Yenverah — I Still Love You

Published: 2011-04-12 00:47:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 214; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description In the last real battle against Silvergar, a human who knew the meaning of Seurem's Marks knew that Flora was a singer so... he decided to chop off her tongue. She also got a scar under her left eye. Now she refuses to speak, she finds it disgraceful the way she speaks now. She conveys her feelings with motion and expressions to those around her. Sometimes if someone is able to read her mind, they will speak for her. As Haltar grows up, she finds her mother not speaking quite normal while others find it childish and they don't understand Flora's feelings. She loved singing and now she can't sing anymore. D: Flora thinks that Warrick now doesn't love her, he still loves her a lot. <3 With Warrick's personality, he would never leave someone who he loves or someone who struggles to do something. He wants to help Flora the best he can.

I wanted to draw Haltar, Warrick and Flora together so here it is. Haltar's about one month old, she's just starting to get her mane and her black ringed halo is just starting to form. She got most of her looks from Warrick but also some from her mother. When Haltar grows up a bit more, she's starting to sprout wings on her back... xD Here we can see her getting interested in Warrick's tail charm done by Flora. Warrick is trying to hold Haltar still. Might not work... who knows... xD

Then I added some pencil shadings in the picture since suggested for me to try it. x3

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Comments: 9

Tabbytiger [2011-04-12 08:50:03 +0000 UTC]

This is really beautiful Hope! Like really really beautiful! Yey, we finally get to se Flora, and what a troubled soul she seems to be Shes just as i imagined her meek, and beautiful. He expression seems very loving towards Warrik, and Warrik just looks like the epic cool dude he always has been And baby Haltar is the CUSTEST thing i have ever seen -squeeeexplode- The pencil shading looks good i think, adds a bit of texture, what do you think?
This is a lovley composition hun, and for that ima fav it, its too much of a lovley family picture to not fav it!!

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Yenverah In reply to Tabbytiger [2011-04-12 22:30:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, Tabbykins. <3 Flora is beautiful as a flower, even the butterfly thought so. x3 She's not sad about losing her tongue/voice since she knows that Warrick will back her up and knowing that he still loves her. Awwrs. xD Yup, Warrick never loses being a cool dude. Hurhur. xD She was such a fluffy little thing back then and she's even fluffy when she grows up. I liked the pencil texturing a lot, it was hard to find a real pencil in my room. I didn't want to use a mechanical pencil since it's sharper. xD

Aww, thanks Tabbykins. <333 Those three look perfect together. x3

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Tabbytiger In reply to Yenverah [2011-05-19 17:19:12 +0000 UTC]

You could use a black coloured pencil it would probably be better than a graphite one

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Yenverah In reply to Tabbytiger [2011-05-21 03:46:23 +0000 UTC]

Huh, I could. :'D Thanks for the suggestion. <3

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Tabbytiger In reply to Yenverah [2011-05-24 22:30:55 +0000 UTC]

Yeah tHe graphite ones wont wrok so weel they're all smudges :S

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MyniaArt [2011-04-12 01:06:29 +0000 UTC]

This is really cute! I love the entire scene, they all look so happy together ! Mini Haltar is really cute, and I really love the attention to detail that you put into this, like the way Warricks tail is around Flora is really sweet :3

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Yenverah In reply to MyniaArt [2011-04-12 22:24:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. <3 Yeah, I thought it would be a nice touch with Warrick's tail around Flora and I wanted to draw his tail charm that Flora made for him. x3

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roney2011 [2011-04-12 00:48:03 +0000 UTC]

very good

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Yenverah In reply to roney2011 [2011-04-12 00:48:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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