Zephyros-Phoenix — Jack and the Egyptian Gods

#obelisk #ra #slifer #sonicthehedgehog #yugioh #yugiohduelmonsters #teambloodlines #yugioharcv #egyptiangods #obeliskthetormentor #slifertheskydragon #wingeddragonofra
Published: 2015-11-29 08:20:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 5791; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 0
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Hailing from the Standard Dimension, Jack was one of the few from his home that was aware of the interdimensional war that Duel Academy was waging. Ever the hero, Jack could not sit back and let this happen. He loaded up his cards, acquired a mode of transport and set out as a one man army to stop them. Along the way, he found another small group who were fighting the Academy's army; Zac, Jonell, and Melissa. While his eagerness for adventure can often land Jack deep in trouble, his heart is in the right place. He has sworn to stop Duel Academy without sacrificing his morals and now he has his new friends to support him. Jack eventually finds that the Egyptian Gods will lend him their power to destroy the forces of darkness. But how is Jack able to control their nearly unlimited power when all others who have tried perished? It is a mystery that Jack must discover for himself.

3 of 5. Jack gets the Egyptian God cards and man, were they a challenge. I had the composition in mind right away, with Obelisk in the back... which is definitely a manifestation of my favoring of Ra and Slifer. That's not to say I hate Obelisk, I just happen to like Ra and Slifer more than Obelisk, a notion Jack himself happens to share with me, so he didn't mind that XD I'm actually rather proud of how Ra turned out since the Gods are all freehanded XD. I knew I wanted to keep the black shading with Ra since it's a fairly unique part of his design, I feel. Plus, I looked at it without the black and it just didn't look as good XD 

As for Jack, his design contains references to every preceding Yugioh protagonist (excluding Yuya). The Millenium Eye for Yugi, the Elemental Hero emblem for Jaden, a facial tattoo for Yusei... in the shape of the Emperor's Key for Yuma lol

Jack McGee the Wildcat - Jack McGee
Yugioh - Kazuki Takahashi
Yugioh Arc-V - Nihon Ad Systems and Studio Gallop

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Comments: 8

LimeLion24 [2018-08-28 17:38:30 +0000 UTC]

I bet with the Gods fighting with him, he can defeat Z-arc. The ending to Arc-v was kind disappointing to me a little bit. What's your opinion on it?

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Zephyros-Phoenix In reply to LimeLion24 [2018-08-28 17:58:39 +0000 UTC]

It was definitely... odd. I personally wasn’t a fan of how all the counterparts were fused into Yuya and Yuzu respectively. I feel like they all at least had their own personalities and relationships with their respective partners, specifically Yuto and Ruri and Yugo and Rin.

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BlackAce5ds [2017-02-23 07:41:43 +0000 UTC]

What kind of deck does Jack use?

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Powershade117 In reply to BlackAce5ds [2017-11-17 05:21:17 +0000 UTC]

We've been throwing ideas around, but I think that he's settled on using a Gravekeeper's Deck

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dcaldwell101 [2015-11-29 13:35:57 +0000 UTC]

Seeing Slifer with two mouths still weirds me out

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gordhanx [2015-11-29 09:26:09 +0000 UTC]

AWESOME! Really great, to see you draw the four Egyptian gods. Plus really nice job, with the details and pose of Jack.

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Powershade117 [2015-11-29 09:10:14 +0000 UTC]

I can't even imagine how challenging this one was for you. Just...WOW. Colors and details are spot on.

I always thought that Jack looked best in clothing with some color to it. Helps to differentiate it from his grey fur. And his clothing is kinda like the symbols he wears. None of the are from shows that should really mesh, and yet it meshes together well. The description provided really match with the pose too; very energetic and optimistic. Those are the vibes I am getting from this character. However, and I might be profiling here a bit, but the tattoo also gives the impression that this character has an edge to him. Like, he seems like a nice guy, but a nice guy who has seen some rough stuff in his adventures...and all of that from a tattoo. Another amusing thing to note, the way that eye is positioned almost gives the impression that it is peeking out from under his jacket. Makes me wonder if the eye can see me .

Nothing really overpowers the other in terms of color. I like how you chose a red for the shirt and blue for the pants. In a way...combine that with the gold color on his duel disc, and you have Superman's colors. This sona's inspiration just so happens to be a big Superman fan, so I think it works...Not to mention you kinda have to be a kind of "super man" to use the gods. The sacred beasts are one thing, but the gods...that's a whole different ball park.

Speaking of the gods, I think your portrayal of them is great. I have all the good things in the world to say about them because they are so accurate to their card artworks, if a little simplified. What I mean by that is that there is not much display of texture. The god's skins look quite smooth, but the shading and colors are perfect. I get the feeling that you spent most of your time on Ra, as he seems the most detailed of the bunch. Obelisk's face seems to lack some features in his face, but again...not enough to really distract from the picture.

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DragonKid36 [2015-11-29 08:25:01 +0000 UTC]

Wow this is really awesome 

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