Published: 2017-12-26 02:44:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 406948; Favourites: 15748; Downloads: 0
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Sylvanas vs AnduinΒ -Β battle for azerothThis image will be in the reward package of January 2018 on my patreon.
Wish you a great year in 2018!
4k wallpaper, original file, brush set and painting process video will be provided to supporters on my Patreon : www.patreon.com/wlop
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Comments: 533
VernichtenAlles [2020-03-10 01:46:42 +0000 UTC]
Not sure if you've seen this, but someone has posted your art on their acct:
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SententiaSaga [2018-08-22 20:16:10 +0000 UTC]
I got this artwork at Anime revaluation a few weeks back! I love it so much, for the Horde~!Β Β
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ryuookamihoshi In reply to Kiarorin [2018-08-21 20:13:53 +0000 UTC]
What are you talking about? She's wearing her high-mobility gear for PVP. You have to wear the armor that gives the best stat boost for that.
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Kiarorin In reply to ryuookamihoshi [2018-08-22 05:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Of all the beautiful Warcraft characters you can over-sexualize, I noticed most of the fandom picks the one that's a dead chick. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with sexy characters, but... the dead one?
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ryuookamihoshi In reply to Kiarorin [2018-08-22 18:14:41 +0000 UTC]
I think it's primarily because like vampires she doesn't exactly look like she's undead. If she had features more in line with the rest of the Forsaken it'd probably be a different story, but as it is right now she has the "wow, she looks like a Dark Elf" vibe rather than the "wow, she looks like a corpse" vibe.
Also, with the introduction of Azerite, unless I'm wrong, I have a sneaking suspicion that she may not remain undead for the entirety of the expansion, but we'll have to wait and see for that.
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Klugdunum In reply to ryuookamihoshi [2018-11-27 15:09:57 +0000 UTC]
Still, I perfetly understand the double point of Kiarorin.
First, the armor. This picture is amazing and the impression of deadly menace perfectly present. This isn't, my opinion, subject to the discussion. But this kind of over (really, over) sexualized "armor" is kind of ridiculous. If you put in in a Conan style of world, or the Mars of John Carter, it is understandable (the heat, the sun and the imagery of only the body, belonging to the more or less realistic antiquity).
I know that especially Korean fantasy tends to brings a maximum of nudity, but in Warcraft... She is an elve from the forest, a ranger, and a warrior. And no one who has tried to walk into a forest of took just one lesson of fencing agrees to the complete nudity, which is the case here.
More, Sylvanas is presented as a banshee, so... a ghost (Warcraft 3).
Here, she is -since a while- a corpse wearing an "armor". So, the "vampire transformation" isn't really present normally. And basically, her armor should be a ghostly one, a representation of the one she wore at her death. Her, she is a goddess of death incarnated in a bikini. So quite twisted from the origin of the charcter....
So, second, the ghost is much more the manifestation of love (with all the eternal regrets), than desire. As for the "hot and dark girl", WOW is filled with such characters, so why Sylvanas ?
Can't blame Kiaorin to bring his/her doubts on the matter, really !
And anyway, the artist did'nt tried to differ from the model in the last cinematic. And did it incredibly well...
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Kiarorin In reply to ryuookamihoshi [2018-08-23 01:10:39 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, maybe the Azerite might be able to restore undead? If that's the case, maybe she'll get her conscience back.
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Sharpman01 In reply to Kiarorin [2018-09-03 06:59:45 +0000 UTC]
The supreme irony...After all the crap she pulls, Azerite makes her a living High Elf...and thus enemy of her own people.
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Kiarorin In reply to Sharpman01 [2018-09-03 22:36:04 +0000 UTC]
I'm just wondering why Blizzard thought it would be a good idea to make her Warchief. I'm not a Sylvanas-hater. I like Sylvanas, but she does NOT represent the Horde well. I think Saurfang or Baine Bloodhoof would have been the better choices.Β
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Sharpman01 In reply to Kiarorin [2018-09-04 01:16:49 +0000 UTC]
I'm more annoyed they killed VOLJIN...We just had him for one expansion and BOOM! He's gone the next xpac...WHY?
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Kiarorin In reply to Sharpman01 [2018-09-06 01:47:16 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, I really liked Vol'jin. There was no reason for him to die, story-wise.
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Sharpman01 In reply to Kiarorin [2018-11-24 05:11:33 +0000 UTC]
They wanted to keep the 'War' in Warcraft since Vol'jin was essentially a Troll version of Thrall.
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Kiarorin In reply to Sharpman01 [2018-11-24 21:37:13 +0000 UTC]
Which suited the Horde perfectly. He was good at representing the Horde; honorable, yet not afraid to fight. I think Sylvanas represents the Forsaken pretty well, and I think she would make an excellent general and/or tactical adviser during a big war. But a good main leader needs to REPRESENT as well as give orders. Ol' Sylvie is good at giving orders, but is absolutely terrible at representing.
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DravinCeltic [2018-08-06 11:02:20 +0000 UTC]
She is my favorite Warcraft character. Another flawless job
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SchattenLotus In reply to Myrynde [2018-06-10 07:08:16 +0000 UTC]
So she returned to her Striptease Outfit?
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DcGiganta [2018-04-14 18:18:00 +0000 UTC]
I love the giant size of her π awesome job
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Sarlata [2018-02-23 20:26:28 +0000 UTC]
Can't wait for Anduin to kick Sylvanas' ass in this new expansion
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alastor999 [2018-02-20 20:39:24 +0000 UTC]
You know what I imagined the dialogue here to be?
Anduin: "... I-I need an adult..." D:
Sylvanas: "I am an adult." >
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Throneofsouls [2018-02-15 01:23:50 +0000 UTC]
Needless to say someone is about to die violently.Β Β
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TalmoraDoesArt [2018-02-10 03:40:57 +0000 UTC]
I hope you know that someone has taken your art, cropped out your name and put their own signature on it and posted it to their Instagram as their own.Β
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Vicious-Imagination In reply to TalmoraDoesArt [2018-02-14 18:24:57 +0000 UTC]
Can confirm. They have cropped out your own credit and patreon infoeither intentionally or just the IG system, but I would argue.
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shikomekidomi [2018-02-01 11:17:14 +0000 UTC]
Otherwise, a nice piece, but Sylvanas' position looks really, really awkward.
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Syriie [2018-01-17 01:03:25 +0000 UTC]
Awesome piece, though I despise her and the Forsaken. For the Alliance!
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eel227 [2018-01-15 08:18:52 +0000 UTC]
Spirit of Varian; Son....?Β Β Anduin: Father.... why is this happening...?!Β Β Varian: just imagine her in her underwear....?Β Β Anduin: SHE IS IN HER UNDERWEAR!Β Β Saurfang: QUIT GAWKING AT OUR WARCHIEF!Β Β Β Varessa: I'M NOT RELATED TO HER... MY LAST NAME IS FAST ARROWΒ Alleria: same.
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