XibalbaPiixan — Pokemon Moon Team

#pokemon #persian #mismagius #chandelure #gothitelle #phantump #alolaform #toxapex
Published: 2017-01-04 21:16:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 780; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description First time attempting to draw Pokémon and also first time playing a Pokémon game!!
Loved it (:
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Comments: 5

DeathEXEIsHere [2024-07-12 02:58:22 +0000 UTC]

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DeathEXEIsHere In reply to DeathEXEIsHere [2024-07-12 02:59:06 +0000 UTC]

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skylights1 [2017-02-18 05:22:49 +0000 UTC]

Whoooaahhahahh you played Pokemon Moon!?

This is what you played through the game with? Your team's pretty interesting. Three ghost types fits your style, Toxapex is rare for ingame teams, did you catch it yourself?

I also see the lack of starter on your team Guessing it was Litten?

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XibalbaPiixan In reply to skylights1 [2017-02-18 14:26:16 +0000 UTC]

I did!!
It was really enjoyable, made me want to try out previous titles

And yeah, caught a Mareanie in a SOS battle with Corsola. It's become one of my favorites!

And nope, it was Popplio.
What was yours?

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skylights1 In reply to XibalbaPiixan [2017-02-19 22:37:15 +0000 UTC]

I had Popplio too.  My team at the end was Primarina, Lycanroc, Ninetales-A, Raichu-A. Also had a Leafeon and Persian-A... Too many Alola-form Pokemon I wanted to play with a Jangmo-o, but it came way too late in the game.

Well I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Most of the other old Pokemon games are great too. Main series Pokemon games have always had consistently great quality, so I can recommend any of them really. Though if you play Gen 4 games (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum), do Platinum since the menu's progress faster.

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