Trillium248 — Cave

Published: 2009-02-25 05:31:25 +0000 UTC; Views: 968; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 8
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Description Cave background speed paint. Woo! one of the few backgrounds I've done that I'm actually proud of! At least, for now anyway.
isn't it blue and full of awesome?
It's Blawesome!
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Comments: 21

INsaneBEARchik321 [2010-12-26 00:03:47 +0000 UTC]

I want to use this for my cave guardian, please? I will credit (of course)

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Trillium248 In reply to INsaneBEARchik321 [2010-12-27 01:28:33 +0000 UTC]

Go for it! Thanks for asking! And would you post a link on my page so I can see? ^^

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INsaneBEARchik321 In reply to Trillium248 [2010-12-27 01:44:05 +0000 UTC]

Sure! Thanks for letting me use it. It really looks good with my character.

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Trillium248 In reply to INsaneBEARchik321 [2011-01-09 22:52:12 +0000 UTC]

no problem!

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SomespazofNature [2010-05-10 08:58:25 +0000 UTC]

i was wondering, may I use this blawesome background for a picture? I will credit you and say the background was by you. :3

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Trillium248 In reply to SomespazofNature [2010-05-10 16:16:51 +0000 UTC]

Of course thank you for asking.

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SomespazofNature In reply to Trillium248 [2010-05-10 17:29:30 +0000 UTC]

^^ thank you

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ShadowAeroku [2009-03-07 16:17:38 +0000 UTC]

Wow funky and atmospheric

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lordzasz [2009-02-26 03:39:36 +0000 UTC]

Very awesome! And now you have a BG all set to go for your next character. Double score!

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Trillium248 In reply to lordzasz [2009-02-26 17:50:41 +0000 UTC]

actually, I made it for my brother's keyblade pic, but, well, you know that by now I think.

oh, and btw, do you wanna do some sculpy stuff tonight at anime club? you know, for like an hour or what ever, and we can talk about anime and junk?

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lordzasz In reply to Trillium248 [2009-02-26 22:06:15 +0000 UTC]

Well, as it's cancelled... we'll do it next Thursday for sure!!! I'll bring with my supplies and whatnot. ^^

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darkicesesshomaru [2009-02-25 21:42:53 +0000 UTC]

heehee blawesome ^^ this word makes my heart smile

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Trillium248 In reply to darkicesesshomaru [2009-02-26 17:52:06 +0000 UTC]

*imagines a human heart smiling*
that's kinda creepy.

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darkicesesshomaru In reply to Trillium248 [2009-02-27 21:50:43 +0000 UTC]

lol my mom always says the same thing XD

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Trillium248 In reply to darkicesesshomaru [2009-02-28 02:32:59 +0000 UTC]

I don't know that I like being compared to a mom. lol. sometimes I wonder if I'm 50 years old instead of 20....

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darkicesesshomaru In reply to Trillium248 [2009-03-01 15:03:29 +0000 UTC]

lol XD sometimes i wonder if i'm 5 instead of 16

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Trillium248 In reply to darkicesesshomaru [2009-03-01 20:01:02 +0000 UTC]


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tuolumnie [2009-02-25 13:39:37 +0000 UTC]

very blawesome, indeed.

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Trillium248 In reply to tuolumnie [2009-02-25 18:32:31 +0000 UTC]


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Nanometroid [2009-02-25 08:41:54 +0000 UTC]

Looks great! I'm curious though, have you ever designed a character around a background before? Or is it make a character and make a background for it? Might be good for practice with backgrounds if you really want to improve... but I'm no artist so don't mind me!

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Trillium248 In reply to Nanometroid [2009-02-25 18:31:06 +0000 UTC]

you know what. I usually draw the character first... I've never thought of drawing a background first. You may be on to something!

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