Published: 2016-03-29 12:35:24 +0000 UTC; Views: 10185; Favourites: 92; Downloads: 0
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PlagueDoctor1997 [2017-10-07 03:36:30 +0000 UTC]
Worgen night elves as a sub-race anyone? Come now, the worgen have been in Darnassus long enough for their own starting zone within the Night elven capital. If anything, interspecies mingling is bound to happen, and the night elves are the only other race in WoW that can be afflicted or inherit the curse of the worgen. No one can say this wouldn't work, cause night elves were the original worgen. Having a night elf that can switch in between the two forms wouldn't be that strange. Plus, I'd like to play as dark iron dwarves and zandalari trolls. Variants of these races would be awesome. Please Blizzard....I'll throw in all that I own for sub-races to be added to WoW. It's probably unlikely, and we're more likely to get a new race to play as, that's always great. But it would also be wonderful to play different variants and variety of the races we already have.
Human - Half-Elf or Tirasian (maybe darker skinned, more Mediterranean-y)
Dwarf - Dark Iron, Wildhammer
Gnome - Sand Gnome
Night Elf - Nightborne (Horde)
Draenei - Krokul
Worgen - Emerald Dream (Nelf) Worgen
Orc - Mag'har (with different customization)
Troll - Revantusk (Forest), Zandalari
Tauren - Taunka
Undead - Undead Elves or Freshly dead humans
Blood Elf - High Elf (Alliance)
Goblin - Gilgoblin or some weird variant
Pandaren - Furbolg (Remodeled over pandaren skeleton with a more pronounced Celtic aesthetic)
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Ahakarin [2016-04-24 20:44:44 +0000 UTC]
Interesting work.
I never cared for the WoW "Moonkin" design - the original "Wildkin" of WC3 was definitely better.
These? Better still.
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Tonig2 [2016-04-17 17:32:28 +0000 UTC]
I'm not claiming anything. it's just a conceptual idea. Another version of the characters. It is obvious that they are characters blizzard
My idea is to reshape the moonkin form for that fits into the game. Nothing more
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Bering In reply to Tonig2 [2016-04-17 23:47:08 +0000 UTC]
I browse the gamedev catagory quite a lot; so I initially thought you were a Blizzard artist when I saw the thumbnail, but after a closer look I realized it was fan art, that was the only reason I mentioned it Either way I always find it refreshing to see new takes on druid catforms, bearforms or moonkin stuff!
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Bering [2016-04-17 14:04:05 +0000 UTC]
You might want to list this underneath fan art though, as it's obvious these are designs of Blizzard Entertainment, and you've done a paintover on the existing models; so it's not really fair towards the character artists and concept artists at Blizzard to claim it entirely as your own, for your own game development art.
It looks good though! I really like the night elf's alterations.
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