Published: 2019-08-10 17:29:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 147; Favourites: 9; Downloads: 0
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Alright...one coloured page and no it didn't take forever I just have been taking breaks yknow, I feel alright with the style still I need to improve more, I know that, I hope next page will get even better ^^' Anyway I really tried to give it a alright moody feeling and the background was a bit tricky - could have work more on it but I already feel I have spend enough time as I do want to continue on the next page now. Anywaaay, hope you liked this work a bit. Much luv!Next - www.deviantart.com/tomskaya/ar…
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Comments: 14
bleuberry109 [2019-08-19 06:56:37 +0000 UTC]
He calls him Zarry xD that is too friggen cute. Never realized how thicc he was too. There’s so much good stuff goin on. And Raal is a rich boy. Who knewwww
these two are so cute! You’ve got such a fun style
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Tomskaya In reply to bleuberry109 [2019-08-20 15:48:47 +0000 UTC]
Yeah it's a lil' cute I like it ^^ He is a body-builder also naturally thicc..good for him. lel xD Thank you so muuuuch and glad you enjoy seeing them like that. Fun style is just the right word I wanted to hear, ty so much hun ^-^
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MissFlowFlame [2019-08-11 22:40:20 +0000 UTC]
Ho wow this looks kinda professional and in color it really pops, especially with the contrast you create by using mostly red, white and grey/black as main colors!
Again, the expressions sell this too, finally gonna enjoy this story o'yers
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tomskaya In reply to MissFlowFlame [2019-08-12 16:13:20 +0000 UTC]
Whuuuuut you really think so? Wow, thanks! xDD It did give contrast, though I wasn't too sure about it ..but anyway, it pops up and I belive it helps in a comic! Also the more it pops the better? Maybe, sometimes, I dunno. Anyway I got some luv for gloomy "autumn" colours overall I just think it's .. pretty. As my style is very cheerful, doesn't mean the colours have to be that aaaall the time ;3 Ty sooo much for your always awesome feedback, you don't have to! ^^ *blush* Much luv!
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MissFlowFlame In reply to Tomskaya [2019-08-15 06:51:37 +0000 UTC]
Its a hard thing to pull off but you manage to make it work. By having a limited color palette you create a great contrast and mood in the page and it makes it pop with color without having a rainbow of clashing colors! It fits nicely keep this up!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tomskaya In reply to MissFlowFlame [2019-08-17 11:56:25 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much and yes I am really trying to avoid that rainbow! xD Rainbow can be alright in some cases. I just tries to focus to keep a balance during the whole page and that's what can be hardest sometimes. But you also wants the "pop" , but thank you and glad it was alright and a bit comfortable to look at!
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Kitty-Craftsy [2019-08-11 09:36:53 +0000 UTC]
Aah very nice <3 I admire your comic style it's just so loose yet detailed. Not an easy one to draw in, though I am impressed you pulled it off so well.
I can notice that this will end up in a lot of occasions of 'Oh Noooos' haha the poor guy forgot about his own performance. I am wondering where this will take us.
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Tomskaya In reply to Kitty-Craftsy [2019-08-11 10:45:05 +0000 UTC]
Thank you thank you! Yes, loose and detailed you always find the right words, I agree ! ^^ yes he actually did such st00pid thing but it's Zarred ^^ Thing is he got memory problems and he think..in the way HE does. Anyway, don't worry he got this! But luckily he got a savior like Raal in such situation, but I hope you notice...he's used and call him a smart-as* for a reason.. xDD You will see where it take us..I have done over 10 pages in sketch, is just that colouring that takes more time for me xDD Much luuuv!
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Kitty-Craftsy In reply to Tomskaya [2019-08-15 08:53:53 +0000 UTC]
You are welcome!
And Zarred can be happy to have someone like Raal in his life haha xD
You are already so far with sketching the comic c: Can't wait on the next page ^^
Also still need to read all your Character Bio's.. I am sorry that I am taking so long to
respond on everything ><
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tomskaya In reply to Kitty-Craftsy [2019-08-17 11:58:35 +0000 UTC]
Ye the sketching is what I can make fast - and don't worry! You have enough to draw and everything yourself, you don't have to comment right away I mean I am not really better! It's too kind of you. Thanks for the inspiring feedbacks!
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Helladelic [2019-08-11 06:47:41 +0000 UTC]
It's nice to see this in colour! I love the way this turned out! I really love the layout and attention to details here! You did a great job establishing the setting, the type of dynamic Zarred and Raal have here, and their characters! This makes for a great start, and I look forward to more comics from you!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tomskaya In reply to Helladelic [2019-08-11 10:46:44 +0000 UTC]
Ty Helladelic! Still I couldn't blend the background with the character totally perfect like you do, but we will get there and I still enjoy the backgrounds..in it's own ways. But anyway I will not say too much or promise too much as I alwaaays do ^^'' Great you think the start was fine, the start is always the worst. Thank you and I look forward to show more, much luv!
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ArthurQF [2019-08-10 21:48:28 +0000 UTC]
Looks much better in color! I love how Zarred makes a quip about how Raal has the luxury to afford a maid who can rake up the leaves. XD I love the layout, composition, colors, and expressions! This comic is off to an excellent start!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Tomskaya In reply to ArthurQF [2019-08-11 10:42:04 +0000 UTC]
Aw man thank you sooo much! Still I must improve in some parts but I have learned that to the next time but you know, it always comes up other problems! But as long you learn and have FUN! It's worth it! Yes , those leafs..leaves! feck me. xD it's not easy being Raal eeh *cough!* no really it isn't , he doesn't have time to rake 'em leafs...leaves! xD Or he doesn't just want to.. Also you will see how Raal's house looks like in future, I got some ideas in the head how it will look and it's really a bit appart from the city..you will see it. Glad the start was alright, can't wait to finish the next page, ghhh and ghhh must pack stuff to move to ma' new appartment and I must work! grrrr, anyway it's all worth it! Much luuuv for your feedback! And long to see more from you too!
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