Zyphyris — Special Villains

#delibird #mato #pokemon #maskofice #pokemonadventuresmanga #masked_man #mask_of_ice #lancepokespe #giovannipokespe #giovanni_pokespe #beedrill #dragonite #giovanni #lance #maskedman #pocketmonsters #pokemonadventures #pokemonfanart #pokemonspecial #pocketmonstersspecial #pokemonmanga #pokespe #lance_pokespe
Published: 2021-07-18 04:39:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 1270; Favourites: 15; Downloads: 0
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Description Always wanted to see more fan art of the villains from Pokemon Special/Adventures so I decided to draw the first few. I'd already drawn the Mask of Ice before, and technically Giovanni as well, but this was my first time attempting the Adventures incarnation of Lance beyond some sketches. I actually ended up having to redraw him and Dragonite (who I heavily based on Mato's design) and I think it came out pretty great. I think the toughest part about this piece was surprisingly not the Mask of Ice's hand, but having to shade Beedrill's left stinger. I'd never drawn a cone shape from a top view for a digital piece and I had no idea how to shade it, so that part was certainly a challenge for me. Overall I like how this came out though!
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