TheOtherThoreandan — The Popular Fairy

#3dart #3drender #blonde #darkfairy #dazstudio #fairies #fairydress #flirting #gothgirl #iray #jealousy #perky #populargirl #purplehair #springfairy #sullen #wings #winterfairy #modernfairy #contemporaryfairy
Published: 2023-07-24 16:13:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 2888; Favourites: 63; Downloads: 15
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Description Wolfsbane took a sip of her wine before continuing. Although her tone was flat and unemotional, as usual, Josh still found her soft and sultry contralto voice to be captivating and seductive.
    “And then we have to make the leaves change colors and fall to the ground. So autumn is the busiest time of year for winter fairies.”
    Josh was confused. “Well, okay, but don’t leaves change color because they stop producing chlorophyll?”

    Wolfsbane put up her hand to stop him. “Yes. But it’s still fairy magic. We sprinkle a special dust on the trees. It tells them when to stop making what you call ‘chlorophyll.’”

    “But doesn’t that actually happen because the tilt of the Earth reduces how much—”
    She typically avoided eye-contact, but she glared directly at Josh while she growled, “I just told you why it happens: fairy . . . magic.”
    “Okay, okay!”
    After breaking the ice a few months ago, Josh was glad that Wolfsbane finally trusted him enough to have real conversations with him now, and had dropped the cold, detached sarcasm she wielded like a ward spell to keep people at bay. Josh was also glad she’d stopped wielding actual ward spells when he tried to sit next to her. Well, mostly stopped, anyway.
    Just as he was about to ask another question about the fairy realm, Josh was shocked to see a cute and cheerful-looking blonde fairy walk up to the bar and sit on the stool next to Wolfsbane. Before a few months ago, Josh had never met anyone from the magical realms in person, not even a Forest elf. But now there were two female fairies sitting with him at his neighborhood bar, one bubbly and pretty, the other aloof and magnificent. Strange times, indeed. But also undeniably cool.
    “Wolfie, you know humans don’t want to hear about depressing stuff like that. Besides, dark fairies are so gloomy you could probably just scare the leaves off the trees by looking at them, no fairy dust required.” She turned her full attention to Josh, reaching across Wolfsbane and nearly pushing her aside to offer her hand. “Anyway, hi, I’m Petunia, you must be Josh! It’s great to meet you!”

    Josh gently shook her hand, but he already sensed trouble. He had learned the hard way that Wolfsbane did not like having her name shortened: she called him “Shhh” in retaliation for two weeks after he tried it once before. So Petunia was being rude or condescending, at best. 

    He looked at Wolfsbane to gauge her reaction, but she didn’t respond in any noticeable way. So he had no good reason not to be polite to Petunia. For now, at least. 

    “Nice to meet you. So, are you a friend of Wolfsbane’s?”

    Petunia’s face scrunched up for a moment before her bright smile returned. “Oh, um, sure. I mean, you know, winter fairies don’t really make friends. But that’s why we all think it’s very nice of you to keep making such an effort to talk to her. It’s so rare to find a human male who’s both sweet and good-looking. Anyway, some of us have already tried breaking her out of her shell, but who knows, maybe you’ll have more luck.”
    “Well, I’m not trying to do anything like that, I just like talking with her.”
    “Oh! Sure, of course. Anyway . . .” Petunia went on talking mostly about herself for what seemed like a very long time, explaining that she’s a spring fairy who makes the world beautiful, and how amazing it is to be able to make flowers bloom with her magic instead of ruining everything like dark fairies do, although of course she understands that the cycle of life is a necessary evil. She also continued taking some not-so-subtle digs at dark fairies in general, and even Wolfsbane in particular, along the way. And the whole time she kept leaning closer and closer to Josh, and doing her best to exclude Wolfsbane from the conversation despite Josh’s attempts to include her.
    Meanwhile, to Josh’s surprise, Wolfsbane hadn’t said more than a few words since Petunia arrived. He knew she was an introvert, but that didn’t usually stop her from standing up for herself. She had certainly cut Josh down with her sharp tongue a few times before, not to mention other patrons at the bar. So he assumed there must have been some history between her and Petunia, or maybe even some kind of social hierarchy among fairies, that caused Wolfsbane to hold back.
    But despite her silence, Josh noticed that Wolfsbane had made a fist with one hand, and tightened it every time the pretty blonde fairy complimented him or laughed at something he said. And the more attention Petunia paid to him, the more withdrawn and defeated Wolfsbane seemed. None of this was evident in her expression, of course. Josh had never seen Wolfsbane reveal even the slightest hint of emotion on her face, a common trait among dark fairies that many humans considered off-putting, but Josh found intriguing. But over the last few months he had learned to read her moods pretty well just by posture alone.
    Josh decided enough was enough. He stood up, put some money on the bar, and, after a moment of hesitation, took Wolfsbane’s hand. She froze, and her eyes might have even widened a little. But she didn’t pull her hand away, or cast a spell that could set him on fire. Progress.
    “Well, Pandora—”
    Petunia grimaced, but tried to laugh it off. “Jo-osh, it’s Petunia, remember? You know, like the—”
    “Like the flower, right, right. Anyway, Wolfsbane and I should be going, or we’ll miss our dinner reservation.” Josh was making this up as he went along.
    Petunia’s jaw dropped. “Wait, you’re leaving? Together?”
    Josh tilted his head and smiled. “Yeah, we’ve been going out for a while now. You didn’t know?”
    Josh was surprised by how easily this bald-faced lie floated out of his mouth. He wasn’t even sure dating made sense as a concept to fairies. Although he was certain by now that Wolfsbane enjoyed his company, and felt there was some mutual attraction between them, she still said no to Josh twice when he had asked her out. And she threatening to encase him in ice if he asked a third time. So they’d never even seen each other outside of this bar.
    Josh kept smiling at Petunia. “Besides, you’ve been talking about Wolfsbane as if she wasn’t here this whole time, and I could barely get a word in myself. So you might as well just keep on going the way you have been, it shouldn’t make much difference to you whether we’re actually here or not.”
    Petunia recoiled. “Excuse me?!”
    Josh turned and walked away, leading Wolfsbane off her stool and out the front door by her hand. It was a risk, since he had no idea how she would interpret what he was doing. But to his relief, she followed him outside without any resistance.
    When they had passed beyond the line of sight of the bar’s front windows, Wolfsbane stopped short and yanked her hand backwards, forcing Josh to turn and face her.
    “I thought you were a nice person. I can’t believe how rude you were to her.”
    Josh sighed and let go of her hand. “Look, I’m sorry. I know you can handle yourself and I shouldn’t have gotten involved, but she—”
    “It was amazing.”
    Wolfsbane grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards her. Before he knew what was happening, Josh felt a stab of cold that took his breath away, like his head had been dunked in the Arctic Ocean. His eyes closed reflexively, and for a moment he thought she had slapped him across the face with some kind of ice magic.
    But after the initial shock faded, he felt her lips pressing against his, and a pleasant rush of heat breaking through the cold. Except this was nothing like the soft warmth of a human woman’s kiss. It felt more like an electric current, a surge of vibrating, pulsating energy that flowed from her lips to his and back again. The mixture of sensations was intense and exhilarating, like nothing he’d ever experienced before. But just as suddenly as it started, she stepped back and the circuit was broken.
    Josh opened his eyes. “Whoa. What the heck was that?”
    Wolfsbane almost looked like she was about to smile. Almost.

    “Fairy . . . magic.”

I couldn’t resist coming back around to Wolfsbane and Josh to see how their relationship was progressing, after I put them through the most awkward meet-cute ever in Standoffish . Petunia was previously featured here , although I changed her wings.

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Comments: 19

AguraNatasDreams [2023-12-19 20:44:05 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to AguraNatasDreams [2024-01-02 17:37:22 +0000 UTC]

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DarkRealmsMaiden [2023-10-29 06:27:14 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to DarkRealmsMaiden [2023-10-29 15:09:40 +0000 UTC]

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Mekheke [2023-08-04 11:16:02 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to Mekheke [2023-08-04 15:17:36 +0000 UTC]

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CSBsInfiniteWorlds [2023-07-27 22:07:31 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to CSBsInfiniteWorlds [2023-07-28 00:38:47 +0000 UTC]

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CSBsInfiniteWorlds In reply to TheOtherThoreandan [2023-07-28 15:14:45 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to CSBsInfiniteWorlds [2023-07-28 19:32:03 +0000 UTC]

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oldeekdog [2023-07-25 15:10:24 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to oldeekdog [2023-07-25 23:40:59 +0000 UTC]

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Keriwan [2023-07-25 11:27:40 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to Keriwan [2023-07-25 12:36:39 +0000 UTC]

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Keriwan In reply to TheOtherThoreandan [2023-07-25 14:29:34 +0000 UTC]

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Tirick [2023-07-24 22:21:30 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to Tirick [2023-07-25 12:15:24 +0000 UTC]

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IronClawRoo [2023-07-24 16:42:31 +0000 UTC]

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TheOtherThoreandan In reply to IronClawRoo [2023-07-24 17:52:40 +0000 UTC]

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