Published: 2022-10-27 23:06:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 686; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 0
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Tentative work in progress?Aureate Steppe
A sprawling coastal plain stretching all the way to the continent's largest city, ending at sheer cliffs that rise high above the ocean (though none as impressive as those housing Cythal). The steppe is named for its golden and brown grasses dotted mostly with poppies, mustard flowers, and railroad vines. Mainly dominated by herds of wisent, feral horses, and is one of the few places that blood eagles still manage to thrive in absence of easy human prey. Royal dragons have been very, very rarely sighted gliding just above the waves. One can still find settlements and individual cottages dotted along the plains, between rocky outcrops and small patches of thin trees.
Situated atop and, in some places inside, a stretch of titanic coastal cliffs, Cythal is the cultural center of Lore where the Ridgemonts originally held court. It is one of the few places where individuals of every family and faction can coexist in relative peace; ironically, the city is also the most hotly contested among almost all of them. Representatives and figureheads for any number of them can be found living in or around the city, but tensions are surprisingly low. Any quarrels that do occur are usually limited to run-of-the-mill debates, gossiping, and, as popularized by the Calisters, flyting; unsurprisingly, most of these squabbles happen between the Firaelles and Ridgemonts. Other families are mostly kept in line by virtue of simply not wanting to get involved in the first place; Leydier mediators and, very rarely, Calister mercenaries may be called upon to assist if things reach a boiling point.
Located in a dismal swampy area, salt and fresh water intermingle in Eurybia and offer an abundance of unique plant life. Imp families travel up and down the rivers and uninhabited pockets of the swamp, while shamblers stalk the darkest parts of it by night. Known for the appropriately named "White Wolf of Eurybia," a former mage werebeast condemned to inhabit their twisted animal form by their own madness and magical corruption, who terrorized much of the eastern coast in days of old.
Evelune [WIP]
Located in a small bay, though with far fewer bells and whistles than the one housing Cythal. Arthfael considers this to be their base of operations, but are constantly under pressure by the Ridgemonts.
One of the only islands close enough to Lore suitable for human habitation, and center of operations for the Bell family. Much of the continent's fishing operations are conducted here, primarily under Cythal, Evelune, and occasionally Eurybia. Ironically, Gyrphenag's small size gives it a great advantage over the mainland, mostly due to having neither the room or geographical diversity to support very many animals larger than elk. Sightings of magical creatures and events are remarkably rare, and the Bells like to keep it that way.
Hollyhock Falls [WIP]
A tiny, unremarkable village in the wilderness named after the nearby Hollyhock River Falls. Mossy, labyrinthian gulleys and natural pathways make traveling a challenge, but also keep it relatively safe from visitation by those with bad intentions. Without the infrastructure of the cities, many villages like it are far more prone to supernatural phenomena.
Irador [WIP]
The ancestral home of the Firaelles, Irador considers itself the underdog compared to Cythal.
Nyoha [WIP]
Homeland of the Tamidu family, who are perhaps the most culturally dissimilar and mysterious faction on the continent. They are most known for founding a bizarre religion that has seeped deep into the northwestern half of Lore. Nyoha itself seems to emanate this same aura of mystique and, to some, thinly-veiled hostility.
The Amaranthine
The unconfirmed-but-universally-accepted ancestral home of the Leydier family (or perhaps they saw the ruins as free real estate?) The Amaranthine could best be described as an outpost rather than a fully-fledged village or city, situated on the shore of a large lake, shielded by mountains and dense forests where wild roses grow in abundance. Though technically not private property, many avoid it due to its awkward location and it being a breeding ground for superstition; being that the Leydiers are known for their adaptability, there is a great deal of speculation that there are hidden passageways and rooms where secret meetings might, or might not, have once taken place. Everything from a gallery of ancient family heirlooms to bodies hidden at the bottom of the lake have all been ideas passed around, but ultimately shrugged off... not that Ethris has bothered to check either way. Her persistence in wanting to treat the place as normal is most certainly born of wanting to avoid politicking over inheritance and splitting her attention between it and Cythal, and not at all because there are things about her life she'd really love to keep confined to the wilderness...
The Silver Coast
It is thought that Whiterock was once a huge chain of volcanoes thousands of years ago, chilled by the passage of time and encased in ice; the aptly named coast, made up of magnetite and basalt, just north of the mountains lends a good deal of credence to the idea. Whatever the truth of it, The Silver Coast remains a striking diamond in the rough for sailors or travelers who dare to tread so far away from civilization. It is among the largest places of true wilderness on the continent, the forests within still largely uncharted. No one for sure knows what creatures may dwell within.
The Tines
Possibly the most widely-used and prosperous part of Lore's ocean named for its three smaller bays that appear to form "prongs." Those loyal to the sole reigning family before the fracture sometimes refer to it as the Bay of Royals; likewise, circles who reveled in the collapse of the continent's government have taken to calling it the Broken Crown.
The Weft of Fires
The site of the last recorded incident of two dragons battling, dated at least three-hundred years old. The Weft of Fires has been the subject of many songs and ballads, and there are those who swear the place is cursed; the birthplace of some great evil, with some fringe theories attributing the fracture of the entire continent to it. No record exists of just how large the two dragons were, but the magnitude of destruction lends itself to truly nightmarish imagery. A high amount of magical energy concentrated within suggests that one may still be in the area, as a towering pile of bones or hibernating deep below ground...
Homeland of the Calisters. Aptly named for its high mountain peaks unrivaled anywhere else, Whiterock's perpetually frigid caps of solid, glacial ice are miles thick, almost cocooning the valley in a state of perpetual cold. These mountains reach high enough into the sky that nothing climbs or flies up past a certain altitude, lest they suffocate in the constrictive air. It is infamous for being largely inaccessible to outsiders, walled off by treacherous terrain and winding cave systems that follow no particular logic. Within these glacial labyrinths, lucky explorers may find skeletons of giant dragons embedded in the ice. And if they listen close enough, one might hear the distant echo of a giant heartbeat somewhere deep below...
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Daydream-Believer66 [2022-11-01 08:16:46 +0000 UTC]
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tyger-pax In reply to Daydream-Believer66 [2022-11-01 19:34:57 +0000 UTC]
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Daydream-Believer66 In reply to tyger-pax [2022-11-02 08:17:45 +0000 UTC]
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Tigon1Monster [2022-10-27 23:35:45 +0000 UTC]
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tyger-pax In reply to Tigon1Monster [2022-10-28 01:00:49 +0000 UTC]
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