Published: 2009-11-18 05:57:54 +0000 UTC; Views: 244583; Favourites: 19903; Downloads: 4820
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This is a story about a child who started drawing at a young age. After being caught drawing in class their parent’s believe it’s time for her to give up her silly hobby and grow up.This is my final end of year project for my course. Some people from the iAnti forums may remember this from its animatic form some months ago. Originally I was going to do a comedic narrative, but then I decided to change my mind and go for another approach. It’s easy to get people to laugh- it’s far more difficult to pull at heartstrings within 3 minutes. The idea came based from a lot of my friends who I’ve seen their parents want them to quit drawing because it’s only for children. So this is all dedicated to them. This is not about me. I was blessed with a lovely family and both my parents encourage me to go along with my art. Though the main character has some similarity appearances to my old persona design, it’s simply because the hair is by far the easiest for me to pull off, thus easier for me to keep consistent through cleanup.
Urrrrgh. You know I did enjoy animating this... and when I say animating I mean the key frames ect. Not the clean up. Clean up and inbetweening is the most boring, tedious thing I’ve ever had to do. Especially when working 7 straight hours pretty much only gave me 10 seconds worth of animation.
The ending can be interpreted in so many different ways. When I showed this to the people on iAnti they told me their different interpretations, it was pretty much blown away at how many different conclusions they had come to.
The song is Cryptic Sorrow and is royalty free and found at incompetech.com . The song was originally 8 minutes long. Somehow I managed to cut it down to 3 and still have it flow nicely haha.
Thanks to Frank, Jane and Terry for helping me. Also thanks to for making my preloader and replay button (and inbetweening a very small amount lol)... and Mitch and Nathan ;A; ilu guys <3
Reoccurring Questions
Did you use Flash?
How long did you spend on this?
Too long. Around maybe.. April or something like that I did the draft/animatic. I didn't touch it again until I think July?
Did the child die in the end?
Like I said. The ending can be interpreted in many ways. Some people have thought it like a suicide and others saw it as them choosing to pursue their desire of art. Really it comes down to what you think of it as.
How come the adults don't have faces?
Cause of symbolism. The lack of a face is kinda like a lack of creativity and imagination.
What's your interpretation of the ending?
Mine is that the child chose to go with what they loved to do, even if the result was that their parents severed all emotional tied with them... idk something like that.
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Comments: 4328
JOCKPRIEST [2012-06-21 02:14:30 +0000 UTC]
Wow, touchingly sad. Well animated too! Like you, I was also born into a loving, encouraging (and somewhat easily impressed ) family. I never imagined something like this happening, so... thanks for opening my eyes a bit more, I guess. :')
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muggle13 [2012-06-15 03:08:03 +0000 UTC]
this is the most beautiful thing i have every seen u are now my hero now off to show my parents how anime is totally art
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sarah2222 [2012-06-12 03:45:09 +0000 UTC]
That was beautiful, you inspire me. Do more, I love it. So sad yet so true, it has certain meanings to me no one will undserstand. Thanks for the wonderful artwork.
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destinytail0 [2012-06-02 21:33:37 +0000 UTC]
Kid goes with his dreams and parents cuts off ties with him. Brilliant.
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staphanysan [2012-06-02 03:13:00 +0000 UTC]
its so fantastic no one can fell hem...................... like me.....its
that it so hurt i can feel like hem
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lovehetalisforev [2012-05-31 23:28:22 +0000 UTC]
I can totally side with the charicter. I started drawing at a young age and my parent didnt find them so wonderful. she just said it was cute and all i want for her to say one day is its amazing and not see it as something usless anymore.
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SquidTowne [2012-05-27 04:29:48 +0000 UTC]
This is so sweet and sad at the same time ^.^ Awesome
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MeruMaru234 [2012-05-21 10:30:27 +0000 UTC]
Whoa, such an amazing story. It's like, it can even happen on real life... but one thing, it made me cry because it inspired me.
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cooliodude012 [2012-05-14 22:17:35 +0000 UTC]
I posted something a while back saying how this is just like my life and how my parents hated me drawing so much because they thought art was something useless. But I kept drawing. I improved, I showed my emotions through it, I really loved art and I think they saw. Now they're supporting me bit by bit They're not letting me major yet; but they're letting me take an art classes and all this stress has been so relieved! I know I was lucky but for anyone who's in this position, keep pursuing what you want to do and nobody can stop you.
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DLDracoRex [2012-05-14 02:32:23 +0000 UTC]
This needs a good "town and all the un-creative bio-bots burn to the ground/cleansing" scene
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Seizing-Sugar [2012-05-09 01:48:23 +0000 UTC]
Everytime..I look at a picture I draw..I wish I was in their world with them, just so I can...run away from the other world that pushes me away.
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Lady-Lia [2012-04-28 00:47:51 +0000 UTC]
I just bawled at this But I love it! I'm lucky to have encouraging parents!
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RadioErf [2012-04-26 21:21:19 +0000 UTC]
This is BRILLIANT. I don't really know what to say about it, but I just felt the need to comment after I added it to my favourites! I love this!
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MikaBlackwood [2012-04-22 05:48:43 +0000 UTC]
This animation reminds me of myself i adore videogames , fantasy and love art especially anime but my dad doesnt care much for it and my mom thinks i need to grow up and be like someone normal my age im 21 im a good student i dont bother anyone i do as im told i dont live in a anime world .. but just because i draw everyone thinks im weird so im a way i can relate to it , Its a wonderful animation great job n_n !
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Artezz [2012-04-21 20:50:34 +0000 UTC]
this is so emotional... i like the passive style of the adult who not have faces... it perfectly shows their meaning in the video its just great and beautiful.
i love it
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GeekJ [2012-04-18 16:26:06 +0000 UTC]
I felt like crying at the end, but at least she's happy.
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GeekJ In reply to Artezz [2012-04-22 13:38:26 +0000 UTC]
If you read the second sentence in the description you will see the character is a girl.
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Artezz In reply to GeekJ [2012-04-24 21:07:58 +0000 UTC]
oh you are right i am sorry^^
in the animation it seems more like a boy
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GeekJ In reply to Artezz [2012-04-25 12:41:29 +0000 UTC]
I know I was a little confuse myself when I watched it.
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Segacat101 [2012-04-17 21:50:27 +0000 UTC]
i know all two well to be told by the person you love to give up on drawing. my mom thinks its just scriblining on paper because i'm not a pro.... this made me cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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GruntBoy [2012-04-17 03:56:17 +0000 UTC]
OH MY GOD THIS IS AMAZING, Everything is a perfect, beautifil method of story with perfect storyline. I LOVE IT ALL.
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raehira [2012-04-12 14:31:48 +0000 UTC]
I take it as that art is an escape I love this, in a very similar situation myself :/
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little-ahiru [2012-04-12 11:01:42 +0000 UTC]
This really touched me. I'm 15 and this recently happened to me. My parents got angry at me because "all I do is sit in my room and draw"
They told me no profession could come from this, it wouldn't pay well and I wouldn't go anywhere. I showed them what I aspired to be, someone amazing like Shilin, and they just said it was a cartoon.
I am actually balling my eyes out right now.
Well done.
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ArtIsNotEternal [2012-04-12 00:28:20 +0000 UTC]
I...am speechless...I will forever cherish this as one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed. Congratulations on being amazingly talented.
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Killian-sensei [2012-04-09 23:27:41 +0000 UTC]
this really speaks to me, my art is ignored by my parents but then they try and tell me how to fix it, when neither of them have ever learned how to draw properly. And now i'm going through a rough patch in my life, i applied for an art school and was turned down cause the art is the hardest department to get accepted into when all my other friends got accepted for other things, all i'v been able to draw latley is with anger and saddness, so ill have to try to get happy or something
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akiyo-hiro23 [2012-04-07 08:55:30 +0000 UTC]
i can feel the pain about this guy. because we have the same problem
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Miss-Mae [2012-04-07 02:45:10 +0000 UTC]
This is so darn good! Really deep, and just.. Damn! So good!
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naruto2877 [2012-04-04 19:19:04 +0000 UTC]
HNNNNGGGGGG...and i have to agree, school ruins lives.
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keikasate [2012-04-04 01:21:03 +0000 UTC]
that was sad... but its so AWESOME! your animating skills are awesome!
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TripleD3 [2012-03-31 22:46:00 +0000 UTC]
that's so sad. Why would any parent do that. Or teacher even.
Then they just threw her away. Didn't even care.
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