Yamio — Mae Moe

Published: 2013-10-09 10:45:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 28909; Favourites: 1314; Downloads: 258
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Commission for Detailed chibi in silky style! ♥

I hope you like it! ;//v//;~

Took forever to finish this because it´s hard to record in my house when you live on a farm with 40+ dogs and siblings screaming and barking ahhh
The video itself is recorded over 2 months of time so my chibi style has already changed a lil, but oh well >//7//<~

My silky style is very influenced by my dear friend
As it always looks so smooth and amazing hnnd hsuifhd SHE IS AMAZING GO WATCH HER!

And thankies for looking! ♥
SPEEDPAINT www.youtube.com/watch?v=UTZkP5…

Character ©
Art ©
4 H
Tool: Paint tool SAI and Photoshop

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Comments: 132

SophieStudies [2015-04-09 09:06:58 +0000 UTC]

Looking at your art really makes me happy and relaxed, I like this one the most. Really detailed, which is nice because my art isn't that detailed, which led to me having a 1-4 month vacation from posting art so I can learn more about drawing chibis and details. Your artwork inspires me a lot. They're also really cute. ^^ This is one of my favorites! Oh, and also, I love watching your tutorials and speedpaints in youtube. Sorry for the really long comment! D: And I love your art so much!

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EllexaArt [2015-02-14 07:34:11 +0000 UTC]

This is probably my favourite piece of artwork of yours! The colours and everything look so shiny and happy and bright!
by the way, how to you shade evenly with the airbrush? it always comes out kinda blotchy for me...
Thank you! 

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Yamio In reply to EllexaArt [2015-02-22 06:43:59 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! ///////
I dunno ahaha! It depends on your settings! ;o; You have to play around so it doesn´t become like... too Dark if you use it twice >v>

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EllexaArt In reply to Yamio [2015-02-22 21:59:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!  Yami-senpai you are the best! ^^

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riari-chi [2015-02-08 08:31:10 +0000 UTC]

I watched this speedpaint before I even saw this on dA! Amazing and super adorable drawing! >u<

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Yamio In reply to riari-chi [2015-02-08 15:41:45 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you! ♥♥♥

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Riniyu [2015-02-03 23:04:58 +0000 UTC]

Hey,what are the songs from your speedpaint vid. ? Can't find them ;  ∆  ;

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cuteii In reply to Riniyu [2015-04-11 14:19:48 +0000 UTC]

I have not checked, But usually she list the songs in her description.  ♥

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Riniyu In reply to cuteii [2015-04-13 19:44:39 +0000 UTC]

I know but I couldn't find that song, It took me like ..a few days and still couldn't find it Q^Q

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YTIbakemyowncake [2014-12-22 00:17:49 +0000 UTC]

Omg Omg Omg!!!!!!!!!!11 >w< SO KAWAII!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE MAKE YOUR OWN ANIME!!!!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!!!! and please make a tutorial of how to make body bases

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Nyan-Berri [2014-12-16 04:45:04 +0000 UTC]

Hey yamio I love love love your art! But in your speed paint for this I loved all the songs in the background! What are all of them?? It said they where themes from Cyprus online but I can't find anything like that on google! ;-; can you make a list of the music???

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Yamio In reply to Nyan-Berri [2014-12-21 11:55:37 +0000 UTC]

Aww thankies //////
It´s on Youtube but it gets removed all the time due to copyright laws ;;; ♥

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Nyan-Berri In reply to Yamio [2014-12-31 06:55:29 +0000 UTC]

Aww Yeah I understand that ;-; Sorry. Can you maybe give me a link here? I wanted to know what all the songs where called like the song name and artist or website where you get your music from?

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Yamio In reply to Nyan-Berri [2015-01-02 18:02:54 +0000 UTC]

I get them from Jamendo.com ♥

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Nyan-Berri In reply to Yamio [2015-01-11 06:44:25 +0000 UTC]

Oh ill check it out thank you hun!

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Squeebii [2014-12-02 07:19:12 +0000 UTC]

Ahh this is so amazing! I never watch speedpaints but yours was just so cute that I couldn't stop.
The only thing I didn't seem to understand was how you did the shadow part behind the chibi. Was that in SAI, or photoshop? I've never been able to figure out how to do it. ;w;

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Yamio In reply to Squeebii [2014-12-21 11:55:54 +0000 UTC]

Awww I´m glad /////
It was in Photoshop with the "drop shadow" tool! ♥

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BlueOcean2494 [2014-10-04 12:13:13 +0000 UTC]

It's cute and shiny! I love your style    

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Yamio In reply to BlueOcean2494 [2014-10-04 14:13:33 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you so much ahhhh //////v\\\\\\ ~♥

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DGtails [2014-08-15 17:22:21 +0000 UTC]

your style is sooooo cute!!! im so jelly right now.. *^* and cute job!!! ^^

BTW, your voice is adorable!! ^^

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Yamio In reply to DGtails [2014-08-22 22:56:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much >//v//< ~♥
pfff nuuu hsuhfsduhf >/////////>

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DGtails In reply to Yamio [2014-08-23 15:20:52 +0000 UTC]

heheh, your welcome!

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coyohti [2014-07-17 23:03:51 +0000 UTC]

In your video for this you mention having an art book. Where might one find that? Your style is so cute!

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Yamio In reply to coyohti [2014-07-31 14:11:51 +0000 UTC]

Awww thank you so much!
I´m so sorry but it had to be postponed due to my health ;AAA; <33333333333333

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NutellaSandwich [2014-07-14 15:07:19 +0000 UTC]

I don't know how yo use Photoshop T-T

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Yamio In reply to NutellaSandwich [2014-07-14 22:50:21 +0000 UTC]

Barley me either XD;
The only thing I do there is mostly putting the white outline and some colour balance -shot- OTL

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mercury-xx In reply to Yamio [2014-07-26 17:55:49 +0000 UTC]

Do you have a tutorial on that? I do the same white outline thing but the way I learned it was time consuming. Then I saw your video and you made it look effortless. T-T 

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Yamio In reply to mercury-xx [2014-07-31 14:51:31 +0000 UTC]

It is really easy! ♥ 
What program do you use? It is different on each ;o;///

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mercury-xx In reply to Yamio [2014-07-31 15:23:14 +0000 UTC]

I saw your tweet on Twitter and skedaddled over here.
I use Photoshop too. (CS5, specifically.) I'm just really fail at it.
But I'm willing to download whatever you have if I could learn from you. ;-;

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Yamio In reply to mercury-xx [2014-07-31 15:55:25 +0000 UTC]

Well if it is photoshop it is super easy! ♥
For example if you made a chibi
Merge all layers to one.
Then click on the "Fx" thing. It is beside there you create a new layer kinda!
Click outerglow!

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mercury-xx In reply to Yamio [2014-07-31 16:14:08 +0000 UTC]

Oh, okay!
I'll try it... after I try to survive uni first. orz
Thank you so much for the help! ; u ;

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Pengow [2014-07-08 16:29:07 +0000 UTC]



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Yamio In reply to Pengow [2014-07-13 18:34:15 +0000 UTC]

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DragonMasters525 [2014-07-07 04:50:46 +0000 UTC]


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Yamio In reply to DragonMasters525 [2014-07-07 19:58:01 +0000 UTC]


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DragonMasters525 In reply to Yamio [2014-07-07 20:30:39 +0000 UTC]

no problem its just very good hahahah

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theyoungladyblue [2014-07-06 15:47:12 +0000 UTC]

How exactly do u set layers to like multiply?And luminosity?I'm super new to this so i have no idea how to work sai qwq ((my coloring is really horrible in digital ugh  ))

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Yamio In reply to theyoungladyblue [2014-07-07 19:58:39 +0000 UTC]

You go the layers and change their settings ;o;
You can watch my speedpaints on Youtube! ♥ Just put it on slowmo haha!

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theyoungladyblue In reply to Yamio [2014-08-09 14:47:52 +0000 UTC]

oh oh im such a newbie thank u very much!!!

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claudine-saint-clair [2014-04-27 20:50:03 +0000 UTC]

hi i was just wandering what are your brush settings?

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Yamio In reply to claudine-saint-clair [2014-04-28 08:38:09 +0000 UTC]

smallest on everything.

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claudine-saint-clair In reply to Yamio [2014-04-28 16:13:17 +0000 UTC]


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Primatus [2014-03-23 02:26:20 +0000 UTC]

I just saw your video. thanks for the help I have a question, in what resolution do you work?

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Yamio In reply to Primatus [2014-03-24 11:29:35 +0000 UTC]

Glad it was ♥ 
I work in 300 dpi if that is what you mean? ;o;
Otherwise my canvas are usually around 500 x 500 back in the days.
But bought a new computer now so I will be able to draw bigger <3
Over 1000 x 1000 is always recommended ~

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Primatus In reply to Yamio [2014-03-25 10:04:11 +0000 UTC]

I never expected you to reply!!! thanks !! yeah, I used to work on 1000x1000 but somehow I liked more working with 3000x3000 canvas haha

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xLilithOfSpitex [2014-03-02 15:51:58 +0000 UTC]

Sho! Shiny!! ;o; I love it

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chokichan [2014-02-23 14:18:14 +0000 UTC]

how did you crop the canvas in PS?? ;v;

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Yochiisu In reply to chokichan [2014-04-04 07:25:36 +0000 UTC]

I'm talking to the past.

Anyways, you can select around the picture and somewhere in Canvas or something, in the shortcut bar above, you'll find ''Crop by selection'' or something similar.

Or, while in SAI, Make a new layer underneath the whole drawing/picture, and save it as .psd.
Open it in photoshop, the background is supposed to be transparent.

Then, save it as .png, and that's it~

Hope this helped!

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chokichan In reply to Yochiisu [2014-04-04 09:02:00 +0000 UTC]

ah thankyou~~

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Yochiisu In reply to chokichan [2014-04-04 09:11:23 +0000 UTC]


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