Zimzilla99 β€” Cactocauda

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Published: 2024-03-19 15:54:08 +0000 UTC; Views: 1664; Favourites: 31; Downloads: 0
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Cactocauda, (Cactus-tail) A sprawling reptile most commonly found in rainforest and desert instances. Possessing large spines that run along the tail, giving the animal its distinct cactus-like appearance. Their sturdy nature allows for it to be used as a defensive mechanism. Superficially closer in appearance to lizards, they behave in much a similar manner. Often seen basking in the sun for short periods of time, their bodies size allowing for easier heat retention. Being larger than an elephant in size, length, and weight these creatures should not be underestimated.

Their sluggish nature conceals a belligerence, though this is more prominent in lone individuals. Indeed, these creatures travel in loosely organized groups known as mobs. Usually consisting of about 3 to 6 members, this collaborative activity allows for better grazing and protection. When threatened, the small thrills on the side on their head; termed ears will produce a loud popping sound combined with their low rumbles. If intimidation does not work their aforementioned tails will be employed. Like true Iguanas, their tail whips can ward off adversaries. It has been witnessed that the force of these strike can snap the tusks of elephants. Up armored vehicles are preferred for capture and relocation. And their nasal horn’s broad shape and sharp point can gore just as easily as a rhino or cape buffalo.

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TheHorizontalHorror [2024-03-19 19:51:37 +0000 UTC]

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Zimzilla99 In reply to TheHorizontalHorror [2024-03-19 20:44:53 +0000 UTC]

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