thomastapir — Cuttlephant

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Published: 2019-01-18 08:42:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 2755; Favourites: 84; Downloads: 2
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Description Near-shore foragers and grazers. Diurnal cycle:

Possible interpretations:

Panspermic chimerical or convergent elephant cuttlefish, of course.

Aquatic elephant analog from a purely fantastical alternate timeline where convergent pseudovertebrates evolved from Cambrian fauna like Opabinia.


Planktonic/nectonic "elephant tadpole" from a continuum where land-dwelling vertebrates evolved from reptiliomorphs retaining an amphibious metamorphosis life cycle:

Makara-style Raman GMO construct, perhaps fabricated as a challenge or "gift" to the Lemurians depicting a synthesis of the rival civilizations' cultural motifs (communicating the not-so-subtle inherent underlying message that the Ramans can dominate the sea as well as the land if they so choose).

Also, I KNOW I've seen an "elephant-fish" closely resembling what this ultimately became in an old book of fantasy art, I want to say it was a Patrick Woodroffe book, maybe the Mythopoeikon or Hallelujah Anyway...? But mainly this was inspired by the many crazy cuttlefish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Happy Birthday, Ben--I'm sorry it's late!  D :  SO MANY GAMES, SO LITTLE TIME
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Comments: 21

SavvyRed [2019-04-04 04:04:54 +0000 UTC]

That is pretty damn cool!  And cute, too!

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Jakeukalane [2019-04-04 03:31:14 +0000 UTC]


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Viergacht [2019-01-20 02:00:12 +0000 UTC]

Oh cool - I had a headworld with sorta-mammals going thru a tadpole stage but I never did much sketching with it.

This is almost unbearably cute. I'm going to imagine it cuttlefish sized, maybe evolved from rodents, so I could keep it as a pet

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thomastapir In reply to Viergacht [2019-01-23 18:35:04 +0000 UTC]

LOLOLOLOL, OH man, it never even occurred to me that it would be smaller than elephant-sized, even in its larval form!  XD

I'd love to see your take on mammal-tads, that sounds awesome!

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Charanty [2019-01-19 17:53:44 +0000 UTC]

best elephants are the water elephants.

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thomastapir In reply to Charanty [2019-01-23 18:33:52 +0000 UTC]

Isn't everything better in the water?

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Charanty In reply to thomastapir [2019-01-23 18:35:33 +0000 UTC]


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AntFingers [2019-01-19 08:00:47 +0000 UTC]

What a pleasant looking animal.

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thomastapir In reply to AntFingers [2019-01-23 18:33:28 +0000 UTC]

Be sure to feed it peanuts only from the flat of your hand.

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AntFingers In reply to thomastapir [2019-01-25 10:24:53 +0000 UTC]

And what if I want to do it with my fingers?

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thomastapir In reply to AntFingers [2019-01-26 05:36:04 +0000 UTC]

Well, if you're not that attached to your fingers then go for it I guess.

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AlexAlienz [2019-01-19 01:42:31 +0000 UTC]

That looks so cool! would it have gills though?

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thomastapir In reply to AlexAlienz [2019-01-19 04:26:07 +0000 UTC]

You know, I don't think so, I pictured it as an air-breather.  But it can hold its breath for A REALLY LONG TIME

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PeteriDish [2019-01-18 17:42:57 +0000 UTC]

looks like a descendant of the tullimonstrum XD

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thomastapir In reply to PeteriDish [2019-01-18 22:32:45 +0000 UTC]

D'OHHHH SO OBVIOUS!!  You'd think this would have occurred to me considering I linked to a Tully-derived monster in the description.  XD

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PeteriDish In reply to thomastapir [2019-01-19 16:00:05 +0000 UTC]

You did? That's what I get for not looking! XD

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Khasdannyanlord [2019-01-18 15:07:22 +0000 UTC]

oookey! and they have tentacles too???

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thomastapir In reply to Khasdannyanlord [2019-01-18 15:34:44 +0000 UTC]

Nah, just the noodle nose.

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Khasdannyanlord In reply to thomastapir [2019-01-19 22:37:18 +0000 UTC]

hmmm perhaps the patterns on teh skin then the nose could stretcht.... oh god!

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thomastapir In reply to Khasdannyanlord [2019-01-20 04:28:54 +0000 UTC]

Did you hear about the wallet made out of elephant foreskin?  You rub it and it turns into a suitcase.

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Khasdannyanlord In reply to thomastapir [2019-01-20 04:30:32 +0000 UTC]

uh? sound familiar... but...

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