Published: 2015-02-11 19:26:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 997; Favourites: 19; Downloads: 0
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UGH Okay so I've never done one of these RP Groups before but THE HYPE FOR IS SO INTENSE GUYSSo long as I don't get too shy to actually participate QvQ Hence why I'm starting as a butterfree...hehehhe....
I have another teammm not in Archivists but I need to develop them more so until then TEAM TOYBOX <3
~Modest Nature
~Characteristically alert to sounds
-Own Tempo Ability
--Hone Claws
--Play Rough
Personality Basics
Jazz is just as her name implies: smooth and cool. She's got class to go around and isn't afraid to show it. She's the kind to carry herself with a spring in her step and coo at passing boys. Jokingly flirtatious and always suave, a splash of play innocence is always present in this Glameow. She's the cute and giggly type, charming her way through the public. Her play innocence, coupled with a wink and witty grin can easily get her on good terms with another Pokemon. Jazz has a big personality, in that she can be a bit overwhelming. She's domineering in her actions and mannerisms, with a very overpowering personality. Shy or easily intimidated 'mon often find her hard to talk to, though with her pleasant attitude it's usually confusing as to why that is. Introverts will find Jazz exhausting, but extraverts will be pleased and flock to her.
Somewhat stuck up, Jazz can't help but notice the flaws in others. It's a bit of a bad habit, honestly, but she can be a bit over critical of others. She's also rather sassy, and when irritated sarcasm is her best friend. When in doubt, she can easily flip a switch from charming to critical. She's not full of herself, no, but she can't stand for idiocy in others. A favorite of her quotes is: "I can be understanding of ignorance, but I will not allow stupidity to run rampant!" She hates to get herself in situations that involve children, as well, finding young 'mon very annoying. Her nerves aren't hard to grind on, though she is quite good at covering up her annoyance. Jazz hates to lie, however, and will often drop 'hints' at her annoyance.
Being connected to Alma, Jazz has the capability to be rather sly and cunning. She sometimes enjoy messing with other Pokemon, but it's rare that she ever partakes in Alma's nonsense.
Jazzlyn was hatched to a Purugly and a Delcatty, and had two mothers growing up. Her mothers were a homosexual couple, and adopted her as an egg as they wanted a child. This said, Jazz was mostly around female Pokemon most of her childhood. She came to understand the female ways much better than males, which is to say she was much more comfortable with female Pokemon. She had female friends, female family, and a female partner-in-crime. That said, for some reason as a young 'mon she always acted like a stereotypical boy. She was always a kid with a big personality, dominating everything she did and never afraid to get down and dirty. She never doubted herself and was always ready for a challenge. The Glameow was quick to jump into anything she wanted to tackle, never hesitating and never regretting. She became the leader of her group of friends, easily encouraging others and becoming the 'reliable friend' in the group.
This Glameow was always the type to be adventurous and creative. She had an interest in exploring new lands and being a grand hero while she was young. She would play pretend that she was hailed as a heroic adventurer, and showered in lavish wealth and praise. But, every child grows up. She calmed her young, childish behavior and transitioned into young adult life. She began to work away from hanging out with young girls and playing hero, and took a shine to being a social butterfly, becoming the 'reliable friend' for many 'mon. She realized she didn't want to be a hero, she wanted to be part of a community, and wanted to do it with other Pokemon. This pushed her into the Archivists Guild.
-Blue Tail Bow
~Impish Nature
~Characteristically mischievous
Personality Basics
Alma is very childish. She's mischievous, but not malicious. She's giggly and quirky, finding the smallest things funny and grinning constantly with glee. She loves to play games, and play pranks, viewing both as fun ways to mess with other Pokemon. Her mind works very simply: if it's fun, do it, and nobody will be upset with you because it's fun! Her thought process is of instant gratification, not thinking of anything in the long run. She's the kind to get hungry, then eat until her stomach aches from being overly full.
Her games aren't always nice. She loves to stalk Pokemon and scare them throughout the day, or just knocking things over seemingly without reason. She listens to everything. She has unnaturally good hearing, and loves to listen in on gossip and stories. Alma will often relay these stories back to Jazz, giving them both a good laugh or at least entertaining them. She's very attached to Jazz and considers the Glameow her only friend, and basically her sister. She refers to Jazz as "big sis" and will only listen to her, ignoring orders from anyone else. She loves Jazz, and doesn't play pranks on her...often.
Alma can be exceptionally creepy. She hides in Jazz's shadow, following her around this way. She, like many Shuppet, hate the daylight, and thus she's restricted to the shadows. But, Alma has the added bonus of being able to be connected to Jazz, and this allows her to move herself through the day without much discomfort. She has the capability to be creepy in that she has a staring habit. If something - or someone - catches her interest, she will stare at it/them. She also enjoys stalking, following around anything she's curious about(and often dragging Jazz with her).
She needs to feed at night, and generally loves the nighttime. She loves it because she has a few hours nearly 'free' from her bond with her Glameow partner in crime. She can go anywhere she wants, and has free reign, so long as it's nighttime. She tends to use this time to feed, and to play tricks on unsuspecting civilians. With her insomnia, she can never sleep. Thus, she's always listening and is constantly active in the night. She's always there. Always alert. Never doubt that if you have a secret to whisper in the night, she'll be there to overhear it, and she'll never let you know she was breathing down your neck.
Alma was a spirit 'reborn' at the same time Jazz hatched. She was once a Pokemon of some kind, assumed to be a poison-type from her remaining non-ghost move. She's not sure of anything before her rebirth, and all she knows is that she was very young when it happened. Nevertheless, at the birth of Alma, she felt incomplete. Something was missing - her 'other half', if you will - and she was incredibly uncomfortable about it. She felt drawn to something, somewhere, and had no idea what it was. Without anyone to tell her the what, why, or how to the feelings she felt, she decided to just listen to her gut. So, the Shuppet was on a hunt for something.
She was very anxious at first. In her early days, she hated what she was and what she did. She had no idea why, but her morals were something she wasn't taught. Unable to stand the daylight, she felt dark and alone. Unable to keep away from envious, vengeful Pokemon, she felt disgusting for taking advantage of others' negative feelings. Alma didn't want to be that kind of creature, but it was either that, or nothing at all. For a few years, she was quite miserable, following the tug of an invisible string to an unknown destination.
Alma eventually bumped into a young Glameow who called herself Jazz. For some reason, despite the broad daylight, the other 'mon could see her. Even stranger, the tug she'd been feeling was gone. Confused, and for some reason excited, Alma quickly became attached to the young one. Jazz gave her confidence, helping her accept her Shuppet ways and eventually even giving her the idea of messing with others for entertainment. With this new world of possibility, and Jazz by her side, she no longer felt upset at herself, rather confident and mischievous. After all, if no one knew she was there, no harm was done, right?
The bond between the two 'mon had caused the 'link' between them that drew Alma to Jazz in the first place to grow stronger. Alma is kept rooted to the physical world by Jazz, and thus they're forever connected. While they cannot use telepathy or anything, Jazz can always see Alma and is always aware of her, and the same goes the other way. They cannot feel one another's pain, nor anything else for that matter. It's a very lose bond, when it comes to spirits. No magic is involved, it's merely their spiritual-level connection that keep them aware of on another.
-Insomnia Ability
--Confuse Ray
--Shadow Sneak
--Phantom Force
--Gunk Shot
-Black Band
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Comments: 14
theStormbreaker [2015-03-23 18:22:17 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheCinderLover In reply to theStormbreaker [2015-03-23 18:58:49 +0000 UTC]
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TheCinderLover In reply to Wolven-bane [2015-02-11 20:53:10 +0000 UTC]
Awwww thank you hon! <3 Not many people call her cute in canon so she'd be very pleased to receive a compliment! QvQ
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Wolven-bane In reply to TheCinderLover [2015-02-13 05:39:37 +0000 UTC]
Hehe too bad I don't have any characters who would openly compliment her in character XD
Gosh I have too many callous jerky characters aha
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheCinderLover In reply to Wolven-bane [2015-02-13 05:51:39 +0000 UTC]
Such a shame~ Grouchy characters are super fun though! XD
I dunno she'd probably loooove to mess with your poor grumpy characters, to be honest. She thinks the more agitated they get, the funnier it is, SO... WATCH OUT! >w>
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Wolven-bane In reply to TheCinderLover [2015-02-13 05:53:58 +0000 UTC]
Pfff I have a grouchy little featherbutt and a narcissistic Frillish XD Royal'd probably expect Alma to comment him rather than him commenting her, the jerk. Also, dun dun DUNNNN /shifty eyes
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheCinderLover In reply to Wolven-bane [2015-02-13 05:57:52 +0000 UTC]
Your grouch and narcissist are super cute though ;3; I think self-centered characters are really fun, even if you wanna smack 'em sometimes!
Oh gosh, what a silly goose of a Frillish! She'd probably just stare at him creepily and start giggling, thinking his narcissism funny. Probably make him uncomfortable by accident. XD
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Wolven-bane In reply to TheCinderLover [2015-03-25 19:26:04 +0000 UTC]
hhhh I'm glad you like them ;; They're one of my fave PMD teams that's for sure. Its good to hear that others like them as much as I do.
Pff. She stares at him and he'll just get awkwarded out and probably try to order her to stop looking at him or something XD
[I'm so lazy it took me forever to reply to your comment ;;]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheCinderLover In reply to Wolven-bane [2015-03-26 20:03:59 +0000 UTC]
Oh of course! If you love your team, others are sure to love 'em too! They're also just frickin' adorable so it's hard to not love them!
And she'll ignore his orders and stare harder because he's interesting... Lovely first impressions. >u<
[PSHHHHHH don't worry I'm the same way!! X'3]
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
Darlingist [2015-02-11 20:29:36 +0000 UTC]
First of all: BEAUTIFUL NAMES AND WONDERFUL POKEMON, hHhHHFNFNN ; A ; You have a lovely way of handling lines and shading, too!!
Second of all, these two have such an interesting relationship! Goodness me, I can't wait to see more of them! ; O ;
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
TheCinderLover In reply to Darlingist [2015-02-11 20:51:02 +0000 UTC]
omFG THANK YOU SO MUCH SWEET HEART QwQ)b <333 Means so much to me hfgfhfgfj
I greatly appreciate the support and there won't be a lacking in their shenanigans! Guaranteed!
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
TheCinderLover In reply to wyrmhall [2015-02-11 19:40:44 +0000 UTC]
Omfg thank you dear~ Jazz is a special nerd <3
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