#batman #flash #green #jla #justice #lantern #league #redesign #superman #woman #wonder
Published: 2015-01-26 18:42:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 23230; Favourites: 410; Downloads: 72
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One of my many redesigns of the JLA. This one I drew on paper, took a picture then did ink and color on my phone. Might go back and work on it again since GL didn't turn out quite as well as I would've liked. I was going for light constructs for armor, but in retrospect I don't think it fully translated.Edit: Figured I would go ahead and describe the thought process here for those who care to read such things.
The idea is rooted in an Elseworlds story concept I had created many years ago. Something along the lines of altering every character's origin a smidge and thinking of where it could go from there. I wanted to try to take the characters and give them opposing origins compared to what we're all used to. Even if it's one small step in the opposing direction.
Flash - Barry Allen in this universe was a small time thief in Central City. He grew up in poverty and developed a particular skill set to survive at a young age. The idea was that he was pulling a job from a mysterious client that required him to break into STAR labs. Coincidentally during the heist he had the same style accident as the current Flash, resulting in him acquiring his super speed. After some convincing from this universe's Green Lantern, he joins the Justice League. He would still bring the snarky attitude but with a little more bitterness attached. His costume was the hardest since the Flash's costume is really pretty flawless to me. So I just tried to do something different with it while keeping the primary aesthetics.
Wonder Woman - Honestly, I don't have a lot to go on here yet with altering her origin. I just wanted to bring out more of gladiator feel with her. I know that I have her not living on Paradise Island and instead raised under the tutelage of Ares. This retains her warrior mindset but loses some of her humbleness.
Superman - This one was fun. So, this may have been done a thousand times, but I'm doing it again. Superman's biggest difference is that he... You guessed it... Did NOT land in Kansas. Nor Soviet Russia or England. This time he lands around some tucked away and forgotten Greek island where... You guessed it... Ares finds him. He is raised as a demigod, trained as a warrior and soaking in the lovely Mediterranean rays. He is callous and unrelenting. He is betrothed to Diana at a young age and groomed to be an ambassador to the rest of the world. This role of diplomacy is merely a guise to push Ares' plan forward in setting up a global war, with Kal El as the catalyst. After some time in the western world with his wife Diana, he decides that America is in need of a stronger hand in leadership. Against Diana's wishes, Kal El starts flaunting his strength and superiority with the mortals. In his new mission to bring order, he is confronted with a homicidal madman known as the Joker. In his his pursuit of this maniacal character, he winds up in Gotham City...
Batman - Bruce Wayne was a boy born into wealth, just like the current version. He also went to the theater with his parents just to watch them get gunned down, also like the current version. But where I changed things was in the money department. His parents were just as rich, but he was raised without that money. Haven't worked out the details, but this version was raised by Alfred in a lower class fashion. Alfred has been doctored a bit too, him being more akin to Earth 2 Alfred only much burlier. (Curse my useless psychic abilities for thinking this up before and never doing anything about it lol) Also, this Alfred was a personal bodyguard, not an unassuming butler. So Alfred raises young Bruce in a small apartment over his garage. Alfred had changed Bruce's name and kept him in hiding down in the Narrows of Gotham to avoid any other mob related incidents. He uses his military experience to raise Bruce as a strong, disciplined and lethal young man. He taught Bruce various forms of Martial Arts as well as mechanical skills and survival techniques. Bruce was just as brilliant as ever and used his low budget and resourcefulness to build random inventions. Once Bruce became an adult, he ran off on his own much like the Bruce we know and love. Upon his return and his decision to become something more than just a man. It was at this time that Bruce discovered his trust fund from his late parents. Choosing to donate most of it and only use was he needed to finance himself, he took up the mantle of Batman. Instead of a cave, he has multiple safe houses across the city. Instead of expensive gear, he has mostly homemade devices and clothing. This Batman is more a part of the city than ever before. Green Lantern had already approached Batman about a team he was building, but Batman refused to leave Gotham. That is until a reckless Kryptonian stumbled into his stomping grounds.
Green Lantern - Hal Jordan always dreamed of becoming an ace pilot, until he crashed a very expensive prototype jet. He claimed he saw an unidentified craft weave into his flight path, causing the loss of control. After the accident, he was approached by a recruiter for an unknown government agency. He was "persuaded" to abandon his pilot duties and join the ranks of the Aerospace Security of Global Anomaly Research and Defense or ASGARD. (I know it's as bad as the SHIELD acronym lol) These are the guys who covered up Roswell and have been researching extraterrestrials for generations. They also have evidence of a possible sentient race of beings that used to reside on Mars
Ultimately, Green Lantern is the centerpiece to the whole idea here. He takes on his role as the guardian of sector 2814 by actually being a police officer of sorts. He releases his presence to the world leaders early on and performs his duties as necessary. He discovers J'onn J'onzz in cryosleep and releases him, he discovers the Kryptonian before he visits the US, and he is the one who decides there needs to be a team of super humans to help mitigate the destructive forces in the world. He creates the JLA to aid in watching over Earth while he takes care of his sector.
As far as design, I envision the Green Lanterns in blank, black suits to start. Their uniform then is created out of light constructs around them as the wearer sees fit. I wanted Hal to always have like a green smokey energy billowing from his eyes to act as a mask of sorts. But then I got the idea to make it like an old school fishbowl space helmet.Β
*Deeeeeeep breath* so there's that. If you made it this far, you're awesome and I appreciate the time you took to do so.
TL;DR version, The JLA are different because reasons.Β
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Comments: 21
astrocitizen [2020-07-25 16:22:26 +0000 UTC]
π: 0 β©: 0
SaoFma [2019-06-20 18:16:58 +0000 UTC]
Batman and Superman both look like villains... love it!
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Fierydemise23 [2017-03-05 03:02:50 +0000 UTC]
I see, so they are pretty much a step away fromΒ injustice lords.
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demonsteve [2017-02-15 04:26:27 +0000 UTC]
This is an interesting take on the J.L., keep up the work.
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DasBridies [2016-07-04 19:52:32 +0000 UTC]
I'm so glad you made GL the leader, as he's best qualified to do so
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Bastard-Bird [2015-04-03 03:12:18 +0000 UTC]
I'm diggin' the hell out of the Lantern with the 'fish-bowl helmet'. Also like the idea of the only recognized authority figure being the centre of the thing.Β
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therealRIZ [2015-03-01 22:22:08 +0000 UTC]
Really like the Superman redesign. great job.
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m4gichat [2015-01-29 02:21:33 +0000 UTC]
Love the designs and backstories! I like that you decided to have GL be the leader, unlike the numerous Superman and Batman leader stories (not that they aren't great, just nice change of pace).
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xXdemi-godXx In reply to m4gichat [2015-01-30 16:56:29 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I wanted to try and take a step back from who the characters are at heart instead of their traditional roles. It would make sense to put GL in charge, given his job description. Plus I like the idea of him actually policing his sector instead of just helping with Earth related matters. I wanted him to be more mature in his duties. Plus he would naturally be a cornerstone to tying the team together. Due to his job, he would need to keep tabs on all things strange in the world. Superman would be mostly the muscle with a chip on his shoulder that would eventually evolve more into what we are used to seeing out of him. Batman would be very similar. He's more cynical and less trusting, only there to further his own agendas really. Sorry for the lengthy reply, thanks for the feedback though!
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m4gichat In reply to xXdemi-godXx [2015-01-31 04:31:04 +0000 UTC]
No worries, a lengthy reply is a great reply! Really like the personalities & 100% on the GL logic. Only thing I would change is Superman a bit as he looks pretty menacing, when it seems like Batman is the dark selfish one in this scenario. Love love love it!!!
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TF-The-Lost-Seasons [2015-01-27 17:50:01 +0000 UTC]
Great designs! My favs are Superman and GL.
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xXdemi-godXx In reply to TF-The-Lost-Seasons [2015-01-28 13:30:48 +0000 UTC]
Thank you Supes is probably my favorite design out of these ones. Green Lantern is second only because I see something much more elaborate in my head. But the basic idea was translated for the most part. Thanks for the positive feedback
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TF-The-Lost-Seasons In reply to xXdemi-godXx [2015-01-30 06:35:23 +0000 UTC]
Hope to see more of your redesigns, I'm always looking for new takes on DC characters, because of a fancomic I'm writing, and these are pretty good.
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furbelows [2015-01-27 00:27:20 +0000 UTC]
This are really interesting concepts. Would love if there were story behind your iterations.
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xXdemi-godXx In reply to furbelows [2015-01-28 13:29:14 +0000 UTC]
I tried to summarize my story idea as best as I could in the description. I have a LOT of notes and scenes written in all sorts of different places around my house. There's a pretty large story in there that I tend to play with periodically between working on other stuff. If I can dig up some of it, I'll start posting it on here. Maybe that will inspire me to do more with it. If you have any questions feel free to ask and thanks for the feedback
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LAwolf097 [2015-01-26 20:57:54 +0000 UTC]
Really liking how you made superman and interesting concept for each of the characters awesome job
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xXdemi-godXx In reply to LAwolf097 [2015-01-28 13:31:13 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I appreciate it
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WARBOUND-President [2015-01-26 20:01:37 +0000 UTC]
I'm really liking your superman design!
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xXdemi-godXx In reply to WARBOUND-President [2015-01-26 20:15:10 +0000 UTC]
Thanks, I tried to play more on one of the older Kryptonian looks from the '90s. Back when they had green togas and weird cloud things on their arms. I always like those variants the best. Much appreciated though
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