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| Godsgirl4444

Godsgirl4444 [27017444] [] "Sinner saved by grace"

# Statistics

Favourites: 676; Deviations: 44; Watchers: 42

Watching: 150; Pageviews: 15179; Comments Made: 1703; Friends: 150

# Comments

Comments: 310

Kalinka-Shadows [2016-08-30 19:58:41 +0000 UTC]

Looking for Zelda fan artists who take requests.

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Kalinka-Shadows [2016-08-31 22:07:59 +0000 UTC]

Love the zelda games but I'm super busy, thank you for asking but I don't really take requests. ^_^ 

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Kalinka-Shadows In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-08-31 23:15:52 +0000 UTC]


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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Kalinka-Shadows [2016-08-31 23:43:39 +0000 UTC]

Sorry. *pats* 

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Kalinka-Shadows In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-09-01 00:16:57 +0000 UTC]


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jj48bf [2016-08-28 14:15:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much for the Llama and favorite on Mel. Hope your day is full of fun and happiness. 

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to jj48bf [2016-08-31 22:09:31 +0000 UTC]

No problem! Keep drawing. You're doing a great job. ^_^ Have a wonderful day as well.  

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Makosharkman [2016-08-23 21:39:10 +0000 UTC]

what did you think of my Character Ryan?

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Makosharkman [2016-08-31 22:10:31 +0000 UTC]

He was from the Pillow story, wasn't he? He seemed nice. 

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Makosharkman In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-08-31 22:12:14 +0000 UTC]

Blanket story it was Blanket People who kidnap him.

do you need me to tell you the story again?

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Makosharkman [2016-09-02 22:59:09 +0000 UTC]

Oh right. 
No that's okay, I remember it pretty well I think. 

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Makosharkman In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-09-03 12:49:15 +0000 UTC]

well just in case.

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Stardust193 [2016-06-23 20:41:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Stardust193 [2016-06-26 22:05:03 +0000 UTC]

No problem at all. ^_^

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xafright [2016-06-12 03:25:15 +0000 UTC]

Hiya tysm for the watch  

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to xafright [2016-06-20 18:09:23 +0000 UTC]

No problem.  

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RavenWing02 [2016-06-11 00:06:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the llama! Also, I love your art!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to RavenWing02 [2016-06-11 01:14:00 +0000 UTC]

No problem and thank you very much! Also, welcome to DA! 😁

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RavenWing02 In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-06-11 15:52:25 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Astral-Chan [2016-05-20 20:02:16 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch~!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Astral-Chan [2016-05-27 22:57:43 +0000 UTC]

And thank you for the watch!!! <3

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Astral-Chan In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-05-28 10:15:16 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome~!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Astral-Chan [2016-05-23 17:44:26 +0000 UTC]

No problem.  

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sugachi [2016-05-05 21:20:46 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the watch <3

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to sugachi [2016-05-06 17:04:57 +0000 UTC]

No problem. ^_^

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Tateishi3000 [2016-03-28 17:26:01 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the Llama !!!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Tateishi3000 [2016-03-29 19:06:04 +0000 UTC]

Hey, no problem.  

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Lady-Zelda-of-Hyrule [2016-03-21 19:04:13 +0000 UTC]

Heyyy! I'm super sorry this is so late, my inbox has gotten the better of me. D:

But thank you so much for the watch! Looking at earlier comments it was your birthday recently? I hope you had a good one!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Lady-Zelda-of-Hyrule [2016-03-23 19:22:53 +0000 UTC]

Na no need to apologize. 

You're welcome and thank you for your watch!
Yes, Saturday. ^_^ It was really great, thank you! 

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VexFox [2016-03-20 01:35:32 +0000 UTC]

Happy birthday! I hope it's a good one!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to VexFox [2016-03-20 19:05:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! It was an amazing day. ^_^

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Suchacommotion [2016-03-19 21:13:38 +0000 UTC]



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Godsgirl4444 In reply to Suchacommotion [2016-03-20 19:06:28 +0000 UTC]


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Suchacommotion In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-05-31 03:08:09 +0000 UTC]


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valwyrie [2016-03-19 12:07:07 +0000 UTC]

Happy Birthday!!!!! have a day as great as you are!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to valwyrie [2016-03-19 13:33:10 +0000 UTC]

*tackles* Thank you Val!!! <3 I'm sure I'll hopefully have a good day. I'm going out with my bro and his wife, and then later tonight a group of friends and I are going to see Zootopia. I'm told it's really good so I'm looking forward to it. Other than that idk what's planned. But so far the day has been great. <3  

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valwyrie In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-03-19 16:39:21 +0000 UTC]

*tackles back* you're welcome!!! <333 have tons of fun, that's an order! i hope you get whatever presents you asked for! :3 
i haven't seen Zootopia either but maybelletea's seen it and has been raving about it on her twitter so i'm sure it's good XD my mom actually wants to go see it (if she does i will have lots of opportunities to make jokes about it because one of the characters shares her name) so i may end up seeing it sometime, i dunno. tell me what you thought of it please! uwu
i hope you get lots of cat love and magical fairy blessings and great cake and whatnot!

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to valwyrie [2016-03-20 19:10:37 +0000 UTC]

It was a really good birthday and I had a lot of fun. ^_^ It was a really cute and fun movie. I really enjoyed it and am happy I got to see it.  
Tell me what you thought about it if/when you do. (lol milk it for all it's worth then. )
I seriously had the most sugary cake tho. Like, it was chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, Kit-Kats for walls and Whoppers all over the top. with a side of cookie's n' cream ice cream and it was amazing.

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valwyrie In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-03-20 21:22:44 +0000 UTC]

awesome! so glad you had fun!
you're welcome again <3
oh wow, definitely sounds sugary pfffft. i wouldn't be able to handle that but i'm happy you enjoyed it! :3

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DaisyDaling [2016-02-28 17:10:32 +0000 UTC]

Great Galery!Please check mine out if you want :

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KaidokJ [2016-02-17 07:38:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the fav on Like a crimson tornado, he moseyed on into town...

He is, the Scarlet Bandito. I know because we did some work experience together back in the day. It was part of a notorious outlaw gang renowned for their bloodthirsty approach to Monopoly, and their ruthlessness when dealing with animal cruelty. Plus they also robbed banks. At first I thought my guidance counselor had made a mistake, but after we hit three towns in two days, I started to understand what he wanted to me to learn from this placement. Here was a group of individuals that focused their ‘can do’ attitude and natural people skills into a successful money making operation. The skills I learned from Hell’s Demonic Outcasts still serve me today. So put the money in the bag and nobody gets hurt.

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KaidokJ [2016-02-15 14:27:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the llama 

I had a llama once. His name was Kevin, but for reasons I will never understand, would only answer to Albert. After hours of bittersweet brotherhood, we finally parted ways over the subject of spitting. He seemed to feel as though I should stop and that was never going to happen. We might haven't overcome that issue, if it weren't for the overly competitive nature of llamas in general. Endless stench competitions, numerous belching contests, and one afternoon spent figuring out which one was hairier, it became obvious that that Kevin just couldn’t take losing. So he snuck out, taking with him a doomed friendship, an overwhelming dread for the future, and my bloody toothbrush. Now that he is gone, I'd probably say it's for the best. He was too much of a chick magnet anyway and who needs that drama? 

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KaidokJ [2016-02-12 22:21:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for choosing AbsurdAir, your captain for this flight is KaidokJ . He has no license, can’t see well and is easily distracted so there’s good chance we’ll never make our destination. But since this whole flight metaphor is just a weak attempt at a humorous anecdote, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem. Ah damn, I crashed through the 4th wall.

Anyway, thanks for the watch,

I’m sure you regret your choice by now, considering this madness is basically what you signed up for, but since all tickets are non-refundable, welcome to Crazytown. Quarantine measures come into effect upon arrival.  

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to KaidokJ [2016-02-15 14:05:56 +0000 UTC]

Lol okay, so that has got to be the best "thanks for the watch" comment I've ever gotten. XD you deserve a llama. I'd give you two but it would seem that's not a thing DA lets ya do. But here's one. Her name is Codillia LePoof and she secretly dreams of being a unicorn. *gives* 

Anyway, I already enjoy your art and look forward to seeing more. ^_^ 

God bless! 

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KaidokJ In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-02-16 04:29:31 +0000 UTC]

Well I'm glad you liked the unofficial welcome. The official welcome wagon is in the shop so I had to improvise with a plane metaphor.
I already sent you the standard llama boiler plate but because I'm a bit late in this reply, another thank you is in order. So thanks.
Right, next time.
I seemed to have received a one, Codillia LePoof, records indicate she came from you. Very nice. Unicorn aspirations, very ambitious isn't she. Well, I think I can find a spot for her. I'll get her settled into the single horned equine advancement program for you, no trouble.
Last item, oh yes. Art appreciation.
Thanks for the kind words. I've been posting daily for over a month and hopefully I can continue the trend, so there should be plenty of new stuff to check out soon. But that's just half the fun.

I have been doing a thing with fav replies that seems to be going over well, so in most cases (mainly for newer pieces), a fav will get you a free crazy story.
This is less pressure tactics and more an extra selling point. Puts butts in seats, so to speak. So fav or no, it’s entirely up to you. The only reason I bring it up is I like sharing my madness, and people seem to like it too.
I hope you enjoy your stay.
End Transmission.

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SilverBirdWings [2016-01-31 20:03:15 +0000 UTC]

Are your commissions or collabs open?

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Godsgirl4444 In reply to SilverBirdWings [2016-02-01 02:59:04 +0000 UTC]

I've been thinking about it and I think I might open commissions soon. I can probably do a collab though. Are you wanting to do one?  

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SilverBirdWings In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-02-01 02:59:47 +0000 UTC]


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Godsgirl4444 In reply to SilverBirdWings [2016-02-01 15:37:51 +0000 UTC]

Okay, cool.  
What kind of thing would you like to do, do you have something in mind already?  

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SilverBirdWings In reply to Godsgirl4444 [2016-02-01 15:57:22 +0000 UTC]

I was thinking something fun, or meefolk, or silly could even be something cute, im all up for anything^^

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