#dinosaurmonster #dinosaurkaiju #dinosaurcreature #creature #creaturedesign #daikaiju #kaiju #monster #monsterart #monsterdesign #creatureconcept #monsterconcept #kaijumonster #kaijuconcept
Published: 2020-02-19 23:22:39 +0000 UTC; Views: 1050; Favourites: 55; Downloads: 1
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Name: Gikora
Japanese Form: Gikora ギコラ
Title: Ancient Fire Monster
Kaiju Designation: DK04
Kaiju Type: Saurian
Kaiju Class: DaiKaiju
Height: 50 meters
Length: 100 meters
Weight: 20,000 metric tons
Heat Ray: An extreme wave of red and orange heated plasma shot from the mouth. This ray being plasma has weight can be used to block other energy weapons and knock over other kaiju.
Heated Spines and Claws: The plasma used for the heat ray can be diverted to the claws and spines to cut through objects.
Plasma Pulse: A wave of heated plasma that erupts from Gikora in a 4-dimensional wave. Like the Heat Ray can knock over kaiju and block attacks
Other Abilities
A giant reptile monster, Gikora was earth’s first kaiju however was the fourth to be encountered by RAC personal. Not too large or small and displaying abilites which seem almost conventional for a creature of this size. Its appearance is in keeping with many kaiju of Oduduan’s pre-unification history. Its first appearance indicated that it preferred to live in dense forest that allowed it move about unknown by humans, save for a few encounters that tend to turn up no evidence. Since the limited human movement due to the Oduduan government keeping its citizens clustered to their cities to restore wild life has allowed these large reptiles to spread without consequence.
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Comments: 13
rexyrex2018 [2020-06-26 23:44:54 +0000 UTC]
This looks pretty cool I think the spikes are a bit out of place but overall pretty cool
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Zimzilla99 In reply to Gojilion91 [2020-02-20 01:47:15 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Zimzilla99 In reply to Lagiacrus4444 [2020-02-20 00:56:22 +0000 UTC]
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Zimzilla99 In reply to Kiciaukens [2020-02-19 23:55:52 +0000 UTC]
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