Published: 2012-04-01 19:30:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 849; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 9
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Jestem tak zeźlona, że nawet zdania po angielsku nie napiszę >_>Więcej napisze, jak ochłonę nieco
Showen Hiroshi and Arsen the Charizard (C) ~Yauriko
Pokemon (C) gamefreak
"Bi*ch please, I'm fabulous" It's comes to my mind when I look at it, haha 8D
And it's Showen, my poke OC again :3 With Charizard, his starter, in BG C: I like him very, very much, he is just... just fabulous, isn't he? haha XD
My friend said: He doesn't look like he
My anserw: Why? Aaa, I know, because he doesn't have this arrogant smile on his face! 8D
She: Yes, it is it!
Did you think similar..? He doesn't look like he? :<
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Comments: 50
krat22 [2012-04-08 17:15:13 +0000 UTC]
Cienie są zajebiste mają taką głębie.
Showenek jest taki mraw tu. To on wygląda jak on i mraw ja mam go ochotę macnąć xD
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Yauriko In reply to krat22 [2012-04-08 18:14:32 +0000 UTC]
S: yeah, i know it *zarzut grzywka*
dzięki, tez tak uważam <3
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AppleFreak56 [2012-04-04 20:29:17 +0000 UTC]
Tej klaty mógłby pokazać więcej... ;>
Cholera nawet nie wiesz jak ja Ci zazdroszczę cieniowania i kolorowania ogólnie, to zawsze była moja piętą achillesową T___T
Ej i ja chcę różę od niego ><"
W ogóle Charizarda też chcę xD
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Yauriko In reply to AppleFreak56 [2012-04-04 20:49:12 +0000 UTC]
Jego koszula jest wiecznie rozpięta, więc wiesz... >D
Aww ;w; Dziękuję
Da się załatwić, serio 8D
Ale tego już nie, haha XD
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AppleFreak56 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-04 21:19:35 +0000 UTC]
wiem, pamiętam inne rysy z nim ale na tym rysie epicko już wygląda!
Serio? da się załatwić różę od niego? *____* *lata cała w skowronkach*
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Yauriko In reply to AppleFreak56 [2012-04-04 21:24:58 +0000 UTC]
Ah, się ćwiczy, się wyrabia, haha! teraz to tylko taki piekny zostanie hehe xD
Pewno tak 8D Gorzej, że pocztą Polska to by zwiędła XD
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nienawidzecie9 [2012-04-02 20:41:19 +0000 UTC]
ho ho , uczyłaś się rysować na podstawie fma ?
i totalne to !
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nienawidzecie9 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 20:51:33 +0000 UTC]
nie , ja po prostu nie wiem to takie hym bluzka ?
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Yauriko In reply to nienawidzecie9 [2012-04-02 21:07:08 +0000 UTC]
Bardziej wiecznie rozpięta koszula XD
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PieceOFFolly [2012-04-02 13:59:30 +0000 UTC]
Ładne kolorowanie włosów oraz skóry Showena, róży i wnętrza paszczy Charizarda. Pozostałe elementy też mają dobry coloring, ale te dwa jakoś szczególnie rzuciły mi się w oczy.
Charizard godny samego Satoshiego Tajiri. XD
Szkoda jedynie, że jeden z kosmyków zasłania lewą źrenicę Showena.
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Yauriko In reply to PieceOFFolly [2012-04-02 15:12:27 +0000 UTC]
Tez nad tym ubolewam XD Na szkicu, było ją widać, ale później coś nie pykło... XD
Jak zawsze o Showenowych włosach, haha XD Ale dziękuje bardzo :33 Lubie kolorować skórę, mimo że podczas tego procesu (jak i całego kolorowanie) pluje se w brodę XD
Dziękuje *A*
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PieceOFFolly In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-03 18:14:05 +0000 UTC]
Dlaczego niby plujesz sobie w brodę
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Yauriko In reply to PieceOFFolly [2012-04-03 18:37:52 +0000 UTC]
bo strasznie długo to trwa i wymaga strasznie dużo wysiłku... Mimo, iz wiem jak to będzie fajnie wyglądać XD
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PieceOFFolly In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-03 21:25:03 +0000 UTC]
Oj tam, to powinna być dla ciebie sama przyjemność. W końcu w tworzeniu prac nie chodzi o stworzenie arcydzieła tylko o czerpanie radości z tego co robisz, czy nie tak?
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Yauriko In reply to PieceOFFolly [2012-04-04 05:29:31 +0000 UTC]
Ogólnie jest...
Ale od wczorajszego powrotu do domu odechciało mi się wszystkiego...
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PanDaJang [2012-04-02 12:29:39 +0000 UTC]
Na tytuł odpowiem: - oh god okey~! *A*
Jak zawsze słodki XDD Zarąbisty koloring
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 15:19:02 +0000 UTC]
In my (and my friends; ~krat22 , ~yachiru-fukutaichou ) story they travel in Hoenn region, so I think it's May (or Haruka)
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blackberrystar25 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 15:23:40 +0000 UTC]
OUO i see..i want to know more about him.
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 15:27:46 +0000 UTC]
I will tell you something about him if you want 8D
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 15:51:09 +0000 UTC]
At first: my english isn't good but I hope you will understand me... ^^'
Soo...Maybe I say something about Showen's personality? Something connects him with Gary; Showen is very confident, arrogant and malignant.
He loves to sew and give roses for everyone C: He always have a first aid kit. All of Showen's pokemon have nicknames. He is farsighted and wears contacts to correct his eyes as he is too vain to wear glasses. He has older sister - Header ^^. They come from Safaron City in the Kanto region and they are very rich...; Showen said: "We have so length limousines, that not twisted"
He and May are pokemon coordinators and rivals in Pokemon Contests C:
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blackberrystar25 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 15:54:05 +0000 UTC]
i see...and man..he's like the combination of Gary, Drew and Ruby..a bit creepy but cool ^^
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 16:08:42 +0000 UTC]
Yes, you're right! Arrogant - as Gary, gives roses - as Drew and sews - as Ruby. It's really funny in RPG sesion with my friends C: oh, and Showen and Drew are true rivals - they hate each other... XD
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blackberrystar25 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 16:13:59 +0000 UTC]
yeah! XD Drew must die!
Seiki: =A= ..so noisy
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 16:19:25 +0000 UTC]
Showen: Yes, he must! XD
Header: *facepalm*
Haha, I like you! 8D
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blackberrystar25 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 16:21:10 +0000 UTC]
you too! ^U^
Seiki: that brocolli haired doofus must be killed..brutally...
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 16:29:12 +0000 UTC]
Showen: You don't like him too? XD I have a lot of reasons but you? What are your motives? XD
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blackberrystar25 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 16:32:18 +0000 UTC]
Seiki: simple..he's down right jerk who thinks too much of himself and Haruka doesn't belong to such a guy who gives stupid roses to millions of stupid fangirls and man..he has girlish POkemon for his team. what is he, gay?!? My mtive is to burn him into a volcano at Cinnabar Island!
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-02 16:57:05 +0000 UTC]
Showen: I like your reasoning >D But my vision is to beat him, then burn with all my fire-pokemon (Arsen the Charizard, Shecherezada the Ninetales, Kiba the Arcanine, Tanassi the Flareon), then extinguish him witk Kami the Golduck and next maybe dump him from a cliff..? XD
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blackberrystar25 In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 22:40:42 +0000 UTC]
Seiki: =A= ..hmm..but it's too simple..i mean what if he survives...?
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-03 05:36:08 +0000 UTC]
Showen: Do it agin, and again, and again and now burn him into a volcano at Cinnabar Island What you think about it? xD
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Yauriko In reply to blackberrystar25 [2012-04-03 12:48:25 +0000 UTC]
Showen: YEAH! Let's go!
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Yauriko In reply to Yauriko [2012-04-02 17:00:32 +0000 UTC]
Showen: Oh, I skipped my Ponyta - Dakota XD
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