TenshiHime7 — In my dreams

Published: 2011-05-27 23:30:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 772; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 0
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Description Finally a deviantID, which I was supposed to draw since ages. It was a nightmare to color in the beginning, but it didn't end that bad... I guess...
So, the concept is really simple : it's me sleeping in my bed and everything/everyone else being in my dreams, or perhaps my imagination.
Note that none of these characters are random. The blue, pink and yellow fairies are my old OCs, respectively named Lili, Mimi and Kiki (I know it's silly XD). That one elf on the left is... I give 100 dollars to the first person guessing who he is >.< And the last person, in the right, doesn't have a name yet, but it's used to be the left elf's mother. Untill now, she was one of the thousand of my OCs who have never left my mind.

art (c) me !

I'm annoyed to get a thousand favs and not a single comment !
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Comments: 29

chococatchan [2015-02-22 06:07:17 +0000 UTC]

i really like this piece :0

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TenshiHime7 In reply to chococatchan [2015-02-22 14:14:11 +0000 UTC]


Glad you like it!

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ShymaaSobhy [2012-06-28 20:08:54 +0000 UTC]

amazing id

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TenshiHime7 In reply to ShymaaSobhy [2012-06-28 23:00:49 +0000 UTC]


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Glochan88 [2012-01-15 20:13:26 +0000 UTC]

wow i love it! so suggestive

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TenshiHime7 In reply to Glochan88 [2012-01-15 20:14:58 +0000 UTC]


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Glochan88 In reply to TenshiHime7 [2012-01-15 20:45:00 +0000 UTC]


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pabsurdy [2012-01-05 23:31:08 +0000 UTC]

I love how you do the hair 8D

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TenshiHime7 In reply to pabsurdy [2012-01-06 02:08:41 +0000 UTC]

Hahahah! Merci 8D

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pabsurdy In reply to TenshiHime7 [2012-01-06 04:32:07 +0000 UTC]

de rien :3

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Velnna [2011-10-23 08:35:18 +0000 UTC]

Again, this work is just amazing

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TenshiHime7 In reply to Velnna [2011-10-23 12:41:59 +0000 UTC]

Thanks a lot

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violetstory [2011-08-26 18:21:33 +0000 UTC]

Surprise [link]

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TenshiHime7 In reply to violetstory [2011-08-26 18:49:57 +0000 UTC]

Wooow! Thank you so much for the feature

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violetstory In reply to TenshiHime7 [2011-08-26 18:51:35 +0000 UTC]

I love doing it and keep being what you love

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6milk [2011-08-20 00:24:28 +0000 UTC]

It's so beautiful and magical! The colors are really great, I'm assuming you used watercolor?

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TenshiHime7 In reply to 6milk [2011-08-20 02:05:28 +0000 UTC]

Yes I did.
And thank you

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6milk In reply to TenshiHime7 [2011-08-21 22:20:08 +0000 UTC]

Well it looks wonderful.
You're welcome

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foxy21a72 [2011-08-06 02:46:42 +0000 UTC]

wow what such beauty

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TenshiHime7 In reply to foxy21a72 [2011-08-06 12:24:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you

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foxy21a72 In reply to TenshiHime7 [2011-08-07 02:21:31 +0000 UTC]


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Ketchup321 [2011-07-12 03:36:54 +0000 UTC]

this is like just awesome and I know what you mean about the comment thing )
but I just love the setup of everything and your coloring and well everything
your art is just really really good

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TenshiHime7 In reply to Ketchup321 [2011-07-12 03:47:14 +0000 UTC]

Wow, thank you again!

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Ketchup321 In reply to TenshiHime7 [2011-07-12 03:51:12 +0000 UTC]

haha no problem

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FullMetalMono [2011-05-29 10:02:45 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, this is just... This is beautiful! The colours are just amazing, and the texture is really nice. The concept itself is just lovely - the characters are very nice, and the entire dreamscape just works really well.

The one thing I noticed is that you look almost...distressed in the picture. I think it's the sleepy-frown that does it, it just makes a bit of a mismatch between the peaceful dreams and the dreamer. Perhaps a very small smile would have done the trick?

Regardless, the painting is just amazing, you should be really proud of this (I LOVE the elf, his hair is wonderful).

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TenshiHime7 In reply to FullMetalMono [2011-05-29 14:44:14 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much !

Yea, I look dead in this pic XD I might edit the skin when I could.

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BlackInfinity666 [2011-05-28 20:09:43 +0000 UTC]

I really love the concept here~ It's very nice and I love the colors you used as well. The water looks so good. Nice job~

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TenshiHime7 In reply to BlackInfinity666 [2011-05-28 20:12:50 +0000 UTC]

Oh, thank you

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BlackInfinity666 In reply to TenshiHime7 [2011-05-28 20:14:29 +0000 UTC]


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