zoryanny — My Hand Slipped-

#baris #bellydancer #male #oc #sexy #ineedadoctor #ugggghhhhh #originalcharacter
Published: 2015-10-27 05:41:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1015; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 10
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Description BARIȘ STOP
someone get a doctor for SnowyGriffon  
and me too pls
goodbye world
Bariş is too much to handle

Oh hey if anyone wants a sketch of an OC sort of like this (meaning shirtless) let me know cos I need to practice more anatomy ;3;
And gender, any body type ;;v;;
but since it's sort of realism, I'm gonna need a good idea of how the character would look irl
Also human/humanoids only-
oooo got three I'm gonna work on in the next couple of days
I probably should have mentioned I would have drawn female characters too, whoops!

referenced John Kenney for the pose ;v;
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Comments: 43

enzoshoe [2016-07-04 03:20:32 +0000 UTC]

like the light & dark, colors, head, composition, well

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zoryanny In reply to enzoshoe [2016-07-23 04:58:53 +0000 UTC]

thanks! ^^

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KizzyAnel [2015-11-02 05:51:13 +0000 UTC]

Like the sketchy sketchy and the nudey nudey XD

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zoryanny In reply to KizzyAnel [2015-11-02 09:27:15 +0000 UTC]

hehe thanks! ^^

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NinaWolverina [2015-10-27 19:33:13 +0000 UTC]

DUDE DO PERCY. O_O pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease

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zoryanny In reply to NinaWolverina [2015-10-27 20:16:50 +0000 UTC]

Ahhh I have four to work on already ;3;
But once I'm done with those I will let you know!

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NinaWolverina In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-28 02:54:01 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha, no worries. XD I posted the comment and then I was like 'wow, a lot of people have commented here!' but I was too lazy to change my comment to be less whiny. XD don't worry about me, it was just a suggestion!

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zoryanny In reply to NinaWolverina [2015-10-28 04:32:29 +0000 UTC]

Holy cow I didn't even realise it was that many o-o

but ahhh seriously
if you still want one in the future once I have these other project cleared up, then let me know ;v;
Cos Percy is wonderful ahhh

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MercWithTheMeth [2015-10-27 18:58:53 +0000 UTC]

holy aksjndmjkcnsdadnfmjk
and all the comments on this one as well
did this drawing just give you more exposure? i think it did o u   o
it's so good, holy shot, the anatomy is oN POINT JFC.

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zoryanny In reply to MercWithTheMeth [2015-10-27 20:16:13 +0000 UTC]


Actually it's just the usual babs commenting :'>
Except for one ^o^
But I really love commentsfrom anyone ahhh and I'm glad to see people like it x'3

Ahhh thank you ;v;

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MercWithTheMeth In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 20:29:08 +0000 UTC]

ah, i see .////.
of course, bab! You're welcome! ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

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Baykuge [2015-10-27 12:10:03 +0000 UTC]

such a gorgeous gorgeous kiddo aaaaaaa //////3///// (swoon swoon)

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zoryanny In reply to Baykuge [2015-10-27 14:44:55 +0000 UTC]

ahhhh thank you bb /)v(\
it means a lot ahhhhhh <3

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greiyuu [2015-10-27 11:42:14 +0000 UTC]


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zoryanny In reply to greiyuu [2015-10-27 14:44:25 +0000 UTC]

//sends you a doctor as well

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Nocty-Nocturnus [2015-10-27 11:06:37 +0000 UTC]

Your hand slipped very well, my dear    
Draw mah Raakiel I BEG YOU        

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zoryanny In reply to Nocty-Nocturnus [2015-10-27 14:44:02 +0000 UTC]

huhu thatnk you ;o;

oh gosh senpai is asking me for arts hhhnnng
Raakiel is beautiful ahhhh
How tall is he? Also, he's more on the thin side, yes?

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Nocty-Nocturnus In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 16:07:10 +0000 UTC]

I am your senpai? Nuuuu it can't be! I am honored!  
Yesh, he is on the really thin side x3 He has long, botiful legs, which he really like to show to the world. You can see him naked here: raakiel.deviantart.com/art/Big… Ohohoh  

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zoryanny In reply to Nocty-Nocturnus [2015-10-27 16:14:31 +0000 UTC]

yes you are senpai; just look at those babs
look at that art hnnng
I still swoon over Isaac ugggghghggh
I'd happily die in all of his arms //laughs

These guys and their long legs! Idk about Isaac's arms, those long legs may be the death of me!
Any particular pose you would like? 'v'

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Nocty-Nocturnus In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 16:21:08 +0000 UTC]

Isaac: *hugs with all of his arms* :> Don't ya dare die on me

Isaac is a little bit easier to draw because of fact, that he have a reference. Raakiel didn't have it ;_;
I dunno. Feel free here

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zoryanny In reply to Nocty-Nocturnus [2015-10-27 16:30:05 +0000 UTC]

life is complete-

for me Raakiel would definitely be easier to draw
because Isaac is massive!
not to mention the extra set of arms would make for an interesting challenge
hhhh depending on how quickly I get Raakiel and 2/3 requests done
I may take a crack at Isaac too ;3;

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Nocty-Nocturnus In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 19:11:42 +0000 UTC]

Awwwww yisss <33333 I can't wait to see them in your style!

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Bitterfli101 [2015-10-27 07:47:38 +0000 UTC]

.//o//. -dead-

Since you want to practice different body types, maybe you could draw my bab Rudy ;w; His long bony body would be a challenge hahaa ^^

I was also contemplating doing a realistic portrait of my babs at some point :'> It seems like a fun idea, thinking of what they'd look like as real people

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zoryanny In reply to Bitterfli101 [2015-10-27 14:39:10 +0000 UTC]

;o; hhhhhhh I can't say no to that
hm hm might be a good excuse to draw backs as well
I remember you said he was sort of based off of someone o:
mind linking me? Mainly just as a face claim. Or like...if certain features are different, can you write it out like the appearance section is on here ? Mainly eyes and nose are the big points //nods
sorry it's asking a lot;;
it's just that the more info that I have, the better I can draw him x'3
also how much did he weigh again?

It's a lot of fun drawing them like this ;v;
Over the years of making babs, I've wanted more and more to make them as realistic as possible
Which is probably why I have voice claims for a few of them;;;

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Bitterfli101 In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 18:30:40 +0000 UTC]

Aw yayyy C':
Yess I did ^^ His looks are definitely inspired by one of my favorite British actors Colin Morgan i.imgur.com/sbKDUbM.png
As for differences in appearance... Colin is lanky but he isn't "skinny" per say. He's got some muscle X'3 So I found another ref for a good representation of Rudy's body type (and since you might want to draw a back ((heuheu)) this reference is pretty slammin') i.imgur.com/cuM8Lej.png
Or a front view would be similar to this guy i.imgur.com/b4JpwDt.png
If I had to describe his body type with words it'd be long, skinny but not emaciated, no real muscle definition, bony elbows/collarbone/hipbone, legs more closely similar to a girl's due to lack of muscle definition.
Rudy only weighs 120 lbs naturally :'> Of course, while he wasn't able to keep down the food for a year, at the moment he's closer to 110 or lower
Oh, as for Rudy's nose and eyes! Rudy's nose is pretty thin as well haha X3 He has a decently long bridge and his nostrils aren't very wide. The tip of his nose is pretty rounded. As for his eyes, they're similar to Colin's not only for being blue but also for the shape. His eyes are quite round and the inner corners are slightly tilted towards his nose while the outside corners slant slightly upwards. Rudy's face is quite simply summed up like this: High cheekbones, rounded jaw, large eyes, long/slender nose, and a small-ish mouth.

I bet haha ^^ And I don't blame you :'> Whenever I wrote a book about a guy joining a band and trying to make it big, I envisioned what the whole band would sound like ^^

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zoryanny In reply to Bitterfli101 [2015-10-27 20:44:33 +0000 UTC]

Ahhhh that guy is gorgeous no wonder Rudy is such a darn looker
And that blue- so blueeeee
I think I may use the back pic as reference eeeee

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Bitterfli101 In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 21:06:36 +0000 UTC]

Isn't he? *w* I swear Colin is the son of Benedict Cumberbatch! Just the spitting image!
Yesss haha
Yeeee ^^ I can't wait!!

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zoryanny In reply to Bitterfli101 [2015-10-27 21:26:49 +0000 UTC]

He does favour him a lot! Just not quite as strange looking ahaha

I think I'll work on him first since the others are pretty average male body types x'3

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Bitterfli101 In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 21:55:38 +0000 UTC]

Haha XD

Ooh yay ;w; Eeee

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SnowyGriffon [2015-10-27 06:27:16 +0000 UTC]




Internal Kiran:   

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zoryanny In reply to SnowyGriffon [2015-10-27 06:48:50 +0000 UTC]


my hand slipped again-
I feel a specific reaction gif is required for all these Baris moments


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SnowyGriffon In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 06:54:30 +0000 UTC]

Just look at those abs. Mmm!

They're so hard they could cut diamonds. *dead*

Pfft, hehehehe, that gif is too perfect for words. 

Stop being so hot Bariş! Poor Kiran will melt...>w< 

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zoryanny In reply to SnowyGriffon [2015-10-27 06:59:30 +0000 UTC]

ikr?? He's the only character I have that I can just chisel away *w*
but ugggghhh my biggest weakness are those arms
I'd die just from a hug, shirtless or not-


fire and ice puns-

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SnowyGriffon In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 07:15:15 +0000 UTC]

All those muscles, and yet Kiran is still stronger than him....X3

I honestly wouldn't mind that. Like I said, death by sexy Turkish godlike man is an awesome way to go. >w<

Looks like it's time to add more puns to our list.
First dragons, now elements; we're on a roll.   

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zoryanny In reply to SnowyGriffon [2015-10-27 07:37:48 +0000 UTC]

I'm questioning myself as to why I haven't drawn some ridiculous comic thing of Kiran being stronger than Baris

Even though Baris hasn't seen much of a display of that strength
I have a feeling he knows and just won't admit it ehehe
but he is a dummy and sometimes completely disconnects Kiran's human form from his true self so maybe he doesn't really know x'D
though when he does see it-

oh gosh what if he first sees it when Kiran's hormonal
I just imagine Kiran picking him up like-

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SnowyGriffon In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 07:55:05 +0000 UTC]

Lol, he probably doesn't know, that big lug-head. X3


Almost died again from laughing. X'D

Poor Baris might have a heartattack if Kiran were to suddenly pick him up and drag him away saying:
"You. Me. Bedroom. NOW."  

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zoryanny In reply to SnowyGriffon [2015-10-27 16:15:52 +0000 UTC]


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SnowyGriffon In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 19:44:39 +0000 UTC]

*takes this and runs away with it* MINE.

Pfft, ohgodthis....This.
The fact that you put the elves in a tree... X3

These guys...ugh....

Btw, looks like you're starting to get a bit more attention~ 

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zoryanny In reply to SnowyGriffon [2015-10-27 20:18:28 +0000 UTC]

Bahaha I just had to-
I love them so much ahhhh

Hehe someone else said that
But it's the usual babs commenting x'3
Regardless though! I love talking to everyone ;v;

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SnowyGriffon In reply to zoryanny [2015-10-27 23:35:01 +0000 UTC]

Ah, okay. Well, you'll get new people soon. ^-^

With smexilicious work like this, it's inevitable. X3  

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zoryanny In reply to SnowyGriffon [2015-10-28 00:02:52 +0000 UTC]

Hehe well I've been getting new watchers slowly x'3 
But they are mostly quiet
I don't mind though! I'm glad to know they've stopped by!

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Zoe-Underland [2015-10-27 05:53:06 +0000 UTC]

ohhh pretty art <3
Do we comment here for the sketch thing or note you? since i have male who i'd love to get hooman art of from you xD

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zoryanny In reply to Zoe-Underland [2015-10-27 06:13:46 +0000 UTC]


It will probably be best to note me ^^
I'll need a reference for sure
And if you have a face or body claim and a pose in mind that would be super helpful too c':

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