks BALLS because it’s common not to get in a class you want).

I managed this semester, I still can’t make eye contact and speak without stammering here and there though. People are nice and supportive!! Bless em bc honestly any sort of speaking with more than a handful of people lookin at me makes me wanna die. I have to do formal critique with that hag of a graphics teacher next semester... uGH.

ALSO SAME,, MY bio teacher didn’t cover anything enough
and his reviews sucked, like he had them after class time like boi
i have shat to cut I don’t have time to stay after class for u to review 

Same I’m a little less of a mess, but school just takes so much out of you mentally and physically?? I remember once when teach asked how I was doing I told em I was tired and he was like ‘wait till you get to your senior year; you’ll be sleeping in the department by then.’ Thanks bruh I appreciate it.
LOL SORRY I forgot you were Canadian, but yeah sophomore= second year here in the states so yeah we’re in the same year!! ALSO DUDE more power to you with the PHD. I wanna get a masters of fine art so I can possibly teach so that’ll be like...seven years of school? Hh
Summer has been pretty great so far I’m Ngl. How about urs?? I’ve been painting and drawing so much because in school I never had time to. 

Also,, for the most part it is, I discovered I really like oil painting, and am almost considering doing two concentrations because of it hah. But others like sculpture...oh boi have I heard god awful things about sculpture class. I’ve been told I won’t get out of the class without crying at least once.

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kitteani In reply to CajunMutt [2018-06-21 23:01:05 +0000 UTC]

oh that's nice i guess!! still don't trust it tbh.
even more reason to make a new account (;

wow 15-20 people per class sounds great tbh. i havent rlly made friends at uni bc of how big the classes are n stuff :/ plus i dont rlly have time for school clubs or wtv so i just Suffer™ in silence

yikes good luck

fhdjks right?? i wish i hd the energy and motivation to power thru it but like,, i dont. 

o lit!! sophomore buddies!! i thought that stuff was just for high school?? huh?

ooh masters of art sounds dope, and so does teaching!! gosh that's so cool. spending that much time studying tho is not so cool.

aa that's great!! why don't you post some of the stuff you make?? O:
my summer's been good too. kinda miss having some structure in my life but ive been focusing a lot on my mental health, fitness, and now hobbies with art stuff i guess so it's nice!

yikes good luck with that?? is it bc of hell teachers or??
i mean sculpture in itself sounds p fun

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Renardsruses In reply to kitteani [2018-06-23 16:48:43 +0000 UTC]


omg yes get on insta!! We can DM each other instead of writing essays lmao. Also you can always watermark your work as an extra precaution (which is what I’m going to start doing, it’s a good habit I’ve gotten out of).

Yeah it’s really small capacity, because there’s only so much space for people to work with, especially if a still life is set up, bc you have to maneuver your easel. the biggest rooms are the drawing and painting rooms, and even they’re not that big. We need another studio space tbh

Also same?? Holy crap people are always like ‘u should join clubs!!’ Especially in university prep class God. Like I don’t have time for that stuff burn me
I have school buddies but we don’t hang out outside of university per say. I have made one good fren and we’ve been keeping up thru insta.

thank u I want to die

I believe in u. How cool will it be to say ‘oh yeah,, *flips hair* I have a PhD.
Yeah boi sophomore buds!! Also we use the freshmen>sophomore>junior>senior thing for high school and college. It can be a bit confusing!

I’m excited for grad school. It’s going to be unnerving though bc I’m gonna have to send in a portfolio to my desired school and then WAIT. The only thing that’s remotely exciting about grad school is the prospect of more artistic freedom (bc as of now, everything I’ve done in school has pretty much been objective).

Omg you sound just like me lmao. I miss the structure too. When I finished this past semester my mind was like ‘??? Relaxation who?? Where the heck is the stress???’ But same, Ive been lifting weights again, I managed to work out during school but it wasn’t anything hardcore.

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kitteani In reply to Renardsruses [2018-06-24 07:49:48 +0000 UTC]


sounds good!! I kinda just wanna draw a few more things before I get on so my profile feels a bit more full? I don't think many people would follow if i only had like 3 pictures of varying quality up heh. how big/transparent are the watermarks you use?? You can still DM me there tho even tho i dont have anything up!

Aw sucks )): I hope you guys get the funding or wtv to get more space n stuff

LMAO right?? i've checked out othe lgbt club at my uni but tbh i didnt vibe with the people there but hey at least i trIED?? i've only really made one gud friend too n i love her but i wish i could meet more ya know. i find it harder to meet new ppl as you age ): also was kinda hoping to make some art buddies online tbh

lmaO gon get ppl to call me Doctor heh (; 
wow i didnt kno that about american colleges? also what in the heckie is the dif between american colleges and universities?? is uni just like,, further education? masters n phd n stuff? cause colleges there are 4 years??????? im confused

o yeah good luck!! im rlly stressed out about grad low key had an over sharing-filled existential crises in front of a research assistant the other day when i asked about grad school hdsjk

LMAO YES QUEEN LIFT THOSE WEIGHTS. im just getting into it tho tbh i only do glute stuff with weights bc im basic n playing into beauty standards but hey muscle is nice

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Renardsruses In reply to kitteani [2018-06-27 17:51:21 +0000 UTC]


also yeah I feel you. My profile was naked for the longest time. It depends on the pic? I usually put them in one of the corners of the drawing, or a little bit over the figure so it’s not sO jarring.

Same lol. There’s only like,,, one teacher who’s all for it tho I think.

I didn’t try lmaooo. Mostly bc I didn’t want any distractions from school, and I’d rather willingly step on a nail than join a fraternity they’re wild. TOO TRUE I mean I like having a small circle of friends to being with but? also same,,

Colleges are typically 4 years? But like here colleges and university can mean the same thing, like you can get a bachelors/masters degree depending on the school and major. my current school doesn’t offer a master program for the arts unfortunately

Me too bro, me too. OH MAN That is so relatable tbh. I have to be careful about being morbid in front of professors they’re like how you doing? “I’m dying.” “Hwat.” “NO IT’S FINE IM FINE—“

i’M TRYING LMAO. I USED TO LIFT HELLA WHEN I WAS IN HIGHSCHOOLL BUT LIKE NOW. I’m a weenie trying to get her strength back. Also yeah boi!! I wanna have thighs strong enough to crush a watermelon

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kitteani In reply to Renardsruses [2018-06-28 05:50:18 +0000 UTC]

yeah i keep mine usually off from whatever figure i'm drawing n i never draw backgrounds so like,, it'd be pretty easy to remove if someone wanted to.

aw damn that sucks. campaign your ideas maybe? p:

damn well good for you!! i'd still like new people in my life idk. omg i was thinking of joining a sorority bc they honestly aren't as crazy in canada as they are the the US? lots of emphasis on charity work and stuff but like,, they get a bad rep and idk if i want that on my resume. also like, no time. im still considering it but like,,, prob won't.
i also stress about eventually moving away and leaving all my friends behind but i also wanna get out of the city i've lived in all my life but hfjkdmsl starting over and making friends?? ugh

oh okay??? i think i get it o: that sucks ): have you considered where you wanna go next?

idk ever since cegep whenever someone asks me 'how are you? (:' i can only answer with 'tired lol. u?'

bhfjndks ya im super weak but hopefully muscles will magically appear eventually. idk how to keep my fitness regimen up when uni starts again tho /:
also yo that's absolute goals

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Renardsruses In reply to kitteani [2018-07-01 02:17:25 +0000 UTC]

Dropping off again !!

Yeah I kinda hate putting on the figure, but if have to I usually wind up doing it,, it’s sucky. also same, backgrounds are the bane of my entire existence.

lol maybe but like,, I’m pretty sure it’s just me and ol teach who are for it

New people are cool, I’m just terribly introverted and prefer a smaller group of friends but that’s me! also yeah,, sororities here involve getting drunk off of your face and roofies being placed in your drink. same, I don’t ever wanna leave my state unless I have to for work, but the thought of starting over somewhere else makes me wanna die

probably the big state™️ university in my state? I don’t know if I’d wanna apply somewhere like SCAD or RISD. Bc that involves moving forever away from friends and family and I’d rather have a university with a good art department than strictly an art school

Mood. This is how honest I am with my fave:

Teach: good morning Gracie! How are you?
Me: *casually* Not dead yet
He cackled.

I’m not horribly strong either lmao. I have slight biceps,, but nothing ridiculous. Also yes, keeping up workouts is difficult, I usually have to lift weights at night bc of it, despite liking to work out in the morning. I usually do aerobics paired with weights but in school I only have time for weights
heck yeah!!

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kitteani In reply to Renardsruses [2018-07-01 02:36:02 +0000 UTC]

it's coo!! you can always contact me on insta anyways if the essays get too tedious lmao also did u notice we're speaking on your old profile's comment section that's funny

uhrejkd how do people background daz wild. like no,,,, my background,,, is a blob of colour

ooo yeah no that's nice!! i'd love to have a close-knit friend group again but we've kinda drifted sob
ew sounds gross?? here sororities are more like,,, paying for friends ngl.
oh hey it's nice you know you wanna stay where you are tho!! i hav no idea what im gonna do

ooo i had to look those places up but that sounds dope? people tell you you have 'time to figure it out' but tbh yo like 2 years aint nothing im already stressed about future schools n stuff u feel me

wow what an amaze teach

i mean hey it's nice you still workout during school tho!! i didn't whoops

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Renardsruses In reply to kitteani [2018-07-01 02:43:24 +0000 UTC]

Will do!! The essay is classic tho ngl. I did actually, it’s pretty gr8 tbh

Sometimes I do them but usually?? No thank u I am good. same,, it’s a blob of color with a value shift and that’s it I’ve had it.

Tru,, like I said I have like one good fren. And then ‘uni’ friends I.e friends you see at uni and keep up with via social media. But. omg they are, a junior was tellin’ me how someone slipped a roofie in their drink VERY slickly too like,, the people that do it are good at it. Here it’s just a toxic environment, like why would you wanna risk getting roofies put in your drink ?? That can put you in a bad situation so quickly if you’re alone. I’m glad they’re more tame in Canada. as far as I know! I mean I could see myself moving a state or so away? It just depends on how the job market is I guess.

I don’t have it entirely figured out yet, despite being a person who has their classes lowkey planned out for the semester after next. I KNOW DUDE UGH ME TOO relate x1000. I literally get stressed when I think about it and it’s not even here yet.

He’s gr8

I try to! I’ve had to miss sometimes tho trust me.

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kitteani In reply to Renardsruses [2018-07-01 04:13:09 +0000 UTC]

ye for real
ugh ew ew ew scary as fuck????????? awful. that kinda reputation is why im hesitating to join one even tho the ones here are fine /:

that's true!! do you know what kind of job you'd like to have?

yeah idk??? ugh just talking about it now stresses me out hnfj

do u workout at home or at a gym??

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Renardsruses In reply to kitteani [2018-07-01 04:39:54 +0000 UTC]

It’s terrible!! If you do join make friends,, that way you can have a buddy if things get out of hand. Over here it’s just,, it’s just gross and pretty much all I’ve seen people do is get drunk so?? But if they’re better in Canada then hopefully it won’t be terrible. my school has an art fraternity, but I don’t think it’s like an ACTUAL fraternity per say,, like not the extreme kind anyway.

hopefully something along the lines of illustration and/or concept art? I know for sure I’d love to do illustration. I was initially planning on graphics but since the teacher here sucks, y’know. I don’t want to design anyway, I respect the hell outta graphics majors but it’s just not my cup of tea. There are some classes I have to take tho, like typography and motion graphics. The more programs you know for digital art, the better, because from what I’ve been researching it can be a pretty good field given you know your stuff.

Same. Like it’s exciting to think about but at the same time?? I’ll likely have to move and there’s gonna be stress abt finding an apartment and all that stuff ugh.

I work out at home actually!!. I worked out in a gym during my first two years of high school, but after a while it just became more convenient to work out at home.

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kitteani In reply to Renardsruses [2018-07-01 21:52:59 +0000 UTC]

oh yikes yikes. still dont wanna be attached to that kinda reputation tho
art frat sounds fun tbh

what do people with design majors do? tbh it sounds fun imo
yooo those classes sound cool
all those classes sound cool lemme join u

o nice do you own your own weights n stuff?
my apartment has a tiiiiny gym with a couple of cardio machines and weights which is nice but i only rlly go to do one exercise since i can do most of mine with resistance bands which i own

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Renardsruses In reply to kitteani [2018-07-03 23:26:37 +0000 UTC]

I don’t blame you tbh
I mean from what I’ve heard it sounds fun but at the same time it’s like,, NERVES

Logo designs, web design, motion graphics. There’s a lot to be done with it I think, I’m not entirely privy to everything they can do.

my parents have had weights for years so I use those! Just a few dumbbells and a bar for working chest and doing squats. also cool!! Resistance bands seem cool, I’ve never actually used them

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kitteani In reply to Renardsruses [2018-07-05 05:26:20 +0000 UTC]

aw have you checked it out tho?? sometimes the hardest step is the first one //ok enough cheese

aaa okay i see!

ooh nice!

resistance bands are cool but really enoughing when they're not the best quality bc they just roll up on you mid workout and dig into your skin hbefnkjds

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thegreyzen [2017-04-25 03:39:01 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot for the fav! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Earth-Hart [2016-11-21 08:00:26 +0000 UTC]

Thank'ee kindly, m'deer for the favour you's granted me work
It's muchly appreciated

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

JetTheKnight [2016-10-23 16:22:22 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CajunMutt In reply to JetTheKnight [2016-10-23 23:41:19 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

JetTheKnight In reply to CajunMutt [2016-10-25 18:33:56 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DamaiMikaz [2016-05-29 03:22:57 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for adding Sketchdump May 2016 [Perspective 1] to your collections. I'm happy that you like the piece

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Awai-chan [2016-05-01 03:52:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the my dear~!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

OriginalityAce [2016-04-18 05:24:33 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the fav

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Lewanei [2016-02-12 11:56:16 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fav ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Placi1 [2016-01-22 16:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the fave!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

DoctorToxin [2015-12-30 18:56:49 +0000 UTC]

thx for the badge ^^.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CajunMutt In reply to DoctorToxin [2015-12-30 19:42:04 +0000 UTC]

Not a problem! B)

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dracohazart [2015-12-08 15:22:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kitdani [2015-12-05 03:17:59 +0000 UTC]

psst jazzypants it's dani ( asp3r )
i made a new account bc i think imma start taking art more seriously : p

my user is a combo of kittens and dani
how original

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CajunMutt In reply to kitdani [2015-12-05 04:37:51 +0000 UTC]

Ye! That's great mang B)
I've missed seeing yo arts

also dude 
I think it's hecka cute
tbh my username is
a combination of my ethnicity 
and a nickname I somehow got irl (mutt)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kitdani In reply to CajunMutt [2015-12-05 04:47:57 +0000 UTC]

thank dude i can't wait till finals are over and i can DRAW

omg thanks

wait do u speak french

also what kind of friend calls u "mutt" lmao

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CajunMutt In reply to kitdani [2015-12-05 05:10:33 +0000 UTC]

Aye I can't wait to see mang B)

I really wish I did. I know 

a few phrases and some random words, 

but that's about it. There aren't many 

who speak Cajun-French except 

for the old people and sadly the dialect is slowly dying. 

That is a good question hAHA

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kitdani In reply to CajunMutt [2015-12-05 05:43:07 +0000 UTC]

ohhh i thought cajun ppl spoke french o: well nice to know tho
i speak french lmao (very badly, but it's something)

btw do u have tumblr? like a personal one / art blog one? o:

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CajunMutt In reply to kitdani [2015-12-05 14:57:48 +0000 UTC]

We speak Cajun-French but it's not as prevalent as it used to be. My grandpa can speak it fluently, but my dad cannot.
The dialect is kinda dying out because the older generations didn't teach their kids French. I'm sure there's a handful, but the only time I hear it spoken is from elderly.

We use a handful of words from the dialect in everyday
speech, there's just not as many who can speak fluently
Mais oui (we pronounce oui as 'weh' instead of 'wee')
we use 'mais' a lot as in 'Mais, he should've gone fishing!'
Cooyon (village idiot/idiot)
Shah/Sha (instead of cher)
Pauve bett (poor thing) 
Chu (a**) 
I know more but I don't trust
myself in spelling them correctly hAHA.


Also I don't, I never got around to making one.
I'll probably make one in like 1000 years or so rofl


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kitdani In reply to CajunMutt [2015-12-05 17:19:05 +0000 UTC]

wo why didnt they teach them? o: 
(sorry lmao i love history)


you know quebec? I live there and im essentially surrounded by french quebec accents and i just really, really, dont like them

my accent in french is like a mix of a french from france one with english (mostly english)
(its really ugly)

and aww ok dude tell me if you ever do tho!!

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CajunMutt In reply to kitdani [2015-12-06 03:33:31 +0000 UTC]

Well what I say isn't necessarily fact rofl
it's just what I've observed over the years
I heard some elderly people speaking
Cajun-French in the store the other day it was so cUTE
In school kids weren't allowed to talk French, so maybe
thats why the older generations didn't teach them. 

Rofl Why don't you like them?
Yeah see I suck at French horribly
I suck at pronounciation and accents 
I'm pretty good at German tho

of course dude!! Also any other website
I make an account will be put on my profile B)

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