Yenverah — Not An Angel

Published: 2012-01-22 02:53:13 +0000 UTC; Views: 496; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 17
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Description "I'm not an angel. This image is just a cover to hide the real me. The act of happiness is to protect my friends and family. I know there's a beast within me so I'm not who you think I am."

Some Haltar related art. The quote is from what I'm writing right now. When speaking the quote, she's smiling and talking cheerfully. Haltar is known for being super optimistic, cheerful and happy-go-lucky. This is only because even for the slightest change from these feelings, she might change her appearance. Her friends usually cheer her up quickly if they notice her fur changing slightly darker or her tone being lowered.

Haltar is able to change into anything but she's not able to control these powers at all. At best, she can willingly make her wings disappear and reappear. She also has the powers of light and dark. Her dark ringed halo is surrounded by a cloud of light. Also over time, she was able to turn her wings and tail tip purple along with her paw pads. Purple's her favorite color. : D

Anyways, the place where Haltar is called Vereri. She along with others were brought to this place because of Malignus who loves to toy with people. It's Malignus' brother Clarus who has to fix all the problems that his brother does to the world. This time though, Clarus is not able to help them right away since someone else is helping Malignus this time.

I'm very pleased how this came out. <3 Haltar's one of my most favorite characters so it's always fun to draw her.

Art/Haltar belongs to *SnowGuardian
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Comments: 15

Ribbontail [2012-01-25 06:35:42 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh that's a great snippet you shared with us! I hope that in the future we'll get to read more of this whatever-you're-writing (is it the actual story?), because it sounds really interesting. I've always wanted to read something Mark of the Guard-related. A bit of a hint I have for you, regarding emotionally-driven works: remember to keep it brief. A concise monologue will always have more emotional impact than a long one!

I agree all the way with *Edward-Elric32 ... your art's been improving really fast lately, so much that I think 2011 was your biggest "leap year". You're handling colors, lines, and all that wonderfully. For this pic specifically, I think it's lovely. I love the calmness of her face and her [appropriately] stiff pose... paired with the spread wings, it turned out very nice. Good work, Hope. Keep at it!

Regarding Haltar's shapeshifting powers, I think that's neat how "transient" her form is. Eclipse is kind of like that also, although he has his under control. Hehehell, it makes drawing the character more fun since they can change however they want. One thing I've always been curious about: can Haltar change her form into inanimate objects, like a paper plane or water or something? Or do her shifting abilities extend only to "animal physique"?

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Yenverah In reply to Ribbontail [2012-01-29 03:10:36 +0000 UTC]

Glad you liked it, Ribbons. <3 Yush, this will be an actual story. It will be the one to take over "Tied Realms", might keep that title but the plot will be completely different. Haltar's the main character and some of my other characters are going to appear there as well. : D Thank you for the hint, I'll keep that in mind when I'm polishing it.

I think so too. : D 2011 was the year when I improved a lot and 2012 will be another great one. Thank you very much, Ribbons! <3

Haha, yeah. For characters like that, you won't be just stuck on drawing the same design over and over again. Well you can but there's a bit more freedom for the ones who can change to something else. : D Eclipse's dragon form is really cool. : D No, she can't change into inanimate objects unfortunately. Though she would like to be a paper plane, I'm sure of it. Then she could actually fly a bit more or not... xD She's able to sort of "glide" using her wings but most of the times that ends up her hitting the ground hard with her chest or head. But anyways, she's only able to transform into some kind of an animal or creature. Haltar tends to transform into a smaller animal when she's sad and to a bigger one when she's angry. She has learned to control her sadness meaning she doesn't transform into a smaller creature that often. It's the anger within her that's the problem when transforming. But all of the forms Haltar takes are animal like. : D

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Wuhzzles [2012-01-24 21:44:27 +0000 UTC]

Aww this looks awesome! I really love how you drew the wings. And the glowyness of the halo looks so pretty nice job!

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Yenverah In reply to Wuhzzles [2012-01-25 03:24:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! : D

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Tabbytiger [2012-01-23 16:30:50 +0000 UTC]

WOW. Now this is truley stunning seriously! Did you use vectors to draw the lines? The fur is amazing, did you use smudge to get that effect or? Also what sort of brush did you use to paint the backgroun was it just a soft low opacity one? Because it has worked very VERY nicley, This is truley stunning <3 xxxxxxxxxx

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Yenverah In reply to Tabbytiger [2012-01-24 05:57:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you Tabbykins! <3 No, just did the normal lineart. For the fur I went over it few times. First I erased to make the lighter parts from the darker. Then I added deeper shadows into the the fur and then the highlights. : D I used a "acrylic" brush that's in SAI. Really wonderful brush to work with since I can play with its settings and such. <3 Thank you again!

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Tabbytiger In reply to Yenverah [2012-01-24 17:02:24 +0000 UTC]

Ah fairplay is SAI free? I'm gonna google it a fair few people use it, can you get pen pressure on it? xx

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Yenverah In reply to Tabbytiger [2012-01-24 19:05:58 +0000 UTC]

Well the trial is free but then you have to pay for it. : D Yup, you are able to get pen pressure there. I had some tablet problems few months back so then that messed up with the pen pressure. Though now I have it fixed and SAI works wonderfully again. : D

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Tabbytiger In reply to Yenverah [2012-12-12 09:44:40 +0000 UTC]

Ah, i thoguth SAI was freeware.. hmm got that one wrong I've seemed to mend my relationship with photoshop and am trying out a new painted style over on deviantart.com/choondesigns

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Yenverah In reply to Tabbytiger [2012-12-12 18:33:37 +0000 UTC]

No, it's not though you can download the crack version of it but it has problems. Uuu, those are nice.

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MyniaArt [2012-01-22 17:41:08 +0000 UTC]

Wow Snow this is gorgeous <3 Haltar is such a lovely character, and you always draw her so beautifully Your anatomy is definitely improving aswell as your skill in digital art <3

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Yenverah In reply to MyniaArt [2012-01-24 05:55:50 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! <3 She is a very lovely character indeed. Awwrs, thank you, Vali. Really means a lot to me.

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MyniaArt In reply to Yenverah [2012-01-24 18:02:46 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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Kainaa [2012-01-22 02:59:21 +0000 UTC]

wow beautiful. you're improving a lot. i love the wings. good job!

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Yenverah In reply to Kainaa [2012-01-24 05:55:05 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! <3

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