TheDratex — .:Fallax:.

Published: 2010-06-08 17:21:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 1372; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 22
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Description Just... ignore all the small errors and such, cause I'm to lazy and damn tired to work any more on this >

You may wonder who this is, Its no other than Itchak himself!... as a corrupt!
His markings might change from picture to picture because I'm not really sure about its final design yet, just as Malgord's.
It's called by the way "The Pitch, Black Sceleton" Because it looks like someone has painted with black a sceleton on Fallax's... oops, I mean Itchak's body.

By the way, Fallax means "The false one" or "The one who tricked", based on that Itchak was on the good side first, but then whent corrupt or tricked them to belive he was on they'r side just to see they'r heart break from betrayel. Of course is nothing of this true, exept the 'turning corrupt' part.

Fallax/Itchak is belived to be the most insane of the corrupted dragons in Malgord's staf. He smiles or grins most of the time, but can be slightly annoyed when thinks dosen't go his way. What he hates the most is being look down on, he can't stand the feeling of being weak, if this happens he goes into a blind furius rage and tries to force or torture the unlucky one to admit the difference.

As the rest of the corrupt his weapon gets a malefornt shape, expet from that it still has the same form, but can now be seperated into two different blades. Since Fallax aka Itchak is right handed is the longes part that goes over his hand and ends in a smaller blade on the other side held by his right, and the shorter one is held by the left. The name of his sword was called Albeus Serpents means "The White Serpent", has now been changed into Perdo Serpents which means "The abandoned Serpent" (The word 'Perdo' means also "miserable" and "ruined").

As Itchak, Fallax dosn't like Malgord very much for some unknown reason. Malgord uses his misliking to irritate him for fun which dosen't help on the "friendship". He is a bit different from the other corrupted with that he dosen't feel like them, the other corrupted treat each other as a part of one big family and trust no other than another corrupt, but Fallax have no feelings like that, and when he first meet the other corrupted he gave them a cold shoulder tho they still try to make somesort of a realitonship of any kind way with no success.
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Comments: 16

94revolver [2011-02-02 00:33:32 +0000 UTC]

Very nice.I really like the hollow eyes you gave it.

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Marlouxia [2010-06-18 12:04:43 +0000 UTC]

Hell, this is great^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheDratex In reply to Marlouxia [2010-06-18 18:54:02 +0000 UTC]

Thanks, I starded on this right after I was almost finished with Malgord's portret, but I lost interest for a while. Then I brought it up again, worked a bit before I gave up and submited it

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Marlouxia In reply to TheDratex [2010-06-21 21:22:31 +0000 UTC]

And when you submitted it you gave joy to us all XD

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G-R92 [2010-06-11 05:29:05 +0000 UTC]

man that one sure lookes EVIL it rockes its great it lookes like ichigo but beter

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TheDratex In reply to G-R92 [2010-06-18 18:52:17 +0000 UTC]

I have to say Itchak was inspired of Ichigo in the beginning, but that was so long time ago many things have changed.
Great you thinks he looks evil, makes me feel I have acomplited

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G-R92 In reply to TheDratex [2010-06-22 09:17:18 +0000 UTC]

lol ^^ but its realy a good art you did it is realy awsome

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Blubjee [2010-06-08 19:32:24 +0000 UTC]

Cool ^^

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Zholtaniusar [2010-06-08 17:58:35 +0000 UTC]


I am slightly confused though. (Don't worry, I assure you, I have that feeling ALL the time.)

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TheDratex In reply to Zholtaniusar [2010-06-08 18:27:07 +0000 UTC]

What are you confused of?

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Zholtaniusar In reply to TheDratex [2010-06-09 14:26:29 +0000 UTC]


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TheDratex In reply to Zholtaniusar [2010-06-09 14:44:39 +0000 UTC]

What do you mean by that!

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Zholtaniusar In reply to TheDratex [2010-06-09 16:56:44 +0000 UTC]

It means, as I have stated before, that I'm easily confused.
Is this like, uh, a sort of a parallel universe? Is Itchak really going to join Malgord? Or has he been cloned by evil, crazy science people!?

Or are you trying to confuse us(me) on purpose?

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TheDratex In reply to Zholtaniusar [2010-06-09 17:15:55 +0000 UTC]

Well of course I'm trying to confuse you... not!

I can understand a bit why you are confused, I havn't given enough information, I'm sorry
Well I can tell you a bit now: Itchak was in prison for (eather 1 or to 3 years), he managed to break out when something/someone (I don't yet) attacks the prison. He is then on the run until Darek finds him and try to help. He gets arrested, but The Elders makes a deal with Itchak that if he can get some objects from the Underworld he will be free. They manage to get the objects, but Malgord steals one of them, The Elders breaking they're promise forces Itchak to retrive the object back and the only way of doing it is to 'join' Malgord, tricking him to belive that Itchak has gone over to his side.
Fallaxis Itchak's corrupted name
Everyone who turns corrupt gets a 'new' nameto 'describe' them

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Zholtaniusar In reply to TheDratex [2010-06-09 17:56:28 +0000 UTC]

Ah, now it makes sense.
Well, more sense at least.

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TheDratex In reply to Zholtaniusar [2010-06-09 18:07:00 +0000 UTC]

Thats good to hear <

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