Yun77 — Purple mountain

#purplemountain #photoshopmixedbrush #colorful #mountain #mountainlandscape #mountains #mountainscape #purple
Published: 2018-10-23 13:54:52 +0000 UTC; Views: 789; Favourites: 97; Downloads: 9
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I was trying to use the default Kyle oil mixed brush and doing some montain. I really like the traditional look and the mixed colors it makes. I took me around 4-5 hours but I might continue this undefinively, I find it really relaxing 

I hope you like the result too  

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Comments: 30

ep7 [2019-11-06 12:02:15 +0000 UTC]

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Yun77 In reply to ep7 [2019-11-06 12:08:24 +0000 UTC]

Tu parles français ? J'ai vu sweden sur ton profil. Merci beaucoup ! 

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Lillith009 [2019-03-07 12:49:41 +0000 UTC]

wow, c'est tellement beaux! the colours are chosen so well, I love the divide between the greenish-grey foreground and the beautifully shaded purple mountains. Keep up the good work!

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Yun77 In reply to Lillith009 [2019-03-07 13:01:54 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ! It is a very very  pleasing comment, I'm really glad you like it 

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laspinter [2018-11-13 13:07:04 +0000 UTC]

Nice and detailed mountains. I like it

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Yun77 In reply to laspinter [2018-11-13 17:31:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you !!!

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3crows3339 [2018-11-01 13:57:14 +0000 UTC]

Hey man...awesome work....I love it

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Yun77 In reply to 3crows3339 [2018-11-01 19:02:44 +0000 UTC]

Oh thank you ! you came to see that, I 'm pretty happy you like it. Is it colors or style or what else ?

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3crows3339 In reply to Yun77 [2018-11-02 01:51:38 +0000 UTC]

Hey there...I really like your work...the mountain pic was awesome...how do you do it? its digital right?...what software do you use and how ...I'm very impressed...I'm no good with digital...but I really havent tried much....can you give me some advice?....Thanks for communicating with me...perhaps we could friend each other so we may chat...anyway..I hope you have a great day.....

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Yun77 In reply to 3crows3339 [2018-11-02 08:02:50 +0000 UTC]

what a nice comment !

so yes it is digital painting. I used Photoshop and a hiuon Q11K tablett. I just used a default brush : Kyle oil that is what give this traditional look. If you want to try digital you have to buy a tablett with pressure, mine is around 100$, photoshop is a very good software, before I used Gimp which is free (and good too) but photoshop is better. This paint was more of a test, I paint it like I would paint in traditional, but as I told you, I don't have the place to do real traditional. I encourage you to try digital, it make the paint faster, I love it.

and yes we already begin a friend relationship but my english is not really fluent. 

I hope you have a glorious day  

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3crows3339 In reply to Yun77 [2018-11-02 08:35:24 +0000 UTC]

hey man...your English is good enough for me...could even be better than mine...lol...I have a bad accent...country boy...I never used photoshop before....is it hard to learn?...I will check out the hardware....I have to get a new computer anyway....this one is about to go...its 10 + years old and the screen dosnt work right....the hard drive is about to blow up...I am going to go on a cruse soon and need a really good laptop....we are going to south america for a week...I need to gain weight so i think i might have some luck....I really like your style of painting...I am going to paint an oil painting for a close friend...she will pay very well....but I will do it as her Christmas present. I've already started sketching it in...It is an egret standing in the surf on a beach....so allot of my sketches were practice for that...water can be difficult at times....there is allot of foam in it as well....that will be hard but I think I can do it...I will show you from time to time how it is comming along...I cant wait to see some of your new works....you inspire me to continue when I feel like giving up....thank you....well I must go for now....


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Yun77 In reply to 3crows3339 [2018-11-02 08:58:31 +0000 UTC]

You are making my day !!

english good enough, like my style of painting, motive you, you cant wait... Wahoo ! 

So for digital you need an average++ computer, a laptop can do the job, but really you have to think about it twice. The screen has to be good, pay attention to the RAM memory (8Go min) and the video card.

If you have a real lot of money the cintiq companion, witch make me do sweet dreams , is the must, but it is too expensive too (above 3000$ I think), and you will not need to invest in a computer.

learn it will be very fast I think, it might be faster than you think, you can watch some tutoriel on youtube (I advise Aaron Blaize, Clint Cearley and Istebrack for english) and here you go!

Personaly I struggle find clients, I'm not really good at selling myself 

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3crows3339 In reply to Yun77 [2018-11-02 11:38:35 +0000 UTC]

I'm not to good at selling myself either....but my Mother sure can...my prices vary from 800$ up....usually around 2000$...but I dont sell many...there is an art gallery that sells my work and they usually set the right price...they get half of the money...if it is sold at the gallery...many of my pastels brought in 800$ a piece and my oils are generally 1200$ to about 5000$...one of my oils went for 6500%...so I went and bought a nice guitar...I'm a musician as well...been playing various instruments since i was 10 Years old...I also am a poet...really helps for when composing songs..I do many other things as well....Its all because I feel like if someone can do something there is no reason that I cant givin  the resources. But as I get older My confidence gets a light shaky...so I mainly do art, play music and write poems..I have played in several bands...we played rock in many places here in Austin...I also play for our church on sundays..but I wandered of the subject...Have you sold many works?...when I was in college I sold many to pay for my education and to live on as well...I have been a painting since I was a little boy...Your bio says you are also a pro..where do you sell your work? or do you teach? I have had many students over the years and most have become very good at there craft...I use many different media except for water color....I really am pretty bad at it....I suppose if I worked at it I could do ok...but there is so many other things for me to do. from now on I will message you with notes...I am sorry for the length of my corospondence ...I tend to get carryed away....sorry for the typos...my computer goes funny at times...I wish you well my friend and remember to have fun with your talents.....

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Yun77 In reply to 3crows3339 [2018-11-02 12:35:30 +0000 UTC]

I'll reply on note too, when I will a little more time ! thank you very much 

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DoctorChevlong [2018-10-23 18:24:19 +0000 UTC]

Le rendu est si...doux, si beau !  

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Yun77 In reply to DoctorChevlong [2018-10-23 19:33:10 +0000 UTC]

Merci ! ca me fait très plaisir que tu aimes  Merci pour tous les fav que je te vois actuellement m'offrir 

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DoctorChevlong In reply to Yun77 [2018-10-23 19:35:27 +0000 UTC]

Tu les mérites largement ! J'ai encore un bout de chemin à faire avant d'en arriver à des résultats comme ça !

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Yun77 In reply to DoctorChevlong [2018-10-23 19:46:15 +0000 UTC]

 un gros calin pour toi   (en tout bien tout honneur !)

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DoctorChevlong In reply to Yun77 [2018-10-23 19:50:04 +0000 UTC]


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Z-image [2018-10-23 16:05:51 +0000 UTC]

  Belle image  ...
Merci d'avoir poster dans "francophones1 "

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Yun77 In reply to Z-image [2018-10-23 19:33:49 +0000 UTC]

Pas de raison que je ne remplisse pas cette galerie 

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Z-image In reply to Yun77 [2018-10-24 07:06:21 +0000 UTC]

    Merci, ce sera notre plus grand plaisir  ...  .

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asari13 [2018-10-23 15:30:00 +0000 UTC]

cool landscape

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Yun77 In reply to asari13 [2018-10-23 19:34:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much ! 

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ClaytoneCarpe [2018-10-23 15:02:50 +0000 UTC]

Magnifique ! ^^

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Yun77 In reply to ClaytoneCarpe [2018-10-23 19:34:39 +0000 UTC]

Merci beaucoup ! je suis très heureux que ça te plaise 

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RedGeOrb [2018-10-23 14:59:04 +0000 UTC]


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Yun77 In reply to RedGeOrb [2018-10-23 19:35:06 +0000 UTC]

Merci RGO 

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meanpersonaart [2018-10-23 13:56:20 +0000 UTC]


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Yun77 In reply to meanpersonaart [2018-10-23 14:25:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much ! 

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