Published: 2010-01-25 20:22:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 1180; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 3
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"I still think this is a waste of time…" Tap-Out huffed. The hallway was completely empty, so he let his shoulders slouch a bit. There were no `bots that he needed to intimidate here. Personally, Glyph considered this action of making himself appear taller unnecessary. For one: They shared one of the shortest chassis-types on Cybertron. And then there was the fact that Glyph didn't think she needed his protection from everybot that looked at her."And why would you say that?" She asked.
"We need to get briefed on that new assignment you just got."
"Which one was that again?" Glyph asked, smiling guiltily.
Tap-Out sighed. "Remember the 'Lost Planet'?"
"Well, they found it."
"Oh, that's right!" Glyph realized, "Didn't it have that large tablet with the new characters on it?"
"Uh…I think…"
"Amazing…" Glyph mused, "I can't wait to start translating it!"
"Then I guess we can skip this little trip, right?" Tap-Out offered hopefully.
"Oh, no!" She shook her head, "Of course not!"
"But you just said…!"
"I can wait until after this." She insisted, picking up the pace. The lab, where the two sciencebots were bound to be, was only a few doors down.
Glyph tried to visit them every time she had the opportunity. Now, right before going on a major assignment, was a perfect time. When headed off-planet to translate new codes and languages, it could be a long while before she saw them again. The last big excursion she went on lasted more than a hundred stellarcycles. She would want a fresh reminder of their friendship before she left.
She never would've gotten so close to these two if it wasn't for Wheeljack. He had recognized her talent at the Academy and had gotten her this job. Not, of course, without hiring Tap-Out as well. A precaution, he had said, for dangerous organic planets you might encounter (though none of them so far had been threatening at all). After her first few undertakings, Wheeljack had always been there to check on her and see how she was doing. Through these talks, they had found that they had a lot in common. They were both extremely enthusiastic about their jobs, that was obvious enough, but they also shared a love of exploration into knowledge that Glyph had never seen in another `bot before. She was glad to have discovered a friend like that.
She could still remember the first time Wheeljack had shown her the lab. The utter fascination at all of the fluids and mechanisms that she could never identify in a million stellarcycles. The pent-up smell of smoke. The different colors splattered over the steel wall, most likely from failed experiments. Though it might be considered a mess to others, Glyph saw it as a room of possibilities, where real discoveries were made that changed all of Autobot-kind. And it was there that she had met Perceptor.
Glyph found it hard to describe him. He was intelligent, clever, and dedicated. Almost too dedicated. In his quest to pursue data he supposedly deleted all of his emotional programming to make room for anything else he might need to store there. And, thus, he doesn't smile, frown, laugh, cry, or even change pitch in his voice. His actions pretty much were the definition of 'bore'. Most `bots became cold towards him because of his choice. But Glyph didn't see it that way.
In the first place, Glyph didn't believe it possible to delete all emotions. It had never been done before, and probably wasn't done perfectly when Perceptor attempted it. He was like a walking, talking code that she needed to crack. The smallest subtleties in his movements and speech were things she examined, and slowly she began to find ways to translate them into emotions he could be hiding. It was something she kept to herself, when she noticed the hints like this. If Perceptor was forcefully covering up these feelings, he obviously didn't want others to see them. She wouldn't expose his privacy by telling others, no matter how astounding it was.
She respected him with the utmost respect, amazed at how he could put his job before himself. And at the same time she pitied him, wondering if there was another reason to why he tried to let go of all emotion. It must be so lonely having everybot else avoid you, not wanting to be affiliated with 'the stiff'. For this reason, Glyph made sure to visit him constantly, to remind him that he had a friend other than his work partner.
Tap-Out didn't like the attention that she gave Perceptor; most likely why he is so against her seeing him now. She wasn't positive, but she had a theory that he thought that she might actually be interested in the sciencebot. Of course, he thought that she was interested in every mech she talked to. Maybe she did like Perceptor, maybe she didn't. She wasn't sure herself. But it shouldn't be Tap-Out's concern, either way. His job was to keep her safe, not isolate her.
Ah. There was the door to the lab. Glyph happily strolled up to it, excited to see what they were working on now. Tap-Out trudged behind her, not trying in the least to hide his distaste.
"Perceptor! Jack!" She called, "It's me! Glyph!"
She had only one stabilizing servo into the room before she was hastily pushed out by two pairs of arms. She stumbled back, almost hitting the wall behind if it wasn't for Tap-Out, who of course was instantly by her side as soon as she was touched. After making sure she had her bearings, her bodyguard marched in, a death-glare set on his faceplate. He was going for blood now, she could tell. She wanted to tell him to stop whatever he was going to do. Sure, she had been shoved by her friends, but whatever the reason it wouldn't be worth the walloping they were about to get.
Before she could protest to his action, an explosion went off in the room, shaking the floor around her. Tap-Out disappeared in a plume of smoke that enveloped the whole hall. Glyph coughed and waved her servos, trying to clear the air. What had happened!? She had always heard of detonations happening in the lab, but never seen one herself. Had anybot gotten hurt? She hurried in, not too anxious to see the aftermath of the blast.
The room looked in more disarray than usual, from what could be seen through the fading smoke. Black ash covered every visible surface. Wheeljack moaned, using the counter in order to get back on his stabilizing servos. Perceptor didn't seem too concerned, rubbing some ash off of his armor. He hadn't fallen over during the commotion, and neither had Tap-Out. Glyph gasped when she saw her guardian. She didn't even recognize him at first. His chassis was completely encompassed by soot, his piercing blue viz scanners frowning underneath the dirt.
"Spark, Tap-Out! Are you alright!?" Glyph asked. The mech wiped furiously at his faceplate, removing as much soot as possible.
"…this is why I hate science…" He growled.
"Sorry about that, man." Wheeljack said. "Didn't think those two compounds would react quite like that…"
"No, I specifically told you that this would be the logical result." Perceptor corrected. "But you ignored me and said something to the effect of 'to the pits with logic'."
"Ah yes…good times…" Wheeljack mused.
"It seems advisable for you to actually heed my admonition instead of brushing it off so quickly." Perceptor went on, "Especially if there are others involved."
"But Percy…" Wheeljack whimpered, "I don't mean for things to explode."
"Intention does not always generate a proper conclusion."
"But it can help."
"The statistics show-"
"Okay, okay!" Wheeljack offered his servos in surrender. "I give up. You win."
Perceptor didn't even blink. "Win what?"
"Never mind…" He shook his head, the turned toward Glyph, "Thanks for coming, Glyph."
Glyph was about to speak when Tap-Out answered for her. "Actually, we were just leaving."
"Tap-Out!" Glyph frowned, "Why?"
"Well, if this," He motioned to his black-stained chassis, "is any indication of future events, I don't think we should come here anymore."
"'Indication'? Since when do you use words like that?"
"Since…Since now I guess! Now come on!" He grabbed hold of her servos, trying to force her out of the lab.
"No!" She turned around and skidded across the ground, making it harder for him to move her, "Tap-Out, you can't make me do this! Just give me ten cycles, okay?" She made her viz scanners slightly wider, trying to convince him by making herself look cuter.
Tap-Out frowned, realizing he wasn't going to get anywhere arguing with her. "Fine. I'll be outside. And if I hear anything-!"
"I promise you won't!" She smiled. He didn't look too reassured, but he did as he was told.
"Sheesh. He's a lot of fun to be with, isn't he?" Wheeljack muttered, picking up some equipment that had fallen on the floor during the blast.
"When he's not irritable he is." Glyph insisted. "He's just stubborn, that's all."
"Maybe you should heed his admonition too." Perceptor inputted, adjusting his visor, "It can be dangerous in here at times."
What is just her, or did she pick up some concern in his body movements? He didn't usually mess with his visor unless he was nervous or something. Glyph blushed intensely. She didn't get much more of a good look at him before he turned around, arranging something on the counter behind him.
"Oh, I'm fine. Really. I go through worse stuff than this when I'm on a job."
"Speaking of which," Wheeljack said, "I heard that you've got a new assignment."
"Yeah! I get to go to the Lost Planet!" She informed excitedly.
"They finally found it!?" Wheeljack gawked, "I've been waiting for stellar cycles!"
"They also discovered a tablet with a new language on it."
Wheeljack whistled. "And that would be why they are sending you. You're going to have the time of your life out there, aren't you?"
"It looks like it. I am going to miss you two, though."
"Us?" Wheeljack laughed, "Don't know why you would. You're going off on an adventure, and you're going to mope about us?"
"Well, wouldn't you?"
"Dunno…never really go off planet much…" He pointed absently to a computer screen, "Do most of my work on that."
"Oh…" Glyph replied, never realizing before how much freedom her job had.
"And besides!" He walked over to Perceptor and put a servo around his neck, "I've got Percy here to keep me company!"
"I believe I would get my work done more efficiently if you would cease." Perceptor informed monotonously.
"Sure thing, buddy!" Wheeljack replied over-enthusiastically as he released his grip. "Hey, I have to go get some cleaning supplies to fix the rest of this mess. Be right back. Unless your friend kills me on the way out…"
"Just don't look him straight in the viz scanners or crack a joke about the soot and you should be fine." Glyph said.
"I'll keep that in mind." He made his way out the door, leaving Glyph and Perceptor alone.
Glyph watched as Perceptor continued to work on the counter, absolutely ignoring her. It was as if she wasn't even in the same room. She felt a bit irritated at the neglecting, but that didn't last long. Something was bothering him, she could tell. His motions were all rigid, and at one point he almost knocked over a beaker that was next to him. Not at all like his usual precise self.
She wanted to comfort him in some way, make his worry disappear, but couldn't find any way. How do you console a `bot without strong emotions?
"I really would advise caution in the future." His monotonous voice came softly, "Not only in the lab. Newly discovered planets could prove to be a hazard."
"But I do this all the time, Perceptor. You know that."
"A situation could change drastically and become a danger, even to someone with experience."
"Why are you suddenly all concerned?" She asked carefully, almost afraid of what she would hear.
"…I would feel responsible if something happened to you because I didn't give proper precautions…" He answered.
"That's Tap-Out's job."
"Then maybe it's something else…I can't place it though…" Perceptor muttered.
"Maybe it's something you've been trying to hide?" She offered, wondering if her suspicions would soon prove to be true. Did he still have some emotions? Emotions about her?
"Let me process that for a nanoclick."
"Maybe it's…affection?"
If Perceptor hadn't been rigid before, he definitely was now. It was almost like he was composed of a large box that could barely move. His servos were clenched and she could swear she saw coolant running down the back of his head.
He turned around and looked straight at her with those stoic viz scanners. "That's illogical."
"Well, to quote an old friend…" Glyph smiled, "'To the pits with logic.'"
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Comments: 60
Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 02:26:09 +0000 UTC]
I love you XD
Thank you for writing this even though ya don't support the couple. Not many do I just guess PerceptorXGlyph is my OTP XD (because what ever goes on in my lil head seems to come up with weird pairings)
Thank you so much though and I will try and get started on my half soon
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 21:34:10 +0000 UTC]
Your welcome XD
I'm glad you liked it! It was fun to do
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 21:39:32 +0000 UTC]
I'm gonna start writing my half tonight. I now have...AN IDEA!
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 21:41:32 +0000 UTC]
That's a great place to start
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 21:43:49 +0000 UTC]
Yes it is XD without any idea there would be no story. Though I hope I got Wreck-Gar's personality right XD
Also your sig...ROCKS! Made me laugh
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 21:45:54 +0000 UTC]
Wreck-Gar is difficult XD I've only done him once (Though I hope to do more once I get some big oneshot series off my chest) but it's pretty much just...random
I always listen to Weird Al during just to get in the mood XD
XDD And I'm glad you like my signature. It's like...the best advice in teh world
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 21:47:00 +0000 UTC]
I'm gonna give it a go and hope I in some way get his personality right XD
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 21:52:51 +0000 UTC]
I'm sure you'll do great XD
Ifthey had gone back SO MUCH EARLIER than like NO ONE would've died
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 21:57:20 +0000 UTC]
Well maybe 2 probably still would have. I think if 9 wouldn't have seen the tailsmen they all would be good XD
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 21:59:02 +0000 UTC]
or if he had taken the time to watch the hologram thingy BEFORE bolting out of the first room
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 21:59:55 +0000 UTC]
Well okay there was an excuse for that he did see 2 and had JUST woken up so maybe he was a lil confused XD frankly I wanna know how he learned to walk and talk so darn fast...wait that's called MOVIE MAGIC!
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-26 22:02:19 +0000 UTC]
Yeah. He had like, perfect grammar upong getting his voice-chip-thingy. And he was able to imitate a hobbit. Taht takes mad skill
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 00:11:51 +0000 UTC]
9 is just that awesome I guess XD HE'S GOT THE POWER!
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 00:53:41 +0000 UTC]
HE'S GOT THE POWER! YEEEEAH! Wait...he's not a Transformer! XD
I've also started on my half and will hopefully have it done by tomorrow.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-27 00:57:34 +0000 UTC]
Yeah, he's too small for that
I wait in excited anticipation
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 21:11:37 +0000 UTC]
And he doesn't transform into a car silly us.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-27 21:28:21 +0000 UTC]
Yeah if he transformed into a car he wouldn't have to do so much running in the movie XD
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 23:57:49 +0000 UTC]
Exactly! He could be like 'Okay! 9...TRANSFORM!' then BOOM he transforms into a car and the day is saved!
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-28 00:00:54 +0000 UTC]
Yeah that would be amazing...
Someone should make that movie XD I have read a few Transformers stories based on 9
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-28 00:02:22 +0000 UTC]
I have actually had a Transformer story with 9 characters in it in my head for awhile now. It's the 9 characters as Transformers but it's mostly based on 3 and 4.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-28 00:05:30 +0000 UTC]
That would be an interesting read
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-28 00:19:19 +0000 UTC]
Yeah but I started it like xD months ago and never finished the first chapter.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-28 00:20:07 +0000 UTC]
sounds like so many of my plot bunnies
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-28 00:23:57 +0000 UTC]
I know...I have so many ideas that have never been written...
I'm writing my half now though (I am almost done!) Hopefully I am SERIOUSLY trying to get it up by tonight. Luckily I have no new episodes of TV on tonight XD (reason I had to stop writing last night cause a new episode of Scrubs was on)
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-28 00:31:03 +0000 UTC]
I know how you feel. TV almost always gets in my way as well. But if you don't get it up tonight then you don't get it up tonight. I don't care.
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-28 00:35:10 +0000 UTC]
XD I know! TV distracts me from so many things. I probably will get it up only have a little more to write.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-28 00:37:12 +0000 UTC]
I was watching Monk when I should've been writing yours XD
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Spoiler-Emblem In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-28 00:44:43 +0000 UTC]
XD Nice! House and Scrubs are what got me. Almost done! Only a few more lines to go!
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TyLeeChan In reply to Spoiler-Emblem [2010-01-28 00:46:22 +0000 UTC]
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Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-26 00:01:55 +0000 UTC]
I don't support PerceptorxGlyph either. I more support BulkheadxGlyph and PerceptorxRed Alert.
But this is a wonderful read nonetheless.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-26 00:40:16 +0000 UTC]
that's what everyone's been saying. I'm glad that I could write something I didn't support. I was afraid it would ocme across as 'I love you, but not really, because this is cheesy and unreal'
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 00:54:45 +0000 UTC]
It's okay though :3 I doubt I'd even be able to swallow my fangirl pride and write something like that, even for my friends D: Which makes me sad, because I know I'd never be able to write a Red AlertxHot Shot fanfic no matter how hard I tried, it'd never get into romance instead of just close friendship. D:
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-26 01:37:40 +0000 UTC]
Ah yes the fangirl pride
I don't think I could do any character bashing fanfics though. Like an anti-Blurr or anit-Starscream or something like that
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 01:50:51 +0000 UTC]
I like Starscream. And I like his clones too. But not the Slash fics I see with Thundercracker and Skywarp or Sunstorm and Ramjet or Starscream and Slipstream. SGFUSO:HUS:FS:uh YUCK. That's why I'm always thankful for fics that AREN'T SLASH with those sets of characters. If you ask me, they have tons of potential for an interesting Platonic Relationship that can take root in Psychology. BECAUSE AH LURVES MAH PSYCHOLOGY.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-26 01:54:18 +0000 UTC]
slash sucks
plain and simple
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-26 01:57:01 +0000 UTC]
Yeah D:
I once had a dream in the Aftermath Universe with Thundercracker internally freaking out more and more over time realizing that Skywarp's freaking DEAD but he's not really dead because Dirge really just stole his Spark temporarily but he's still stays behind to stare at him and he has a million inner conflicts because he doesn't know why he's 'wasting his time waiting for this sorry excuse for a Decepticon' but still waits anyway because he has this nagging feeling in the back of his head that he's responsible for him, like an older brother or, as he eventually decided to call it, his 'king'. So he stays behind and then I woke up because I had to go to School.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-26 21:39:26 +0000 UTC]
that makes my heart sigh XD Those are the kind of emotional things I love! And it really does bring up an amazing conflict for Thundercracker, since he has the superioirity complex thing but he's been with Skywarp awhile (or at least, fan speculative been with. For all we know, they could've parted ways after Blurr ran off. I doubt it, since Skywarp probably clung to TC's legs, pleading for him not to leave him alone in the 'cold dark emptiness of space!! ACK! WAS THAT A SPACE BARNACLE!?') and he has to come to terms with their relationship (I hate using that word for familial/friend things, but its the only one that I can use)
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 00:02:24 +0000 UTC]
The word relationship is just fine. It's just the mainstream context of the word that makes it difficult to use. For all we know, a relationship could have something to do with a boy and his dog. A relationship is really just the specific interaction between two people. It's not always related to romantic feelings.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-27 00:04:54 +0000 UTC]
I just hate the context it's used in now
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 00:05:57 +0000 UTC]
Maybe I should just write that down in a document for later or something. Maybe I'll get some more inspiration for Jellybeans.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-27 00:53:01 +0000 UTC]
That'll work
Ugh..I'm stuck on some dialouge here...shold be over it in a minute, but its weighing me down
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Sihira-Hedgehog In reply to TyLeeChan [2010-01-27 01:07:42 +0000 UTC]
I'm writing Thundercracker's oneshot (King) instead of Jellybeans WHUT.
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TyLeeChan In reply to Sihira-Hedgehog [2010-01-27 01:09:22 +0000 UTC]
Maybe you just need to get that story out of your system in order to efficiently write Jellybeans? Sometimes I have to do that
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