VivaLaLintu — New Piercings

Published: 2010-07-30 23:42:19 +0000 UTC; Views: 2639; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description Not much editing and I'll scrap this real soon, but I had a few people that wanted to see my new hip piercings.
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Comments: 92

AshxlovsxBVBandBOTDF [2014-05-25 00:42:35 +0000 UTC]

Omg that looks so fucking painful I could never do that just omg

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VivaLaLintu In reply to AshxlovsxBVBandBOTDF [2014-05-31 01:34:46 +0000 UTC]

Not bad at all actually.

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AshxlovsxBVBandBOTDF In reply to VivaLaLintu [2014-06-05 05:40:19 +0000 UTC]


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ScreamingIsMyPassion [2011-12-22 03:31:02 +0000 UTC]

Hello there :3 Uhmm, I have a few question's about yur piercings if you don't mind. I'm scheduled to get these done in January. Firstly, Im wondering how long they took to heal an on pain how much did they hurt? Thankkk youu

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VivaLaLintu In reply to ScreamingIsMyPassion [2011-12-23 23:04:30 +0000 UTC]

Hey there!
As far as how long they took to heal, I was able to take the jewelry out and put new ones in after about 2 months. I'm not sure they ever 'completely' healed, but the pain went away after about three. As far as how much it hurt...I won't lie, it sucked pretty bad, but it's because you're getting a needle shoved through your skin. I've got about 16 piercings, and the hips weren't the worst I've had.

If you're curious about the process, here's a link to the video of when I got mine done; I'm not sure if it'll work, but give it a shot. [link]

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ScreamingIsMyPassion In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-12-24 16:28:08 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much dear! That helped me alot

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VivaLaLintu In reply to ScreamingIsMyPassion [2011-12-27 01:26:36 +0000 UTC]

No problem at all! Glad I could help :]

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JKamrath [2011-12-05 09:05:14 +0000 UTC]

Wrong jewelry.

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VivaLaLintu In reply to JKamrath [2011-12-07 19:52:04 +0000 UTC]

Worked for me. Had them over a year before I took them out.

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JKamrath In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-12-07 19:59:03 +0000 UTC]

So they didn't work.

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VivaLaLintu In reply to JKamrath [2011-12-08 23:36:51 +0000 UTC]

They did, they were perfectly fine. I took them out because I'm planning on getting a tattoo over that area.

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JKamrath In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-12-09 20:36:37 +0000 UTC]

You got pretty lucky then. Wearing that kind of jewelry in that area is bad news.

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VivaLaLintu In reply to JKamrath [2011-12-13 23:56:56 +0000 UTC]

Surface piercings in general are bad news; they all reject at some point. I just took mine out before they did.

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NeonxPanda [2011-06-18 02:48:31 +0000 UTC]

I remember back when you first posted this and I freaking loved it. Now I'm planning on getting this within the next month. Do you suggest I use a staple bar or just go straight to microdermal?

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VivaLaLintu In reply to NeonxPanda [2011-06-19 00:20:16 +0000 UTC]

I'd suggest going straight for the microdermals. Personally, I like the look with the bars better...there's just something different about them that look better. But like everyone says, they do eventually reject and they are painful as hell. The Microdermals, assuming they're done long, will last longer. It's all a matter of taste. :]

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NeonxPanda In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-06-21 01:01:43 +0000 UTC]

Kay, thanks. I'm not too familiar with microdermals. Do they still reject easily? And what if you get two next to each other so it looks like a bar? xP

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VivaLaLintu In reply to NeonxPanda [2011-06-22 07:56:30 +0000 UTC]

I've heard a bunch of different things about microdermals..the general consensus is they do have a rejection rate, as does any other piercing, but its much lower; they're much more likely to stay until you have them removed. And thats what I did..I still like the look of the bars better xD

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NeonxPanda In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-06-22 15:11:36 +0000 UTC]

I dunno why bars look better. I guess they seem more hardcore haha How long have you had the mircodermals? And did it hurt more than the bar? Sorry for asking you a million questions

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VivaLaLintu In reply to NeonxPanda [2011-06-23 05:34:02 +0000 UTC]

Haha, maybe..I dunno, its personal preference for me.

I actually only had the microdermals for about a month, because I tore the first one out on accident [it caught one of my sleeves and was pulled out], and I had the other removed because I'm getting a tattoo over my hips soon. I have friends that've had microdermals for years, though. And it did hurt more than the bar, only because the process is a little longer. They core out the skin [like you would an apple] and force the foot in. Its still pretty fast, I think it only took him about a minute for each one. It wasn't horrible, though. I think I've got a video of it on facebook I could show you..I'm not sure if you have a facebook, though?

Oh, pff. xD Ask as many questions as you want, I love answering questions about this sort of thing.

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NeonxPanda In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-06-23 16:41:24 +0000 UTC]

Well you make it sound like it's not so bad... and I'll send you my fb in a note. Also, ripping them out doesn't sound all that great haha. Is it the kind of thing where it hurts to do anything or move?

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VivaLaLintu In reply to NeonxPanda [2011-06-23 18:22:35 +0000 UTC]

It's really not. I mean, it hurts for a few minutes, but then you're good. Ripping them out hurt like a -bitch- though. It's not really all that bad, like..it hurts to put pressure on it or to mess with them at all, but just moving around doesn't really bother them.

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NeonxPanda In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-06-26 00:53:15 +0000 UTC]

Mkay, thanks for the advice and link to the video (Loved your hair btw).
I'm still skeptical if it's worth getting them, but I'm glad I got to talk to you because quite frankly you're the only person who knew what they were talking about haha.

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VivaLaLintu In reply to NeonxPanda [2011-06-26 03:56:44 +0000 UTC]

No problem. xD And I was having an amazing hair day then, wasn't I?
I'm glad I could be of some use xD Piercings are totally my thing, and I love talking to people about them, so I'm glad I was some sort of help. I wish I could tell you whether or not it's worth it, but I don't know you well enough, haha. I'd say go for it, though..its not all that bad for something that looks great. :]

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NeonxPanda In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-06-26 18:40:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks again
I look forward to seeing more of your art in the future, whether it's piercings, photos, or whatever~

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VivaLaLintu In reply to NeonxPanda [2011-06-27 02:18:24 +0000 UTC]

Haha, no problem, and thanks. xD

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kaitlynnfitzgerald94 [2011-04-18 01:53:33 +0000 UTC]

how long have you had them?
have they showed any sign of rejection yet?

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VivaLaLintu In reply to kaitlynnfitzgerald94 [2011-04-18 02:30:57 +0000 UTC]

I had them about 8 months before they started to reject. I've got microdermals now.

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kaitlynnfitzgerald94 In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-05-03 21:39:25 +0000 UTC]

i think it rejected because you had straight barbels(from what it looks like)
i have shorter curved and i'm praying it doesn't and so far so good :3

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VivaLaLintu In reply to kaitlynnfitzgerald94 [2011-05-04 01:30:17 +0000 UTC]

Nah, they were curved ones; all surface piercings reject at some point or another, it's just a matter of how long they last. How long've you had yours?

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PopcornCloud [2011-01-24 02:17:01 +0000 UTC]

Do you still have them... 'cause I've heard they reject really easily without a staple bar :S

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VivaLaLintu In reply to PopcornCloud [2011-01-24 02:26:26 +0000 UTC]

I still do, yes. They're -still- not fully healed, but that's to be expected because because it's a high-activity area. They don't hurt though. :]

Though I'm the only person I know of who apparently hasn't had them reject yet ._.

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PopcornCloud In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-01-24 02:42:29 +0000 UTC]

Yeahhh, I'm getting dermals instead... they'll last

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Iftearswerepennies [2011-01-03 20:59:19 +0000 UTC]

<3 i love.. very much o:
cant wait to get mine ^_^

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VivaLaLintu In reply to Iftearswerepennies [2011-01-04 00:13:12 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I'm sure they'll look great on you. They hurt like a sonofabitch though.

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Iftearswerepennies In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-01-04 02:09:33 +0000 UTC]

:] i like your sig btw, and thank you ^-^
im easy going with pain though so i should be fine

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VivaLaLintu In reply to Iftearswerepennies [2011-01-04 02:14:24 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. :] One of my favorites.

Sounds like it should all be good, then. Link me to a pic when you have them done. :]

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Iftearswerepennies In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-01-04 02:41:14 +0000 UTC]

ha ha i will even tho im almost 15 :/ so it wont happen soon, but im hoping by july

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VivaLaLintu In reply to Iftearswerepennies [2011-01-04 04:28:53 +0000 UTC]

Shit, kid, you're young xD Good luck with that.

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Iftearswerepennies In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-01-04 19:43:44 +0000 UTC]

ha ha yeah.
well, ive already started :/
have a monroe and 7 earrings. which really isnt that much but ill get there :]

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VivaLaLintu In reply to Iftearswerepennies [2011-01-04 23:47:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you're halfway to the amount I've got then. xD have fun with it.

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Iftearswerepennies In reply to VivaLaLintu [2011-01-05 01:10:00 +0000 UTC]

X] ha ha thanks i will ^^

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Harkill [2011-01-02 23:35:49 +0000 UTC]

O_O .... wow... how... interesting o.o ..I've never seen piercings like that either o.O ..... but hey, awesome O_O .....

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VivaLaLintu In reply to Harkill [2011-01-03 03:11:27 +0000 UTC]

Seriously? xD I'm surprised at how many people haven't seen them before...

I'm hoping the constant elipses and O.O is a good thing..? XD

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crazyfukinmuffin [2010-08-22 19:48:11 +0000 UTC]

my friend is getter her hips pierced! kinda excited to see what they look like on her

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VivaLaLintu In reply to crazyfukinmuffin [2010-08-22 23:26:49 +0000 UTC]

I bet they'll look awesome. Hip piercings are my favorites. xD You should get a picture of them if you can.

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crazyfukinmuffin In reply to VivaLaLintu [2010-08-23 01:24:15 +0000 UTC]

i will ^ ^

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whitewolfART [2010-08-08 20:32:01 +0000 UTC]

WOW! They look AMAZING. I think it was worth the pain xD

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VivaLaLintu In reply to whitewolfART [2010-08-09 02:44:14 +0000 UTC]


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pumpkinprince109 [2010-08-07 17:59:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow. That's awesome.

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VivaLaLintu In reply to pumpkinprince109 [2010-08-08 19:39:13 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. :]

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