#47 #badass #fanart #guns #hitman #painting #watercolor #game #videogamefanart #hitmanabsolution
Published: 2020-10-02 23:10:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1287; Favourites: 72; Downloads: 0
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"One Day, I Will Think Of This As Just Another Job. After All, This Is What I Do." ~47, Hitman: Absolution
Here I am posting drawings from weeks ago xD I painted this with gouaches a while now
I loved playing Hitman: Absolution. I have bought and completed the game around one month(?) ago and loved it! I love these gameplays where you actually have to think about how you could "get away with your actions", considering some can lead to more consequences than others xD So yeah, I tried my take on 47 with his beautiful silverballers
Commissions starting at 2$/160pts [Open] ~I'm sharing this info in a journal too so it's easier to share the info with more examples ^^What I can draw:Humans/HumanoidsFanart/OCCrossover Ships / Couples / Groups of PeopleLGBTI+ "Soft" NSFW / GoreWhat I can't draw:Furries / Anthro / MLPFetishesHomophobia / Racist / Pedophilia / Incest themesRules- To request a commission, you may contact me by replying to this journal or by sending me a note (which I rather prefer so I can keep tracking easily the commissions)- I've got more interest in Paypal, but you can pay with Points as well- The payment is done half before I start and half after I finish or the total in the beginning BUT only after I validated your request- I have the right to refuse a commission if I don't feel comfortable about it.- I have the right to post the commission on my page, although I will tag you. If you don't wish to be tagged/identified, let me know in advance- After validating your request, I'll send you a first rough sketch. You may ask for some changes and after that I'll send you again the sketch with the corrected changes. After that you can only ask for small changes - so we won't be on a forever loop between exchanges and corrections. When the sketch is accepted, I will work on it and published it on my page. After published the finished, no changes may be requested- You MAY share the drawing but remember, always give creditSemirealistic PortraitsGraphite: 12$/960 pointsCharcoal: 15$/1200 pointsGouaches: 17$/1360 pointsDigital: 20$/1600 pointsOther examples of my digital portraitsAnime-ish Style~SketchBustshot: 2$/160 pointsHalfbody: 5$/400 pointsFullbody: 8$/640 points~Mixed MediaBustshot: 3$/240 pointsHalfbody: 6$/480 pointsFullbody: 9$/720 points~Watercolor/GouachesBustshot: 4$/320 pointsHalfbody: 7$/560 pointsFullbody: 10$/800 points~Digital ShadedBustshot: 8$/640 pointsHalfbody: 13$/1040 pointsFullbody: 20$/1600 points~Reference Sheets 10$/800 pointsNOTESFor complexed designs I may charge a bit more; the same goes if you want me to design a character out of scratch (e.g.: if you only have a visual idea of how your character would look like)Extra character = + 50% / price (e.g. a digital bustshot with a character is 8$/640 points, plus extra characters = 12$/960 points total)Complex Backgrounds = + 30% / priceSimple Animation = +20% /price Feel free to ask any other question!Commission FormName: (your username)Type of commission: (e.g. traditional - sketch - fullbody)Payment: (e.g. Points)Reference(s): (link to character)Additional info: (e.g. background, pose reference, expression..)
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Comments: 22
taemart [2020-10-22 04:39:14 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to taemart [2020-10-22 21:02:21 +0000 UTC]
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taemart In reply to TheKikkaKibaz [2020-10-28 04:54:20 +0000 UTC]
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Mai22Hikari [2020-10-16 08:36:17 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to Mai22Hikari [2020-10-17 21:14:43 +0000 UTC]
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Kibi1411 [2020-10-12 13:38:05 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to Kibi1411 [2020-10-12 14:16:02 +0000 UTC]
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agh5eventh [2020-10-03 21:56:07 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to agh5eventh [2020-10-04 20:14:13 +0000 UTC]
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vanndra [2020-10-03 03:48:19 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to vanndra [2020-10-03 18:26:58 +0000 UTC]
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vanndra In reply to TheKikkaKibaz [2020-10-04 00:23:09 +0000 UTC]
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TheTubich [2020-10-03 00:29:54 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to TheTubich [2020-10-03 18:27:10 +0000 UTC]
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TheTubich In reply to TheKikkaKibaz [2020-10-03 22:16:34 +0000 UTC]
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Holly-Hoyle [2020-10-03 00:08:03 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to Holly-Hoyle [2020-10-03 18:37:25 +0000 UTC]
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Holly-Hoyle In reply to TheKikkaKibaz [2020-10-03 19:42:40 +0000 UTC]
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gordonphilbin [2020-10-02 23:53:34 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to gordonphilbin [2020-10-03 18:28:00 +0000 UTC]
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gordonphilbin In reply to TheKikkaKibaz [2020-10-03 20:03:51 +0000 UTC]
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TheKikkaKibaz In reply to saber360 [2020-10-03 18:28:23 +0000 UTC]
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