Iba is one of the few characters in the series we see doing virtually nothing. His rarely seen shikai has, to be honest. one of the ugliest designs, so, like with Isane, I decided to build it from the ground up. Due to his tough-guy look, I thought a hammer would fit him well. It's shikai form is a simple, large war hammer with no major special abilities attached to it, save its unusually heavy weight, capable of breaking through most defenses.
In it's bankai form, the hammer becomes a massive hammer and a collections of wooden shields suspended in the air around him. Rather than these shields being to protect him, their roll is primarily to take damage. Every time an attack hits one of the shield, damaging it, reietsu flows into the hammer, making its attacks more and more powerful. If all of the shields are destroyed or broken, his hammer can land hits that can destroy the lands around him for a good distance, and even cause earthquakes. Needless to say, blocking one of these full-powered attacks is close to impossible for nearly anyone.