Unu-Nunium β€” PMD-Explorers - Team Fluffball

Published: 2011-07-25 11:53:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 4602; Favourites: 75; Downloads: 34
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Description For - Yeah, I couldn't resist.
My little Team Fluffball... it actually was connected with some hard decisions. Which rank to be in (I actually wanted to go for Pikachu but since everyone is going into Raichu, I will as well, lol), what Guild to be in (I decided for Merchants because it was the Guild with the least members and it's kind of neutral) and most important: What Pokemon to choose! In the end I drew lots and ended up with Minccino - Petilil was decided to be the partner form the very beginning. |3

I also tried a new drawing style for this - it's kind of inspired by *purplekecleon 's style although I have no idea how she's drawing her pictures, lol. I just thought it would be a good occasion to try this style since I love to try to copy styles and ending up with something that looks completely different, haha. Oh well, I on't know whether to like it or not. I could need some practise... |D


Hope the Minccino ♀
Nature: Lonely
Trait: Strong Willed
Ability: Technician
Moves: Tail Slap, Thunderbolt, Dig, Fake Tears
Accessories: Green Scarf

Despite her strong will, she has a quite odd personality and not always easy to handle. She's a bit shy when surrounded by a group of strangers, but acts cool and funny in a smaller group. She's also quite a thinker and sometimes worries too much about the most simple things. This thoughtfulness also explains her sudden mood skips that seem to appear randomly but always have a reason - even when this sin't always visible for everyone. Yet, when accopmanied by Mimosa, she's playing the great leader and always comes up with a plan - even if it's not the best (being a thinker doesn't know you're not throwing it overboard sometimes as well after all). She also tries to avoid hard work and sometimes needs her own space. Mimosa is her best friend (despite her tics) and she never had the courage to join a Guild without her being around - but Hope would never admit that, of course. At least not in front of other Pokemon. Another fact that should be mentioned is her bad luck. She's some kind of magnet for it.
And last but not least, she's a little bit greedy and would do about everything when the payment's right - but when she's doing it, she usually tries to make the max result with the min effort (means she will accept little imperfection for the sake of working less). This sometimes results in partly tricky schemes for saving time, effort and work - which would be the positive part about her thoughtfulness.

Hope was left behind by her family when her mother couldn't effort to feed all of her children (Hope has about 5 siblings). She was the weakest of them all and so her chances to survive were the least. Despite this, her mother named her Hope - in believe her little girl could make it. That's when Hope was all alone. However, despite her weak physical state, she kept her strong will. She worked, trained hard and in the end managed to survived thanks to her quick-headedness - and later, thanks to the pitifulness of one Pokemon. It was a Gallade that adopted her until she grew older and Hope learned the one or other trick from her "daddy". That's when she also met Mimosa, a little Petilil and Hope found a real friend for the very first time.


Mimosa the Petilil ♀
Nature: Timid
Trait: Quick to flee
Ability: Own Tempo
Moves: Magical Leaf, Stun Spore, Leech See, Helping Hand
Accessories: n/A

Mimosa is just what her Nature and Trait says: a coward. She is afraid of everything and everyone, sometimes doesn't even manage to open her mouth around other Pokemon and a crybaby. When getting into more dangerous situation, it is likely to faint for her. But as soon as you gained her trust, she will love you and follow you until the end of the world and support you in any way - though most of the time verbally and from the side lines. She's not much of a fighter herself. She also has (who had ever thought of this!) a kind heart and loves to help others whenever she can.

Mimosa was shy and started crying very quickly since the day she was born. But one day, after some Whimiscott had picked on her again, she decided to befriend the first Pokemon she saw - which was Hope. So she approached the Minccino, tried to talk to Hope... and fainted instantly. Hope on the other hand felt responsible for the Petilil (although she was confused about Mimosa losing consciousness, of course) and brought it to her home where she and Gallade took care of her until she woke up. After a while of mumbling and stuttering, Mimosa then finally grew confident and started to open more and more towards Hope. That's when they became friends.
Oh, and concerning the idea of joining a Guild - it actually was Mimosa who requested to join together with Hope. But while Mimosa wanted to join the Rescuers, Hope prefered to become part of the Rogues. After some discussions, they then decided to join the Merchants as a compromise and that's how they ended up here.

That's it, all written down without having a clue about what to write. Yes, that's what happens when I don't have a clue. I hope it's useful in some way. If not, print is out and smack someone down with the pages you get from this, lol.
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Comments: 54

OnyxTigerSan [2013-04-02 10:28:14 +0000 UTC]

XD finally the fifth gen gets some love!!!!

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Unu-Nunium In reply to OnyxTigerSan [2013-04-02 14:06:00 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I LOVED the fifth gen - despite some exceptions. In my opinion it was the fourth one that sucked majorly. xD

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OnyxTigerSan In reply to Unu-Nunium [2013-04-02 14:18:43 +0000 UTC]

yeah,i hated pearl. im sick of everyone like 'trubbish is dumb and so is the ice cream thing' and then they camp out at game stop a day before its release and buy it at 5 am as soon as it opensXD. Now im playing soul silver.!!

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miriui [2012-08-15 04:19:10 +0000 UTC]

Hope is a model for all Minccinos! I've got a Minccino on my team too, and her name's Chime! Drift's kinda like Mimosa, but he won't faint. He'll panic . Well, I wish your team the best of luck and Mimosa, try not to faint too much, or Hope'll have to do it all.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to miriui [2012-08-19 09:27:47 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thanks a lot! It's a bit sad I coudn't really use them for any event so far because I was busy with other things, but they should at least get some comic one day! ...I hope. > <
Hehe yeah, probably Mimosa will have to play the damsel in distress while her best friend Hope will need to save her... or something like that. xDDD

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miriui In reply to Unu-Nunium [2012-08-20 02:20:41 +0000 UTC]

How funny! Can I use your team as some cameos sometime? It'll be funny to see Mimosa faint and Drift panic while Chime and Hope go to the rescue!

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Unu-Nunium In reply to miriui [2012-08-21 06:39:15 +0000 UTC]

Sure, go ahead. It would be really hilarious to see those two funny teams partnering up sometimes or something. xDD

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miriui In reply to Unu-Nunium [2012-08-21 16:02:05 +0000 UTC]


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Sweet-Fizz [2011-11-24 17:09:38 +0000 UTC]

Can I include your team in my event 4?

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Unu-Nunium In reply to Sweet-Fizz [2011-11-24 18:05:35 +0000 UTC]

Why, of course, I'd appreciate it a lot! Thank you very much! >u<

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Sweet-Fizz In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-11-24 18:06:42 +0000 UTC]

Yay! Your teams so awesome and cute!

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Unu-Nunium In reply to Sweet-Fizz [2011-11-24 18:07:49 +0000 UTC]

Heh, thanks, I'm glad you like them. ovo

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Sweet-Fizz [2011-10-19 16:50:53 +0000 UTC]


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dragonite252 [2011-09-14 23:59:07 +0000 UTC]

Dat Minccino.

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zoroark555 [2011-08-26 04:09:46 +0000 UTC]

i wuv the petilil

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LogicDefect [2011-08-03 06:17:33 +0000 UTC]

I don't understand any of these Guild and Rank stuff, but I'm pretty sure that I'll get a good explanation as you upload the stuff for this... um, group. owo
Another group? Are you sure you'll have the time for all this? ono;
By the by, gotta love Mimosa's personality. So moe. <3

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Unu-Nunium In reply to LogicDefect [2011-08-03 11:09:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh, it's really easy. The Rank is for art skills: The Pichu rank would be like beginner, Pikachu advanced and Raichu for the pros. At first, I wanted to go for the Pikachu rank but when I saw other Raichu rank's arts, I decided to go for Raichu instead. |D
The guilds are for missions; every guild has seperate missions. Rescuers do what it says, rogues have the more sneaky missions and merchants do different things - they are kind of neutral.
And this group doesn't run a tournament. I can participate on events or missions whenever I feel free to do so, so there's no pressure at all and no reason for you to worry about me. This is completely just for fun. ;D
Haha, yes. Although I guess she'll become more of an annoying character, muha. |D

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LogicDefect In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-08-03 17:42:50 +0000 UTC]

Wow, this sounds heaps fun! ouo
I'm so heaps glad to hear that there's no pressure whatsoever here! ;w;

And, well, we need annyoing characters too, right? owo
I honestly doubt she'll be so annyoing... well, yet, at least. owo;

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Unu-Nunium In reply to LogicDefect [2011-08-04 10:00:07 +0000 UTC]

Nope, I can come and go whenever I want, so I can still focus on the other tournaments and leave this one behind for now. <3
Yup. You can't create characters that are all Mary-Sues. And sometimes, even these characters will get some love after a while. :3

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LogicDefect In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-08-04 10:38:55 +0000 UTC]

No MarySues, then?
Fine, I'll make some GaryStues! 8D -brick'd-

-nodnod- I agree. Sometimes being annyoing can turn out being funny, like Excalibur and for the most part Black Star.
And in case of Black Star, his annoying traits serve as a good instrument for character developement too. owo

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Unu-Nunium In reply to LogicDefect [2011-08-04 12:18:21 +0000 UTC]

Yup, something like that. Haha, maybe Hope and Mimosa even have some similar relationship to each other like Black Star and Tsubaki... although this will be unclear until I start using them in a comic.

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LogicDefect In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-08-04 15:29:31 +0000 UTC]


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musicluver1616 [2011-08-02 19:08:45 +0000 UTC]

so cute!!

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Darkgreenn [2011-07-30 22:12:07 +0000 UTC]

wow this came out pretty good C: i'm impressed! i think the background helps a lot too.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to Darkgreenn [2011-08-03 11:24:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much. >u<
I guess I'll try to edit Hope's bio a little because it was just all written down there from straight to my head and somehow... well, I am not completely satisfied with it. But the rough personality will still stay like this.

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KnightOwI [2011-07-27 01:20:34 +0000 UTC]

Hope looks so adorable! And Mimosa has quite the personality and story there.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to KnightOwI [2011-07-27 09:16:01 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thank you. Yeah, I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with Mimosa. She's such a victim. >D

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Wafflegnome [2011-07-26 06:01:28 +0000 UTC]

=w= I see you finally joined.
I was wondering if you were :3

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Unu-Nunium In reply to Wafflegnome [2011-07-26 09:38:56 +0000 UTC]

Yup, I did. I simply couldn't resist. But I was too busy with BFOI and UBF before so yeah, I'm here now. =v=

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XBurniX [2011-07-25 20:44:50 +0000 UTC]

This looks absolutely amazing
I love this new style you're using, very PK like ^^
Team Fluffball one of the greatest team name ever!!

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Unu-Nunium In reply to XBurniX [2011-07-25 21:02:48 +0000 UTC]

Haha, thanks. It was fun and I always liked how PK's arts looked a little like oil paintings. ovo
I actually was surprised that team name didn't exist because it was the first name that came to my mind, hehe. Yay for Team Fluffball! 8DD

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SoftKeychains [2011-07-25 17:20:24 +0000 UTC]

Ah girl, how many pokΓ©s groups are you in anyway? XD!!!
I heard a lot about that group. Run by Purplekeckleon I guess. It looks like fun, just like the MD games, no humans, hehehehehehe!
However there's an only a liiiiiiiiiitle thing that annoy me in that: anti evolution.
I mean, lol, is kinda of weird to see the guilds being recruiting....a bunch of children, XD (yeah, I see non-evolution as kids. Yeah, I don't like permanent anti-evolution )
Love the new art style that you developed there! And your members are nice well conceited! Too bad that they will never evolve....
Hope.....hehehehehehehehe, let's see if will not extent into "less".

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Unu-Nunium In reply to SoftKeychains [2011-07-25 20:05:03 +0000 UTC]

Well, this is just the third one. And I doubt I'll that active there - at least until I am out of UBF or BFOI. Just couldn't resist. xD
Oh, and if you played the game, you always start with the base Pokemon but as far as I understood, you can earn "Evolution Scrolls" by suceeding in an event or a mission. That way, you can evolve your Pokemon, so there's no anti-evolution at all. You just need to earn it first. ovo
Thanks, I'm glad it wasn't a complete failure at all~ <3
Haha, nice twist of words. Maybe my Hope and your Hopeless can perform a fusion? It would be Hopele then. :I *bricked*

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SoftKeychains In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-07-25 20:21:49 +0000 UTC]

I see. Well, that group actually sounds me interesting. However I have others plans rather joining it.
I'm preparing myself to make a pokΓ©mon fancomic chapter. In order to get me better experiences with comics before the real thing.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to SoftKeychains [2011-07-25 21:04:11 +0000 UTC]

Well, it does sound nice. Especially because you can or cannot join any events, so I can be as active as I want. x3
And sounds cool. Good luck with your comic; I'm sure it's going to become great! >u<

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Blazeflight1O1 [2011-07-25 14:46:27 +0000 UTC]

Aww~! These two are so cute together! I hope I'll get to see them in action!

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Unu-Nunium In reply to Blazeflight1O1 [2011-07-25 17:10:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. I hope to be able to draw them once in a while, too, and maybe even let them participate in events and missions. <3

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Blazeflight1O1 In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-07-25 17:12:18 +0000 UTC]

I can't wait! x3

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TheDJTC [2011-07-25 13:31:45 +0000 UTC]

I like the way you colored these, I also like how her name is mimosa. Love mimosa trees, they attract huge moths.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to TheDJTC [2011-07-25 13:52:35 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much. ovo
Yeah, Mimosa plants are awesome. xD

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SVP-Cule [2011-07-25 12:21:40 +0000 UTC]

More Minccinos, more awesomeness.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to SVP-Cule [2011-07-25 13:54:35 +0000 UTC]


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lonemaximal [2011-07-25 12:07:11 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful app. The colouring style is stunning.

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Unu-Nunium In reply to lonemaximal [2011-07-25 13:52:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much. ^o^

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KingOfDoodles [2011-07-25 12:01:40 +0000 UTC]

WOW! This is amazing! I'm making mine soon, but I'm still new to DeviantART, so could you tell me how you put the groups icon in the description?

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Unu-Nunium In reply to KingOfDoodles [2011-07-25 13:54:24 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. ovo
Why sure, just type :icon"pmd-explorers": without the ". That will put the icon. If you want just the name, type down :dev"pmd-explorers":
Of course, this works with any deviantart member's names. ovo

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KingOfDoodles In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-07-25 14:52:03 +0000 UTC]

No, thank YOU ^_^

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Unu-Nunium In reply to KingOfDoodles [2011-07-25 17:09:03 +0000 UTC]

Haha, you're welcome. ;D

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KingOfDoodles In reply to Unu-Nunium [2011-07-26 20:45:28 +0000 UTC]

Awww, I tried it, and the icon didn't show

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Unu-Nunium In reply to KingOfDoodles [2011-07-27 09:15:07 +0000 UTC]

Hmm, really? How weird... did you really type :icon"pmd-explorers": without "? Maybe you did a typing mistake; it naturally won't show up, then. But maybe I'm just bad at explaining either. In that case, you could also read DeviantArt's FAQ: [link]

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