Published: 2013-11-18 17:51:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 570; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 4
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Kindly featured by:Showcase #062The Feature Showcase, issue 62 - a sequential visual collection of unearthed work in abstraction, diffusion, chiaroscuro, and oneiric aesthetic. To experience a similar exhibition of imagery to that which has been featured here, feel free to peruse the depths of my Favourites collection.
Recent Discoveries
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Selected Work
:iconniebieski0: :iconphotoartbk: :iconno-postscript: :iconbriamar23:
:iconsuperflyninja: :iconblaubeerkuchen: :iconmatthias-haker: :iconpalade:
:icontholang: :iconheart-in-my-head: :iconteyvilin: :iconadrienneknott:
:icon30stmluver: :iconvicxkyz: :iconaufzehengehen: :iconluka567:
Featured Artists nonagon
bikini berlin I by stachelpferdchen What's The Point ? by WTek79
B-Minor by Poromaa Lumine Noctis ART by GregorKerle Living on a See-Saw by Fassod
Nawakage by fredScalliet Bloody Building by Pierre-Lagarde In To The Night by RichardBublitz
A Question of your Focus by scheinbar Spatiality by Poromaa Open (I) by alisinwonder
Trinity by da-phil Lviv City by alexkatana Diagonawak by fredScalliet
the invisible dream by EintoeRn City tartan by Igor-Demidov Infinity by da-phil
burning in the undertow by Inextremiss And the emotions quietly move inside the heart by YourForgiveness Now my heart is out of your hands by AngelaNorthen
Entity by bliXX-a Wind and nothing by YourForgiveness L'Etranger by Fassod
Across Divides by lostknightkg low by disies Through the branches by PavelFireman
Protected by RichardBublitz Lamentate by Fassod Friends by RichardBublitz
A perfect day II by lostknightkg Another Universe by tholang Secret Garden IV. by KeremOkay
The first green by freMDartet Crossing Impossible by CarlosBecerra Hinderings by lomatic
The Attraction Of Opposites by mashina O.I.L by absumaniac leid by AnjaMillen
On the Sea by Andaelentari the forest at night by marcusgravus zeb by j-kar
Thank you!
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Comments: 3
tholang In reply to DouglasHumphries [2013-12-23 19:00:42 +0000 UTC]
... as I said: Another universe!
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