Published: 2018-07-10 09:17:43 +0000 UTC; Views: 25984; Favourites: 726; Downloads: 0
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Shadow Treaders are a mysterious clan of dragons that live in a dark, deadly realm. They have little contact with the other clans, but their trade is rare and often sought out for. Legends say they pray to dark deities that gives them incredible evil powers, and it’s best to avoid them all together. Few creatures, let alone dragons, ever return from the Shadow Treader realms the same.
Name : Feuriah
Age : 135 years
Breed : Shire
Species : Shadow Treader
Status : Queen (No King)
Ability : Fury Fire, Shadow Teleport
Voice Actress : Cate Blanchett
Relations :
- Cynder (daughter)
- Brombe (adopted brother)
Biography : Queen of the Shadow Treaders clan, a species of dark magic wielding dragons. Using her unique fire, wit, and brute strength, Feuriah became Queen of all the Treaders. They were once a meek, shy tribe that hid in the shadows, until Feuriah rose to power. She trained her warriors, fought in wars, established stricter rules and harsher punishment for crimes, especially for non-tribe members.
Kurogh was once the King, Feuriah killing his queen Nimsain. Kurogh was head over tail in love with his cruel Queen, but she didn’t seem as impressed with him. After their daughter, Cynder, hatched from her egg, King Kurogh went missing. His body was never found, and Cynder hopes to one day find the truth of her father’s disappearance.
While Feuriah’s stern and fearless, she did show Cynder a wealth of love. Adoring her daughter’s spirit while trying to hone it to further her tribe’s agenda. Cynder tries desperately to keep her tribe from constantly trying to take over other tribes, often teaming up with Spyro to foil her mother’s plans. Feuriah will be furious at her daughter, sending her to the dungeons for punishments, but eventually realizes she can’t stay mad at her and lets her go.
Feuriah wants to expand the Shadow Treaders borders so their people can thrive, growing to be the most powerful tribe of dragons. She wants Cynder to follow in her footsteps, almost blind to Cynder’s rebellious nature, often praising it instead of seeing it as a threat.
Shadow Treaders (name by Koofins ): A more primal version of Kurosia from Weirdlanders and Feuriah’s Dawn. The Kuros are stuck on a large island filled with temples, shops, colleges, war posts, and all the various Kuros breeds. Although their actual species are called Kuros, to all other clans of dragons, they’ve become known as the “Shadow Treaders”, as their tribe all have Shadow Teleporting abilities.
Each Treader may Teleport a short distance using Shadow portals. They can also create shadow doppelgangers that can breathe and use their second elemental abilities. Elements such as fury fire, regular fire, wind, earth, lightning, etc.
Just got really inspired to do a ReIgnited Feuriah and Kuros species, doing a more tribal version of them seemed fun :> And she be a bit more evil then Lost Queen Feur, muwahhahaa!
~Weird Hyenas
LoS Text (c) - DragonOfIceAndFire
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Comments: 90
Chubbziie [2018-11-06 08:24:17 +0000 UTC]
Oh my gosh FEURIAH! Just look at her looks in Reignited style! So badass! Her backstory was interesting and I like the descriptions about the Shadow Treaders, that was real interesting too.
But her design, though is amazing as hell and totally badass.
I simply love the design of the armour, I find that really cool. Her colour scheme also is goddamn beautiful combination with the gradient light orange and purple. Beautiful job!
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WeirdHyenas In reply to riptidespiritwolf [2018-09-15 01:11:54 +0000 UTC]
Yup! On purpose, she has a more "charizard'-ish body ^u^
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riptidespiritwolf In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-09-15 02:12:35 +0000 UTC]
oooo pretty cool.
i would assume the thiccness of that tail could break bone or leave some bad bruises, a deadly weapon ^-^
i kinda hate the new gnorc look though, i mean i prefer the medieval orcish look they got in heroes tail but atleast we are getting somthing, weird
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Thang-Long-2022 [2018-09-02 02:50:31 +0000 UTC]
So....even in the classic, Feuriah is still a bad guy. Only in the Legend of Spyro universe is she truly an alley.
How the mighty has fallen they say.
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WeirdHyenas In reply to Thang-Long-2022 [2018-09-02 03:49:50 +0000 UTC]
Yup yup! Though, a more cartooney villain type for this one. I really liked the idea of a possible boss battle where Spyro/the player would have to face her, it going two ways. Either Spyro, with Cynder's help, bebunk Feur's plans and work together in a boss arena battle to defeat her. OOOOooorr because I'm also a sucker for any sort of sads, Cynder convinces Feur that she hates her. Feur in the classic blindly supports and loves Cynder even though Cynder doesn't want to be evil, and will often help Spyro ruin Feur's plans. Feur never punishes Cynder for long, she's too proud of her daughter's stubborn nature to be too mad at her for too long. So if Cynder told her she hated her mother, it would crush her poor mom's heart and send her away in tears. Battle ending with Cynder and Spyro trying to make her feel better and promise not to take over any other lands x,D
Though no matter what universe, Feur always loves her daughter I dunno that's always meant more to me than the moral alignment. Like a villain can be super super evil, but if they had a mom that loved them my dumb heart goes 'aaaaw' x,D *in context of story and made up characters of course
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CitrusEucalyptus [2018-07-27 16:32:02 +0000 UTC]
Really unique design and color scheme of the fins.
I hope that you have a great and blessed day/night!
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WeirdHyenas In reply to CitrusEucalyptus [2018-09-02 03:50:21 +0000 UTC]
Aaaw thank you so much!
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CitrusEucalyptus In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-09-02 18:00:37 +0000 UTC]
You're absolutely welcome! Big fan of your work!
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Kylecope [2018-07-25 13:55:28 +0000 UTC]
I love it! And the background is quite compelling! Just not as much so as the original Kurosia.
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WeirdHyenas In reply to Kylecope [2018-09-02 03:54:18 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! That's on purpose, more of what 'kurosia' would be like for a kid friendly audience 8,D
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minotaurlord9 [2018-07-21 19:14:14 +0000 UTC]
I like how Cynder opposes her mother, that is funny.
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LugiaDefender [2018-07-16 17:36:15 +0000 UTC]
DAAAAAAMN!!!!! You took Feuriah and Made her the most Badass Dragon EVAH!!!
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StephDragonness [2018-07-16 02:35:20 +0000 UTC]
the new skin pink color blended with her purple looks great color combo makes her design more pop out
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WeirdHyenas In reply to StephDragonness [2018-09-02 03:56:08 +0000 UTC]
Thank yoooou! I might mess with it some more personally, just cuz it makes me think of Malefor too much Dx I still like the colors buuuuuuuuuuut mebbie alskdf;asldkjf, thank you again tho!
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StephDragonness In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-09-02 04:11:04 +0000 UTC]
well always fun experiment around colors..
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Dragons-forever-4 [2018-07-14 23:44:48 +0000 UTC]
NICE! Just out of curiosity, are you going to do some of your other OC characters, like Infernacus and Acerbus for example? It’d really cool and interesting to see them bipedal with some clothes/armor on.
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WeirdHyenas In reply to Dragons-forever-4 [2018-09-02 03:56:59 +0000 UTC]
Oooooooo, maybe! That is a very, very compelling idea *taps chin
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Yorialu [2018-07-12 01:20:43 +0000 UTC]
I love that you incorporated her into her own realm among the others, and honestly I could see this one being a thing, the other worlds are too...light, need a place for them shadow draggins
I could easily see her being a Peacekeeper otherwise, she totally fits with her armor and overall design :'D
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RikuHakushin In reply to Yorialu [2018-07-13 06:43:19 +0000 UTC]
Agreed. Toys For Bob needs to see this and make a "proper" Spyro 4 with her as the main antagonist and Cynder as a second playable character.
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RikuHakushin [2018-07-11 08:28:08 +0000 UTC]
Gotta say, I like her backstory and the snippets of her personality so far. From what I gather, Feuriah's desire for power and conquest stems out of a desire to make her clan/tribe strong, rather than wanting power for the sake of having it. She's a dictator, but not a despot. She has a "strong rule the weak" mindset and is ruthless toward her enemies, but understands that power is more than physical or magical ability and shows respect toward those who manage to impress her. A good example of this is how she views Cynder siding against her. While Feuriah would prefer Cynder be on her side, she'd ultimately be proud of her daughter for having the strength and determination to stand against her instead of cowering and submitting like a pathetic sheep.
Or maybe I'm just looking into this too much.
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WeirdHyenas In reply to RikuHakushin [2018-09-02 04:01:24 +0000 UTC]
This, is spot on my good sir, holy shits
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RikuHakushin In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-09-02 07:24:12 +0000 UTC]
All the more reason Toys For Bob needs to make her the next Spyro villain and Cynder brought in as a second playable character. I think Reignited/Neo-Classic Cynder would likely be reimagined as Spyro's foil. While Spyro is bratty, mischievous, and something of an upstart, but also fun-loving, friendly, and a nice guy, Cynder is serious, mature, and polite, but is blunt, direct, and has no patience for peoples' crap.
Ex. The dragons needs to get across a large crevice to stop one of her mother's generals before he destroys the temple of those "Hockey Monks" from Spyro Reignited. Moneybags has a flying carpet and offers to let them get across, in exchange for a large amount of gems. While Spyro would suck it up and pay, Cynder would set Moneybags' loot sack on fire before threatening to do it to him if he doesn't give them the carpet NOW.
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easiertorunspyro [2018-07-11 06:48:23 +0000 UTC]
I hope we get awesome female dragons that look something like this, in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy. Too many males, no females. XD
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TexanWanderer [2018-07-11 03:15:37 +0000 UTC]
I'm not into Furry art or anthro, but the design of this is so Badass! Awesome work!
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WeirdHyenas In reply to TexanWanderer [2018-07-11 03:50:05 +0000 UTC]
dunno what your taste in furry art had to do with it, but thank you!
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TexanWanderer In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-07-11 15:11:56 +0000 UTC]
Lol, just meant that it's really good. I'm not here to hate or troll, buenos dias.
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Pyrus-Leonidas [2018-07-11 00:15:48 +0000 UTC]
Wow... please tell me you're gonna do Cynder next. Both Adult and Infant.
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Pyrus-Leonidas In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-07-11 03:13:18 +0000 UTC]
Well if you do, GO FOR IT!!!
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Kayla-Na [2018-07-10 20:36:55 +0000 UTC]
Look at my beautiful queen drawing high quality dragons. UNF!
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WeirdHyenas In reply to Kayla-Na [2018-07-11 02:16:52 +0000 UTC]
;u; eeeeeeeeeee ma queen! Bestest compliment as;ldkfjasl;kdfj
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LumeraLightstar [2018-07-10 16:53:58 +0000 UTC]
This is soooooo good!! Omfg how do you come up with such fantastic designs and backstory ideas?!?
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WeirdHyenas In reply to LumeraLightstar [2018-07-11 02:16:20 +0000 UTC]
a,sjd;flasjdlckmas;ldkfj AW HON YOU'RE SO SWEET ;3; THANK YOU!
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LumeraLightstar In reply to WeirdHyenas [2018-07-12 15:00:18 +0000 UTC]
You are most welcome!!! I absolutely love your lore, it is incredible. You and Koof have amazing worldbuilding skills!
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The1Fangirl [2018-07-10 15:59:44 +0000 UTC]
Super cool!
Classic Spyro style.
I prefer LoS style, but still, this is great!
Kuros are so cool!
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WeirdHyenas In reply to Fae-CaptainofDreams [2018-07-11 02:12:52 +0000 UTC]
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