Published: 2006-03-27 10:16:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 3935; Favourites: 166; Downloads: 475
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Comments: 87
Alamanthe [2008-04-16 15:43:01 +0000 UTC]
Piekne kolory.
One najbardziej mnie urzekly.
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yv In reply to Faded-clouds [2007-08-27 17:06:47 +0000 UTC]
thanks, this was my intention
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gagatka27 [2007-07-24 15:13:49 +0000 UTC]
Kobieto - jesteΕ kolorystyczno-nastrojowΔ
ukΕony - piekne te fotki
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yv In reply to gagatka27 [2007-07-24 16:15:21 +0000 UTC]
jak siΔ nie umie fociΔ, to siΔ koloruje
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gagatka27 In reply to yv [2007-07-24 19:24:06 +0000 UTC]
nie pitul - wiesz co robisz kobieto
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yv In reply to gagatka27 [2007-07-24 19:54:08 +0000 UTC]
czasami teΕΌ mi siΔ tak wydaje
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rubiestone [2007-01-26 18:17:08 +0000 UTC]
thats so beautiful
very nice colors and focus
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kontogiannis [2006-11-30 18:56:39 +0000 UTC]
nice, very nice. I've said it before and i'll say it again. Love your work and style.
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rwwingsfan19 [2006-06-03 23:21:00 +0000 UTC]
very cool. i love your multi-fram work. great ditychs and triptychs!
i love how well they go together⦠very well composed
very cool soft bg. good us of DoF
i like hot each has a slightly different amount of light/darkness and i like how the top left one is so smooth.
great work. i dont really know what to say about it its just so cool!
do you take this with a triptych in mind or did you just compile this afterwards?
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yv In reply to rwwingsfan19 [2006-06-04 20:55:28 +0000 UTC]
well i normally take several shots with different focus and dof, then compose dipts/tripts from those which look good. but yea i rather do it deliberately. thanks again
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rwwingsfan19 In reply to yv [2006-06-05 22:50:02 +0000 UTC]
hmm okay!
id like to try making some of these⦠i just need to get som subject! and well have your skill
your quite welcome!
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artmancm [2006-04-10 07:01:59 +0000 UTC]
Your colors are beautiful! They cause me to feel a quiet calm, a delicate beauty, as if it's about to rain or has just rained. They carry a sense of deep and pure nature. How do you do you accomplish this color scheme? No need to tell me if you don't wish... it's your secret, but if you have no objexctions, I am very curious... Keep up the gorgeous work!
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yv In reply to artmancm [2006-04-14 17:51:58 +0000 UTC]
it's impossible to say, i don't remember myself what i did to this pic
and thanks a lot
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BriaNMP [2006-04-03 21:57:52 +0000 UTC]
This is one of my favorite prints. The more I look at it, the more it appeals to me. The composition, colors, and DOF all go together to create a beautiful print....I even made this my wallpaper on my computer at work. hehe
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BriaNMP [2006-04-03 21:57:52 +0000 UTC]
This is one of my favorite prints. The more I look at it, the more it appeals to me. The composition, colors, and DOF all go together to create a beautiful print....I even made this my wallpaper on my computer at work. hehe
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yv In reply to BriaNMP [2006-04-04 17:52:10 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot Briana. speaking of which, i will make it available as a print soon.
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sigpras [2006-04-03 06:20:23 +0000 UTC]
i adore you.
sorry for not giving my advance criticque.
this is splendid
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marecki [2006-04-02 17:57:11 +0000 UTC]
Jakby siΔ wszystko odbijaΕo w lustrach. PiΔkny zestaw zdjΔΔ.
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LadyRaella [2006-04-01 02:53:03 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful colors, beautiful focus. Very interesting to look at
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ErzebethBathory [2006-03-31 14:08:03 +0000 UTC]
beautiful composition and colours, as always, in your style.
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jusam [2006-03-30 06:29:24 +0000 UTC]
Likes: The colors - I agree with ~raun that your style is distinctive. Seeing your photos gets me inspired; I'd love to try out this kind of triptychs, though I'm sure they are not easy to arrange. I also like the sparing use of light, the bokeh, the contrast. Nice and interesting bonus to flip the lowest part upside down.
Suggestions: Well, size could be bigger. The thin black border lines - there's something I like about them, but I wonder if they'd look better if they weren't black, but grey? Also, since the lens would have allowed you to use bigger aperture, I wish you had done so, for a bokeh even smoother. I don't think that would have eliminated the background twigs too much.
Not-likes: The light spot in the bottom image, it's slightly disturbing. I covered it with my finger - and the photo seemed so much more balanced and peaceful. Still love this piece though. Good job!
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yv In reply to jusam [2006-04-01 14:25:20 +0000 UTC]
thanks for advanced comment. glad u found it interesting enough to share your view
about the size, i quit submitting bigger images after few rips. i also think smaller image sometimes works better for getting overall view. but i know what u mean, personally i tend to study images under magnifying glass that's why i showed one of those images separately as well.
concerning the aperture, yes perhaps, however i think it would rather make the background twigs more visible that might create too big mess here. regarding gray boder lines, i actually tried that before, it didn't suit. and the lightspot, well.. the idea of this compo required that.
i also think it attracts the viewer's eyes first, to then leave the time to study the details. i know it all usually takes nanoseconds, so thanks again for the time u spent on it
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aspirit [2006-03-29 10:08:04 +0000 UTC]
Lovely colours. I really like the way you arranged them, separated only by a thin black border... makes me think of a stained glass window. The depth of field is really interesting too, the different twigs all at different depths, but still clearly visible, made even more interesting by the placement, so that they seem to radiate out from the centre and almost mirror each other.
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yv In reply to aspirit [2006-04-01 10:51:47 +0000 UTC]
interesting association.. i think that i subconsciously arrange stuff as if to be viewed thru the windows. and in this case i wanted the colors to be a bit smoky. glad it worked and that u liked it thanks
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aeternus81 [2006-03-28 21:50:52 +0000 UTC]
That's a really nice set and once again, an abstract image comes to my mind love those color tones!
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aileen-the-scout [2006-03-28 14:17:52 +0000 UTC]
Jak zwykle cudowna kompozycja i Εwietny dobΓ³r kolorΓ³w - po prostu cudo.
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Hadu [2006-03-28 01:14:49 +0000 UTC]
I love how you made the bottom picture upside-down. The colors are awesome
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Ambulance-X [2006-03-28 00:36:06 +0000 UTC]
I lovelovelove the different panels to start with. Then the overall green sort of tone to this is very relaxing. LIke standing outside after a hearty rain. It also seems magical, that little twinkle of a glow in the bottom frame. just wonderful <33
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yv In reply to Ambulance-X [2006-03-28 19:11:11 +0000 UTC]
thanks a lot, i tried to make something out of nuffin, glad it worked =]
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Pablo-Pop [2006-03-27 17:50:42 +0000 UTC]
Hey girl, I just love your photos. They make me feel good
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yv In reply to Pablo-Pop [2006-03-28 19:08:03 +0000 UTC]
=] it makes me feel good that i can make you feel good
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