ThatDenver — 5025 Paris

Published: 2013-07-22 04:44:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 844; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 0
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Description SOLD to Remuda-Livery

Horse ID: 5025
Name: Paris 5025
Nickname: Doesn't respond to any
Breed: Pure Nordanner
Registered: Yes

Owner: Bogdan Samuels
Handler: Bogdan Samuels

Gender: Stallion
Age: 5 years
Height: 155cm (15.1 hands)
Body type: Medium

Color: Silver classic cream champagne dun sabino zebra
Markings: Star and stripe, irregular sabino leg markings. Medium zebra striping
Genotype: Ee aa nCr nD nCh nZ nSb nZe
Notes: Always passes no restriction gene (a). Must be bred to another zebra to produce a zebra.

Training: Basic handling
Tack: None yet
Potions: None yet

Personality: Paris is, like his namesake, a real prince. Chivalrous and gentlemanlike, he the favorite of many. Generally pleasant in manner and friendly towards all, he does have a snobbish side to him - but in a charming way, as it shows more as self-confidence and the willingness to take action, rather than shying away from little puddles that might make his royal highness dirty. Not that he enjoys such things if they occur.

Bit of a dreamer, Paris is occasionally lost in thought, seeming to ponder things familiar only to him. He is very smart, but is seemingly quick to jump to decision and judge others. The truth is that he has already rummaged over the thing, the possibility of it, in his little head, so when it actually happens, he has it all figured out. At least, so he thinks.

Isn't too thrilled about being ridden or handled, but allows it without any real bad behavior save a sour face. Moves nicely under saddle, balanced and willing to please with a speed hungry side. Dressage and whatever is fine, but if you want to see him actually interested, try something a bit more fast paced.

Gets along rather well with others, but is quite the coward when it comes to your usual skirmishes between horses in a herd - he will just take off like rocket, preferably to hide behind his mother if in any way possible. He doesn't seem to fear other horses in general, just getting in conflict with them.

X Likes to gnaw on materials such as leather, denim etc. These should be kept out of his reach
X Doesn't like other horses "overtaking him" or passing him too close. Bolts forward to catch up.
X Has very sensitive ears
X Is very specific about his brushes etc - will start stomping about if you use the wrong brush
X Has soft hooves, need to be watched carefully for damage

Sire: Apollo's Wings 96
Dam: Guinevere 499

Breeding: Closed. Too young
Will not produce homozygous (dominant) mutation offspring.
Slots will open with his stars.
Send breeding requests in a note, and check my breeding rules.

1. Closed
2. Billygoatsgruff (parent owner)
3. Closed
4. Closed
5. Closed
6. Closed
7. Closed
8. Closed
9. Closed
10. Closed

Kaaring: +15
Reference: +1
Uncolored art = 0
Partial body = 0
Fullbody = 0
Fullbody with background = +4
Beach Babes by kalmanen [2]
Revenge of the the Return of the Chibi  [2]
Training/show entry/dragon tack = +1
Beach Babes show [+1]
Animations = +2
Beach Babes by kalmanen [+2]
Show placing = +3
Argentie Stables Minishow 1st [+3]
Combined art/miscellaneous = 0
Quality/Excellent blood parents = +4
Apollo's Wings 96 quality blood [sire] +2
Guinevere 499 quality blood [dam] +2
Offspring = 0


Import/design sheet:

Art and design by me
Ref fav.me/d2c95ht by Colourize-Stock
Breed by Cloudrunner64 and Brindletail

Related content
Comments: 9

BrowncoatWhit [2018-05-06 15:14:16 +0000 UTC]

Paris was entered into the Mutation Showcase class of this RNG show: Remuda Livery RNG Invitational: Week 136 Results
Paris took 2nd Place! 

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kalmanen [2013-07-22 11:31:45 +0000 UTC]

Hahahahaa luulin tätä isäkseen ensin xD Ehdottomasti perinyt ulkonäköä siltä puolelta perhettä  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThatDenver In reply to kalmanen [2013-07-22 12:21:59 +0000 UTC]

Geeniralli äidiltä ja raidat iskältä. x) Pyrin nimenomaan yhdennäköisyyteen ilman suoraa plagiointia.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kalmanen In reply to ThatDenver [2013-07-22 12:31:52 +0000 UTC]

Joo, siltä se näyttääkin Ei siis missään nimessä mikään suorakopio. Apollo's Wings kuuluu munkin zebra-suosikkeihin, uudesta varsasta toivottavammin tulee samalla tavalla AW-inspiroitu (jota en tosin itse designaa, kokeilin ja nyt hevosen kyljissä lukee "FUCK" ja "YOU" )

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThatDenver In reply to kalmanen [2013-07-22 12:37:24 +0000 UTC]

xDD Hyvin menee siis, mutta menköön.

Apollo on kyllä omakin suosikki seeprastarttereista, siinä on vaan jotain hurmaavaa.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

kalmanen In reply to ThatDenver [2013-07-22 13:00:21 +0000 UTC]

Juurikin niin xD Pakko suosia omaa (Meo <3) enemmän, mut Apollo on kyl hieno, ehdottomasti

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rivendale-Equestrian [2013-07-22 04:46:36 +0000 UTC]

aww i love this dude Denver!!

haha he doesn't respond to any name cheek boy!.

I look forward to seeing more of him great job dear

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ThatDenver In reply to Rivendale-Equestrian [2013-07-22 12:22:15 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. I've waited to have him for a long time. <3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Rivendale-Equestrian In reply to ThatDenver [2013-07-22 12:23:14 +0000 UTC]

Well i bet youll love him a lot!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0