#birddrawing #bluejay #bride #mushrooms #natureart #pinecone #traditionalpainting #watercolor #wreath
Published: 2017-09-14 22:03:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 1584; Favourites: 225; Downloads: 0
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So, who wants a birdly wedding invitation?My gallery is like 50% birds by this stage.
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Comments: 27
ghostyheart [2018-05-09 04:20:46 +0000 UTC]
Hi, this drawing has a problem with it that you colored in the female bird like the male bird, if you look at the Audubon website here www.audubon.org/field-guide/bi… , this is the male bluejay cdn.audubon.org/cdn/farfuture/… , and this is the female bluejay cdn.audubon.org/cdn/farfuture/… . Male birds have bright colors but the female birds are mostly brown or gray. Also, the male birds have crests on their heads but the females do not. Photographers mostly photograph the male bird because they spot it easier in the trees, and artists mostly draw and paint the male bird as well because it is brighter colors. The male bluejay is bright blue and has a crest on his head. The female bluejay is mostly light gray with a little bit of blue on her wings and tail, and has a flat head. So if you want to fix this drawing, especially if it is a wedding invitation, you need to re-do it and color her in light gray with just a little bit of blue, not all blue like the male bird, and not put a crest on her head either. I sincerely hope that I helped.
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TrollGirl In reply to ghostyheart [2018-05-09 05:14:23 +0000 UTC]
So...you're telling me i painted a male jay. Which I know. Okay, so I painted a male jay
Where's the problem?
It's not an actual wedding invite, merely a sample that people can appraise if they want their own fav bird/beast on their invite.
For future cases, approaching strangers online and suggesting they 'redo' their art for no discernible reason, comes of as madly entitled. Hope I helped too.
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ghostyheart In reply to TrollGirl [2018-05-09 06:42:02 +0000 UTC]
It has to be a female bluejay wearing a wedding veil on her head. The male bluejay should be wearing a top hat I guess. Maybe it's the male bird helping a girl get dressed. I thought I could help because it seems you can't tell the male or female bird apart. It doesn't really make sense looking at it.
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TrollGirl In reply to ghostyheart [2018-05-09 16:20:27 +0000 UTC]
If a boy jay wants to wear a veil, how's that anyone's business @_@
How about you go and draw things the way you enjoy them, and i'll keep drawing my things the way I enjoy them.
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ghostyheart In reply to TrollGirl [2018-05-10 00:30:53 +0000 UTC]
This is bordering on disrespectful because the bride wears a veil at the wedding, it has to be a female bird wearing a veil. I had to tell you this because I am a girl, "TrollGirl" aren't you a girl too? I think that the drawing has a serious problem you need to fix. I suggest at this point in the drawing you turn the veil into a window curtain so that it's a bird perched on a window with a window curtain blowing on it. I was trying to help. If you're drawing the animals wearing clothes like in Wonderland, the boy bird needs to be wearing a top hat (like the Cheshire Cat wears a top hat) or a tie, and it has to be a girl bird wearing a veil. I think that liking the Cheshire Cat character you should be able to tell a male and female bird apart and draw one or the other wearing boy or girl clothes.
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TrollGirl In reply to ghostyheart [2018-05-10 05:00:21 +0000 UTC]
Okay honey, I get it that you're stuck on traditional gender roles and all, and are incapable of getting a hint of 'dont tell others what to draw'.
So no, I no longer respect you, and frankly your behavior, and insistence of banging out incoherent paragraphs of text at a stranger is ridiculous and who'd respect that.
You do NOT tell other people what they "need" to draw, mkay kiddo?
And since I know you're not capable of grasping that simple truth, I'll assist you by preventing you from commenting here further.
Go cool off, think about what sorrow in your life makes you nag and nag at strangers, and be very grateful I haven't started going over your "art" one by one and explaining how you need to improve your sorely lacking anatomy, composition, color, and...oh, everything. See, that wouldnt be nice. Same as you getting stuck on this motherfucking bird and its untraditional gender performance isn't nice. Bye bye now.
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Cinnamon-Apple-Cider [2017-11-29 01:42:42 +0000 UTC]
Is the title a pun?
Jay Bride.
Gay Bride.
It's a male bluejay, but a bride.
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TrollGirl In reply to Cinnamon-Apple-Cider [2017-11-29 12:43:05 +0000 UTC]
The title is a pun, but in hebrew.
Urbanit means urban, and orvanit means jay
In writing, it looks the same except one letter.
There was a pervasive facebook group called urban brides, which appeared everywhere and pissed me off [i dont dig weddings/marriage] so i had to paint this.
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Kirschpraline [2017-09-15 20:50:23 +0000 UTC]
So beautiful, wonderful coloring and lovely composition!
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lyricalmime [2017-09-15 19:48:25 +0000 UTC]
aaaww what a cutie omg ;o;
this is downright adorable
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SteadyPaw [2017-09-15 19:13:23 +0000 UTC]
Beautifull! I'm still learning watercolours and your techniques are amazing
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MoonyMina In reply to TrollGirl [2017-09-15 08:04:31 +0000 UTC]
LOL, I couldn't know... but it's a nice illustration for a wedding card...
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TrollGirl In reply to MoonyMina [2017-09-15 08:26:06 +0000 UTC]
Haha i like birds. I don't like the institution of marriage
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StarDust-The-furry [2017-09-15 03:48:36 +0000 UTC]
Aw! ♡ what a beautiful picture! ♡ the funny thing is, my Grandfather is visiting, his name is Jay, and my grandma (she died) gave him the nickname blue jay, and when they got married she referred to herself as the "blue Jay bride" ^^
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