Published: 2009-05-09 03:22:41 +0000 UTC; Views: 39694; Favourites: 307; Downloads: 7720
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Please see fullview to read the omake!A 4-koma parody omake of two of my favorite shounen anime/manga Full Metal Alchemist and Bleach to celebrate the coming out of the anime Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Brotherhood.
I had this idea back in 2004(?) when FMA and Bleach were both starting to gain a lot of popularity. I'm the sort of geek who loves looking at animenewsnetwork at all the overlapping roles of different seiyuu. As you all know, Paku Romi does the voices for Ed and Hitsugaya. She is one of my favorite seiyuu, and the range and emotion she shows portraying Edward Elric is amazing. Hitsugaya Toushiro is my favorite Bleach shinigami, but he reminded me of another short prodigy. (Ed and Shiro-chan: who are you calling a super-midget?!) And of course, Al's seiyuu Kugimiya Rie (most known recently for her Tsundere roles like Shana, Taia and Louise) plays Ichigo's tomboy little sister, Kurosaki Karin (and Nemu as well.) Hence, this omake resulted, because I've been getting back into the FMA spirit with the new (manga-based) anime.
I love Bleach episode 132 where Toushiro interacts with Karin--it's very reminiscent of Ed and Al and the running gags about Ed's height.
Anyhow, I'm excited about Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Brotherhood, especially how they deal with the storyline after episode 27 of the original anime (which overall was already executed to near perfection, albeit the ending.) But the manga has so many intersting plots to come. And I also like how Roy Mustang's character develops (he's one of my all-time favorite characters).
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Comments: 56
RheiaAManga [2012-11-20 19:39:29 +0000 UTC]
I love both Hitsugaya and Ed!!! Because they're midget prodigies who are BADASS and totally EPIC!!!
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kalayaanraguso [2012-04-01 01:11:47 +0000 UTC]
how can mustang NOT b a true fma and fmab fan fav carachters?
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StagenameShades [2011-11-25 06:16:08 +0000 UTC]
You got Hitsugaya's smirky look just right! I'm not a Bleach fan, but it's easy to recognize that look--and the fact that it's probably hard to draw... Not that I would know!
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Noahfan736 [2011-08-08 16:00:35 +0000 UTC]
i think eds actually taller than toshiro. if anything, blondie made himself shorter. 0.o
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Irrequiem [2011-06-29 23:45:00 +0000 UTC]
WUT? Al would never ditch Ed! ...Or be a girl... -shudders- But cool. XD
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nosoundgirl [2011-06-06 18:55:11 +0000 UTC]
LOL that was a pretty interesting cross over omake. Sadly, according to equivalent exchange Ed can't transmute/bankai into anyone taller
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bonnybanshey [2011-04-07 18:20:52 +0000 UTC]
((face goes threw changes first laughing then confusion then utter horror)
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asdarklover [2011-04-06 20:14:03 +0000 UTC]
How interesting about the seiyu's. I have to say though I dislike it when the seiyu's don't try an attempt to make their voice different. These Japanese seiyu's obviously have obviously done so, but in the dubbed version of both anime's the actors in some cases don't bother altering their voices.
I started watching Brotherhood but then stopped, I really need to start watching it lol.
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akiras123 [2011-01-16 16:59:30 +0000 UTC]
i feel the same. i almost a senior in high school and random ppl still come up 2 me and hug me for hug a freshman day. T-T. even my 12 years old brother is bigger than me. lol one good thing about being short is the discount. i ride the train for 1 dollar instead of 20 because i look 11
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SirStarshine [2010-09-23 23:44:51 +0000 UTC]
I liked the whole thing! But I didn't know about the seiyuu for Al and Karin. Cool little tidbit.
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Yandere-Chiru-Chan [2010-09-16 15:52:11 +0000 UTC]
*hitsugaya and ed changes body*
in soul society:
hitsugaya taicou has ben so intollerant lately...
-did you her he was screaming at ukitake, calling him a wierdo?! saying that he called him a super midget who isnt even taller than a bug? or when he tried to attack kurosaki? both matsumoto and ikkaku had to hold him back! and it was all becous he just said his firstname?
wow, did you see? hitsugaya taichou just smiled?! he has done it much recently...
and he is letting hinamori call him shiro-chan (nii-san)
in amestris:
edward elric has ben so tollerant lately...
he havent ben trying to kill people for calling him short lately! but he allways looks like he is angry... he is really cold now, he didnt even get seemingly annoyed on either winry or pinako, not even roy.
*his brother is really worried about him* whay are you so different, nii-san?
-its not nii-san annymore, you know, its "state alchemist Elric" now!
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TeenTitanGirl12 [2010-08-28 04:40:22 +0000 UTC]
I was so confused till i remembered they have the exact same voice actors (its funny the guy who does Toushiro and Ed just does strong, pwerful, short child prodigies!)
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MagicklessSorceress [2010-08-20 15:04:35 +0000 UTC]
Great job, and you drew all the characters amazingly XD Poor Ed...
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bonnybanshey [2010-07-18 22:52:52 +0000 UTC]
(brain splits in two thus causing the world to explode)
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Naruslittlewolf [2010-07-04 05:52:30 +0000 UTC]
I can relate. I am the exact height of Ed. Really. Exactly. AND OMG I LUV TOSHIRO IN ED'S CLOTHES!!!!!!!!!
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Pinpil [2010-06-25 17:49:39 +0000 UTC]
Haha, this is very funny! Unerasable sin :'D...
I didn't noticed the seiyuus were the same, probably they did it on purpose since they are both short/talented/short tempered/serious guys. And omg! Kigimiya does Al?? Would have never recognised her without the tsundere desguise lol.
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Marrroes [2010-06-11 17:54:57 +0000 UTC]
I found out yesterday that Fullmetal alchemist has offcially stopped T.T (the manga's at least) And I have this weird bad felling that Bleach is going to end soon as well... T.T
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AhLahLee [2010-04-03 19:57:59 +0000 UTC]
Haha, I thought of this too - about the same voices. But you made it hilarious and awesome! XD
Totally fav!
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AnimeKoneko242 [2010-02-06 10:28:58 +0000 UTC]
I don't watch Bleach, but I get it. Very cute. Poor Ed can never catch a break. And poor Al has to just stand there awkwardly and then try to console his vertically challanged older brother. XD Instead of taking his arm and leg, they could have just made him really tiny. LOL
You should definitely continue this. Very clever Wish, very clever.
P.S. What was up with all those little "Our Motherhood" and "ready, steady go" scribbles? Were you hinting to something? >.> Aren't those the lyrics to the theme song?
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wishluv In reply to AnimeKoneko242 [2010-02-14 19:30:18 +0000 UTC]
"Vertically challenged older brother." lol... Yup, I included all the titles of the openings and endings of FMA in the omake. See if you can find them all!
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LEXicon712 [2009-09-19 02:42:37 +0000 UTC]
dub ed elric would have turned into ikkaku madarame. he could have gone off easy
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TheKenzai1987 [2009-07-08 21:11:09 +0000 UTC]
Interestingly, I should point out that comparing their heights, Edward Elric is actually TALLER than Toshiro Hitsugaya (>150 cm vs. 133cm).
I really like this! Even without the seiyuu reference.
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wishluv In reply to TheKenzai1987 [2009-07-13 02:45:10 +0000 UTC]
haha... I remember an omake about Ed's height including his platform shoes and antenna-hair thing. Lol.
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jayel248 [2009-06-07 16:18:52 +0000 UTC]
Om, so funny. XD I thought that Toshiro had Paku Romi as his seiyuu, but I never checked it out if I was right. Toshiro and Ed are almost like twins(though they look different.. well, they're eyes look kinda same)... lost twins... Other was adopted into another anime etc... Whatever, I'm going to fave this now, 'cause it's funny and your drawing is good and characters actually look like themselves.
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manga-luvr [2009-05-21 03:36:43 +0000 UTC]
lol wow thats hilarious
and i love how you put two of my fave anime guys into one comic
*holds up sign that reads: "Hitsugaya and Edward's #1 fangirl"*
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Aly-Angelflight [2009-05-13 23:43:53 +0000 UTC]
Lol, even without the seiyuu reference, it's funny.
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WinxC1ub [2009-05-09 13:09:02 +0000 UTC]
I love when you find out the same voice actor plays more than one character. Like how Kumai plays both Syaoran and Sumomo in japanese, and how Christopher plays Kurogane and like, half of the men in Dragonball Z in english.
This was funny(Not as funny as AGE, but still pretty funny)
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wishluv In reply to WinxC1ub [2009-05-09 23:00:55 +0000 UTC]
Oh yeah, I think it's especially funny when a female seiyuu uses her "male" voice and then "female" voice in another. Then you really get surprised.
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WinxC1ub In reply to wishluv [2009-05-10 01:22:15 +0000 UTC]
Hey, did you get my comment last time about my idea for a new dark force? If not I'll say it again. I really think you should have Fujishika being controlled by an Emotion called GREED. It just seems like it would fit. Too bad you already did DISPAIR in that last one though, cuz that would of also been good for Fujishinta for after Fujishika told him Fujitaka ran off with all that money. BUt I guess it fits with Sakura two, after Syaoran broke her heart(Even though it was techinacly Leiyun and Jinyu's fault, I hate them even more after that last chapter). Anyway, you really should consider GREED, maybe then things will settle down within the Kinomoto family once Sakura seals it.
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wishluv In reply to WinxC1ub [2009-05-10 02:11:29 +0000 UTC]
Haha... Ironically enough, I will be dealing with the Kinomoto clan very soon. I hope you'll enjoy seeing how it unfolds even though I don't end up using Greed for this round. ^_^
Hmm.. all this Greed and FMA talk makes me think of the 7 sins. There was some speculations that I would use the 7 sins for the Emotions. But Gluttony is not a dark force I plan on doing. Though it would fit Yukito perfectly. LOL.
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Ducksale [2009-05-09 10:52:49 +0000 UTC]
lol, did u know that Roy Mustang and in the new FMA Brotherhood and Urahara Kisuke has the same seiyuu too (Shinichiro Miki) ^-^
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TeenTitanGirl12 In reply to Ducksale [2010-08-28 04:41:43 +0000 UTC]
Rlly ive noticed a lt of the voice actors in bleach are in FMA to! X3
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wishluv In reply to Ducksale [2009-05-09 22:59:45 +0000 UTC]
Yup yup! That'll make a funny omake idea too ^_^
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KireiBlossom [2009-05-09 08:04:16 +0000 UTC]
Hoho, how did it end up like that? I know absolutely nothing about Bleach, but this was really well done. You draw Ed perfect.
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KireiBlossom In reply to KireiBlossom [2009-05-09 16:56:33 +0000 UTC]
I forgot to say: really loved the references to the FMA songs (rewrite, undo, motherland, ready steady go)
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wishluv In reply to KireiBlossom [2009-05-09 22:58:58 +0000 UTC]
Yay!!! Someone noticed. It's a challenge--I included all the OPs and EDs to FMA and FMA 2 (well, only Yui's Again and Sid's Uso are out so far.) I love all the FMA songs. ^_^
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