VelCake — The Butterfly Princess

Published: 2010-04-19 16:15:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 2404; Favourites: 75; Downloads: 81
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Description "Again?Didn't you learn anything from the stomping we gave you in Mintaka?Please,step aside."
Milliarde,The Cloud Passage-Baten Kaitos Origins

Baten Kaitos Origins ©Namco fanart<33 This girl,Milliarde,aka Milly,is probably one of my favorite game characters EVER OMG OMG OMG I love her so much>w< She is amazing,sympathetic,powerful and dangerous.She has personality.She is simply wonderful
Baten Kaitos Origins is,surely,THE BEST GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED IN ALL MY LIFE (I loved both of them,because there had two,but the second is my favorite)And it's for the Nintendo Game Cube videogame-If you have it and you like RPG’s, DO PLAY THIS GAME(both of them,if possible).Believe me,you won't regret a bit.I can assure you that it's gorgeous because every person I know that played it fell in love with it-it's simply perfect.There's no game that can compare to it!!!!

For you that already know the game,I know that Milly is almost unrecognizablebut you know...I wanted to make something totally different of the fanart of her I see around I make something totally...Mine. I changed a lot her outfit(actually I don't like much hers,so I made something moar according to mah taste>.>;; ) and I wanted to make her look more according to the princess she is,but also wanted to keep her fighter spirit and a bit of the original design of her clothes so,at the same time she's wearing a crown and acting the grace and sweetness,she's holding her club which she uses to fight.I also tried to reproduce some parts of the background from the official art of the game
Hope you all like it,because it was HELL to finish this for real@w@

Tools used: HB,2B pencils,Pigment Ink 0.05 for lineart,Faber Castell and Mitsubishi Colorpencils,Faber Castell watercolor pencils +Photoshop CS2+ Credit:`hellobaby .

Time spent: 4+ months,50+ hours.Holy God,I cannot believe I finally has finished this As *Miss-Heart can remember very well, on the long-lost begin of December last year I make the sketch of this work and then showed her...Yes,Miss-san,I just finished this now,I'm soooo slow ...And maybe you can also remember it is very different...I re-made her on the process.I spent a while drawing that but I got to notice I'd have to remake it-and so I did.Well,looks quite better now I spent around 30 hours for sketching(20 the old version and 10 this current one,but I count both because I just changed some things from the first version to this one),around 12 for coloring and the rest for the PS part And hey ^rydi1689 ,this was the fanart I was making I told you about No,I didn't take 1 month more,it was less I finished this before expected,lol

You know,since I spent an insane ammount of time to finish this work,I noticed on the end how much I’ve got to improve myself during this time.And it was all thanks to you guys with your support,your love,your help,I am able to go further and improve more and more and be happy here I don’t know what I'd do without you all...Thank you so much.I love you <333333

Have a wonderful day!!!
And remember: Don't worry,be deviant!!!(©^rydi1689 )
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Comments: 75

VelCake In reply to ??? [2010-05-01 20:39:18 +0000 UTC]

;w; thanks so much for the critique love!

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scotchietape19 In reply to VelCake [2010-05-01 21:35:05 +0000 UTC]

Your welcome XD

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iheartmaxi-123 [2011-12-21 19:06:24 +0000 UTC]

Pretty! I especially love all the little details you put into her tiara and the swirly pattern on her shirt.

Milly is a delight, by the way, and I think we need more female characters like her in RPGs. And I wish more people knew about BKO :-D

Again, good job!

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VelCake In reply to iheartmaxi-123 [2011-12-24 12:21:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I agree.:3 Milly is fantastic. And I do wish more people knew about the game, it is for sure the best I have ever played.

Thanks again<3

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Goron-King-Darunia [2010-10-13 05:58:37 +0000 UTC]

I love all the little details in the background. And I recognized the basic background from the original production art almost immediatly!
Great job!

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VelCake In reply to Goron-King-Darunia [2010-10-13 13:03:12 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you do, they were hella hard to make
lmao, if you are a BK fan you'd surely do! I tried my best to make it as close as possible to the original artworks of the game.;D
Thank you!

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Goron-King-Darunia In reply to VelCake [2010-10-15 01:03:24 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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neomayan-x [2010-07-14 07:36:37 +0000 UTC]

Pretty nice!!! ^^

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VelCake In reply to neomayan-x [2010-07-15 16:48:27 +0000 UTC]

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neomayan-x In reply to VelCake [2010-07-15 17:58:32 +0000 UTC]

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Ciannette [2010-06-03 02:33:20 +0000 UTC]

I just REALLY love the way you put colors on the background. It's so mesmerizing.

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VelCake In reply to Ciannette [2010-06-04 16:55:13 +0000 UTC]

really?Thank yoou
the bg was colored in PS because,this way,it'd look moar nice

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Haruhi13 [2010-04-27 21:44:06 +0000 UTC]

KYAAA!!! So cute, Gwen-chan!!!! Your art just gets more amazing!!!

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VelCake In reply to Haruhi13 [2010-04-28 18:16:07 +0000 UTC]

haha thank you so much!!! I'm glad you like eeet!!!

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ShirubaaNeko [2010-04-23 12:12:35 +0000 UTC]

That's beautiful, really. I love her wings and all the small, colourful details

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VelCake In reply to ShirubaaNeko [2010-04-23 20:50:47 +0000 UTC]

thank you so much! I'm happy you like them

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sharonjonas [2010-04-23 06:50:09 +0000 UTC]

I admire people who keep color I've laiska.hah ite. but nice work

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VelCake In reply to sharonjonas [2010-04-23 20:50:28 +0000 UTC]

haha thank you so much*v*

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Yasny-chan [2010-04-22 19:10:22 +0000 UTC]

>_< so cute! like you *-*

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VelCake In reply to Yasny-chan [2010-04-23 20:41:52 +0000 UTC]

haha thanks so much,dearest

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suzaku009 [2010-04-21 05:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this piece blew me away! It's just sooooo amazing. Great job with the coloring, details and what not. <3

I need to comment on your stuff more. OTL

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VelCake In reply to suzaku009 [2010-04-21 18:02:40 +0000 UTC]

oh,wow Iris thank you sooooooooo much!It's really an honor to see you like so much this my sweetie<3 <3 <3333you're lovely

don't worry about it,I understandyou watch so much people that it's surprising to see you can handle us all...you need to tell me your secret<3 and hey,if so,I have to say I need to comment moar on your art as well.OTL OTL OTL

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Sally78 [2010-04-20 16:52:08 +0000 UTC]

one word


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VelCake In reply to Sally78 [2010-04-21 17:56:22 +0000 UTC]

thank you Sally!!!

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Sally78 In reply to VelCake [2010-04-22 14:16:08 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome! =3

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Tajii-chan [2010-04-20 16:51:51 +0000 UTC]

She looks great in your style~!


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VelCake In reply to Tajii-chan [2010-04-21 17:56:48 +0000 UTC]

thanks so much Tajii!>v<
so,you know the game too then?

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Tajii-chan In reply to VelCake [2010-04-21 18:01:02 +0000 UTC]

S-sadly no 8D;

I wish I did though ;^; Maybe I might buy it since I have gamecube and Wii XD

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VelCake In reply to Tajii-chan [2010-04-21 18:05:33 +0000 UTC]

this game is for GC only,but believe me,if you like RPG's you won't regret it if you buy it,it's gorgeous;v;
another one from the GC that love a lot is Tales of Symphonia;w;

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Tajii-chan In reply to VelCake [2010-04-22 03:01:03 +0000 UTC]

Actually, you can play gamecube games on the Wii ^__^

I play Tales of Symphonia on Wii all the time ;D It's one of my favorite games <3 I also own the sequel ^o^ <3

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VelCake In reply to Tajii-chan [2010-04-22 15:46:25 +0000 UTC]

looooool that's true!I forgot,sorry meh,I wanna buy so much a Wii for me...maybe this year.

awwww that's awesome!ToS is gorgeous I play it since it was released,and I can't wait to get a Wii so I can play the sequel as well<333

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Tajii-chan In reply to VelCake [2010-04-22 18:25:17 +0000 UTC]

Wiis are awesome! 8D

The sequel is good, but not as good as the first <3

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VelCake In reply to Tajii-chan [2010-04-28 17:45:51 +0000 UTC]

I'm pretty sure it is!
well,that usually happens,but if it's Symphonia,I'm playin' eeet!!!

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festivewind [2010-04-20 15:19:56 +0000 UTC]

I see the hardwork and love you put in there.

I love how you put accessories and frames on the background not to make it empty, and I love the fact that you use a lot of colors, and that rainbow gradation in the upper part of the frame. There are wonderful details too in the beads and shirt... and the crown.
The part I am not sure is the butterfly wings. I haven't played this game before, so I am not sure if the butterfly wings are the part of the background frame, or the part of the girl's body.

Overall, I think this is awesome piece put in together.
And you're using manual tools too. That patience. Wonderful.

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VelCake In reply to festivewind [2010-04-21 21:44:29 +0000 UTC]

haha lol,the butterfly wings are hers,but I didn't make them very good,I admit and that is bugging me to death...but too late to fix now.And thanks for pointing that out to me<3

lol,I love manual tools.They're awesome<3 and thank you so much for the critique dear!

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Iiyume [2010-04-20 12:34:11 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow
so beautiful<3
That's just ..
And details<3
And those wings<3
And that hair<3
And everything<3

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VelCake In reply to Iiyume [2010-04-21 17:52:49 +0000 UTC]

haha I can see how much you love mah work Yume this comment totally made my day!It's so pretty awe lovely thanks so much dear

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Damaged927 [2010-04-20 12:22:16 +0000 UTC]

Very nice Gwen! I really like all the colors and the little details that you put in to this I especially like how you put the designs on her shirt and the parts to her necklace and the tiara/crown looks fantastic!

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VelCake In reply to Damaged927 [2010-04-21 17:53:15 +0000 UTC]

<33 thanks a lot,Mike,dear<333
lol yeah,and I am quite addicted to drawing all these little details it's kinda already part of my drawing style as far as I can see...specially those pearly thingies like necklaces that are so common on my drawings
oh,lol,I'm glad you like it as welland the crown and all that things around I did was pretty fun to make,since I've never done things such as those before

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Erikku-Kun [2010-04-20 01:59:20 +0000 UTC]

amazing colors

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VelCake In reply to Erikku-Kun [2010-04-21 17:53:18 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you like'em dearie!

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xxkissenvyxx [2010-04-19 23:43:49 +0000 UTC]

This looks really good, the only you really need to work on is the porportions of the body.

You're like my own personal rainbow<3

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VelCake In reply to xxkissenvyxx [2010-04-21 17:53:48 +0000 UTC]

thank you<3
I know mostly of the hours I passed sketching this was trying to fix those damn proportions but I gave up in the end...I was tired of making this after such looooooong timeh

haha really?That's pretty lovely RAINBOWS ROCKS!!!

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xxkissenvyxx In reply to VelCake [2010-04-21 23:50:23 +0000 UTC]

lol you're welcome.

Have you ever had someone model for you?
What about using a modelling doll?

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VelCake In reply to xxkissenvyxx [2010-04-22 15:44:52 +0000 UTC]

huh...since I mostly draw at classes,my classmates are my involuntary guinea pigs models

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xxkissenvyxx In reply to VelCake [2010-04-22 21:46:38 +0000 UTC]


gotta love how ou crossed out guinea pigsXD

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VelCake In reply to xxkissenvyxx [2010-04-23 21:23:06 +0000 UTC]

I love crossing things.so you know what I'm really evil planning thinking of.

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xxkissenvyxx In reply to VelCake [2010-04-25 03:42:05 +0000 UTC]


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Stichflamme [2010-04-19 20:50:25 +0000 UTC]

i'll try my best to do a critique, and be aware, I'm not at all better than you, just tellin what my eye sees

it's very colorful and harmonic in colorways
also coloring was done nicely, although you could do some more shadows here and there, like the arms and breasts, the lower part
keep in mind, that shadows often take the contrary color of the light [link]
somehow the anatomy seems a little tiny bit off to me, but good work with the pose of the arms
the hands could be a little bigger i think but not much
what i love are the folds in the pants, very good work there

hope that this was what you expected from a critique

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VelCake In reply to Stichflamme [2010-04-21 17:54:22 +0000 UTC]

It's ok;critique is exactly this-tell me what I need to improve at! That's why I always put mah works for critique<3
Haha I agree with you,you're rightin fact, it's pretty hard for me to make shadows of these parts you mentioned,specially at skin I often believe I can ruin the work if making deep shadows here...lololol that's why all my girls look so pale
lol,true I spent AGES trying to fix her anatomy but I still fail at some points I'll try to get better next time
ooh the hands!I hate'em it's pretty hard for me to draw'em good,and even moar to make them with the right size
haha,thanks for your critique<3 that's exactly what I wanted:3 I'll do my best to improve moar and moar ever!

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