Published: 2010-12-25 05:07:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 1558; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 10
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Damian getting comforted by Dick.
Or maybe Bruce died again.
No...he got kicked in the happy sack. I can't go through a dead Bruce thing again.
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Comments: 66
The-G In reply to ??? [2011-01-21 00:39:49 +0000 UTC]
He is Bruce Wayne's son. He's kinda a clone of Bruce.
The Robins are kinda sons too. Tim was even adopted so he has the Wayne surname.
I've been trying to do more cheekboney stuff. I used to do it all the time but stopped. But I'm trying to bring it back. I think it can work.
Nah...haven't seen it. It's not on t.v here. From what I've been told...I think it's Tim Drake. The 3rd Robin.
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KingdomHeartShera In reply to The-G [2011-02-16 00:12:48 +0000 UTC]
LOLOL Literally a clone, or a legitimate son? TEE HEE I thought I remembered that! I love all the Robins.
It looks great, though. Go with whatever you like in your style, but personally I think it looks great.
I can totally connect you with that, by the way. :> I should note you with the links so you can download it. But . . . it's the first Robin, Dick. I'm pretty pissed about that.
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InuKa-RR-Hijinkessou [2011-01-06 15:13:09 +0000 UTC]
Aw. : ( So sad! But I'm loving the drawing. : )
They better not kill Bruce again. That'd be just plain mean of them D8
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The-G In reply to InuKa-RR-Hijinkessou [2011-01-07 00:16:58 +0000 UTC]
Thanks. I might have felt a little sad...but not too much. It's only Damian.
I don't think Bruce will die again. Unless people stop buying the comics and they need to shock them.
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InuKa-RR-Hijinkessou In reply to The-G [2011-01-07 00:39:00 +0000 UTC]
Hahahaha! "It's only Damian." It's only a ten-year-old crestfallen
over the death of his father whom he knew only for a few secons. Psh.
That kid's a whimp. LOL.
He better not.
Wait, who are we shocking??
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The-G In reply to InuKa-RR-Hijinkessou [2011-01-08 11:13:46 +0000 UTC]
Exactly! And what's with Dick and Alfred kicking Tim out and going out of their way to accomodate Damian?
The readers. If a comic is starting to lose readers then sometimes they'll do "Oh my god! This shocking thing is about to happen! You better start reading!"
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InuKa-RR-Hijinkessou In reply to The-G [2011-01-12 08:43:53 +0000 UTC]
Psh! Who needs Tim anyway? THAT kid's only been helping the BatFam only
since, like forever. Damian needed comforting, darn him!
Nooooooooo! I really dislike it when they do that. X[ That's
just plain mean.
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Dakt37 [2010-12-30 09:37:13 +0000 UTC]
but feel free to continue with the bat-art; i'm all over comics again suddenly.
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The-G In reply to Dakt37 [2010-12-31 15:51:17 +0000 UTC]
HEY! It wasn't easy for me you know. Drawing Damian in a sympathetic way...it just didn't sit right. It was like running my nails along a blackboard.
YEAH! It's been awhile since your last comic booking ways you know.
I guess you must've read Blackest Night by now. Or at least started to. Well...you SHOULD have started it.
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Dakt37 In reply to The-G [2011-01-04 07:26:08 +0000 UTC]
hahaha naw i understand. i've promised to draw damien as a sketch request... but it may just turn into "ROBINS!! "
i'll feel better letting him wear the tights if i get to draw tim and dick too. and jason because well
yesssssss i've read blackest night i actually didn't know barry featured so prominently in the story! BART AND KON WHITE LANTERNS and when all those other people like atom and luthor and scarecrow got rings and ZOMBIE BATMAN and and and EVERYTHING HNNNNG.
also i bought batman:hush because a bookstore here was having a moving sale and it was 30% off. not that i wouldn't buy it eventually anyway... but better to get 'em while they're on sale also i got the "mystery of the batwoman" and "under the red hood" on DVD. and ~mysticmoron72 got me this gorgeous book on how to write/draw comic books as a belated holiday gift. OH OH OH and apparently while i was at college, my little sister went through and read a bunch of my comic books and now she's all into it too! she checked out some batman TPBs from the library. i'm so proud
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The-G In reply to Dakt37 [2011-01-04 22:12:41 +0000 UTC]
I'm sure they'd love it. Hey! It's better value for money. They asked for one sidekick and they get THREE! Potentially FOUR!
Would you draw Tim as Red Robin though? I can't see you doing that.
Unless you were ranting about the Red Robin costume.
Yes...you must draw the Red Robin costume!
I KNOW! It was like Rebirth Part Two! And it all tied in! It all made sense! When Geoff Johns was going through his kill-happy phase...it was all leading up to something!
There was a Flash spin-off series too you know.
It was only three issues...if I remember correctly.
And seeing all those characters turned into Lanterns! Oh god...I wish they had've stayed as Lanterns for awhile and there was mix-match group of Lanterns. I'd love to have seen what Scarecrow would've gotten up to with a lantern ring.
I wish I had've gotten the Hush collection. I bet it's nice.
I went through back issue bins and got all the single issues...because I can be extremely nerdy like that.
I've got Mystery of the Batwoman.
We got all those movie things. We didn't get the actual seasons...but we got the straight to dvd movies they made.
You know...if someone got me a how to do comics book I'd probably go "What are you trying to say? I'M DOING THE BEST I CAN!
" But that would be just to be an ass.
Really I'd be thinking Ooooooooooooo and probably study it for weeks.
Wish MY friends got me nerd assistance things like that.
You think maybe Lego Batman helped open her mind to the world of comics? 'Cause you were saying you've been co-oping with her...and she went for the Batman TPBs. But Batman IS pretty magnificent. I can understand how she'd probably get drawn to that above anything else.
I guess if they made a Lego Flash and Lego Superman game then she could REALLY be turned into an obsessive.
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Dakt37 In reply to The-G [2011-01-10 05:44:31 +0000 UTC]
i don't have much to say on red robin beyond "NO." the bare cowl looks dumb as shit and wasn't jason red robin first? WHY WOULD YOU TRY TO COPY JASON. TIM. GET IT TOGETHER
i got to my comic shop the other day and picked up a stack of comics, most of which ended up being flash-related they were sold out of #1 of the flash blackest night tie-in, but i got #2 and #3
i gotta say... fuck DAMN i love the rogues. i mean i'm not a rogues fangirl or anything like some people, but i have such deep appreciation for the way they are. mother-fucking badasses in brightly-colored, heavily-themed spandex. they *can* snort coke and fuck your shit up, but they also have some moral standards and usually just take what they need and just sort of annoy flash for the lulz XD and they're such a tight-nit group... break the team's trust or code and ooop! you're zombie-chow *_* but seriously. "captain cold." "weather wizard." "THE TOP." AND YET THEY'RE STILL BADASS. HOW. WHY. WHAT. I DON'T CARE, IT'S AMAZING
bart said some weird-ass shit as a zombie. i mean i really liked the line to wally about "i hate you as much as you hate me" because that was actually a THING, but wth all the kid flash legacy wangst XD i think the blackest night tie-in writer maybe skimmed rebrith but didn't really GET it? bart was putting on a bit of a show of being all pouty that no one cared he was back and KF, but it was also fairly obvious that his real complaint was about the distinct lack of max. i can think of plenty of things an insane hate-fueled zombie!bart would be bitching about, but "omg barry doesn't love me as KF" is not among them :\ but i was really happy that they at least got barry's view on bart right XD it's been bugging me that barry was never like "i have a GRANDSON? WUT. MAYBE I SHOULD GET TO KNOW THIS KID." i mean i know bart's pretty settled in with the garricks now, but shouldn't someone have at least SUGGESTED that he spend time with iris and barry? he was closer with her than his own mother in the beginning :\ but i guess haveing a kid around would mess with the whole "new hero finds his footing as a solo hero whilst wooing a foxy, independent woman" CLICHE that they've tossed barry into in his new comic run. i mean don't get me wrong, i'm loving his title. but it's like... they're ignoring that he's older and already married and generally FIRMLY ESTABLISHED in the universe. and shove your "the speedforce kept me young!" shit, iris was a still perfectly lovely as a MATURE WOMAN during wally's "flash" title run; you don't need to randomly de-age them both! THEY HAVE A GRANDSON. for godsakes...
that got off-topic
i don't think collecting issues rather than TPBs is any more or less nerdy. you gotta work with what you have
yeah, it probably was lego batman. when we started playing, she kept calling riddler "quizzler" XD but now she's so into superheros that she got really mad at me when i mentioned i had the "new frontier" DVD but left it at school lego superman hmm... L-LEGO JUSTICE LEAGUE. I WOULD GIVE MY LEFT FOOT FOR THAT TO HAPPEN.
SPEAKING OF LEGO BATMAN AND MY SISTER AS A SEGUE, OMG i know this comment is way too fucking long already, but i have to tell you something because you will appreciate it more than my mother did. so my sis and i were reading some of the "data" in lego batman and we came upon the one about how tim figured bruce out at age 9. she asked me to elaborate on that story and i realized i could not. i had no idea how tim went about revealing this to bruce and actually BECOMING robin. we briefly postulated that a storyline like that is probably collected in a book and concluded we should look it up "later." then we went back to playing and forgot about it. later that night, i was filing my new comics and came across a few old comics in the mentally-labeled "DC random" area of one of my boxes. my dad had brought them home from a garage sale aaaages ago and i never really read them. there was some campy JLA and a batman/atom special, and then... the issue of batman where tim first shows up at the manor and chats with dick about how he figured it all out. i just... i can't even believe that happened. MY LIFE IS THE FUCKING TWILIGHT ZONE.
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The-G In reply to Dakt37 [2011-01-10 08:44:40 +0000 UTC]
You know...if you're going to send me a big comment that's all about nerd shit then I won't be held accountable for the consequences. Having said that...here come the consequences:
Exactly! What was he doing? Sitting around going "Hmmm...I can't be Robin anymore so who will I be? Oh! I know! I'll use Red Robin. The outfit that guy who hates us and wants to kill us wore for awhile."
That cowl is weird. It's the batcowl without ears and a batcowl without ears looks silly.
That's so true. I love that they have this super rigid code that NO-ONE breaks. If one of the rogues breaks the rules then they'll know about it.
It's like they have dibs on Flash too. Like it's their job to do naughty things and give him work. I think what makes them stand out is that they are like a family.
But you can't just join them. You have to be worthy. Like how the original Captain Boomerang came back but they wouldn't let him just waltz back in. He had to prove himself as a rogue again. I can't think of any other villians that have that bond. The Batman villians hate each other...the Superman villians hate each other...they'll have team-ups but they always end up blaming each other for it all going wrong. The Rogues's actually hang out.
They actually all get together and play cards and watch t.v and talk. And when they're in action they actually work together. As a team!
They were all fighting those future cops from the future and they were fighting like the JLA or something. All using each other's powers in tandem.
I loved how they were all pissed off that the future people stole their costume ideas too.
You gotta love that they haven't been redesigned too.
They're still rockin' the same outfits, pretty much, that they've had for ages.
I have to admit...I've gotten lost in all the Flash family shenanigans. I tried to keep up but I kinda drowned in it all and now I have no idea what's what. See...in Rebirth Bart was pissed off that Barry was back. He was acting like he hated him. He even said something about Wally was The Flash...not Barry. Then in Blackest Night he acts like he doesn't like Wally either.
I realise that it was zombie Black Lantern Bart and the Black Lanterns deliberately say shit like that to get a response but it's stll confusing. In fact...since Bart came back it's been really hard to get a handle on what's up with him. His personality seems to change with each writer. Some one will write him as a light-hearted happy guy...someone will write him as a broody grumpypants...and who he likes and doesn't like seems to change with each writer too!
That bothered me about Bart and Barry too. I was actually expecting that there would be something about it. Like...one of the first things he'd deal with. But apparently not.
He returned and then just quietly slipped back into his old life and didn't give much thought to catching up the Flash family. I can pretty much the D.C spin on it going "We wanted to re-establish Barry in the D.C Universe and give new readers a chance to get to know him without being tied down by continuity." but COME ON!!! All that lovely stuff they did about Barry learning about what had changed since he was gone and reconnecting with all the people in his life...and then his new series starts and he's back to being old school Barry.
I guess there is that upcoming Flashpoint event. Perhaps that will deal more with all that stuff. The promo images show Barry, Wally and Bart all together so maybe the relationships will be dealt with in that. I hope so. I wanna see the Flash Family! Not everything focused on Barry and pretending like the others aren't around.
They really are trying to reset Barry and Iris though aren't they.
I mean...they look so young. Perhaps they don't want Bart around calling her grandma and confusing readers.
I guess you could always sell the single issues and buy the collection. But then...I'm a hopeless collector and wouldn't dare part with single issues. Ah well...it appears I'm doomed to scouring back issue bins for stuff I could just get in a collection.
I remember you saying she called him Quizzler. My how things have changed. You must have told her about New Frontier's awesome for her to be so keen on seeing it.
Couldn't she read the books? Or don't you have them with you either?
I KNOW RIGHT?!?! I'd say the chances of it happening are probably slim to none...but oh my, how awesome would it be. And because they can put so many characters in those games they could have the hugest line-up too! They could even have generations of superheroes! Imagine a lil' Lego Green Arrow being all flirty with all the women.
Tim first appeared in a story called "A Lonely Place Of Dying". It was a crossover with The New Teen Titans. I think it was five issues. I know because I have most of them. Four I think.
But anyway...it all starts there. Tim actually stalked Batman.
He saw that Batman was becoming more violent and hurting criminals more seriously. He'd follow him around and take photos of him doing stuff. To Tim this was because he had no Robin to keep him level. So he confronted Batman and told him this. He didn't say I want to be Robin. He told him a needed A Robin. Batman's response was go away...as you can probably guess.
Then later on, through a series of circumstance, Tim puts on the old green panties costume to help out Batman. Bats gets pretty pissed off at him but eventually agrees that maybe he needs a Robin and asks Tim to take the job.
That's the very condensed version of that storyline.
I guess if you have an issue of him explaning it then you probably already knew all this.
But come on! You spoke of Batman continuity! How the hell am I supposed to just sit here and let that go past me without leaping in and sharing my two cents worth? A D.C random area? You mean you don't alphabetise your comics by title?
H-How do you keep it all straight? How do you find anything? I guess if you have a mental filing system that may work. And if you don't have thousands of comics that would make it easier too.
You know what's even spookier? I was just watching some old Rod Serling black and white Twilight Zone episodes.
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Dakt37 In reply to The-G [2011-01-12 17:56:58 +0000 UTC]
i was going through my TPBs of "countdown" the other night and re-discovered the origin of that red robin outfit.... apparently on another earth, bats was about to give it to jason when the kid up and blew up >_> and on that earth robin was always called "red robin" i think. when our jason puts it on for... reasons(?!), that batman went "red robin lives!" and jason just goes: "...red? "
man i love countdown.... but i always end up doing the same thing whenever i try to read the whole series: read the trickster-piper story closely, move quickly through mary marvel's plot, page through the amazons and the world travelers with a few pauses, and flip past everything else
sorry jimmy, but your side-plot bores me |D
oooooooh... you know, you sort of just explained a LOT to me in terms of black lanterns. their goal is to suck out other people's emotions but first they have to draw them out... so they say anything to rile the living, even if it doesn't make 100% sense for the zombie vessel to say. i know what you mean about bart and writers today. i think the rebirth writers caught him pretty well, though. he sets up his own party because eh, i was here and everyone loves balloons, right?! it's strange and spontaneous and feels a little guilt-trippy, but he never actually mentions that as an intention. he is mad at barry and everyone being all over him not because he's jealous for HIMSELF, but because he's bitter that no one would make such a fuss if it were max, and max is way more important, to bart. he doesn't get why people are losing their shit over some guy who doesn't seem to want the attention and didn't do anything important in the last 20 years anyway XD he sort of has that "i'm upset about X but won't admit it immediately; i'll just be mad about everything instead" teenager-y thing going on
as for wally, i would say he and bart have almost a step-sibling-y relationship. they usually get along well enough, but there's always this roiling underlying "god, i have to be related to THIS guy?!" sentiment. especially since they were both not at their best when they first met
wally had an ego and an attitude, and bart was infuriatingly ADD
they just butt heads a lot
if you already have the back issues, why trade them for a collection? what's fiscally responsible about THAT?! besides, i find it hilarious to look at the ads in my older comics. especially for clothes and things... hahaha oh man the early nineties
i actually... don't have the new frontier comic oTL i keep telling myself that it'll always be around for when i want to put the money down, but for now there are other things i want first same goes for identity crisis. i'l stop wearing out the library copy and get my own ONE of these days...
have you ever played lego star wars? lando has this thing where if you try to attack leia, instead he'll grab her hand and kiss it. lego ollie would so be like that
explain away, old chum i only have the one issue and it's mostly tim explaining how he met dick at the circus when they were both kids ( !!) and yelling at him to get back in his green panties XD then dick leaves him in the batcave with alfred, saying that he can't be TWELVE again like SOME people hint-hint-hint-subtle-as-a-rhino-hint
and tim's just like "FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--
now i so want to get my hands on those other issues
weirdly enough, they've been showing twilight zone quite a bit over here too! the other day my mom and i watched the one where shatner sees the swamp thing on a plane wing
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The-G In reply to Dakt37 [2011-01-17 02:55:38 +0000 UTC]
The Red Robin costume appeared before Countdown. It was in Kingdom Come. I think it was the outfit and name Tim used in the future.
I don't know if that has anything to do with when it appeared in Countdown. With all the multiverse shenanigans going on I could never figure out what was being reintroduced and what was being intergrated.
That sounds a lot like how I go through them.
Oh Jimmy. Why do they keep insisting on giving you solo adventures? You should be a sidekick at the most.
I don't think I've even looked at the Mary Marvel stuff since I first read it. I just wanted to see her turn evil. I remember being annoyed by her story anyway. She seemed to whine a lot.
I think that confused me a bit at first. You know how you see it from their p.o.v and you can see the emotions radiating off them. I didn't know what was going on there. Especially when you have all those different coloured Lanterns running around. Hey...sometimes I look at the pretty pictures and don't take notice of what's goin on. Well at least there was some kind of party. I mean...one second he's dead then you blink and he's back and everything just keeps going.
No-one makes a fuss at ressurections anymore. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...so it has to do with Max. And Barry being gone for so long.
Actually...I just remembered. What was confusing me was that in Infinite Crisis when Barry poked out of the speedforce to take care of Superman Prime, Bart seemed shocked...in a "Oh my god it's Barry I'm gonna cry!" kind of way. Maybe that's just my interpretation.
Then when Barry poked out the speedforce again Bart was all pffft, so what? I felt like he thought that Barry was going to come back and kick Wally out of the Flash job. Again...that's just my interpretation.
I lost my shit when Max appeared in Rebirth anyways so I don't know what Bart's problem is. I wanna see what Wally and Bart used to be like now.
That sounds like it made for some very entertaining comics. I have some old comics where Wally wasn't at his best so I know exactly what you mean.
Uh...it's not. It was a moment of craziness. I don't know what I was thinking.
I need to give myself a good talking to. I like the old game ads. Especially how they go on about it's groundbreaking technology.
There certainly seemed to be quite a bit of neon flying around in the early nineties.
I thought you did. AH! You know what? I think you told me you'd read it or were going to read it once and I took that to mean you had it. 'Cause you know...I think everyone buys the same stuff I do.
I guess if I had libraries that stocked stuff like that I'd probably wear out a few copies of things too. They only ever have like one or two of the collections of the early forties stuff.
Oh yeah! Not only have I played each trilogy game...but I've played the complete saga version too.
I don't think I saw that Lando thing.
I know that in Lego Indy if you whipped a girl then he would wrap it around her waist and pull her in for a smooch.
I think Lego Ollie would dip them.
That sounds famililar. Maybe I have that issue too.
I seem to remember some story about how they met when they were much younger. It's like how you were saying about Wally and Bart...I think Dick and Tim had there clashes in the beginning.
You know...the whole 'new kid' thing. It's weird to think of that when they ended up getting to point where, if something went bad for Tim, Dick would be the first person he turned to.
Although then Damian came along and they started clashing again.
YES!YES!YES! SHATNER ON TWILIGHT ZONE! Actually...not long ago I was watching the Twilight Zone where Shatner finds that fortune telling machine that is accurate. It's a bit weird because he hadn't learnt to speak like every word is it's own sentence yet. Leonard Nimoy was in one too. I saw that one not long ago as well. He didn't have the main role though. Even on a different series he's still second fiddle.
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Dakt37 In reply to The-G [2011-01-29 00:12:25 +0000 UTC]
you know, for a long time i felt like the fact that i'd never read kingdom come would become a handicap one day... and here's the proof luckily, i read this comment and felt shame in time to use a giftcard to buy it before i moved to a town that doesn't have that chain
i still haven't finished reading it yet, but i am (unsurprisingly) deeply enthralled. and it's dick in the "red robin" suit, apparently. i've also been re-reading blackest night... now that i'm not so overwhelmed with "OMG BARRY AND HAL AND RAY AND COLORS COLORS EVERYWHERE OMG WHOOO", i'm actually comprehending the story. now i feel dumb for having misinterpreted it before oTL
i think the reason they made bart so wibbly about seeing barry in IC was they were using him to channel what they hoped the reader's reaction would be. i mean he was always a bit fascinated with barry in the "impulse" comic, but at the end of the day he was much more emotionally invested in max
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The-G In reply to Dakt37 [2011-01-30 00:03:33 +0000 UTC]
You're gobbling all the classics up!
The thing about Kingdom Come that gets me is...I have to wonder if I would still be impressed by it if it had just regular drawn art.
I mean the art in it is pretty amazing. Sometimes I think that might be bedazzling me so much it's making me thing the story is awesome.
There are some pretty great moments in it but it's hard getting past that art.
Everyone else seems to revere it quite highly so I'm probably just being an ignoramus. Again.
That happens to me all the time. I'll be so excited to read something that I'll go through it and completely miss a lot of it. It's been happening with Brightest Day. Every issue I'll be all
and go through it in a couple of minutes then a couple of days later go through it again and realise I'd missed half the information.
Ah. Well that was my reaction. That reminds me...what has happened to Max since Rebirth?
Maybe I'm forgetting something but he was in that and then hasn't been in anything since. Not to my knowledge anyway.
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Dakt37 In reply to The-G [2011-02-05 07:08:06 +0000 UTC]
no, i know what you mean the plot is slightly generic, for lack of a better word. like, it's been SORT of done lots of times, but no one ever sat down and went "okay let's do this bitch officially" until KC. and yeah i felt like there's probably a lot of symbolism that flew right over my head. i really like the book, but i'm not DEEP enough to appreciate all the nuances, i think
i have no idea what happened to max D: i don't seem to recall him even doing much in the last issue. well okay no one but barry did squat in the last issue but yeah i haven't seen max anywhere yet ;A;
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The-G In reply to Dakt37 [2011-02-07 00:05:16 +0000 UTC]
Well at least I'm not the only who thinks so. I mean...when you boil it down there's not really much plot. It's basically about a bunch of superheroes who are doing more damage than good and the old superheroes try to stop them. That's about it.
I think I sat down once and went through every panel trying to find everything that was in them but I think my brain melted about half way through the first chapter.
I love the Planet Krypton restaurant though. Oh man. The stuff in that.
I'd love a big panoramic poster of that restaurant.
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Dakt37 In reply to The-G [2011-02-13 06:45:27 +0000 UTC]
i've always abhorred the idea of being a waitress but they'd have to beat me off with a STICK to stop my from applying there CONSTANTLY
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Laitma [2010-12-28 21:07:11 +0000 UTC]
lanfksalfnalkfn ohmygod G this si so freakin' perfect, I swear~ <333
I love the expressions so much, and the poses are just so natural-feeling and fit together so well and and and awesome hair and those BOOTS AUGH. I still will never get over your damn amazing boot-drawing skills. 8(
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The-G In reply to Laitma [2010-12-31 15:53:55 +0000 UTC]
M-My boot drawing skills? But....but....what........how............it..........
..........I didn't think there was anything there to be proud of. Boot-wise. I was actually ashamed of myself for doing such simple lazy boots.
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Laitma In reply to The-G [2010-12-31 20:57:52 +0000 UTC]
Dude, are you shitting me?? I love your boots! They're so dynamic and nicely-angled and kinda a little squishy. C:
....maybe that wasn't the right way to put it, but yeah, they've got this awesome stylistic flair and they just, I don't know, they just FEEL so much like boots! Like I can feel the rubber and leather and hear 'em thudding!
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The-G In reply to Laitma [2011-01-07 05:12:52 +0000 UTC]
I see.
Soooooooo...you like the feel or rubber and leather thudding do you?
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Laitma In reply to The-G [2011-01-20 17:48:13 +0000 UTC]
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The-G In reply to Laitma [2011-01-28 06:52:22 +0000 UTC]
I guess the training wasn't as successful as I'd hoped. Looks like you're going to need more programming.
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The-G In reply to ToFB-The-Baconator [2010-12-28 09:08:03 +0000 UTC]
He should give up his stand up comedy career then.
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AbbyRomana [2010-12-25 20:02:09 +0000 UTC]
Adorably perfect holiday scene!
Thank you for sharing it with us.
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The-G In reply to AbbyRomana [2010-12-26 06:45:51 +0000 UTC]
Thanks very much.
And it was my pleasure.
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Xandi5anders [2010-12-25 16:25:39 +0000 UTC]
"love spuds" Your vernacular never ceases to amuse me.
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The-G In reply to Xandi5anders [2010-12-26 06:08:31 +0000 UTC]
I can't remember where I picked up that particular phrase.
I have a feeling it was from a British comedy...but I could be way off.
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Xandi5anders In reply to The-G [2010-12-26 16:15:35 +0000 UTC]
And here I thought it was a creation of your own insanity.
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The-G In reply to Xandi5anders [2010-12-28 09:50:42 +0000 UTC]
I try not to take credit for anything. Just in case someone shows up with "YOU STOLE THAT FROM SUCH AND SUCH!"
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Xandi5anders In reply to The-G [2010-12-28 20:59:24 +0000 UTC]
Yes. Because I'd SO call you out on having the same phrase as a British TV Show.
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The-G In reply to Xandi5anders [2010-12-31 13:04:58 +0000 UTC]
I see.
Then I guess I better steal from more obscure British shows.
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wonderlandmanga [2010-12-25 15:49:44 +0000 UTC]
Awww poor Damian. Though he annoys me I don't think anyone deserves for Bruce to die again!
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The-G In reply to wonderlandmanga [2010-12-26 06:47:46 +0000 UTC]
Damian only gets sympathy when something happens to Bruce.
Says it all really.
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rymslm [2010-12-25 15:04:05 +0000 UTC]
same here cant go through another dead bruce again
nice brotherly pic
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The-G In reply to rymslm [2010-12-26 07:03:01 +0000 UTC]
I could barely go through the recent dead Bruce.
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DragonsLover1 [2010-12-25 08:40:28 +0000 UTC]
Or maybe Bruce died again.
I dunno why but that tickles me hardcore.
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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2010-12-26 06:06:41 +0000 UTC]
Well I'm glad someone finds something so horrific funny. Tears welled in my eyes writing that scenario. TEARS!
Okay maybe it made me laugh a little. But just a LITTLE!
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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2010-12-27 11:26:14 +0000 UTC]
It tickles me cause it makes me think of all the other times DC/Marvel characters have died and then come back. . . ya know. Like the Dragonball Z cast.
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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2010-12-28 09:22:28 +0000 UTC]
DC has been doing major storylines based on people coming back. They went through a period where people were dying every week...but now they're doing a story about everyone coming back to life.
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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2010-12-28 18:13:24 +0000 UTC]
Crazy. So it IS like DBZ. They all die and everyone's sad. . .and then they come back. And then they die again and everyone's worried. . .and then they come back. And then they die again and this time everyone's just waiting around twiddling their thumbs. . .and then they come back.
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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2010-12-29 22:29:54 +0000 UTC]
The character's are always sad. They always act like it's a devastating loss. But the readers just say "So when are they coming back?"
There was this really funny moment at Martian Manhunter's funeral. Superman was giving the eulogy and he says "All we can do is hope for a resurrection."
It seems even the characters have caught on that no-one ever stays dead.
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DragonsLover1 In reply to The-G [2010-12-30 02:40:52 +0000 UTC]
See? Death no longer has any meaning.
Gawd if that's the case I can only guess what Deadpool would have to say. . .given how he breaks the fourth wall all the time and such.
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The-G In reply to DragonsLover1 [2011-01-02 02:40:51 +0000 UTC]
It has some meaning if it involves a character you like. I don't think Dakt was very happy when Superboy and Impulse died. And I wasn't very impressed when Bruce Wayne died. Or when Nightwing was going to die. Or how barbara Gordon is going to die.
Whatever he said I'm sure he'd say it in about fifty different comics. Since Marvel's plan is to use a character to death.
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