Zentagas β€” Ken Marinaris

Published: 2010-04-18 06:43:33 +0000 UTC; Views: 4166; Favourites: 168; Downloads: 282
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Description ken marinaris from zone of the enders the second runner for PS2

Un dibujo de Ken Marinaris del juego Zone of the enders 2.
Ella es uno de mis personajes favoritos y no me pude resistir a dibujarla.

Lapices de color.
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Comments: 34

gibbs615 [2017-06-22 01:52:05 +0000 UTC]

Cool Job!Β I just LOVED HER in that game!Β  She was also ANNOYING!!!Β Β 

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toppa23 [2013-01-31 19:11:05 +0000 UTC]

great game

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Zentagas In reply to toppa23 [2013-02-06 23:04:29 +0000 UTC]


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PEACETHROUGHPOWER [2012-02-19 01:46:05 +0000 UTC]

Finally, some ZOE Love, I love it! X3

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Zentagas In reply to PEACETHROUGHPOWER [2012-02-19 06:01:14 +0000 UTC]


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PEACETHROUGHPOWER In reply to Zentagas [2012-02-19 11:00:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh, sorry about that double comment btw, had no idea. XD lol And no problem. Again, sorry about that mistake there.

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stevemacqwark [2011-06-16 19:35:56 +0000 UTC]

Nice. I love Ken. (Why a guy's name?) She's so hot.

There's gonna be a HD collection of 1 and 2 on PS3 and Xbox 360 along two other collections of Silent Hill 2 and 3 and also MGS 2 and 3.

The Silent Hill HD Collection is confirmed to be getting some re-recording acting, could the same thing happen to Z.O.E.?

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SPKFROST-MaN [2011-01-01 19:15:54 +0000 UTC]


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PEACETHROUGHPOWER [2010-10-03 07:38:30 +0000 UTC]

Absolutely Beautiful indeed, I wuv it SO MUCH! X3 Long Live ZOE!

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friskies43 [2010-09-06 08:03:57 +0000 UTC]

los colores estΓ‘n muy bien acabados!

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Zentagas In reply to friskies43 [2010-09-29 07:08:54 +0000 UTC]


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FullmetalRoccia [2010-08-26 22:16:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow nice art, I love Ken!

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Dj-ErA [2010-06-15 06:33:11 +0000 UTC]

Madre mia que pedazo de dibujo, me encanta directo a favoritos, te lo has currado.

Jajajaa normal, ella tambien es uno de los mios y tambien la dibuje , pero para colorear soy nula. Felicidades

πŸ‘: 0 ⏩: 1

Zentagas In reply to Dj-ErA [2010-06-15 19:05:06 +0000 UTC]

Muchas gracias .

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Seraph6283 [2010-06-02 16:51:32 +0000 UTC]

seeing this makes me want to play ZOE2

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Maya998 [2010-05-09 16:00:38 +0000 UTC]

Wonderful to see some very well done Ken fan art.

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Zentagas In reply to Maya998 [2010-05-10 16:10:00 +0000 UTC]


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The90sDoggo [2010-05-09 02:07:02 +0000 UTC]

que bien te quedo me sorprende que solo tenga 19 favs

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Zentagas In reply to The90sDoggo [2010-05-09 15:12:15 +0000 UTC]

Gracias y si, tiene pocos favs mi galeria no es tan popular.

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The90sDoggo In reply to Zentagas [2010-05-09 21:42:09 +0000 UTC]

no te preocupes...la mia es menos todavia XD

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OkitaSouji-san [2010-05-01 02:24:54 +0000 UTC]

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Zentagas In reply to OkitaSouji-san [2010-05-01 16:01:31 +0000 UTC]


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lordevian [2010-04-19 07:32:46 +0000 UTC]

WOAH!!! esta genial!!! me encanta el coloreado^^

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Zentagas In reply to lordevian [2010-04-19 13:46:22 +0000 UTC]

Gracias le dedique un buen rato a colorear esta.

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lordevian In reply to Zentagas [2010-04-19 20:24:55 +0000 UTC]

ne imaginoxP

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ArGe [2010-04-18 23:42:16 +0000 UTC]

Que padre te quedan con esta tecnica, a mi nomas no se me da el colorear con colores de madera

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Zentagas In reply to ArGe [2010-04-18 23:49:06 +0000 UTC]

Gracias esta es la tècnica que màs se me da ,aunque tambien me gusta usar pintura acrìlica y dibujar a lapiz.
Espero pronto aprender a usar acuarela y oleo de manera decente.

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ArGe In reply to Zentagas [2010-04-22 00:22:12 +0000 UTC]

seguro q si aprenderas muy rapido! ya q el talento lo tienes

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Eniera [2010-04-18 06:45:55 +0000 UTC]

waaaauhh!!! su cabeeello me encanta, se ve tan bonito
beautiful work!!!

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Zentagas In reply to Eniera [2010-04-18 06:47:15 +0000 UTC]

Muchas gracias.

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Eniera In reply to Zentagas [2010-04-18 06:51:25 +0000 UTC]

de nada ^-^
hahaha aunque no conosco el juego Zone of the enders hehehe puff XP

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Zentagas In reply to Eniera [2010-04-18 07:06:24 +0000 UTC]

Es un juego para ps2 muy poco conocido algo corto pero bueno.
por si te interesa [link]

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Eniera In reply to Zentagas [2010-04-18 07:20:23 +0000 UTC]

wooh!!! se ve muy interesante el juego, lastima que no tengo ps2
hahaha tambien la cancion del video esta genial :3

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Zentagas In reply to Eniera [2010-04-18 07:25:33 +0000 UTC]

Si a mi me gusta ese juego porque tiene mucha accion y lo combinan con escenas de anime el unico pero es que dura muy poco.

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