Published: 2011-06-25 11:02:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 1555; Favourites: 58; Downloads: 11
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Seriously....For those who don't know, Knuckles Chaotix was a game for the Sega 32X. It marked the first appearance of the Chaotix. You would pick one character and then choose your partner from a claw machine. The two characters would be joined together by an elastic band and you would have to control them both.
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic 2, Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Sonic CD have all been re-released and made available for modern consoles. But Knuckles Chaotix was not. What happened? I guess they thought it wasn't popular enough or maybe the sales were bad when it first came out. If the sales were bad, than my theory is that the only reason why it didn't do so good was because it was on the 32X. The 32X was a very inconvenient console for simple gamers. You can see the Angry Video Game Nerd's review of it, even. [link] The thing was not that no one liked the game, but that no one liked the console. I think Knuckles Chaotix should be made available for the Virtual Console or the Nintendo DS or something. Sega seriously needs to give it another chance.
Yeah, I know this stamp kind of sucks. I need to learn how to put images in stamps better.
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Comments: 73
JOLTTHEHEDGEHPG09 [2013-03-15 18:46:01 +0000 UTC]
yes, yes it does, and they should do what they did with sonic CD and actually finish tails programming and add him and sonic into the game
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holmesman [2012-12-16 03:17:49 +0000 UTC]
I don't give a s*it about what everyone thinks about Knuckles' Chaotix. Even if the Angry Video Game Nerd reviewed this game and called it a piece of s*it like the console it was made for, I'd play it regardless. The game has a kickass soundtrack, 3D stages that show what the Sega 32X was capable of, and (best of all) the gimmick of having two characters chained together.
Howver, instead of a re-release of Knuckles' Chaotix, I have had an idea so revolutionary that it might redeem the game's reputation. I'm talking about....... a sequel.
Think about it: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island was released the same year Knuckles' Chaotix was, and a direct sequel wasn't released until 2006. Okay, so maybe Yoshi's Island was AFTER Knuckles' Chaotix, but at least BOTH of them had some fans.
I originally had the idea for a Chaotix sequel here on devianART, but I took it down because.... well, just because. Basically, it talked about bringing back the old Chaotix gameplay and having some new stuff thrown in, such as (you won't believe it but....) four-player co-op. It even had elements from the infamous Sonic X-Treme including Tiara Boobowski as a playable character.
However, I finally came up with an original concept that had nothing to do with reworking a cancelled game in its entirety (meaning the WHOLE thing was reworked and all that jazz). I don't want to spoil anything on it yet, but here's a little secret: the Time Eater from Sonic Generations will be the main antagonist and its origins will be revealed in the game's story.
So yeah, that about sums up my thoughts. Overall, Knuckles' Chaotix doesn't just need a rerelease, it needs a F*CKING sequel (AT RETAIL, not for DOWNLOAD). And the original game can be found in the sequel as an Easter egg, just like the first Sonic game was for Sonic Generations.
Take my word for it, the game has Knuckles' chance to shine and has an interesting effect on an interesting console/add-on. Go to Youtube and check out what other people say (but never EVER see Gligar13Vids' review. That guy hates EVERYTHING. He has no idea what he's missing out. Not only does he hate bad games like the Angry Video Game Nerd, but he also hates GOOD games. He even hates Super Mario World. I'm using "hate" because he's saying it's a bad game. It's not his fault, but he really needs to lighten up).
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ericgl1996 [2012-08-15 02:48:56 +0000 UTC]
I Wish Sonic & Tails Can Be Playable Characters In This Re-Released On Xbox 360 & PS3 This Is My Wish For Sega
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holmesman In reply to ericgl1996 [2012-12-16 03:18:40 +0000 UTC]
Maybe if that game were to have a sequel, they could be unlockable bonuses.
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commandercharon2 [2012-04-20 18:41:30 +0000 UTC]
If I may put my two cents in, the playable character list should be updated/redone. For instance, Heavy and Bomb, from the original game, should be replaced with Ray the Squirrel because he's part of the Chaotix (and deserves some attention) and maybe Rouge the Bat for the extra appeal.
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Wolena In reply to commandercharon2 [2012-04-20 19:01:07 +0000 UTC]
That sounds like a good idea. Heavy and Bomb are useless and everyone hates having to play as them.
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artmagedtom [2011-09-02 17:40:45 +0000 UTC]
I agree with this, Other games have so now it should be the turn of Knuckles Chaotix. I think I heard that Sega were going to put it on Gems Collection but they didn't because they said they had "problems" making the game work.
Not to be rude but that is bullshit, I think they just can't be bothered
Whilst the game doesn't have the best controlls and mechanics, it is I think a creative idea that they should give it another go, or even put the original gameplay and a mode where you can play as one character and not use 2, but I think that would be quite hard to do, they could still try though. The music for the game is also very good aswell, better than Sonic Colours music. I also like how in the game each character was given a unique abillity and how, this game is one of the very few Sonic games that have a bad ending. In this games case having Mega Metal Sonic rampage and destroy everything. I hope they re-release it they have just did it with Sonic CD so who knows maybe they will
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Wolena In reply to artmagedtom [2011-09-02 17:53:18 +0000 UTC]
I figured they never re-released it because "A durr hurr, it wasn't popular enough". I think it could be popular if they gave it a chance!
If they cleaned and fixed up the controls abit, it would work. That other mode idea is also pretty cool! And I like the very dark toned bad ending.
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artmagedtom In reply to Wolena [2011-09-04 13:41:36 +0000 UTC]
Yeah it would! because some people would play nearly any game that has Sonic characters in it. They might aswell give it a shot.
Thanks! though if Sega would even try that is another question, very few games have bad endings if you don't get all chaos emeralds, time stones or this case the Chaos rings so it is unique. Sega should just do it I'm tired or using a emulator I want to play it on a proper console, just not the 32X console. Thats what it's downfall was.
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Wolena In reply to artmagedtom [2011-09-04 14:35:59 +0000 UTC]
Yes, the problem wasn't the game itself, but the console it was on. No one wanted to play the 32X. If only we could play it on the Wii or Xbox or something.
I believe Sonic 2 on the Game Gear had a sad bad ending. When I saw it, I assumed most of the old Sonic games had bad endings.
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ediskrad327 [2011-09-02 00:33:33 +0000 UTC]
well now that Sonic CD is being ported to Xbox LIVE arcade and PSN it may be re-released at some point
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ulrich5000 [2011-09-01 22:55:13 +0000 UTC]
Though I completely agree, there's always emulators and roms, so it's not that big of a problem, lol
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Klonoa13 [2011-08-16 03:07:52 +0000 UTC]
From what I heard,Knuckles Chaotix WAS actually meant to be rereleased one time, Sega was planning on Porting the Game to Sonic Gems Collection from what I heard,But for whatever reasons,it was left out,It's really unknown why,But I'm gonna asume it's Emulation issues like How they were having problems with porting SegaSonic The Hedgehog Arcade to Sonic Gems Collection.
So far,The only Rerelease that Chaotix actually had was adding the game to the Gametap Site, But Sadly,The game was taken down from the site now...
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the-lest [2011-07-11 10:09:34 +0000 UTC]
I agree! Knuckles Chaotix was such a fun game! And, WHERE IS MIGHTY IN THE NEW GAMES? Poor Mighty, one of the oldest characters in the world of Sonic and he's been left on the shelf over time.
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Wolena In reply to the-lest [2011-07-23 16:59:57 +0000 UTC]
Poor Mighty. I really want to see him in a game. At least he makes a cameo on a poster in the background of a stage in Sonic Generations, so that might mean something.
There's also a possibility of a Mighty the Armadillo saga in the Archie comics on account of him leaving to find his little sister.
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the-lest In reply to Wolena [2011-07-23 23:14:02 +0000 UTC]
Oooh! Please don't tell me any more about the Archie comics though - I'm a year and a half behind due to living in the UK where it is really hard to get them
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Wolena In reply to the-lest [2011-07-23 23:38:31 +0000 UTC]
I've been reading them off of Youtube. Eeerrr...Okay, I know that's cheating, but If it weren't for Youtube, buying the comics just to read them would be a pain in the ass. In fact, the only one of the comics I actually have is the one that comes with the Knuckles and Espio figures. Anyway, here's where you could read them: [link]
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the-lest In reply to Wolena [2011-07-24 08:58:01 +0000 UTC]
Thanks dude, but I have a really strict download limit, and youtube canes it. I am torrenting them though... (well, I asked my friend to) I figure it's okay since I have a fair few of the hard copies and plan to eventually get all the ones that are still avaliable.
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Wolena In reply to the-lest [2011-07-24 12:47:48 +0000 UTC]
Oh, okay. Well, good luck on catching up!
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Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-27 19:02:59 +0000 UTC]
I totally agree with this stamp. |D
If they cleaned up the controlling a bit, it could be an awesome game.
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-27 19:09:09 +0000 UTC]
Very much so! I think it would be easy to just clean the controls up and put of the Virtual console, so why not?
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-27 19:16:32 +0000 UTC]
I know! They've already done something like that with the other games in Gems Collection and what not. I've been looking for that game for years.
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-27 19:17:53 +0000 UTC]
Sega needs to acknowledge the game. It seems like such a creative idea.
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-27 19:24:22 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, but given the time it was released...I guess it would be easy to forget about it. It was put out about the same time as the Dreamcast, soooo...it kinda got left behind. |D
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-27 21:16:11 +0000 UTC]
And it was on the 32X, so gamers probably passed it up because they didn't want to buy that piece of junk to play it.
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 13:22:18 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, that too. It's a forgotten treasure. The game, I mean X3
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 14:43:04 +0000 UTC]
Yes. Knuckles Chaotix is a forgotten treasure that must be discovered again.
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 14:54:59 +0000 UTC]
Indeed X3
Did you hear that the Chaotix are gonna be in Sonic Generations? Not playable as far as I know, but still there
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 15:01:13 +0000 UTC]
They are? Where did you hear that? 8D
I know Mighty and Ray are going to make cameos on missing posters in the background in one level.
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 15:07:51 +0000 UTC]
I was found in on Sonic Wiki when I was looking up the thing about Mighty and Ray being on a Missing poster. They're design didn't change at all XD
...No wait, I got that wrong; they're hinted at being on there...not confirmed But there's a bunch of confirmed cameos by the characters people are trying to brink back. [link] (this is the article if you want to see the Mighty and Ray missing poster is in here too)
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 15:26:20 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, Nack/Fang, Bean, Bark, Ray, and Mighty all make cameos on posters. Hopefully, this might mean Sega is considering bringing them back. I'll try not to get too excited!
Ah, I see. I hope they do appear, though!
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 15:37:59 +0000 UTC]
I'm just excited they're finally in games. Even if it's just camos.
Me too! I hope they're playable in some game soon too X3
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 16:05:19 +0000 UTC]
Same here. Sega is finally acknowledging them!
Same here! They haven't been playable in a long time (save for Vector in the Mario/Sonic at Olympic games and in Free Riders). I just realized that Charmy was only playable in two games: Knuckles Chaotix and Sonic Heroes.
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 16:12:20 +0000 UTC]
Hooray! That's espically great with Mighty; I heard a rumor that the guy who made him left SEGA and took the copyrights with him. But since he's showing up, it probably isn't true
Yeah DX Poor Charmy. It'd be awesome if they had their own game, though
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 16:17:50 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. X3 Though that rumor was confirmed to be false a while ago when there was a poll in Japan for favorite Sonic character and Mighty made number ten. Sega said this could mean a comeback for him.
Dude, if they had their own game, that would be friggin EPIC!
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 16:21:22 +0000 UTC]
Ah, I didn't hear that part X3
I would never stop playing that game I always like to think they'd have a detecitve-ish game since that's what they are now...now that I think of it, a case of finding Mighty & ray in there would be pretty cool
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 16:23:06 +0000 UTC]
Heck to the yes! That would make an awesome plot! I would probably scream for joy if that game was announced! :'D
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 16:27:20 +0000 UTC]
I would probably dance if that game was announced...and hug everyone I met. |D Then I would happily waste hours of my life playing it.
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 17:02:39 +0000 UTC]
It would be the only thing I ever talked about. Everyone would get so annoyed of me. XD
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Kaity-Chameleon In reply to Wolena [2011-06-28 17:05:40 +0000 UTC]
That would be my life *hasnolifelol*
Hell, I just got inspired; I've gotta make a missing Mighty story now |D
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Wolena In reply to Kaity-Chameleon [2011-06-28 17:10:37 +0000 UTC]
Yes! Do it! I'll read it for sure!
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MariatheHegehog [2011-06-25 14:54:09 +0000 UTC]
I like this game but I have only played it on the computer I never knew the consles name(crud me and my bad spelling>.<)
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Wolena In reply to MariatheHegehog [2011-06-25 14:59:16 +0000 UTC]
It was on the Sega 32X (which, as you could tell by AVGN's review of it, was a bad console). I'd download it for the computer, too, but I'm afraid of downloading games on my computer because I'm afraid of crashing it. That's why I hope they release it for the Virtual console one day.
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MariatheHegehog In reply to Wolena [2011-06-25 15:04:24 +0000 UTC]
well my computer had to be reset and suff so I don't have the game any more, I'm nervouse about that happening to me as well, really I didn't know that consoel was reviewed really bad.. I would like to see it re releast again...the new chars. some how scares me even though I should be use to new games but I like the older games because I'm such a wierdie, but anyways some of the new chars I just don't care for such as Silver and stuff I'm not trying to be mean so ya know...
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Wolena In reply to MariatheHegehog [2011-06-25 15:42:16 +0000 UTC]
I don't mind the new characters at all. Some I like and some I don't care for. But I really wish they'd bring back Mighty the armadillo. I love him. If they remake Knuckles Chaotix instead of simply re-releasing it, I hope they include him in it.
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MariatheHegehog In reply to Wolena [2011-06-25 15:44:31 +0000 UTC]
I like mighty aswell, I would like it be re release aswell..
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mdizzle999872 [2011-06-25 14:31:10 +0000 UTC]
I never got the chance to play it so I wouldn't know it
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