Published: 2007-02-01 05:52:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 11659; Favourites: 195; Downloads: 545
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DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER #1 HERE: i1263.photobucket.com/albums/i…DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER #2 HERE: i1263.photobucket.com/albums/i…
DOWNLOAD WALLPAPER #3 HERE: i1263.photobucket.com/albums/i…
CHARACTERS: Fayt Leingod (aka. Look but no touch honeybun >_> ) and Albel Nox (aka. who ‘you calling honeybun sweet cheeks?
OWNER: Tri-ace as per usual… Lordy, it gets more depressing each time I type that… *Fangirl sob* T___T
PIC STATUS: Gift fanart wallpapers dedicated to (fanart source: “Star Ocean: Till the End of Time”)
MEDIUMS: Artline 0.2 pen (lineart), Photoshop CS (colouring)
No one looked
I walked by
Just an invitation would have been just fine
Said no to him again and again
First he took my heart then he ran
No one knows how I feel
What I say unless you read between my lines
One man walked away from me
First he took my hand
Take me home
(Stand back, stand back)
In the middle of my room
I did not hear from you
It's alright, it's alright
To be standing in a line
(Standing in a line)
To be standing in a line
I would cry
Do not turn away my friend
Like a willow I can bend
No man calls my name
No man came
So I walked on down away from you
Maybe your attention was more
Than you could do
But one man did not call
He asked me for my love
And that was all
So I walked, walked down the line
Away from you
Maybe your attention was more
Than I could do
One man did not fall
Well, he asked me for my love
That was all
I need a little sympathy
Well, I need a little sympathy
Well, I need to be standing in
(Stand back)
Well, I need to be standing in
(Stand back)
Well, I need to be standing in
(Stand back)
Take me home
Take me home
(Stand back)
Don't you take me home
Well, I need a little sympathy
(Stand back)...
~ “Stand Back” by Stevie Nicks
ARTIST THOUGHTS: Here’s another set of wallpapers which were done last year but which I’ve only got around to uploading now, I’m such a stickler for punctuality eh?
Well then, onto the stuff! What we have here are three wallpapers linked by two common themes, namely Albel and Fayt in suits, and the Stevie Nicks song “Stand Back”. This harks back to earlier conversations I had with where we were basically salivating over the thought of Albel and Fayt in suits
The Japanese in the wallpapers are short sentences I copied and pasted from a site which teaches Japanese by providing example phrases, so I’m just trusting that they say what the site said they mean! o__O;;; Part 1’s phrase is 向こうへ行け (“Get away”), Part 2’s phrase is 涙の雫の中で叫んでいる俺がいた (“I’m crying my share of tears”) and Part 3’s phrase is ご冥福を祈りながら (“In deepest sympathy”).
And that’s about all really!
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Comments: 81
lost-darkness [2008-01-25 02:34:56 +0000 UTC]
Ooh, those are so nice. *downloads and immediately updates desktop* I like your art style, it's very simple yet expressive. Each character's posture and clothing style really emphasizes their personalities. And the expressions on their faces are so excellently drawn. Beautifully done, beautifully done.
Also, I love this pairing. It's really interesting to see the way their friendship develops in-game, and of course the various scenarios the fans come up with are always *ahem* interesting.
I really like the third one, (Hehe... angel Albel. ) but the first is my favorite. Their faces are deliciously expressive. Thanks for making such gorgeous wallpapers.
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zenphoenixa In reply to lost-darkness [2008-02-19 03:39:42 +0000 UTC]
Ack, this is such a late reply, I suck. X___X;; *Has been so distracted lately, damn PS2* But now that I'm here (finally
) thankyou so much for sharing your thoughts on these wallpapers!
They were a lot of fun to make, so I'm very glad you liked how they turned out. ^^ Hee hee, and yes, I love following all the scenes which lead up to the Albel/Fayt ending...
Though it's veeeeeery tempting to sacrifice the ending just to watch the other Albel/Fayt scenes in the Lava Caves... XDDD *Choices choices* Lol anyway, enough of my fangirl rambling. XD; Gracias again for the comment and fav!
*Rolls in a giant cookie*
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lost-darkness In reply to zenphoenixa [2008-02-20 03:31:17 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I know. And thanks for the cookie! It looks like it can be used as Fayt bait. ^.^
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zenphoenixa In reply to lost-darkness [2008-02-21 04:32:37 +0000 UTC]
*Envisions Albel with a cookie on the end of a stick*
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lost-darkness In reply to zenphoenixa [2008-02-22 01:20:24 +0000 UTC]
Yes. Yes, that's it exactly. *runs off to draw*
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Join-the-FRAY [2007-08-06 13:24:07 +0000 UTC]
Awww...That last panel is my favorite...its so sweet
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Oliwollyoctosaurus [2007-07-12 08:18:57 +0000 UTC]
I hope your don't mind, but I made this my background and I made it so all the pictures were used. If you want to see it, it's here -> [link] The image changes every minute, or so. I like it and I hope you like it too.
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zenphoenixa In reply to Oliwollyoctosaurus [2007-07-12 08:36:02 +0000 UTC]
No worries, I'm very pleased to see those wallpapers being put to good use - and all three at once, now *that's* innovative! Great to know you're enjoying them! ^__^
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zenphoenixa In reply to greenkitsune [2007-07-12 07:21:25 +0000 UTC]
Lol, most people have thought so too, even though that was the one that went into the reject pile about five times. *Go figure!* 'Glad you liked the boys' latest outing!
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Second-Cycle [2007-04-29 14:57:22 +0000 UTC]
The last one is just adorable with Albel's halo. X3 I can't believe you've only posted it... when you did (I was going to say just now but then again my comment is rather late XP)
Must. Download. Now. |D
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SadisticKoma [2007-03-28 16:50:21 +0000 UTC]
God I love your style. Great work. -Harts it.- <3
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DianeGingitsune [2007-03-17 04:56:43 +0000 UTC]
I like the second one best! Albel looks like he's mischievously seaming something! HE also resembles Youko Kurama too @.@
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creepytea [2007-03-05 19:14:14 +0000 UTC]
Gwad damn these are awesome Zen
Love the colours & Abel's expressions are pure awesome/evil/sex etc :3
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hitominojyunin [2007-02-22 06:04:36 +0000 UTC]
Awww~~ <33
As always, loving the antics of Fayt and Albel. x3
They're so cuuuutee~<3
I'm totally changing my desktop layout again o:
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zenphoenixa In reply to hitominojyunin [2007-02-22 07:21:16 +0000 UTC]
Those boys do all the hard work for me, being naturally cute and all!
*Cracks whip and laughs in a slave-driver manner*
*Fends off kinky jokes*
Ahem anyhoo
thankyou verily for the comments and favs and do enjoy teh wallpapery love!
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hitominojyunin In reply to zenphoenixa [2007-02-23 02:44:31 +0000 UTC]
Oish, they do. And you so successfully draw them in such excellent ways~<3!!
Oh my, kinky jokes. xD Albel and Fayt were destined for kinky jokes. Don't you think? ;D
Hehe, of course~<33!!
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zenphoenixa In reply to hitominojyunin [2007-02-24 03:35:27 +0000 UTC]
"Kinky" is Albel's middle name.
And "Kinky Bait" is Fayt's, BUAHAHA!
*Shot and mauled* >>;;
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hitominojyunin In reply to zenphoenixa [2007-03-14 16:05:19 +0000 UTC]
Oh that's awesome. xDD Zen, you're hilarious~! <3
Let's see
Lord Albel The Wicked Kinky Nox.
Master Fayt Kinky Bait Leingod.
Sounds good. ;D
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buri-puchu [2007-02-10 02:42:55 +0000 UTC]
Theyr's all so friggin CUTE to decide! ALLL...must...download...all....*foams at the mouth*
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zenphoenixa In reply to buri-puchu [2007-02-20 01:41:36 +0000 UTC]
o__O Err, no idea why I'm evil laughing... I assure you the wallpapers aren't boobytrapped or anything... XD;;;;
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azraelkarasu [2007-02-07 01:48:36 +0000 UTC]
You are my HERO!!
Your hands are so prettily drawn...
I love it....even if I can't see Albel's purple underwear *snerk*
Part 2 is my fav ^^
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
zenphoenixa In reply to azraelkarasu [2007-02-24 02:53:51 +0000 UTC]
*Sings* Laaaate reply, ohhhhhhh late reeeeeeply....! XD;;;;;;
Aww, thankyou very much for the compliment my dear and for noticing those hands which were determined to be the end of me! Lol, and finally, someone picked part 2 as their fav!
*Prefers that one too despite the break-upiness*
Oh and Albel's purple underwear can be VERY easily seen... if you just pull down his pants!
*Hands you a ten foot long arm*
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azraelkarasu In reply to zenphoenixa [2007-04-05 18:47:09 +0000 UTC]
Indeed :3 Hands and legs are the hardest things for me to raw...and drawing them prettily takes major ninja skillz.
...Sorry, but Albel ...ehm...broke the ten foot arm >.> *hands you a doujin to make up for it*
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HyperPegesus [2007-02-07 00:47:15 +0000 UTC]
That is so cuuuuute! *Squees, dies, and tries to come back in feeble attempt to encourage Tri-Ace to give you teh Star Ocean... c'mon... they know they wanna... really...*
Three wallpapers. o_o Love the way you drew them in teh suits!! So pwnsome!!! x3 ...as... always. *Blinks, suddenly realizes how many times she uses that words when commenting on your works* Okay, that means YOU'RE pwnsome, and this needs to keep rockin' on!
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Sriz [2007-02-07 00:08:28 +0000 UTC]
Aww, that's awesome. I love the third one, with Albel's little halo and Fayt's "you're-really-not-an-angle-so-stop-trying" look. XD Man, this makes my inner fangirl harder to control... Much thanks for the continuing contribution to the AlbelFayt fangirliism.
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zenphoenixa In reply to Sriz [2007-02-24 03:05:52 +0000 UTC]
You got the interpretation right on the money, that's exactly what I was aiming for! BATTLE TROPHY FOR YOU
Lol, and I gave up on trying to control my inner fangirl ages ago, so yours can always join mine in the gutter where she's roasting marshmallows and baking cookies for hobos.
Thanks again and take care!
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Sriz In reply to zenphoenixa [2007-03-03 15:20:51 +0000 UTC]
-runs around waving battle trophy- Why thanks! My innerfangirls ripping into the prize ham as I type... but I'm sure she'll be in the mood for roasting marshmallows for hobos pretty soon.
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Kindelesante [2007-02-05 06:53:28 +0000 UTC]
I've been needing to comment to this! >___<;;
I LOVE THIS TO PIECES! The style is differnet but not soooo different. And the coloring is VERY simple! Its a very nice style! You never cease to amaze me! I'll be stealing these now for my desktop! X3 *chews on printouts*
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tungwene [2007-02-04 16:45:05 +0000 UTC]
They do look hot in suits. I really like the expression on Albel's face in the second one for some reason.
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RinnKruskov [2007-02-04 03:31:40 +0000 UTC]
I always love your art^^
SO3 has been around for a long time and you still love it, now that's devotion
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zenphoenixa In reply to RinnKruskov [2007-02-06 11:24:31 +0000 UTC]
More like obsession if you ask me, which will last at least until another game wanders by to snare my attention but the likelihood of that happening is rather low since I'm too cheap to buy games.
*Cheapskate for the win!*
Heh heh, thankyou for the comment and fav hon, 'tis greatly appreciated!
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RinnKruskov In reply to zenphoenixa [2007-02-08 08:03:59 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome. As I always said. I love this couple more than ever now >.<
Too bad I'm busy with another project...I hope I'll make one soon
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Fai-Ness [2007-02-03 22:40:23 +0000 UTC]
OMG!!!!!! Pure Albel x Fayt goodness!!!! *s at it* So Amazingitstealsallmysugarfixesawayandend supbeinggiventoyousinceit'sthatsoawesome!!!!! Anyways love the colouring the background is just adds in that touch that you know it's awesome! I have to hold back Luther from doing anything since he thinks otherwise *beats him off with a stick* STAY BACK LUTHER NOTHING WILL STOP ALBEL AND FAYT YAOI GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!
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zenphoenixa In reply to HiroMcCloud [2007-02-06 13:15:11 +0000 UTC]
Why thankyou, I'm very glad you think so!
*Does an 80's dance for you*
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zenphoenixa In reply to KazeRyuujin [2007-02-06 13:18:21 +0000 UTC]
I love yuuuu for loving the wallpapers, lol!
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Vaudevillain [2007-02-03 01:32:30 +0000 UTC]
They're super stylish and super snazzy. My favorite is the bottom wallpaper!
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zenphoenixa In reply to Vaudevillain [2007-02-07 01:13:11 +0000 UTC]
Aww thankyou dear!
Lol, and all votes going to no. 3 so far...
Well, you heard what the wallpaper said - take Albel home!
*Prods him in your direction with a reinforced stick*
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Sora-na [2007-02-02 16:40:00 +0000 UTC]
I want all of your brushes *_*
Such cuteness X3 Albel and Fayt love
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Kawaii-Ash [2007-02-02 05:27:29 +0000 UTC]
OMG!! YAY! I wanted to see more art of AlbelxFayt! Great to see you at work again!
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liliy [2007-02-02 04:28:57 +0000 UTC]
I love the layouts of these - simple poses mixed with some great typography and shapes work well together. ^^ Very eye catching!
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