#adopt #anime #auction #evilspirit #spirit #tear13 #closedspecies
Published: 2016-02-09 00:09:56 +0000 UTC; Views: 3940; Favourites: 112; Downloads: 0
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Now belongs to Mischka-LokiFirst of all a few words about his name. The word "Croatoan" carved into a tree on Roanoke Island at the site of the Lost Colony in 1590. That's rather interesting and mystical story, so you may google it :3
And I'm going to tell you, that this dude is a unique spirit. He is strong enough not to cover his body with runes, he prefer magic spells. He is good enough to create different things from ether. His only rune is a royal mark and it's doing nothing XD It's a symbol of those spirits, who were henchmen of Prince(the ruler of the Underworld), so he is some kind of a royal person, yeah :3
You can look closer at details here (that's not the full resolution anyway)
All information about spirits you can find here. No one except me and two other people(my friends) are allowed to create this species! You must send me at least some basic information about Croatoan so I could fill his form at my Spirit base.
Evil Spirit|Phantom SPECIES INFOThis is a Closed Species, do not make your own, copy, trace or heavily reference it.
(a little long, but with pictures)
Have you ever seen monsters?
Let's imagine just for a second that every creature has a soul.
A pure, shining soul, no matter good or bad its owner is.
But flesh is mortal and can't be a souls home forever.
And soul is too weak to stay in the mortal world, so it had to go to the darkest side of every world.
To the Underworld.
There is no light, no time, no love. Only impenetrable cold darkness.
There are no friends, only enemies, trying to eat a delicious pure soul.
The only way to survive in a hostile world is to accept the darkness, soak the darkness... become the darkness.
Monsters, who can feel only rage and pain, and can't remember their own human life,
foreve Evil Spirit and Phantoms baseAs I promised, I'm creating a list of all Spirits adoptions including ones that I own.
species: Evil Spirit
extra features: faceless
gender: male
human name: Silestis Castilio
monster form: evil spirit form: human form:
Owned by tear13
Storry of human life:
Silestis was a human count. His family was cursed by an evil Goddess and everyone died before 30th birthday. They should open the break portal and set the Goddess free from the Underworld, but only Silestis was strong and clever enough to go through it. Silestis was married and got a babygirl, but wasn't happy in marriage. He was kind of mad scientist and a great expressionist painter. His mind was genious but weak. Silestis got mad and never find a cure. He found pleasure in violence and murders, creating sculptures of human remains, bones and flash. For all his crimes he wa
Traditionally I didn’t want to give him number or something, so gave nickname. You can pay via PayPal, points or both.
Please, bid only under my comments.
Starting bid (SB) : 20$ or 2000 points
Autobuy (AB) : 100$ or 10000 points
Minimum increment : 1$ or 100 points
Ending time : 72 hours after the last bid
New owner gets the original art (.PSD file) AND 10% off for commissions of this character. And also I'll send you .PSD or .PNG file with his magic and tattoo pattern.
commission info:
COMMISSIONS : CLOSEDUpdated: 4 February 2016
I'll reopen commissions in March
Check for updates!
Recently finished COMMISSION:
for sephirosimmortal
for orionfantasy
for peachfuzz221
Work in process:
Paypal and Points accepted
All prices are in USD
Note Title: Commission
*Number of Character/s:
*Character/s name/s:
*Character/s by:
*Commission type:
*Background: (Yes/No)
If yes, please describe:
*Character Ref
Picture link:
Comments/note: e.g. preffered poses/scene, etc.
*Payment: (Paypal/Points)
*I consider him to be a young man, about 25-28, but It's all on you. You can decide in what age and how he died, and for how long he is spirit/phantom already (He didn't grow up and can't die of old age. But he can be killed.)
*You may decide on your own if he is the spirit or the phantom.
*You may give him a background story + name. You can't edit the Evil Spirit(left) form in any way, you may only change his jewelry or magic color. You can't change color of hair and eyes of his humanoid form and his gender, but all the rest is allowed to be changed.
*I will not edit the original art in any way.
*You may post it wherever and use in any way just link original art back to/credit me.
*You may only gift him and you must notice me about.
*Please leave my signature on the original art and do NOT claim as your own art.
*Pay within 48 hours once you've bought or I will sell the adopt.
*It's a requirement, I'd love to see what you do with your new character.
*Don't hide your comments!
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Comments: 18
HollowBites [2018-11-20 03:07:35 +0000 UTC]
Not sure if you got my Note but This design has been given to ViinciTokotas
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
tear13 In reply to HollowBites [2016-02-09 22:39:42 +0000 UTC]
Really? ) Are you taking him or just thinking about it?
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
HollowBites In reply to tear13 [2016-02-09 22:52:40 +0000 UTC]
Im very tempted however I dont have the payment available till around the 15th... DX
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
tear13 In reply to HollowBites [2016-02-09 23:03:08 +0000 UTC]
D: I can hold him for you, but only If you make an AB in chain
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
HollowBites In reply to tear13 [2016-02-09 23:05:49 +0000 UTC]
Really? OvO alright that will be great! I just didnit know if you would be up for holding him its why I wanted to discuss with you first before I AB
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
tear13 In reply to HollowBites [2016-02-09 23:12:25 +0000 UTC]
I should add it in rulles, just wasn't hope for AB. So thank you!
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
HollowBites In reply to tear13 [2016-02-09 23:16:10 +0000 UTC]
Hah thank you so much Yeah I was unsure because some have a limit to holding but thats why out of respect I would ask~ <3 Thank you so much for holding him
👍: 0 ⏩: 0
tear13 In reply to EHXKOR [2016-02-09 01:14:16 +0000 UTC]
Thank you! But it's a single character in different appearances :3
👍: 0 ⏩: 1