Published: 2012-10-29 05:42:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 741; Favourites: 46; Downloads: 7
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sooo, I think this is the first drawing I uploaded this month.. and the month is almost over o.o how did this month went so fast?!but anyway, this is the cross country picture of Atlantic for the Rosenhill Event (: will add more info after school, because I really have to leave now D:
Show: RF Eventing Show
Horse: OFH Atlantic
Rider: Alex Bennington
Discipline: Novice 3DE - Cross Country
Startnumber: 202
Atlantic stepped with fast confident steps around the start box, his ears were curiously turning to every possible direction as he listened to the different sounds. The clouds were slowly starting to leave the sky. Still, the sky had an dark grey depressing colour, but every now and then the sun bursts through, which gave the surroundings an nice mysterious atmosphere.
Alex was kinda nervous about this last phase, he tried to keep his head calm and not let his mood infect Atlantics odds. He wasn't scared they would fail the course completely. No not at all, they had been training cross country a lot these past months, they would nail it; it was the weather that worried him. It luckely seemed to stay dry during the cross country phase, but the ground was still soaked from the rain from yesterday. If they would ride calmly through the corners and try to avoid sharp turns it will go alright.
Alex nervously led Atlantic in the start box and waited for their sign to start.
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Comments: 28
Music-Fish [2012-10-30 20:01:07 +0000 UTC]
echt he, gister ofzo was het nog 1 oktober en nu opeens 30, wut รด-o
maar de tekening is awesome, I like het perspectief ;D
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WhiteWonderWolf In reply to Music-Fish [2012-11-02 20:20:54 +0000 UTC]
en het is nu al november D: maar oktober was echt 1 dag ofzo x'D
thank you~ ;D
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JustLoveMusic [2012-10-30 19:38:14 +0000 UTC]
die manen van dat paard zien er zo cool uit
and the background is awesome (:
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HorseGalMK [2012-10-29 22:42:27 +0000 UTC]
I agree with *Subdivided - love the perspective!
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Subdivided [2012-10-29 20:04:09 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful! I like the perspective
Yeahh Alex' asssss
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WhiteWonderWolf In reply to Subdivided [2012-10-30 17:44:06 +0000 UTC]
yay thanks~ ;D
hahaha x'D
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Subdivided In reply to WhiteWonderWolf [2012-11-07 21:05:48 +0000 UTC]
You're welcome! ;D xDD
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Hamsnuf [2012-10-29 18:45:13 +0000 UTC]
Ziet er super uit! Het paard ziet er zo lief & geduldig uit haha, weet niet waarom. Maar echt mooi gedaan! :'D
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Owls-Eye In reply to WhiteWonderWolf [2012-10-31 15:04:56 +0000 UTC]
~you're welcome ;D
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re-flamed [2012-10-29 14:48:48 +0000 UTC]
maar nice, i like it ;D
lijkt me heel droog om iemand van de achterkant te tekenen. :'P
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WhiteWonderWolf In reply to re-flamed [2012-10-30 17:48:50 +0000 UTC]
hehehe thanks~ ;D
het is droog om iemands achterkant te shaden.. x'D echt van: 'hmmm, okay, waaaaar moet hier de schaduw...' x')
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re-flamed In reply to WhiteWonderWolf [2012-10-31 13:03:54 +0000 UTC]
haha ja, lijkt me redelijk droog x'D
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TackRack [2012-10-29 13:08:09 +0000 UTC]
I love this! I really like the soft, muted colors
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